GUILTY IN - Shaylyn Ammerman, 14 mos, Spencer, 23 March 2016 #2

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I do think one significant "clue" is finding him with the baby, drunk.

My opinion? Hell yeah. Definitely.

I wonder if it's possible to groom the guardians more than the baby, in this case anyway.

He would only need for the baby to recognize him as "family" (rocking her, playing with her - it wouldn't take much considering she didn't seem to get much attention otherwise (opinion)), and groom the parents to trust him with her.

Just throwing ideas around here. (Typing outloud.)

Admin Note:
Someone provide me with a link PROVING either one of these men is listed as a RSO. Not another allegation posted until I can confirm either is true.

Neither one are registered under IN or IL registries.
My opinion? Hell yeah. Definitely.

I wonder if it's possible to groom the guardians more than the baby, in this case anyway.

He would only need for the baby to recognize him as "family" (rocking her, playing with her - it wouldn't take much considering she didn't seem to get much attention otherwise (opinion)), and groom the parents to trust him with her.

Just throwing ideas around here. (Typing outloud.)
My thoughts are, you don't let people around your children alone until you know them very well! My mom was vigilant about this, and I really appreciate it. I can easily count the people we were alone with when my parents were not present.
I'm wondering just how known KP's preference was to the family or friends. Was it a one time comment about a girl being "hot" that didn't seem like a big deal at the time, but now that this has happened, it's suddenly a big deal. Or was this a well known fact, where friends knew he was acting on those urges? It's a pretty huge leap to go from basically an emotionally immature, but physically mature (or maturing) female to a baby. That being said, I certainly wouldn't allow my children around anyone who I knew or even thought had a preference for children or even young teens, male or female. But I also don't know if my kids have ever been around a pedophile. There's no pedophile around who's going to wear a warning label and I'd say the majority, if not all, aren't "outed" until they get busted molesting a child or have child *advertiser censored* in their presence. Who knows how many are walking around at any given time?

My HUNCH (and it's only a guess) is that his friends knew his preference because they watched *advertiser censored* together, and that young-age group was his favorite. Otherwise, I have no idea how you would know that particular preference of another person.

I'm wondering if he threw clues around. Do others (murders, pedophiles, molesters, abusers, etc.) do this? It is something that people should be aware of, I think. Maybe we need to listen more carefully.
I do believe (as I previously stated) that Kyle Parker has had his eye on this baby knowing nobody else really did.

As "normal" people we may not be picking up on clues that we could be.
I figure these people are broken, and I don't think they can be "fixed". But, maybe the rest of us can be "fixed" to be more aware, to recognize these people before another baby becomes another victim.

The hardest part is they are so hard to recognize because they don't look like monsters.

I agree. Sometimes it's scary how normal some pedophiles look. <modsnip>

I do think one significant "clue" is finding him with the baby, drunk.

Even if it's not a red flag for "pedophile" it's definitely a red flag for being completely inappropriate/weird/wrong.

My thoughts are, you don't let people around your children alone until you know them very well! My mom was vigilant about this, and I really appreciate it. I can easily count the people we were alone with when my parents were not present.

Definitely a good thing to be vigilant about. It's a shame that sometimes even those who are trusted can end up being bad. A pediatrician I knew ended up being convicted of child *advertiser censored*. It was pretty shocking. Hard to know who to trust anymore.
Neither one are registered under IN or IL registries.


Until we have info provided by LE (not MSM, but LE or an official registry), no more suggesting either one is an RSO.

It is vitally important to keep the FACTS straight and not let rumors or misinterpretations infect the discussion. No matter how well intended, it causes MAJOR problems that are nearly impossible to clear up.
I agree. Sometimes it's scary how normal some pedophiles look.<modsnip>

Even if it's not a red flag for "pedophile" it's definitely a red flag for being completely inappropriate/weird/wrong.

Definitely a good thing to be vigilant about. It's a shame that sometimes even those who are trusted can end up being bad. A pediatrician I knew ended up being convicted of child *advertiser censored*. It was pretty shocking. Hard to know who to trust anymore.
Totally! One of my siblings had an awful incident with a friend's older brother. As vigilant as my parents were, this still happened. It was terrible. But I don't think people should throw caution to the wind just because things "happen".

I know that wasn't your point. Just saying. :)
My HUNCH (and it's only a guess) is that his friends knew his preference because they watched *advertiser censored* together, and that young-age group was his favorite. Otherwise, I have no idea how you would know that particular preference of another person.


Or he actually dated girls in that age range. He was "only" 22. While it is not legal or really socially acceptable, there are still subsets in which it's not completely frowned upon for a young man in his late teens or early 20s to date a 14/15-year-old girl (or maybe a touch younger). I once had a coworker who was chatting up a 13 yo girl online -- and he was in his mid-30s -- and I seemed to be the only one bothered by it (I also turned the lecher in). It shocked me then, and it still bothers me now. There's a certain subset of "people" who think that girls who are 12-16 or so are young, but if they're the least bit sexually curious, then they're old enough to "date." It's a sick mindset, but it's also not uncommon even among "normal" men (or men you would think would be normal).

I'm using scare quotes because ... I'm trying to be nice about it.
I do think one significant "clue" is finding him with the baby, drunk.

At least he had his clothes on... :slap:(slapped myself for that thought).. I wonder just how frequent of a visitor KP became to this group.:moo:
I would have to disagree on that. The worst part is that they rape babies and children. While it should be considered commendable for those who have these deviant desires to wish to not act on them, lets not forget who the real victims of pedophiles are.

My my statement was regarding the availability of mental health treatment to prevent pedophiles from acting on their urges.

It pretty much doesn't exist. Because of mandatory reporting, very few mental health providers will knowingly treat someone who expresses attraction to children. It's too much liability.

So in turn, more kids are put in danger. I'd say that's the worse part all the way around concerning pedophiles that recognize their illness as an illness. They are left to their own devices to keep it at bay. It's not fair to anybody, not them and not their potential victims.

Something needs to change so that treatment is available. It won't make a huge impact statistically, but any incident prevented is a victory.
Wow this case doesn't seem real. Finally caught up reading the posts. Reading fb, articles etc about this case. IMO, the dad and dad's family are a "product" of their environment. I don't think they had anything to do with her murder. Previous pictures of KP facebook showed him with the baby. The dad's family would have no problem IMO of him holding her, rocking her etc. He was also around other kids. I think the dad and his family place more importance on drinking and living for the day. They are surrounded by similar people. KP saw the opportunity and took it. The will one day have his due for what he did. Tears of sadness for what baby Shaylyn suffered. I read the articles in the cases. Although they are sickening, its the least I can do for those that suffered. Per haps one day I can pay it forward with what I have learned from here, reading true crime and psychology books etc. Sometimes over-analyzing makes the crime worse than it already is. Step back and look at the whole picture. The police and investigators are doing their jobs in this case. Thank you to KP's stepfather. Shaylyn, I am so sorry you paid the price. I can't wait to meet you one day. My kitty, McBeal is in heaven and I know she would love it if you could take care of her until I am able to do it.
I view this as a situation where a predator found a way to gain access to a vulnerable victim. Like any good predator, he identified the weaknesses in this family and exploited them.

For all we know, this guy was known around town as someone who liked kids, was good with kids. He may have been the guy who was always around ready to "help out" when it came to little kids, or even for Shaylyn. He may have been grooming Shaylyn's family members in the time leading up to this incident.

Like others have said in this thread, a pedophile who is planning to abuse a child does not wear a t-shirt announcing it. Over time, they build relationships and trust with the adults around the child, or put themselves in a role where they have direct private access to the child. The predator who yanks a random child off the street is much more rare than the one who has formed some sort of prior relationship to the child.
I definitely think there were some questionable parenting choices going on in this situation. But this poor family just lost a beautiful baby girl. I feel horrible for them, even if I hold negative feelings towards their actions. This poor family has already been through enough. I can't even imagine what they're going through as it is without all of these negative disgusting comments.
My my statement was regarding the availability of mental health treatment to prevent pedophiles from acting on their urges.

It pretty much doesn't exist. Because of mandatory reporting, very few mental health providers will knowingly treat someone who expresses attraction to children. It's too much liability.

So in turn, more kids are put in danger. I'd say that's the worse part all the way around concerning pedophiles that recognize their illness as an illness. They are left to their own devices to keep it at bay. It's not fair to anybody, not them and not their potential victims.

Something needs to change so that treatment is available. It won't make a huge impact statistically, but any incident prevented is a victory.

Germany has a program devoted to engaging and then treating pedophiles before they offend. If you google "Germany don't offend program" you will find their website translated into English, as well as news articles about the program.
Germany has a program devoted to engaging and then treating pedophiles before they offend. If you google "Germany don't offend program" you will find their website translated into English, as well as news articles about the program.

Invaluable. I believe something is wrong with pedophile's brains to make them want to behave in this manner. Maybe if early intervention happened (and/or more study/research about it), we could prevent some of these tragedies.
When I watched some of the family interviews, I reacted like many, if not most on here did. It is hard to not be judgemental when the life an innocent baby is involved. I also think it is human nature to look at the sum of the somewhat inappropriate appearing demeanor and chaotic environment of family members to say "of course" this was a case of familial neglect, or even suspect some kind of passive or direct family involvement.

I live in a suburb with good schools, a better than average standard of living and all of the amenities that go with that. I sometimes feel under-dressed when I go to the grocery store if I am wearing old shoes or no makeup. Nice cars and landscaped lawns are the norm in my little bubble.

However, we have a small community just a mile away. But in other ways, it is a world away. One of my sarcastic friends said it was must be where all the cast members for the "people of walmart" website move.

I am not going to lie. It is rough. A trip to the store there guarantees sightings of butt cracks, toothless grannies, dirty faced babies, cussing mommies, unsupervised kids running around, people having public arguments, beer bellies in tight wife beater t-shirts..well, you get the picture. It isn't pretty. And it isn't all about poverty. I have been poor and I never lived like that.

This is the lifestyle most of these people were born and raised in. They are raising their children and grandchildren in this setting. I have a friend that is a teacher in this community and she has her hands full because many of these parents do not have the slightest notion of how to parent their children in a positive way and education is not highly prized. That combined with the continual rotation of significant others between the caregivers, trouble with the law with different family members, and a higher than average rate of alcohol and drug use in the households is just part of what is normal in the homes of most of her students. It isn't shocking to them because this is the 'normal' for them, and their neighbors, and their relatives. It was also 'normal' for their parents and in most cases, their grandparents. Most never leave the community and the rate of unemployment and government assistance is high. I imagine their social media pages are also full of all kinds of drama.

I know most of you can identify with communities like this as well. Sometimes I think it amazing that there are not more tragic events where the children in these environments are concerned. But the truth is, most of them are resilient. It may seem like neglect and even abuse when compared with the childhood my (or yours) children had.

But I think we need to take a few steps back when taking the leap that these circumstantial and even at times, superficial, appearances imply that there is more than one real deviant, unspeakable evil person in this sad, heartbreaking tragedy in Spencer.

How these people lived and conducted themselves may not have been in the best or even healthiest manner. It may not have been the optimal nor even in the best interest of this precious baby. But I do not think it is anywhere all that different than how many, many people in this country live everyday...people who manage to raise their children and grandchildren to a ripe old age.

I just think I need to step back from being overly judgemental regarding the initial perceptions I had when viewing the odd interviews and from there making assumptions that may be very unfair and presumptuous on my part. They have lost their baby and no matter how inarticulate or unprepared and unsophisticated they may appear when dealing with the media, I am sure the full extent of their grief has not even begun to sink in.

I will add that I have recently experienced the deepest of grief myself and know firsthand that the first few weeks I was still in shock and not fully able to process what had happened. I went through the motions of life with a numbness that may have looked like a lack of emotion to a casual observer. Even now, after 6 months, I still save my outward expressions of pain for my most private moments away from anyone's eyes. I hope no one judges me for that.
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