IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #7

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Are u making fun of me? LOL Or are u serious? I see the man on my picture plain as day!

I gotta say again all I see in any of these images is blown up motion blur and low light CCD noise :)

If there was a suspect description to be gained from these photos the FBI would have it and we would have the enhanced photos. The FBI spent time cleaning up the images of the truck that we actually have before they released them. We are seeing the enhanced versions, not the raw.

If we are going to glean anything from these photos its going to be the writing on the truck. At least we know it is there and the relative position and size.

Just my opinion
looking for a second opinion?I just watch the news feed on the below link at the 1:58 mark they show a picture of the truck on the side with the writing that seams more clear to me.To me it looked like it was not writing but damage to the truck.Maybe primer paint?It does not seam as though it is centered on the door and it looks like their may be a crease running to the front door.It is hard to tell but it might not even be level.Interested what people who studied the pictures more than me think.
just wanted to add as someone who works construction and has seen a lot of work trucks most times the logo/writing is on both sides.If not it is usually on the drivers side and usually on the front door.One side,back passenger side just seams very out of the norm.

Also from the video, I believe that Lauren was wearing a white oversized polo shirt. You can clearly see the shirt has a collar.
I thought the police said it ran the stop sign and turned north on morton on the first past.Then went thru the intersection on the second?Something I am less sure of is the police saying they never got a clear picture because the truck never came to a stop at the intersection.Does that mean it ran the stop sign twice?

I think one source said it did go straight the second time and turned on Morton the first time. I just know if I was driving, there would be no way I would go all the way through town at that hour. I would be too afraid of being stopped. I would go West, like through the 11 st area or and try to find my way to Vernal Pike to 37. Or if I were one of the friends and was drunk and/or.. and didn't know rural bloomington, I would go West on 17th or go straight down to McCormicks Creek. 17th turns into Arlington and one of the first woods is where I saw the 'birds.'

Either one, a worker or friend, I would think they would have to have gone West or North as the quickest way out of town, without too many cameras.

There should be cameras at the Big Foot on the corner of 17th, Denny's, and the station by HH Greg on Kinser Pike. Then maybe some cameras around the skating rink area. Those cameras would cover the main paths out of town, going North or West.
I gotta say again all I see in any of these images is blown up motion blur and low light CCD noise :)

If there was a suspect description to be gained from these photos the FBI would have it and we would have the enhanced photos. The FBI spent time cleaning up the images of the truck that we actually have before they released them. We are seeing the enhanced versions, not the raw.

If we are going to glean anything from these photos its going to be the writing on the truck. At least we know it is there and the relative position and size.

Just my opinion

Well, I know the driver is there too! I promised not to post anymore shadow pics, but I had to get it off my conscience since I see it plain as day! You're right though. Someone the other night posted a shadow pic and I saw a dwarf that looked like Sleepy carrying a lantern, so I logged off and registered the next day. :)
or was she really ever at JR's apartment? She dropped CR off, started walking home and JR followed her...maybe she never really went to JR's right after CR's? Maybe she continued walking home to be followed or picked up later by JR...grasping

I personally believe she was at JR. I just don't believe she left. I think something happened to her there. MOO
Curious...Did anyone see that someone started a page entitled...cocainefoundinlaurensapartment, or something like only has three friends, but definitely interesting that someone is passing that around.

and I hate to say it...but there seems to be so much talk about drugs and drugs dealers being many little comments after so many articles, so many comments on facebook pages etc. It's almost like when Star, or one of those gossip magazines report so and so is getting a divorce, of course it's denyed, yet later is really does happen.

Combined with "shockandappauled" current post about asking for anyone to call if they know and person or drug dealers that drive a truck like this....

I'm really starting to wonder if a huge part of this mystery has to do with drugs. I don't mean just someone who was using drugs that night etc. I mean lots of people using heavy drugs, involved with "big time" drug users....
Don't recall reading or hearing that equipment could be painting tools.

He [Capt JQ] said that in video footage, the truck appears to carry equipment such as painting tools. Private individuals have offered to help analyze the footage in a more detailed way, he said.

All I know is some of those 'kids' seem to have layers of protection around them, now for what reason? If something happened and they panicked, I would guess more than one is involved or they all are involved in some fashion.

I would think the police after awhile could make one of them a deal for their testimony against the others if that is the case. If I think that then if there was any big deal going on, someone else would think that and have an eye or a feel out for the weakest link.
Back to the truck.. looking at the construction site workers, they all are hispanic. If they don't speak English and say drive to and from Indy to work, they would not really know the truck was on tape.

I hope they are posting pics of the truck around the construction sites and the Big Foots/Village Pantry's, etc.
I must say Jay Rosenbaum is a nice looking guy. Finally, found his facebook.
Also there are truck video's on youtube, the Chevy 271 looks very similar to the truck.

One video is
"Chevy Z71 Mudding"
That is very close to what I've been thinking. I went to another Big-10 school with a similar In-State/East Coast dynamic. College-level dealers are usually shady characters like the POIs in this case, but they're not necessarily hardcore criminals. HOWEVER, you don't have to get much further up the chain before you're dealing with dudes with guns - dudes who take things very seriously. If one of the POIs was a low-level dealer, his supplier is probably from back East, Indianapolis, or Chicago (and a guy you don't want to upset). Or, there could be "one guy" who distributes for all of Bloomington and his connection is from a larger city. Either way, the bigger players WOULD NOT appreciate a girl being dead because some low-level moron couldn't handle himself.

This, IMO, is a major motivation for dumping a body. It could also explain how these guys make a phone call and get a more "professional" cleaning crew on short notice. Given all the circumstances, I think this is a very possible scenario.

There's been more discussion of the possible drug dealer connection so I want to bump my previous post. Anyone else thinking the way I am?
AMW just profiled this case.

Said the "writing" on the truck appeared to be a company logo.......

I'm paraphrasing
There's been more discussion of the possible drug dealer connection so I want to bump my previous post. Anyone else thinking the way I am?

I agree that if there is a drug connection it has something to do "higher up" in the drug world that resulted in their behavior..

I'm still leaning towards stranger abduction though...not sure why
The people who responded to this earlier seemed to think that you call 911, and this makes sense. Even if these guys had 5 kilos and an AK-47 in the closet, it's much easier to hide that stuff than it is a human body. What scenario would make them freak out enough to decide to dump Lauren?

Consider the unfortunate case of Annie Le, the graduate student murdered at Yale U. The perp's motive was rage due to a highly stressful workplace situation. This determination surprised many people who suspected her fiance, or a jealous lover, or someone angry at her family for business reasons. Similarly, the motive in this case could be something unusual, which no one has yet considered.

Perhaps the main fear of her possibly negligent associates was merely being held under suspicion. If they brought an OD victim to an ER, wouldn't the police investigate them? Even if they hid the stash, they could still be followed, and questioned. In time, perhaps arrested. Maybe their source or their contacts would cut them off. Their business might be finished, and maybe they were making thousands of dollars a week.

Also, once they decided to, how to do it? These are East Coasters, not Indiana boys. It's not like they know the countryside and the perfect "back 80" to get rid of something. They wouldn't have had shovels, tarps, rope, or anything like that. Put yourself in their skin, what do you do with the body?

Did LS have any associates who would have access to biological or chemical labs? The perp in the Le case chopped up the body, covered it in acid, and hid it in a wall. All the equipment which he used was readily available inside the lab facility itself. The body might have gone undetected, except that security film showed that Le had definitely entered the tightly controlled building, but did not show any evidence of her leaving. Therefore, the police were extremely persistent and methodical in their building search.

Also, the students don't sound like they are all city slickers. How much would they have to know to just leave a body somewhere? Only one person would need to know a possible location. Consider the murder of Morgan Harrington. Apparently just leaving the body in an open field is the quickest method of disposal.
Lord! So now we have another name to add to the mix
I removed a couple of posts the other night because they mentioned that individual's name, and I removed another one just now.

So once again:

  • Do not post names of individuals who have not been named in a mainstream news article as a party to the case.
  • Do not copy and paste posts from other sites. This includes the comments sections of news sites, social networking pages, other message board forums, and just about anything that is not a bona fide, mainstream news source.
  • If you do snip a quote from a news article, limit it to no more than 10% of the article. Always include a link.
  • If you wish to introduce and discuss a subject mentioned in another format, post a one or two sentence description stating why it's relevant to the topic, and then post a link.
Please use common sense. If the source is anonymous, some invisble poster out in cyberspace, the information cannot be verified. It is not fact, and in my personal opinion, it's not even worthy of much speculation.
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