In Retrospect-Kronk Believes He Saw Skull In August

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From what I understand and have read, an adult human being will decompose completely in two weeks under normal yes, the body would have been skeletonized by August. In retrospect, Kronk now thinks he saw a skull. At the time perhaps he thought his eyes were playing tricks.

Kronk was a bounty hunter in the past. He has good instincts and that makes for a good sleuth. He called and thought someone else would check and verify his find. When they didn't, he thought maybe it was his imagination. He wondered if he was on the right track but wasn't quite sure he could be that he tucked it away and said "another day, another time"... Time passed...he was in the area and said "Da$%itt, I am going to check that out myself and make sure it is there this time BEFORE I call again.

I see no problem with what he did...just bet he is kicking himself over again for questioning his own eyes and what he thought he saw...and believing the LE who told him, "Nothing there".

I think many people, even on this board, thought that area near the resovior behind the A home was the most likely place, but when we heard it was cleared, we had to start thinking of other places. Kronk most likely thought the same. He was persistent, and I am glad.
Regarding Decomposition from above post...that is under conditions of being left outside to nature.
Regarding Decomposition from above post...that is under conditions of being left outside to nature.

Not to mention the Florida humidity, that would cause the decomposition to happen a little faster.
IMO with RK, something seems a little fishy to me. (and i have thought this from the beginning) I feel that "if" RK has nothing to hide, then give JB the phone records. I understand RK was cleared by LE, but that doesn't mean that LE couldn't have made a mistake. (and believe me i am not by any means saying that CA is innocent, but like the HC case there are so many lies and cover ups and twists and turns, i am not sure anyone involved is innocent anymore)
I believe the defense in any case should be allowed to investigate anyone possibly connected to the case in any way along with full access to their phone records. The only way he could request a limited subpoena is if he knows what names or numbers to ask for which would only be possible if he already knew every possible name and possible alias. That isn't likely. There are a lot of questions I have about the finding on Suburban drive and I would assume the defense has the same questions. For example:

When a body is exposed to air, lying on the ground in hot weather with sufficient moisture it will decay in 30-40 days. Using the formula found here: at a temp of 85° or 29.5C only the skeleton would be left by the end of July. If the temp were elevated to internal trunk temp of maybe 65°C it would only take 20 days or so but this would be if there were no lack of air which isn't possible with the limited air in a trunk and especially within two plastic bags closed. There is much less air and a lack of moisture to help the process along, not to mention a lack of easy access for insects. Now, if she laid exposed in the trunk then the process would be hastened, but the carpet would have clear evidence. They took off the death penalty after they would have had back the rest of the trunk testing. So I would have to assume that they didn't find clear evidence in the carpet tests either.

When a body is not exposed to the open air I find it hard to believe there was nothing left but skeleton by August 11 unless once placed there the bag was found by scavengers. If that were the case there wouldn't still be bones left in the bag and only scattered a short ways beyond. The skull wouldn't have been so neatly sitting upright with the hair all around as it fell. I highly doubt animals would leave the plastic so neatly upright with the canvas bag.

According to wiki, "A basic guide for the effect of environment on decomposition is given as Casper's Law (or Ratio): if all other factors are equal, then, when there is free access of air a body decomposes twice as fast than if immersed in water and eight times faster than if buried in earth." Being in the bags is similar to being in earth where there is a lack of air, although it would be hotter. There would be some moisture if the bag got torn at the bottom but there wouldn't have been standing water on the slope leading up to the road where she was until the end of August when Fay came through. KW said, it was damp or wet but not flooded during early August. It would be even less wet on the slope where she was.

I hope I don't get deleted again because I think these are important points to be considered.
It's not that he doesn't want to turn over phone records, as a whole... basically, he is taking issue with what the subpoena covers... Baez wants access to every bit of Kronk's life when it comes to phone and electronic communications. From cellphone records to internet usage, and anything in between, Baez wants it. Kronk is fine with a limited subpoena to see if he has ever had any contact with any player in the case, but he feels anything more than that is an invasion of his privacy. And I would have to agree: it is an invasion of his privacy... Baez wanting to put on display every single phone and electronic history that Kronk has taken part in, is unjustified.

I think Baez is on a phishing expedition... and it sounds like Kronk is one of his targets that he is going to try to put a light of suspicion on, though officially LE has already cleared Kronk. I think given that Kronk has legally been cleared by LE, that the judge should weigh in favor of Kronk and: either kill the subpoena, or do a limited subpoena, of which Kronk is willing to go through with.

I agree about the invasion of privacy with Kronk. Maybe this man should have gone to a pay phone and made an anonymous call about the discovery.

Didn't he finally admit that he had been looking for Caylee in his spare time? I think he wanted and needed the reward.
I agree about the invasion of privacy with Kronk. Maybe this man should have gone to a pay phone and made an anonymous call about the discovery.

Didn't he finally admit that he had been looking for Caylee in his spare time? I think he wanted and needed the reward.

I agree with you, it's a shame what this case is doing to the "good deed doers". And people wonder why nobody wants to get involved anymore. RK is a perfect example.:(
IMO with RK, something seems a little fishy to me. (and i have thought this from the beginning) I feel that "if" RK has nothing to hide, then give JB the phone records. I understand RK was cleared by LE, but that doesn't mean that LE couldn't have made a mistake. (and believe me i am not by any means saying that CA is innocent, but like the HC case there are so many lies and cover ups and twists and turns, i am not sure anyone involved is innocent anymore)

I find RK to be a bit hinky, too. I think it's his demeanor. He just strikes me as a nosy guy who tried way too hard to be recognized. Sorry Mr. K! I am grateful he found Caylee. I see NO indication he was in any way involved in Caylee's murder so I think he should just give up his phone records and be done with it. After all, it is a murder investigation and he inserted himself right into the heart of it all. I tend to think he received some "inside information" that led him to the woods and kept him coming back until someone finally paid attention. I think that's why he doesn't want to give up all the phone records. I don't think LE cleared him in error but I do believe he will be problematic for the State.
You know, this MR is just as bizarre and strange as the rest of the players in this case. Why did he not go with the officer to the spot where the bag was & point it out? If he did indeed see something, why did he accept the officers answer? Obviously he thought it was more than garbage because he kept going back. The last time he kicked or tore the bag, causing the skull to come out....why didn't he do that the first time? Or the second time? IDK....something just aint right about this IMO.
IMO with RK, something seems a little fishy to me. (and i have thought this from the beginning) I feel that "if" RK has nothing to hide, then give JB the phone records. I understand RK was cleared by LE, but that doesn't mean that LE couldn't have made a mistake. (and believe me i am not by any means saying that CA is innocent, but like the HC case there are so many lies and cover ups and twists and turns, i am not sure anyone involved is innocent anymore)

Per the article below (as linked above also), I don't think it is the phone records Mr. Kronk objects to, but rather giving JB free reign into his personal life. Phone records should be enough.
Legal Analyst: Casey's Attorney Made Blunder
Posted: 5:22 pm EDT April 21, 2009
Updated: 5:54 pm EDT April 21, 2009

Snippets from article:

- If Casey Anthony's lawyer, Jose Baez, wanted to keep secret his attempt to get phone records from key people in the case, WFTV's legal expert says he went about it the wrong way.

- at least two of the 12 witnesses Baez wants to track through unlimited cell phone records are fighting it and most of the others probably will

Also included in article are links for:
SHEAFFER INTERVIEW: Analysis Of Baez Motion
KRONK ATTORNEY: Interview About Objection To Motion
VOTE: Agree With Decision To Seek Death?
This is redickulus............I would give anythang in the world to have been the one to find lil Caylee instead of Kronk. Poor ole Kronk. Of course, one would have to take into consideration that I am not a meek young man as Kronk is but am in fact a natural born b!tch-------but in the first place, I would have told the cop, "Get your azz back in there and look again and don't come out til you find her".

Now with JB-----I would call a presser tomorrow in front of his office------call him on cell phone to come out. Then I would say, "BOY! You ain't gittin nuttin from me so go heady and call the cops, I wanna go right now." Then I would hand him one of me lil snack baggies---sit down on sidewalk---turn my oxygen off and light me a smoke and wait for the cops. But I didn't find Caylee. kronk did-------poor Kronk. Hang in there lil guy. Sounds like you may be in good hands and your lawyer seems to be doin pretty good so far.

JB also wants AH records and she says no also.
Oh MAMABEAR-Thank you for that laugh (I needed it today)!! You are so funny and spot on!! I have thought the same thing too. Why didn't RK go with the cop and point with his finger and say "See that-right there?" Why didn't RK take his own pictures? Why didn't RK call WESH and say I'm not gettin any help with what I think may be something important? WHY???:confused:I bet ole Roy is kickin' himself right now!!
If I was Kronk I wouldn't wan't to give Baez anything more than I needed to.

Who knows what Baez is asking for?

All I know is that there can't be anything on Kronk's phone records to tie him to the jail or the Anthony's....................... can there?

After all,LE would have certainly looked at all Kronk's phone records to rule out any connection ......Wouldn't they?

If you ask me Baez is just .."Fishing"

And Why should Kronk make anything easy on Baez
You know, this MR is just as bizarre and strange as the rest of the players in this case. Why did he not go with the officer to the spot where the bag was & point it out? If he did indeed see something, why did he accept the officers answer? Obviously he thought it was more than garbage because he kept going back. The last time he kicked or tore the bag, causing the skull to come out....why didn't he do that the first time? Or the second time? IDK....something just aint right about this IMO.

I REALLY enjoyed your post! I WROTE this very same post (inside my head) awhile back but never posted. I love it though, when this happens, cause it reminds me that I'm not a judgemental weirdo sitting on the side-lines all alone. Others out there SEE what I SEE!!!
I don't "GET" Kronk calling out for LE to examine something strange he sees and then when LE shows up and dismisses his find WITHOUT close examination, he just tiptoes away... MAKES NO SENSE TO ME!!! I'm a very opionatated head-strong female. If I was convinced I could see a garbage bag with a skull sticking out just 4 feet away in some water, and the LE dude said, "I don't see it", I would have said "FU dude" walked into the water and pulled it to LE's feet. I would have NEVER walked away if I was convinced of my conviction! And I hate to post this as I was one of the first posters to jump to Kronks defence back on Dec 15th or whatever day it was. And then, as much as I WANT to believe everything KRONK says as Gospel...WHY does his story stink so bad?
Don't know if this is where I should post this, but it is being discussed on another thread so here goes:
I don't think that Kronk got any info on where Caylee's lil body was. He didn't even know the A's---that I have seen. There could have been a seed planted in his head by somebody. Kronk was an x-bounty hunter. A bounty hunter is like a sleuther. It is something that is born into lots of peeps or we wouldn't even be here at W/S.

If guys were sittin around talking about where would the likely place for Caylee's to be dumped then maybe something hit in his brain. We sit here and read and read and all of a sudden somebody post something that triggers our brains-------it happens all the time here. Kronk just didn't back down on his gut feeling. Thats all it was.

Just for "what if's"--------Kronk was sittin around with the guys chattin and say the chat veered off to Caylee. Could have happened. I mean, hey-------his boss was the neighbor of the A's-----this neighbor did go to the vigils---maybe he heard something. Maybe he got GA off to the side and GA told him something. Maybe the boss didn't want to be directly involved and he planted the seed to Kronk---hey, he knew Kronk---odd duck, but a smart odd duck.

This could have very well been a Daisy Chain of sorts. Maybe peeps just don't wanna believe this because they can't stand LP. As soon as LP's name is mentioned then lots of peeps shut the door on the idea. Anyway---at least think about it with an open mind.
This is redickulus............I would give anythang in the world to have been the one to find lil Caylee instead of Kronk. Poor ole Kronk. Of course, one would have to take into consideration that I am not a meek young man as Kronk is but am in fact a natural born b!tch-------but in the first place, I would have told the cop, "Get your azz back in there and look again and don't come out til you find her".

Now with JB-----I would call a presser tomorrow in front of his office------call him on cell phone to come out. Then I would say, "BOY! You ain't gittin nuttin from me so go heady and call the cops, I wanna go right now." Then I would hand him one of me lil snack baggies---sit down on sidewalk---turn my oxygen off and light me a smoke and wait for the cops. But I didn't find Caylee. kronk did-------poor Kronk. Hang in there lil guy. Sounds like you may be in good hands and your lawyer seems to be doin pretty good so far.

JB also wants AH records and she says no also.

I cannot stop laughing at your post, I can picture you just as you described.LOL
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