In Retrospect-Kronk Believes He Saw Skull In August

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According to Equusearch, volunteers tried to search the area, but it was underwater. When they returned, the area was blocked by a chain link fence.

See - I think TES was trying to search down by the school...where Kiomarie said was their hangout. But much of that area was covered by water. I think the area where Caylee's remains were found was also covered by water. It seems at some times, there were areas that were dry and other areas when St. John was there in August. It "looks" dry..but you can clearly hear them say it was all wet once you got down into the woods.
I think the problem with this case has been the media making huge assumptions that the meter reader, the psychic, TES and others searched the EXACT spot where Caylee was found. I don't think they did. I find it pretty clear that the psychic was just down the road...close but not the same exact spot. I think the same is true for the MR. I believe TES was never able to search the full area because of water. The part they did search was likely near the school - and that is why cadaver dogs never hit. IMO, water covered Caylee most of this time, and unfortunately, searchers were just a little too far down the road.
At 10:44-:45 on the longer video, you can see the exact Caylee location out of the side window.
See - I think TES was trying to search down by the school...where Kiomarie said was their hangout. But much of that area was covered by water. I think the area where Caylee's remains were found was also covered by water. It seems at some times, there were areas that were dry and other areas when St. John was there in August. It "looks" dry..but you can clearly hear them say it was all wet once you got down into the woods.
I think the problem with this case has been the media making huge assumptions that the meter reader, the psychic, TES and others searched the EXACT spot where Caylee was found. I don't think they did. I find it pretty clear that the psychic was just down the road...close but not the same exact spot. I think the same is true for the MR. I believe TES was never able to search the full area because of water. The part they did search was likely near the school - and that is why cadaver dogs never hit. IMO, water covered Caylee most of this time, and unfortunately, searchers were just a little too far down the road.

At 10:44-:45 on the longer video, you can see the exact Caylee location out of the side window.

Good catch! It looks like the psychic wasn't very close. If they are in fact psychic how could they pass that area without feeling something?
Good catch! It looks like the psychic wasn't very close. If they are in fact psychic how could they pass that area without feeling something?

IMO - this was all hogwash. If they felt so strongly about this area, why didn't they search it? Why did they spend all their search time in other areas of Orlando? Why did they only spend a few minutes in this area and never come back? I personally think they probably have alot of videos like this one...all in different areas...where they get "feelings". When asked why she didn't call police, St. John dismisses the question and said they were never taken seriously. Wow - there's a shocker! I frankly find her ridiculous and I think they are trying to take credit when none is due. If she did know the body was there...then I dislike her even more because she did nothing about it. :razz:
(Sorry - I hope that doesn't get me in trouble with the mods)
IMO - this was all hogwash. If they felt so strongly about this area, why didn't they search it? Why did they spend all their search time in other areas of Orlando? Why did they only spend a few minutes in this area and never come back? I personally think they probably have alot of videos like this one...all in different areas...where they get "feelings". When asked why she didn't call police, St. John dismisses the question and said they were never taken seriously. Wow - there's a shocker! I frankly find her ridiculous and I think they are trying to take credit when none is due. If she did know the body was there...then I dislike her even more because she did nothing about it. :razz:
(Sorry - I hope that doesn't get me in trouble with the mods)

I don't think it should, it's true.

I've seen some real psychics on Tru TV that help find stuff but the actual psychics vs. the posers are a 1:1,000,000. JMO.

The psychics on "Haunting Evidence" are real hoaxers :cow:

Before I had to bust my cable down to tighten expenses I used to watch it as a comedy show. They never said anything that wasn't already publicly known. :rolleyes:
I don't think it should, it's true.

I've seen some real psychics on Tru TV that help find stuff but the actual psychics vs. the posers are a 1:1,000,000. JMO.

The psychics on "Haunting Evidence" are real hoaxers :cow:

Before I had to bust my cable down to tighten expenses I used to watch it as a comedy show. They never said anything that wasn't already publicly known. :rolleyes:

Yes - I am not indicting all psychics. I honestly don't really believe in them...but probably because I am too analytical and have to "see it to believe it". LOL. But I do believe there are people who are perhaps more sensitive or who pick up on things others don't.

But this lady really has me miffed. She has been on the news since the search started for little Caylee...always talking about searching this area or that. Always with an excuse as to why she hadn't found anything...and never fully explaining why she was searching any given area. But when the body is found - whamo - here comes a video and she jumps in and takes credit. But never searched the area! Never contacted LE or the media with her suspicions! Never came back to the area for gosh sakes. It angers me every time NG, GR or other media outlets have her on the air.
Yes - I am not indicting all psychics. I honestly don't really believe in them...but probably because I am too analytical and have to "see it to believe it". LOL. But I do believe there are people who are perhaps more sensitive or who pick up on things others don't.

But this lady really has me miffed. She has been on the news since the search started for little Caylee...always talking about searching this area or that. Always with an excuse as to why she hadn't found anything...and never fully explaining why she was searching any given area. But when the body is found - whamo - here comes a video and she jumps in and takes credit. But never searched the area! Never contacted LE or the media with her suspicions! Never came back to the area for gosh sakes. It angers me every time NG, GR or other media outlets have her on the air.

Psychic Detectives on Tru TV is a good show for those who are skeptical. People who claim to be psychic but get into an investigation for profit or fame make me sick. :sick:
Psychic Detectives on Tru TV is a good show for those who are skeptical. People who claim to be psychic but get into an investigation for profit or fame make me sick. :sick:

Yes - I have watched that show. But then I have also heard LE people say they have never heard of a single case where a psychic solved a case. So that has me very confused! Plus - if there were psychics who solved cases, why can't they be used on all this one and JonBenet, etc? Where are these successful psychics? That's where my doubt comes in. But still I try to keep a somewhat open mind! :crazy:

But I can say that if I had a missing child...I would accept the help of a psychic because I would want ANYTHING that could help find my child. Not that I wouldn't be suspicious and somewhat skeptical - but why not let them try to help? Heck - if a meter reader for the city can find a body, why not a psychic performing a search as well? The more hands looking the better.
Yes - I have watched that show. But then I have also heard LE people say they have never heard of a single case where a psychic solved a case. So that has me very confused! Plus - if there were psychics who solved cases, why can't they be used on all this one and JonBenet, etc? Where are these successful psychics? That's where my doubt comes in. But still I try to keep a somewhat open mind! :crazy:

But I can say that if I had a missing child...I would accept the help of a psychic because I would want ANYTHING that could help find my child. Not that I wouldn't be suspicious and somewhat skeptical - but why not let them try to help? Heck - if a meter reader for the city can find a body, why not a psychic performing a search as well? The more hands looking the better.

I'd let them help for free!
"Hey guys. I see a skull in here." Kronk on August 11...


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bump for discussion on information in new docs. these co workers are saying that first he claimed he saw a bag....but they could not see one....then he walked 40 feet directly from the bag without stopping to where he then pointed out to them a skull in the water that neither of them could see. All of this on the very first day that he had "ever worked in that area" ?

This mans story is getting more questionable by the minute. I still don't think he was actually involved in harming Caylee, but why don't people just tell the EXACT truth from the beginning of their story....seems it would be so much easier for them to do so! these co workers are saying that first he claimed he saw a bag....but they could not see one....then he walked 40 feet directly from the bag without stopping to where he then pointed out to them a skull in the water that neither of them could see. All of this on the very first day that he had "ever worked in that area" ?

This mans story is getting more questionable by the minute. I still don't think he was actually involved in harming Caylee, but why don't people just tell the EXACT truth from the beginning of their story....seems it would be so much easier for them to do so!
I found the exchanges between the co-workers and their accounting of events to be very interesting indeed.
After reading this info about Kronk in the docs yesterday, I found it very strange that he was see "skulls" on more than one occasion??

Is this odd or have I missed something?
It is very strange that he "saw" the skull floating in the water in August, but the co-workers could not see it. THEN, he stated on repeated occasions in December that it either "fell out of" or "rolled out of" the bag when he kicked it/picked it up/moved the bag depends on the particular interview what he said about that. SOOOOOO...did this skull float on water and THEN put itself back into the bag???????
I DO NOT think Kronk had anything to do with the murder, but I do find the whole discovery of the remains confusing. How in the world did he come across them? Was he REALLY taking a potty break in the snake-infested woods and stumbled upon them? If in fact he did, why not take an officer by the hand and lead him there?? The whole story about "maybe I DID see a scull" seems a little weird and hard to believe at face value.
It is very strange that he "saw" the skull floating in the water in August, but the co-workers could not see it. THEN, he stated on repeated occasions in December that it either "fell out of" or "rolled out of" the bag when he kicked it/picked it up/moved the bag depends on the particular interview what he said about that. SOOOOOO...did this skull float on water and THEN put itself back into the bag???????

Not to mention that when Kronk was going over his story again with police, it was noted that it was impossible for the skull to have dropped or rolled as he previously suggested. Page 8 of the supplemental report -

I don't think he has anything to do with the crime but something's off. As much as I'm not a fan of LP's "theories", there may be something to his suspected daisy chain. Surely, if you found human remains, I think you would remember if a skull had "dropped out", had "rolled" or was just there... JMO.
If he had to use his meter rod to uncover the skull, then it did not just rooooooollllllll out of the bag as NG has described a thousand times.
The area was not covered in water in June when Casey would have put the body there. It may have later been covered with water, whenever the tropical storm hit, (Aug.?) but I am wondering why she did not attempt to bury the body rather than just throwing it out so close to the road. Anybody should be able to dig a hole big enough for a small child's body.
After reading these reports on Kronk, I am more confused than ever. Was that body there all this time? Or did somebody move it there later? Can they tell from examining the bones whether or not they were under water for several months? It's just very puzzling to me.
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