IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #7

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Hi, Sorry if this has already come up. This thread is moving so fast.

I think what we are seeing in the photographs is actually just pareidolia. Basically, the human brain sees human faces where they are not.

I hope this link is allowed. Pareidolia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, I think much of that is going on here. I now see the dogs at the windshield but also a fox and raccoon. So we must also see animal faces.

The pic I posted of the side view of the driver, I definetly see him where he should be in the drivers seat. I didn't say it but if I let my eyes adjust, I see what looks like lauren looking at him from the passengers seat.

I also believe in Omens, I think what people are seeing as a girl in the back of the truck is actually plastic. But it could be a sign from Lauren to lead us toward the truck.
I've been trying different effects on the truck photo, and "bas relief" actually does look a little like paint cans, especially #4. Using an old Microsoft program called PhotoDraw. Photo #3 is "bottom" angle, #4 is "top" angle. Both are at 76% transparency, so you see mostly the actual photo. (Sharpened the original photo first and increased contrast a bit.)

Welcome and nice work, sueC. Can you do anything with the writing/logo on the truck?
To whomever said something about copper wire. I think that could be the spool I am seeing in the back. The black it seems could be concrete vibrators. Going by shape here.

The other person who saw the driver in my pic. You mentioned Hispanic. That could be too, I looked at it again. The important thing is, if that is indeed the outline of the driver, he is totally uncool in appearance (not only in deeds) a out of style hair cut. I was thinking more like vending machine, security driver, type guy but hispanic would fit as they are not always in the latest hair styles. This seems like some sort of truck turned into a utility truck? Do u see the 7 on the front door?
To whomever said something about copper wire. I think that could be the spool I am seeing in the back. The black it seems could be concrete vibrators. Going by shape here.

The other person who saw the driver in my pic. You mentioned Hispanic. That could be too, I looked at it again. The important thing is, if that is indeed the outline of the driver, he is totally uncool in appearance (not only in deeds) a out of style hair cut. I was thinking more like vending machine, security driver, type guy but hispanic would fit as they are not always in the latest hair styles. This seems like some sort of truck turned into a utility truck? Do u see the 7 on the front door?

Respectfully, BBM.

Yes. Actually, appears like it could be a series of numbers-a phone number.
Maybe. I am speaking of the number from what could be the manufacturer, not the written numbers. Is that what u r speaking of as well?

Are u making fun of me? LOL Or are u serious? I see the man on my picture plain as day!

OK people - I don't comment much, but this is really getting out of hand. I've seen so many people that are clearly passionate about this case but you are letting your brain get the best of you - and not in a good way. I kind of feel that some of you feel you could pick this guy out of a line-up based on what you think you see in these pictures. But what you are experiencing is something called Pareidolia. [ame=""]Pareidolia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Martian_face_viking_cropped.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/7/77/Martian_face_viking_cropped.jpg/175px-Martian_face_viking_cropped.jpg[/ame]

It's basically the same psychological phenomenon that makes us see faces in rocks, bunnies in clouds and Jesus on a Cheetoh. Our brains tend to want to make order of random things. Please don't get so worked up about this. I don't think you are seeing anything. This is a dark tinted window, with a strong glare from a street light on it, that is moving, and taken with a night vision camera - all things that will contribute a bunch of junky artifacts to the digital picture file.

ETA: I just noticed that Moreack posted the same link not too far above. But I'm not going to delete mine because of this - If there is a dude with male-pattern baldness and muttonchops wearing a pooka-shell necklace petting a black labrador retriever with a heart-shaped dog-tag driving this truck, don't you think the police would have mentioned it?
I am wondering if there is anyone on this board that is able to find the arrests that were made in bloomington on the night Lauren went missing. Also, I know there is a way to check the calls that came into the station that night. For example, at 2:30 report of suspicious vehicle or at 1:00 person found such, such?

I think this info could be useful, thank you
Hi, Sorry if this has already come up. This thread is moving so fast.

I think what we are seeing in the photographs is actually just pareidolia. Basically, the human brain sees human faces where they are not.

I hope this link is allowed. Pareidolia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikis are fine, Moreack. I tend to agree with you, but I wouldn't say I'm absolutely certain there is not a person in the back of the truck.

When I first viewed the photos shortly after they were released, I briefly scanned each one, taking in the whole image and not focusing on any one particular area. Then I read a comment from someone who said they could see Lauren in the back of the truck. I took a second look, and immediately saw a shadowy figure of a blonde haired woman sitting up with her back against the rear window, and her arm resting on her bent knee. Her body language was very open, and my mind interpreted a woman who was alert, comfortable, and enjoying the ride. I expected to see something quite different.

There has been a lot of effort put into enhancing the photos to clarify physical details, most of which I can't make out. Still, the work is impressive, and I give kudos to those who have taken the time to do it. Besides recognizing shapes and forms, however, I'm interested in perceptions. As in the case of pareidolia, it's not necessary for each physical attribute to be accurate in order to get an impression. The back of a clock can look like a frowning face, as in the wiki photo. So, other than physical details, what do people discern from the images? What is the mind saying about the scene? I haven't read much discussion about that, and although it's subjective, I think it would be interesting to note.
I am new to this site so I hope I am doing this right!!

I have read all of the threads and I just wanted to bring something up.. LE is very smart and they have a lot of resources, that being said I am sure they have exauhsted all resources to enhance the video of the truck and have a good idea of what is in the bed of the truck and what make and model the truck is.

Also, the timeline of events for LS are "official", meaning that LE has either verified where LS was by video or bye eyewitness account. They would not release an official timeline unless they were 100% sure that it was accurate.

LE knows a lot more than they are releasing to the public... I am betting that they have a pretty good idea of what happened to LS.
Well, maybe 95% sure. :) I agree, LE likely knows much more than they've shared with the public. I just wish they knew where to find Lauren. :(

Welcome to Websleuths. Hope we'll hear more from you.

Thought i would mention this to people not familiar to the party scene at IU... I graduated from IU in 2006 and in the 4 years I was there I would say that xanax and cocaine were two of the most prevelant drugs used by students.

I mean that it is not unusual for someone to be under the influence of those drugs... also when someone mixes xanax with alcohol they are almost guaranteed to have a "black out"
I don't think LE knows what happened; I think they are looking into various scenarios as we are doing here; either she was harmed or overdosed by/with her group of friends, or they did indeed send her off on her own and she was taken by someone unconnected, who may or may not be connected to the truck.
I am wondering if there is anyone on this board that is able to find the arrests that were made in bloomington on the night Lauren went missing.

Boomington Crime Map

Google Cache of Bloomington Crime Reports


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incident or case number
Maybe. I am speaking of the number from what could be the manufacturer, not the written numbers. Is that what u r speaking of as well?


Could not tell where the numbers were in relation to the vehicle (that's why thought, perhaps, a phone number), but appeared to me to be possibly a series of numbers.
Someone posted the name of a company seen on a similar white truck here yesterday that could feasibly fit the lettering on the side and it is a company on W. 2nd, which looks to be right in the center of Bloomington according to the crime map-is W. 2nd near the action of 6/3?
So essentially we also seek order in the random social network, interpersonal relationships and activities which surround this missing person. This we are calling - sleuthing. I wonder what psychological phenomena affects us analogously as the visual representations subject to pareidolia?

Am I making sense? What biases or other phenomena are getting in the way of sleuthing? Are we fabricating "images" which get in the way of truth?
So essentially we also seek order in the random social network, interpersonal relationships and activities which surround this missing person. This we are calling - sleuthing. I wonder what psychological phenomena affects us analogously as the visual representations subject to pareidolia?

Am I making sense? What biases or other phenomena are getting in the way of sleuthing? Are we fabricating "images" which get in the way of truth?

In any missing person case or crime against a person, you go back to those closest to the victim first, as well as those known to last be with the victim. Unless the victim is seen being taken/harmed/killed, it is always the starting place, to examine relationships, etc...not saying we can do that from afar, but it is the way it is done.
I would say that it would be extremely unusual for a work truck to be out at 4:30 in the morning preparing to go to a job site... maybe 5:00 am, but 4:14 am is pushing it.

Also, i have been in the area of 10th and college around 4 am before and you rarely see anyone out driving in that area between 3:30-5:30 am... just from what I have seen, maybe things have changed since I was last there.
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