IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #8

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So what does anyone make of the female bartender witnessing LS being carried by a male at 3:38 am?

I think it all depends who made the phone call at 4:15AM from JR's phone and where the call was made from.
I see your point. Two weeks ago when we were searching up there, there was an awful lot of tree/shrub detritus spilling on to the sidewalk just east of the new construction on the south side of the street. That's what I'm basing my statement about trees/ shrubbery/ etc. on. It could have been placed there by people cleaning up after Friday the 3rd (the new construction people clearing part of that lot, maybe). I believe we were there on the 8th of June. No matter in the long run, though-- that corner can't be seen from the apartment window. And you are correct--it is fairly dark there. The main illumination at night would have come from the stoplight. I'll have to go look this evening.
ETA: Streetlight on NW corner. Will have to see how it illuminates the other side of the street.

Gotcha. Your post about shrubs, etc. makes sense now.
Did JR's statement say he saw her from the window?
Yup, I see the streetlight on the construction side of the street now. Thanks!

This evening would be a good night to check it out. We have a waxing moon. Similar illumination to the new moon on June 3.
“He got punched in the face. He has no memory of that, or of the 15 minutes leading to that moment. The first memory he has is the next morning when he wakes up in his bed, and that’s collaborated by several people.”

I wanted to share the above quote from CR's attorney Salzmann. Its old (june 8th) but something I missed. He says he has no memory of the 15 minutes prior to the fight. I hadn't seen that before and found it interesting.
“He got punched in the face. He has no memory of that, or of the 15 minutes leading to that moment. The first memory he has is the next morning when he wakes up in his bed, and that’s collaborated by several people.”

I wanted to share the above quote from CR's attorney Salzmann. Its old (june 8th) but something I missed. He says he has no memory of the 15 minutes prior to the fight. I hadn't seen that before and found it interesting.

That's typical in a brain injury. You lose the last little bit before the injury. In more serious head injuries, the memory is gone for an even greater span of time prior to the head injury. The last memories are wiped out.
So what does anyone make of the female bartender witnessing LS being carried by a male at 3:38 am?

I think this witness said that she heard the male asking Lauren if he could take her home. If that's true, it doesn't sound like the behavior of someone grabbing someone off the street. I am skeptical of the whole thing, but I do think that her description of the state Lauren was in sounds in line with other descriptions from that night (from people who saw her at the bar and smallwood and as evidenced by her scattered belongings), compared to the account by JR that she was capable of walking off without stumbling on her way home.

I'm also disturbed by the fact that she would just walk right by a girl whose eyes were half closed, had fallen and hit her head and was then slung over the shoulder of some guy, without even stopping to ask if she was okay.
I think this witness said that she heard the male asking Lauren if he could take her home. If that's true, it doesn't sound like the behavior of someone grabbing someone off the street. I am skeptical of the whole thing, but I do think that her description of the state Lauren was in sounds in line with other descriptions from that night (from people who saw her at the bar and smallwood and as evidenced by her scattered belongings), compared to the account by JR that she was capable of walking off without stumbling on her way home.

Still, I can't figure out why JR would put himself with her near 4:30AM at his apartment if he didn't have to...unless he was the guy in the street and carried her off to his place...who knows...
I was a pretty wild thing in college, so from experience I can say that it seems like more than a few people are unfamiliar with the effects of the drugs that are being mentioned. Xanax is a fairly mild anti-anxiety drug, like valium. It does however greatly enhance drunkeness. Cocaine, OTOH, does the opposite. It clears your head very quickly and makes your tolerance for alcohol and any other "downer" much higher. It has never made sense to me that she was going on about how wasted she was while overheard at Kilroy's "on Xanax and Coke." In my experience, you never feel "wasted" doing Coke, and doing Coke would remove most of the "wasted" feeling from being on Xanax.
Just thought I'd mention this... (oh and I'm 50 now and haven't "partied" since those days back in college)

You're really right. The first few times a person uses Xanax, it can almost make them a zombie... it also blurs memory of events during its 5-hour-or-so effect and, thus, reduces the chances of PTSD. Anyway, after using it over a period of time, if 3/4 mg. (3 white ones) made you feel a bit immobilized and stoned, but normal in terms of orientation, after using it many times you could take 2 mg. (8 white "football-shaped" pills, or 4 pink ones) and feel virtually nothing. Alcohol would intensify any grogginess, but then coke (or Ritalin, Adderal, meth, or Dexedrine, etc.) would counteract the Xanax and alcohol. Years ago it was called being "an awake drunk".

Head shops carry a "legal" imitation Xanax, and who the heck knows what's in it????
Hard to feel sorry for anyone involved except the girl and her family.

Sounds like a bunch of spoiled kids who never learned a lesson in life until now.
Although to be honest, it doesn't seem as though any of them have learned anything even after this.

They all still have social networking pics up with them looking trashed or high and/or holding alcoholic beverages.

I wonder if LS's parents were aware of any of this? Surely they were footing the bill for Smallwood, IU, partying, etc.
So what does anyone make of the female bartender witnessing LS being carried by a male at 3:38 am?

If non-MSM is to be believed, the police even have a sketch done of this male. For all we know, they know who it is if it is true.
All I can say is that it doesn't fit with the "working" timeline - LS with CR, MB witness, then goes to JR, last seen at 4:30.
It has always interested me that we all ASSUME they verified CR being escorted home by LS by camera, but they have said that they have ID'ed the person she is with in the alley, but instead, consistently did not name CR (or anyone). Also, they have released this witness testimony, if TG is to be believed, unofficially to him, while intentionally keeping it out of MSM. - they answered a question today about it without elaborating on the info, and the only way I could tell it was the subject was the use of the specific time of 3:38.
So, if they are "going along" with the boys, it could be that they either have a reason not to believe that this was LS seen, or a real witness, or that releasing this info would somehow not fit into their method of solving the case.
But it seems like that walk from Smallwood to CR's could have been more eventful than we know - and CR claims to have memory loss. We do know that there MAY have been undisclosed "activities" during this time that LE saw on camera. Then we do know that MB claims that LS and CR came to his apartment where CR is put to bed. But that alley walk is "dark" in more ways than one.
He was committing the crime of trespassing when he was punched. I don't think pressing charges would be a good idea.

:waitasec: That's no excuse for them to take matters into their own hands and beat someone up! You call security/LE. I'm not a lawyer but I think he has a good case.
Still, I can't figure out why JR would put himself with her near 4:30AM at his apartment if he didn't have to...unless he was the guy in the street and carried her off to his place...who knows...

True, maybe JR was the man with her at 3:38 and he realized he couldn't get her home so returned to his apartment where she died. IF he were really tight with JW, maybe he panicked because he didn't want his friend to know his girlfriend had died under his watch. Seems far fetched, but who knows.

Tony G didn't specifically say which "6 or 7"
photos she was shown, but she couldn't identify the man in any of them.
That's typical in a brain injury. You lose the last little bit before the injury. In more serious head injuries, the memory is gone for an even greater span of time prior to the head injury. The last memories are wiped out.

Also, typical of alcohol blackouts.
Still, I can't figure out why JR would put himself with her near 4:30AM at his apartment if he didn't have to...unless he was the guy in the street and carried her off to his place...who knows...

This is key, I think. He was with her dead or alive. The time may be off but I am guessing he knows he had to admit being with her.
:waitasec: That's no excuse for them to take matters into their own hands and beat someone up! You call security/LE. I'm not a lawyer but I think he has a good case.

I agree, these boys didn't punch CR because he wasn't supposed to be at Smallwood. And if any of them were on probation, they'd get in even more legal trouble for an assault.
By the way, I'll share a personal anecdote that not only conveys how I feel about people like this, but shows that they are not dependable as "friends".

A few years back I was invited to an ex-girlfriend's 21st birthday party at a club.
Her and I occasionally talked, remained friends, so it was no big deal for me to drop by for a few. I even brought a guy friend along.

At the end of the night, I was getting ready to leave, and noticed this girl had been left, completely trashed, abandoned by her "friends" at the club, with no way of getting home. Had I not been there, who the hell knows what would have happened to her. I gave her a ride back to her place, where she did everything she could to sleep with me, but I rebuked her, put her to sleep, locked her place up, and took off.

I think I had a drink or two that night, but was pretty much the only sober person she knew that night.
And the only one who acted responsibly, or like a friend at all.

People who get caught up in a lifestyle like that don't have any sense of anything.
Relying on them as "friends" can be very, very misguided.

Really, IMO it's just a bunch of narcissists who all use each other for a good time.
If non-MSM is to be believed, the police even have a sketch done of this male. For all we know, they know who it is if it is true.
All I can say is that it doesn't fit with the "working" timeline - LS with CR, MB witness, then goes to JR, last seen at 4:30.
It has always interested me that we all ASSUME they verified CR being escorted home by LS by camera, but they have said that they have ID'ed the person she is with in the alley, but instead, consistently did not name CR (or anyone). Also, they have released this witness testimony, if TG is to be believed, unofficially to him, while intentionally keeping it out of MSM. - they answered a question today about it without elaborating on the info, and the only way I could tell it was the subject was the use of the specific time of 3:38.
So, if they are "going along" with the boys, it could be that they either have a reason not to believe that this was LS seen, or a real witness, or that releasing this info would somehow not fit into their method of solving the case.
But it seems like that walk from Smallwood to CR's could have been more eventful than we know - and CR claims to have memory loss. We do know that there MAY have been undisclosed "activities" during this time that LE saw on camera. Then we do know that MB claims that LS and CR came to his apartment where CR is put to bed. But that alley walk is "dark" in more ways than one.

Yes, we know some "activity" happened, and this is where the keys and ID purse were found. Were he/she/they just stumbling around, falling down, dropping things. Is AA ever seen on video around the same time in the alley?
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