GUILTY IN - Shaylyn Ammerman, 14 mos, Spencer, 23 March 2016 #3

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I honestly don't think this has anything whatsoever to do with getting back at anyone. This is painful to write and more painful to even think about but the way he brutalized this baby when raping her according to the ME he had to be sexually aroused. Imo, the full intent for kidnapping her was to satisfy is perverted fantasies he had for children her age. No man can pretend to rape a little baby or toddler.. To do so they must be sexually aroused if the pedophile is a male like Shaylin's is. It has to be who they really are deep down inside whether they ever revealed that to anyone. No one knows what goes on in the mind of another and that is the scariest part. Even pedophiles don't breathe fire like monsters. Unfortunately, they look just like everyone else..

No one would be able to rape a little girl just to get back at anyone. If that was their motive then they wouldn't be able to even be sexually aroused and the brutal rape/s wouldn't have occurred.. He is not alone when it comes to raping very young children. We have seen several cases lately where POSs have raped infants and toddler boys and girls. The motive imo is as it looks and sometimes the truth can be and is very brutal. There are some sick deviants in this world who do get sexually aroused when raping babies/toddlers. With raping little children this age I don't think it is even that much about power and control like it is when a rapists rapes an adult woman or male. This is what gets them sexually excited. All adults would have power and control over anyone Shaylin's age.

During the Sandra Cantu case where Melissa Huckaby kidnapped, raped, and murdered her.... a poster back then put up a link to a forum where women were talking back and forth to each other about what they wanted to do to small children sexually. I clicked on it (mistake) and when I read some of it I felt like I was going to throw up literally. After then I had my computer tech clean up my computer. BUT it opened my mind and eyes to the fact there are a lot of sick damned people in this world who are sexually aroused by babies, toddlers, minor children. It was the most disgusting thing I have ever read and I am sure there are forums where male pedophiles talk about it too. I don't understand why the FBI doesn't shut sites like that down. That was years ago and they probably now know more than ever how to hide for LE when they are looking for them on the internet.

And I have read that the BILLIONS the *advertiser censored* industry makes every year includes kiddie *advertiser censored* being bought by both genders.

This is what is so terrifying to me. I would like to believe these kind of lowlife scum... who preys sexually on children... are rare but in my heart I know there must be way more they out there that exist than I ever want to admit to myself.

And what are we seeing more of now because of the internet? It makes pedophiles be able to communicate with other pedophiles a lot easier and they trade their rape videos with each other showing the pain and suffering of defenseless little children. Some mothers have sunk so low now they are selling their children to pedophiles for a six pack of beer or drugs. :mad: We are now also seeing stories where the moms and dads are engaging in the sexual molestation/rapes themselves with their children and making videos to sell to other pedophiles.

Now for the child to be kidnapped, raped, and murdered by an acquaintance like sweet Shaylin was is still rare or is it? We have so many missing children of all ages so have they met the same fate as Shaylin when her own monster crossed her path? I often wonder about that and all the missing who have never been found. I think it is highly likely that many more than we think have suffered the same fate.

I think this pedophile is an evil subhuman. Even the death penalty isn't enough punishment for what he did to this sweet innocent baby.

It is shocking how many pedophiles there are and who they are. I could go off on what I have recently learned about the local child sex slave business in my city. There is a site where sex buyers "rate" their sex with specific children. (Like a yelp review.) We are talking former judges and retired policemen, tech workers at world-class businesses. The reason sites like this cannot be shut down is freedom of speech, I am told. But there are organizations like Stolen Youth that are working on it.

What is especially alarming in KP's case is that he had to have known he would be the #1 suspect and likely caught. Life over. And yet, even that was not enough to quash his desire to live out his fantasy.
We shouldn't be saying "have sex". It's rape. Whether he has/had a girlfriend is irrelevant. I forgot his name....did not have a "crush" on Shaylyn. He didn't see her as a romantic partner. This is all about power. He's a sick freak.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! That is one of my pet peeves. We see it written and said by the media every damned time a female RAPES a boy or girl. I hate that usage. It is so dismissive of what the child really had happen to them when they have been raped. Even in my local newspaper they reported on a teacher who sodomized/raped a 9 year old boy who was in her class and they said she was accused of 'having sex' (GAH!!!) with the 9 year old! WTH? He was terrified, and finally told his parents. At least that jury didn't say she was too pretty and let her walk and they didn't think she had sex with this little 9 year old either. She got 25 years for the rapes/sodomies and that was through a plea deal. The DA told her if she didn't take that he would be asking for 25 years to life.

I don't think Eileen meant to be dismissive or I certainly hope not but maybe just the wrong choice of words.
It is shocking how many pedophiles there are and who they are. I could go off on what I have recently learned about the local child sex slave business in my city. There is a site where sex buyers "rate" their sex with specify children. (Like a yelp review.) We are talking former judges and retired policemen, tech workers at world-class businesses. The reason sites like this cannot be shut down is freedom of speech, I am told. But there are organizations like Stolen Youth that are working on it.

What is especially alarming in KP's case is that he had to have known he would be the #1 suspect and likely caught. Life over. And yet, even that was not enough to quash his desire to live out his fantasy.

Yes, sadly, it shows just how strong his desire was to act upon his fantasies.

I believe our media has purposefully refused to expose the monumental problem we have right here in our country now when it comes to sex trafficking. It seems more and more come up missing every year. I believe a good majority of these children/teens and adults have been forced into sex trafficking and have no way to get out and those who have tried are probably dead somewhere murdered by their trafficker.

The media has no problem covering pedophiles going to foreign countries to rape very young little boys and girls. But when it comes to the majority of children who are being brutally raped it is done more often by an incest rapist yet the media seems to shy away from that.

The majority of the time children are raped by family members including their own mom or dad or grandmother/father etc but no one wants to report on that. They stay away from this epidemic in our country which is going on behind closed doors everyday...multiple times a day to defenseless children. The media would rather report on the minority instead where it was done by a stranger or an acquaintance. It is like ISIS until the government labels them Islamic extremists we will never be able to defeat them. Until America's dirty little secret is brought to the forefront and exposed there will be no help in sight for these kind of young children. All I can guess is the media doesn't want to report on who is raping the majority of children most often is because then they would have to start looking at the many parents/American families filled with pedophiles instead of being able to blame the stranger or acquaintance.
I have a very hard time understanding how a man can look at a baby and decide to have sex with her?

We shouldn't be saying "have sex". It's rape. Whether he has/had a girlfriend is irrelevant. I forgot his name....did not have a "crush" on Shaylyn. He didn't see her as a romantic partner. This is all about power. He's a sick freak.
What is about some people committing violence by beating/other non- sexual-organ-related means while others commit theirs using rape? Like, sexual arousal is necessary for a male to successfully penetrate and complete the act, so how can some people look at a baby and, for lack of a better term, "get it up?"

That's how I had interpreted Eileen's question. IDK if that's how she intended, but that's how my brain read it.

iirc, the peep in this case stayed he did it for "self- gratification, which I found interesting. May not mean a thing. Shrug.
I think from what we have heard about the perp. in this case he is a sado masochist who was into S&M, so probably enjoyed the sadistic pain he inflicted on a helpless infant. Poor Shaylyn, :(
What is about some people committing violence by beating/other non- sexual-organ-related means while others commit theirs using rape? Like, sexual arousal is necessary for a male to successfully penetrate and complete the act, so how can some people look at a baby and, for lack of a better term, "get it up?"

That's how I had interpreted Eileen's question. IDK if that's how she intended, but that's how my brain read it.

iirc, the peep in this case stayed he did it for "self- gratification, which I found interesting. May not mean a thing. Shrug.

That is how I read it too. I read it as questioning in her own mind how anyone could be sexually aroused by an infant. I think it is a perfectly honest question, one most normal people ask themselves when they hear of such a heinous, violent act involving an innocent baby. Yes, it is most certainly rape and yet it is also unmistakably a sexual gratification act perpetuated on the most innocent and helpless victim. Yet, obviously as has been pointed out, these sickos walk among us.

We even had a pediatrician in our town arrested on child *advertiser censored* charges. Imagine, this is the person you allow to examine your baby and are supposed to trust. Yet this a home that had an open door policy, so to speak. If a person was harboring these kinds of sick fantasies then befriending a family with a low supervision threshold and a too trusting nature where their baby was concerned makes perfect sense. It isn't too hard to think that this was a well planned scheme to wait until (perhaps with the help of liquor) the adults were asleep in other rooms and then seize the opportunity he has been looking for. I do not think this was an impulse. I'm not sure how he expected to get away with it but maybe his perverted urges were so strong that he just didn't care.
maybe geting back at the family for something? this monster is just sick, never should he see daylight ever again. i say death penalty all the way :jail:

I've heard several people mention that this may have been carried out as some type of revenge on a family member. That just doesn't jive in my mind AT ALL. You have to be a really special kind of sick in the head to do what this monster did. This does not emerge in someone's brain as a way of getting revenge.
I've heard several people mention that this may have been carried out as some type of revenge on a family member. That just doesn't jive in my mind AT ALL. You have to be a really special kind of sick in the head to do what this monster did. This does not emerge in someone's brain as a way of getting revenge.

I agree and don't think it was an act of revenge either, but i guess anything is possible until we know more details of the why he did such a horrific thing if we will ever find out anyway? It is rare that babies are taken as an act of revenge i think?
My guess is he saw Shaylyn was an easy target for him to commit such a dreadful act because of the easy access he had, and was possibly fueled by drugs and we know he definitely had alcohol that night.
I agree. I wonder why LE hasn't cleared the family yet.

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It is extremely rare for LE to rule anyone out by name. In the three decades I have kept up with murder cases I have only seen it happen maybe 3-4 times.
It is extremely rare for LE to rule anyone out by name. In the three decades I have kept up with murder cases I have only seen it happen maybe 3-4 times.

Exactly! And since we haven't heard anything more from LE about further arrests and KP did state he acted alone we should treat this family, all of them, as victims in this case. Regardless of what we think about their lifestyle or behavior, they are the victims.
Some of the records in the Shaylyn Ammerman case will not be available for public viewing.

Judge Lori Thatcher Quillen granted an order to seal the records in the case involving Kyle Parker during an unscheduled hearing in Owen County Circuit Court last week.

A judge in the case of an Indiana man accused of abducting and killing a 1-year-old girl has ordered certain records be sealed.
Court records show Judge Lori Thatcher Quillen granted the order after Parker’s public defender and prosecutors agreed that records from the hearing should be sealed.

What the heck is that all about? Kyle is 22 so not a minor. I doubt there could be anything worse than what has already been released in msm. Maybe he has a juvenile record but that would be sealed anyway. So... ? :waitasec:
I wonder if they mean sealed as in before trial they will not be accessible by the public because they contain such horrible details that it may hinder them getting an untainted jury pool?

Let's face it, this case is about as ugly as they come, possibly they don't want the details out there until trial? IDK
I wonder if they mean sealed as in before trial they will not be accessible by the public because they contain such horrible details that it may hinder them getting an untainted jury pool?

Let's face it, this case is about as ugly as they come, possibly they don't want the details out there until trial? IDK

This would be my guess. In all honestly, anyone who would want to know all the gory details without having too is pretty twisted. What has been released so far is more than I wanted to know.
I am thinking things like autopsy reports, etc, are not something that are beneficial to be out there anyway so if that is the type of stuff being sealed I am fine with it. Poor baby girl, she deserves a bit of dignity after what was done :( JMO
I wonder if they mean sealed as in before trial they will not be accessible by the public because they contain such horrible details that it may hinder them getting an untainted jury pool?

Let's face it, this case is about as ugly as they come, possibly they don't want the details out there until trial? IDK

Could be, although the Probable Cause document has already been released to msm and it was pretty bad. It was an "unscheduled" hearing so maybe something unexpected happened? An incident in the jail? Maybe msm is requesting something else that prosecutors and defense don't want shared with the public right now, like the 911 call or previous incidents that may tarnish the case.

What's curious is that it doesn't appear that a gag order has been put in place, just that "certain" records having to do with the unscheduled hearing will be sealed.

Honestly, I can't imagine anything worse than what we already know.
Could be, although the Probable Cause document has already been released to msm and it was pretty bad. It was an "unscheduled" hearing so maybe something unexpected happened? An incident in the jail? Maybe msm is requesting something else that prosecutors and defense don't want shared with the public right now, like the 911 call or previous incidents that may tarnish the case.

What's curious is that it doesn't appear that a gag order has been put in place, just that "certain" records having to do with the unscheduled hearing will be sealed.

Honestly, I can't imagine anything worse than what we already know.

But maybe there is something worse, and that's why they're sealed. I know it's a horrific thought, but so were the details already released.

From the article:

"Parker told his stepfather Shaylyn was alive and dressed when he took her from the home."

This might be where Grandma got the idea that Shaylyn was found dressed. Remember when she said that? Perhaps she heard this part of the confession and not the rest.

The article above doesn't have new information, but reading it several days removed from the initial discovery makes it even more chilling than previously. He planned this, imo. He was ready.

Could be, although the Probable Cause document has already been released to msm and it was pretty bad. It was an "unscheduled" hearing so maybe something unexpected happened? An incident in the jail? Maybe msm is requesting something else that prosecutors and defense don't want shared with the public right now, like the 911 call or previous incidents that may tarnish the case.

What's curious is that it doesn't appear that a gag order has been put in place, just that "certain" records having to do with the unscheduled hearing will be sealed.

Honestly, I can't imagine anything worse than what we already know.

I believe that the media only released excerpts from the PC, they must have been able to get it before it was sealed. With all of the conflicting reports we've gotten, I'd prefer to read it firsthand. I'm sure the content is terrible, but it would be most accurate, imo.

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