GUILTY IN - Shaylyn Ammerman, 14 mos, Spencer, 23 March 2016 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Back in the 70's, I was not a helicopter mom. I don't remember that term or when it came into being. However, now that I know about it, I am definitely a helicopter grandma! "Don't even think about it!"

I just got finished changing the diaper of and giving a bottle to my first little grandbaby who is spending the weekend here. In a few weeks his parents and he will be moving in with us so they can start saving for a down payment for a home. I can't help but think of sweet Shaylyn at this very late hour of the night as I hold our grandbaby in all of his innocence. I also can't help but make comparisons between the protectiveness we feel toward him and what her life must have been like.(Our baby was extremely premature which has made us all the more alert and cautious to all his very specialized care).

I have been reminded of what it is like to get up at wee hours when one is tired but a baby needs a change and a feed. I wonder who did that care for Shaylyn when she was not yet sleeping through the night. I just question if this Kyle monster had access to her during diaper changes, either by just the fact that she slept in the living room and the quarters were too tight for a lot of privacy or if different people handled her care just because they happened to be there and that's how they did things. We will have the luxury of plenty of space in our home for our son, his wife and baby. Yet, I know we will be having to adjust to our new living arrangement when they move in.

My point I guess is that I feel rather protective with our baby and even though he is too little to care, I still guard his privacy. I have found myself wondering if a person had a tendency to have perverted thoughts toward babies and tots if being allowed access or witness to her during bathing, dressing, diapering, and personal care would have somehow fed those dark fantasies. Not that it makes it any better or any worse than him just acting on a sudden twisted urge.
I didn't say he was regretful. I was thinking out loud, trying to think of WHY he would leave her out because to me, it's one of those little puzzle pieces that didn't/doesn't make sense. Those are the things I could think of ... there may be other reasons, and I was hoping WSers could help me think of them.

But clearly, I'm wasting my time even bringing it up. I apologise for wasting other people's time and will move on.
I'm behind here (again). We don't know the details, but I assumed leaving her out there naked was some kind of sick posing thing. Arranging the scene. Danielle Van Dam was left posed as well. Him leaving her out naked could have been part of his fantasy. I hope we never know. I hope he winds up pleading so that the family can be spared the details. But people that are ashamed PR their actions try to re dress the victim of bury them. Nope, something sicker going on here. JMO. So, I'm a day behind. Apologies if anyone else presented this idea. Running to catch up.

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Can bleach really destroy DNA evidence? I have my doubts but if it does, it would remove any other sources of DNA that may have been on her body. Scary to think, if others were involved.

P.S. Nancy Grace said he used hydrogen peroxide. That's incorrect - he used bleach.

Here are a couple of links about how bleach interferes with evidence (thanks Google Chrome Incognito window!)

NG would be correct if the bleach used was the Oxygen type as opposed to the Chlorine type.
I can not even wrap my head around this at all.

How can someone rape a 14 month old baby?
Admin Note

Again, until LE indicates otherwise, Shaylyn's family are to be considered victims. No more bashing of this family is going to be tolerated. We're not insisting you like them, agree with their morals, style of living, or anything else BUT we are saying that your posts need to be victim-friendly. No more circular arguments or imposing your own values as superior. People that appear to be unsavory can be victims as well. Please muster some compassion as none of us have any idea how this family is suffering. I'm sure they have their own regrets. For Websleuths purposes, they get the benefit of the doubt. If LE indicates otherwise, then we will advise of changes.

Instead, focus on the facts as we know them. The timeline, the maps, etc., per LE statements, facts posted in MSM articles. In short, SLEUTH more instead of posting in a judgemental fashion.

Time Outs will be issued for not respecting these parameters I've set forth.

Respectfully snipped and bolded RED for focus. Bumping this. Some posts are going bye bye. This should explain why.
Hmmm. If KP really only drank 3-4 ounces of hard liquor that night, it really lends credence to the aforementioned theory that he planned this ahead of time. I'm in agreement with whoever thought he intentionally got everyone in the room drunk enough that he could sneak out with her. 3.5 ounces is 2 or 2.5 shots, right? I saw mention of marijuana use by KP, but I've known my share of doob users and have never seen one act out violently.
I don't think he's killed before, but perhaps he's been thinking about the scenario for awhile, running it through his head, and/or has seen it on a video.??

It's also entirely possible he has built up to this, fondling without leaving evidence for awhile, for example, and then he took the first opportunity that presented itself to take his deeds further.

JMO. Speculation.

Based on the snippets we have been given, I tend to believe he has thought about it and possibly has some other victims, so like you said, not anything that produces evidence or with anyone that could talk. Because, he made the statement to his step-father about creating reasonable doubt by destroying DNA evidence using bleach, I tend to believe that he had been thinking about something like this. Although, if he did do a stint in jail, he could very well have picked up a few pointers.

During our prision ministry years ago, one prisoner said that the only thing prison does is teach the inexperienced how not to get caught. JMO
I think when we start to see the evidence collected from Kyle Parker's computer and/or phone we will have a much better sense of any (or, if any) web use to plan this attack. How did KP know to use bleach to remove the DNA but not place her in the water-- which would have certainly made some testing less viable. And, when did he begin to gather an understanding about erasing DNA? IMO, he is a groomer of children and adults. So, sad that anyone got taken in by him.

Other than getting a better understanding of how KP planned and made decisions in this case, there is so little to discuss at this point. Don't get me wrong, I am devastated for this little girl and her family but we just don't have enough information other than speculation about the circumstances.
Jackeee, i really don't know, but have read that child abuse/molestation happens in all walks of life from wealthy people down through the lower socio economic groups. In a lot of cases we read on WS's drugs come into play where the murders of little ones happen, and possibly alcohol too.
A lot of alcoholics also abuse & rape their children, so it happens in families where parents perpetrate these horrible acts on children who should be able to learn love and trust from their parents, but who are violated instead and grow up psychologically broken. It is a horrible fact of the societies we live in and there needs to be zero tolerance for it and very harsh penalties because children today are the adults of tommorrow and the biggest responsibility we have as parents is to raise wholesome future generations. All IMO.

ETA (Quote)
Do Sexually Abused Kids Become Abusers?
Study Shows Family Violence, Neglect Are Important Risk Factors

Here is another article. Specifically pages 58 and 59. I skimmed through to find info on child molesters who kill. It is disturbing. I did't read all of it. I did a search on the word murder. Its 212 pages long.
Jackeee, i really don't know, but have read that child abuse/molestation happens in all walks of life from wealthy people down through the lower socio economic groups. In a lot of cases we read on WS's drugs come into play where the murders of little ones happen, and possibly alcohol too.
A lot of alcoholics also abuse & rape their children, so it happens in families where parents perpetrate these horrible acts on children who should be able to learn love and trust from their parents, but who are violated instead and grow up psychologically broken. It is a horrible fact of the societies we live in and there needs to be zero tolerance for it and very harsh penalties because children today are the adults of tommorrow and the biggest responsibility we have as parents is to raise wholesome future generations. All IMO.

ETA (Quote)
Do Sexually Abused Kids Become Abusers?
Study Shows Family Violence, Neglect Are Important Risk Factors

Sadly true. Have you read anything about the little 12 y/o boy, Johnny Gosch who went missing back in 1982, and the Franklin Coverup Scandal? Not sure how much truth is in it, but if any it's some scary stuff. jmo
Sadly true. Have you read anything about the little 12 y/o boy, Johnny Gosch who went missing back in 1982, and the Franklin Coverup Scandal? Not sure how much truth is in it, but if any it's some scary stuff. jmo

Thanks for the link neesaki. I have heard of Johnny Gosch, but don't really know the details of his case. And there are lots of cover up scandals, and in the U.K. there are quite a few. Jimmy Savile comes to mind. Those in high places known to use their status to rape & murder children in the most horrific ways. It never ceases to astound me the evil that lurks in some supposedly human beings.
I'm behind here (again). We don't know the details, but I assumed leaving her out there naked was some kind of sick posing thing. Arranging the scene. Danielle Van Dam was left posed as well. Him leaving her out naked could have been part of his fantasy. I hope we never know. I hope he winds up pleading so that the family can be spared the details. But people that are ashamed PR their actions try to re dress the victim of bury them. Nope, something sicker going on here. JMO. So, I'm a day behind. Apologies if anyone else presented this idea. Running to catch up.

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I would think in Shaylyn's case he left her naked to burn her clothing to get rid of his DNA on her, :(
This case has reminded me of Isabella Grogan's murder on many levels.

Indiana University law professor Jody Madeira says the prosecutor will consider the heinous nature of the crime, along with the high cost and lengthy court appeals for death penalty cases.

Court records for State of Indiana vs Kyle Joseph Parker. On 4/1/16 it looks like they issued warrants for 3 phone numbers.

I hadn't read the following article before. It gives lots of details including where Parker was living. It sounds kinda trashy. Real Estate websites say there are two home at the address. Article includes details about the child he was to pick up the morning of the crime. Also his home is on the way from Spencer to the Gosport area except one would turn the other way to get to his house. Lots more details about Parker at link:


"Parker said in a court hearing Monday his most recent address was 7086 Locust Lake Road in Spencer. He stated his stepsister’s parents owned the house and that he had been living there for three to four months.

The home is a small, single-story white house at the end of a long, winding country road. The day before Shaylyn went missing, Parker offered to stop by this house and take his stepsister’s mother’s youngest child to school. The next morning, he never showed up, according to the affidavit."

Google map of his house:,-86.7856487,17z

Court records for State of Indiana vs Kyle Joseph Parker. On 4/1/16 it looks like they issued warrants for 3 phone numbers.

I hadn't read the following article before. It gives lots of details including where Parker was living. It sounds kinda trashy. Real Estate websites say there are two home at the address. Article includes details about the child he was to pick up the morning of the crime. Also his home is on the way from Spencer to the Gosport area except one would turn the other way to get to his house. Lots more details about Parker at link:


"Parker said in a court hearing Monday his most recent address was 7086 Locust Lake Road in Spencer. He stated his stepsister&#8217;s parents owned the house and that he had been living there for three to four months.

The home is a small, single-story white house at the end of a long, winding country road. The day before Shaylyn went missing, Parker offered to stop by this house and take his stepsister&#8217;s mother&#8217;s youngest child to school. The next morning, he never showed up, according to the affidavit."

Google map of his house:,-86.7856487,17z

The little girl must be the one we saw on KP's FB page. I can understand now why the child he was supposed to pick up was entrusted to him. I really feel for his family!

Court records for State of Indiana vs Kyle Joseph Parker. On 4/1/16 it looks like they issued warrants for 3 phone numbers.

I hadn't read the following article before. It gives lots of details including where Parker was living. It sounds kinda trashy. Real Estate websites say there are two home at the address. Article includes details about the child he was to pick up the morning of the crime. Also his home is on the way from Spencer to the Gosport area except one would turn the other way to get to his house. Lots more details about Parker at link:


"Parker said in a court hearing Monday his most recent address was 7086 Locust Lake Road in Spencer. He stated his stepsister&#8217;s parents owned the house and that he had been living there for three to four months.

The home is a small, single-story white house at the end of a long, winding country road. The day before Shaylyn went missing, Parker offered to stop by this house and take his stepsister&#8217;s mother&#8217;s youngest child to school. The next morning, he never showed up, according to the affidavit."

Google map of his house:,-86.7856487,17z

This article is saying KP showed up at his friends' house around 3:40 a.m. Remember, we discussed this in the past and sort of decided to take that time with a grain of salt, assuming it was a typo. Well, here it is again.

IMO, the time matters. If he had a short window of time to do what he did, I think it indicates he had a plan and carried it out.

jmOPINION at the moment.
Until LE comes forward with a plausible and current timeline that is accurate or at least somewhat accurate it's so hard to know what's up and what's down in this case. Seriously, they have given so many interviews and conflicting stories it's almost as if the more they give the more inaccurate everything in this case will become. I am just glad LE has a much more firm grip on this case. Cause gracious me my head spins reading one sentence to the next with these people. I really don't even believe it's on purpose. I don't believe they realize they are contradicting themselves. Maybe I am wrong.

Court records for State of Indiana vs Kyle Joseph Parker. On 4/1/16 it looks like they issued warrants for 3 phone numbers.

I hadn't read the following article before. It gives lots of details including where Parker was living. It sounds kinda trashy. Real Estate websites say there are two home at the address. Article includes details about the child he was to pick up the morning of the crime. Also his home is on the way from Spencer to the Gosport area except one would turn the other way to get to his house. Lots more details about Parker at link:


"Parker said in a court hearing Monday his most recent address was 7086 Locust Lake Road in Spencer. He stated his stepsister&#8217;s parents owned the house and that he had been living there for three to four months.

The home is a small, single-story white house at the end of a long, winding country road. The day before Shaylyn went missing, Parker offered to stop by this house and take his stepsister&#8217;s mother&#8217;s youngest child to school. The next morning, he never showed up, according to the affidavit."

Google map of his house:,-86.7856487,17z
I can't get into the public courts website. Is this just for reference, do you need a code to look at the files? TIA
Yes the child Kyle was to pick up the next morning is his step sisters mothers child. Thank goodness he didn't show

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