GUILTY IN - Owen Collins, 3, Bluffton, 17 Jan 2015

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
I hope that once the autopsy comes back, they are charged with murder. I sure don't want these low-life killers to get out one day before the end of their disgusting lives.
Seated on opposite ends of a pew in the gallery of the Wells County Courthouse on Tuesday, Barnes and Arnold didn’t look at each other; they kept their heads down and eyes closed.

When both were brought up to a table before the judge, they barely exchanged glances.

It’s anyone’s guess when they last talked face to face, but it was likely sometime Sunday before Barnes and Face left to take care of the body.

I hope these folks never get out of jail. No words can explain how evil they are. Will they ever realize the magnitude of their behavior? So many people involved in the blatant murder of Owen and not a one of them had sense to stop it?
Also from your link (thank you and :hug: tlcya, this article was no easy read)


As detectives interviewed Face and Barnes in Marion, Arnold remained at the Normandy Drive home with other detectives. Once word was relayed about the confessions, the detectives confronted Arnold and told her about the story of finding her son dead.

She told those detectives she was leaving, at which time they arrested her on a preliminary count of neglect of a dependent resulting in death.


She told them she was leaving???? I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I read that :laughcry:

The narcissism, self-centeredness, the beyond cluelessness to think you can walk out the door when your co-conspirators have confessed and LE is looking you square in the face with the G-d awful truth that the jig is up, makes me want to wipe the smirk off of her mug shot even more than I did before!

Why am I unable to process my unceasing anger at this poor excuse for an egg donor?

She could give Owen dope, abuse his growing brain and body, yet have the nerve to call him, "My baby" when he's discovered dead because of it?

No, he was NEVER your baby. No mother would ever DARE to think of doing such a thing to her own child - not in a million years! A real mother would place herself in harm's way before she would ever inflict harm upon her own flesh and blood!

There are NO words for what you are - that I can post. :censored: :silenced:

Your mother privileges have been revoked forever in my opinion.


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No easy read at all. The Journal Gazette should be shamed for assigning a 4th rate writer. Owen deserves better.
I hope that once the autopsy comes back, they are charged with murder. I sure don't want these low-life killers to get out one day before the end of their disgusting lives.

This worries me. I'm hoping they face murder charges. This area has had some awful cases. April Tinsley and the Lemmon murder. Now this.
And whose child is "Face"? Why was he allowed to stay with them for the past three months? I imagine there will be a lot more charges filed against the two adults.
And whose child is "Face"? Why was he allowed to stay with them for the past three months? I imagine there will be a lot more charges filed against the two adults.


I hope for elevated charges against all of them and anyone who had any knowledge or complicity of this horrific crime!


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I wasn't able to view the video as linked above (the ad continuously cycled and I wasn't able to access the embedded video)

A web search led me to this alternate link.

I hope it is OK to share.

Wondering if anyone else can see the court docs that were visible on the video. Granted, we can't even discuss the person mentioned who drove the perps that day. I need to go back and read the court documents that I believe are linked upthread. I just can't bring myself to do so just yet.

I can barely stomach the MSM articles as it is.

I'm just not strong enough. I admit it. Every new detail destroys me, knowing a defenseless little boy actually went through this hell on earth.

I have to wonder if LE is withholding charges in exchange for future cooperation or testimony from the driver of this car. Nothing else makes sense to me.


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I saw the articles released today. Saw the melt down of comments on fb and under the article most of the day. So disgusted I couldn't even think, yet like a train wreck, couldn't look away. I can't explain it. Who in the heck even thinks of giving a child meth??? Who even thinks of 'finding the child dead' and calmly walking out of a bedroom with the dead child, and then....wrap the child in plastic wrap??? WHAT??? I just can't. I truly can't. The 16yo said that there was talk of cutting the child into pieces??? OMG! So glad that for whatever reason, that didn't happen. Just put the child in the dresser drawer.... outta sight, outta mind??? I mean really??? For all the other little children out there in similar situations, I think it should be mandatory that meth users MUST watch all media releases, trials, etc., about the children that have died because of the idiotic excuses of parents and their drugs over their child!!

To stay within TOS, all I can say is....there's others that should be arrested as well. No way all this was going on at that house 'just one night'....nope. There was a history of drug use, and if no family stepped up to save these kids, they are all guilty as well! Truly disgusted!

Owen dear, you life did matter. Whether it seemed that way or not, I don't know. But I promise if I had known, I would have acted. My eyes are wide open. I won't remain silent EVER when a child's life is endangered. I don't care what anyone thinks about me, but I won't remain silent.

Oh this is one of the instances where I scream at my own body for the limitations, and cry to God for a cure. I have the love, the home, the money, the land, the animals, and most of all the heart to help so many kids. But this dayum body of mine....I hate it! I so wish I could foster and offer these children a glimpse into a world of love, and compassion and understanding. Please hurry and find a cure or at least a legit treatment for fibro!!!

O/T: Have you contacted CPS to see if you could qualify as a foster? I fostered for a couple years even though I have a mental health diagnosis.
This thread must hurt your soul more than others. I commend you for posting despite what it does to your heart, because you choose to make a positive difference anyway. That's amazing and I thank you from the bottom of my completely shattered :websleuther: :heart:


Although we may never know the absolute truth of Owen's autism diagnosis, I hope and pray for the future of his sibling. May this case be an eye opener across our nation and around the world as to the effects of drug use and exposure in utero and during all stages of development to our children. Whether it be directly or not, it can and does affect them!

Reading the eloquent posts here should make everyone take notice. From parents to family members, caregivers to healthcare professionals, teachers and anyone who is a mandated reporter - we are all part of the village that surrounds these precious lives - the lights that are the future!

The tide of research methods needs to change - from the focus of study to meta-analysis. We've been looking at things with rose colored glasses, never imagining such evil existed. Now we know, so we must address it. Point blank period. We've passed the point of reactionary. Owen, bless his soul, is already an angel :rose: The time for action is already upon us.

I am already drafting a letter to the NIH with a copy of this story attached, and asking that they begin studies in this area. I encourage you to do the same.

Talk to the people who matter in your area. Meth and other drug use is rampant everywhere. Be the change. We owe this to Owen and we owe it to ourselves.

I refuse to sit back and continue to watch this happen. I know I'm not able to stop it from happening. I hate that I can't do more. However, we have to start somewhere.

Every child matters. Every single precious one!


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you always word things so perfectly. I truly appreciate everything you do for the children and missing.
thank you,
(Another) Kimmi
O/T: Have you contacted CPS to see if you could qualify as a foster? I fostered for a couple years even though I have a mental health diagnosis.
Fibro's primarily physical, though, so my guess is she worries that needing to juggle kids would be physically too tiring to keep up long enough, or that bad days would get in the way of parenting. Whether this is an obstacle to fostering probably depends on the specific situation. Maybe if you are in touch with other people who also have fibromyalgia, you could ask them how they handle parenting tasks. I know one foster mom with fibromyalgia, and from the photos in her office she seems to have done a decent job.
Hmmmm wonder why Barnes said he thought Arnold committed suicide? Did he leave expecting her to kill herself? Or that the drugs she had taken would also kill her? I don't know if I can take this case. I don't want to hear about the abuse that went on before this, or what the other little boy has gone through. I just don't think I can handle it.

Courts, get it right please!! Jurors, pay attention and use your brains during the trials...JUSTICE FOR OWEN PLEASE!!!
Not seen that 2Hope4, who did he say that to?

And why is the younger Zac now being called Face?
Barnes said Arnold’s son was missing, that he had been taken from the trailer, that the door was open and the boy was gone and that Arnold may have committed suicide.
“I’m going to jail for the rest of my life,” said Barnes, according to the court documents.

And "face" is the 16yr old that's been charged. Because that was his 'nickname' or what Barnes and Arnold called him.

In court documents, the 16-year-old is identified only as “Face.”
That’s what Barnes and Arnold called him, the documents said, and he had been living with the two for roughly three months. Why the teen was living there or how he came to live there wasn’t disclosed, but according to the documents, he and Barnes helped take care of Owen and Arnold’s other child, a 6-year-old boy.
I think I've come to the conclusion that the bioparents, the boyfriend, the 16yo, and many others all knew each other and partied together. I don't think any had a job, or means of living other than drugs.
Why be suicidal on Sunday when you know he has been dead for a day and a half? Why not followthrough? It might be the drugs but their perspective is bizarre...her "thinking" she could leave when told by LE they knew, saran wrap, and body in box in front of friend. Something is very wrong beyond their drug use. It is just not rational thinking.

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