GUILTY IN - Skylea Carmack, 10, Gas City, Grant County, 31 Aug 2019 *stepmom arrested* *appeal filed 2022*

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We can only hope and pray that her time and manner of death was not provided by any other of the children in the house.
I'm thinking it was.... the kids could have said we saw her alive at 4:30 and Mom came back at 6:30? That would nail down the time of death - AC's arrest card shows her weight at nearly double SC's - a knee to the neck would be compression though? they used "strangulation" - I am thinking she used a rope or blanket or something - and based on all that FB stuff in the Heavy article posted upthread, I can see the defense already - overwhelmed mother snaps - possible insanity plea coming IMO.
I knew things werent adding up. The story was incomplete and not making any sense.

It makes me sick, yet another beautiful life cut short because of a monster.

I hope the other kids didnt see anything. And i am curious if dad knew something.

My god, when will this end? Rest in peace beautiful girl. You didnt deserve this.
Yeah, it's like what's wrong with these people? I think they have issues that make them want to become enraged with a helpless child. So she broke a frickin bracelet. World War III over that? How about, "Hey? That was mean to do to your sister's bracelet. She's pretty upset. Why did you do that? Please apologize to her. You're going to have to use your pocket money or work to buy her a new one. Destroying other people's things is not something we do."

But also, this kid was taken from one house and thrust into another wth multiple kids. Life is hard for kids to begin with. They're just trying to figure out the world. Sometimes they might act out a bit. Compassion. Paticence. Humor. All of that works better than anger and punishment.

I see too many parents that expect little children with their undeveloped brains to behave better and with more restraint and maturity than the adults do. And they want to harshly punish kids for any transgression.

I see it everywhere. An example? There's this reality show family. The Little Couple. Really nice people. Adopted two kids from overseas who have achondroplasia. They seem like great parents.

The kids are filmed during exciting times like parties, celebrations, trips. So sometimes they're a bit wound up and feisty. Or overstimulated or tired. But pretty normal, sweet kids.

The amount of nasty comments about this family on social media is astounding. How spoiled the kids are. How they can't watch the show anymore because these perfectly normal kids are out of control. It's ridiculous. But it's not just that family. It's everywhere online you see harsh judgment of parenting and of kids and constant accolades for parents who use severe corporal punishment or humiliation to discipline kids.

I think that attitude which seems so pervasive in the US fuels savages like this step mother. It gives them an excuse to harshly "deal" with their child and increase the severity each time the poor kid isn't absolutely perfect.

Soon they're just looking for reasons to hurt their kids.

I wish we could treat kids better in this country in general. Not expect them to control their emotions and behavior better than adults. They need calm and fair limits. But to expect so much? Especially of kids who have been through or are going through something hard? Poor babies.

I think if we had a more understanding and compassionate attitude toward child rearing, people would be less likely to feel it's okay to hurt kids as a form of discipline.

I mean this woman was posting on social media about how the child was hiding food and stealing candy and her outraged frustration was off the charts. Yet she chose to homeschool 7 kids? Why not get them out of your hair for awhile every day?

It's like she wanted an excuse to be angry. And instead of her FB friends saying, "You sound frustrated. Can I take her for you for a few days?" They just commiserated as if it was normal to be that incensed by what the poor, confused kid was doing.

BBM. Short answer: step-mom wanted total control. If those kids had been allowed to go to school, they would talk and that's too huge a risk. I'm wondering how much time the children were allowed to spend with their other biological parent or grandparents.
When the other kids were removed from the home and SK's father claimed the reason was to allow him and his wife to search for Skylea, I immediately thought of AJ Freund and the removal of his brother after AJ disappeared. The other 6 children are now physically safe but I can only imagine their emotional trauma.

Oh how I hope that the other children in the house did not see this as it happened and did not see her put in a plastic bag and discarded like rubbish in the shed.
How could the stepmother have let hundreds of good souls search for SC for days and nights and pass out flyers and talk on TV when all along she knew what she had done.
All that child wanted was something to eat, and drink and to play and to go to school and to be loved and safe and she had none of these things.
Very heartbreaking. So sad. And I'm so angry.
Why, then, do these women ( thinking of SLP also) choose to home school their children? If nothing more, they would have been rid of them for six hours a day. How can a woman be allowed to home school 7 children ? I know that we all have rights etc. but if she had been in school, the step mother would have had respite for a few hours and SC would have most likely had at least one meal a day.

Lazy. Then she wouldn't have had to get 7 kids ready for school and take them and pick them up every day.

To cover up the abuse. Less people in their social circle, less people to question odd behavior or bumps and bruises.

Total control.
Poor poor child. My heart is just broken over both her and Nalani. I suspect Skylea's time here on earth once the step-monster entered the picture was not very happy. I can only hope where she is she is experiencing nothing but love and joy.

That evil evil you-know-what. Her FB posts show she is rotten to the core.
Now she can spend the rest of her life in prison while her children are raised by foster mother's or step mother's and she can wonder and worry that they are in the hands of someone just like her, not that I would wish that on her innocent kids at all, but I am ok with her having to wrestle with this thought every day of her life while someone else raises her kids.
Probably because since she had run away before they started with that 15384837, member: 6459"]So why didn't she send them to school? She's barely able to control herself over spilled noodles but she wants them with her every second of every day?
Because it's about absolute power with sociopaths, who masquerade as Empaths.
It defies belief really that they didn’t find her, alive or dead .
In Police training school one of the things that is really pushed and pushed and pushed again is that when you have a missing person, in particular a child, you search that house and any outhouses/sheds/garages again and again and again. Primarily because often when children really do go missing (as opposed to them going missing because they have been murdered ) they get in some unimaginable positions within some unimaginable locations and therefore it’s imperative that such searches are repeatedly done so that you don’t miss any potential hiding places and so that if they are hiding initially ( playing hide and seek or simply being mischievous), they can be found if they are stuck or before they suffocate etc
So the quote from LE that they had no reason to believe that they were looking for a deceased child hence why they didn’t search the outhouse, is of no consequence. If they were doing their job properly, they would have found her days ago .
I know hindsight is a wonderful thing and that we all make mistakes and learn from them but come on .... the number of children who are reported missing and end up being deceased at the hands of someone they know, is becoming more prevalent than ever before so you’re not telling me that it didn’t cross their minds ....
Plus - what about the smell ? You can smell a decomposing body from a long way off ....
I shudder to think about what those other children in the house heard or saw . Not just on Saturday when the %#^* killed her but all the incidents and times leading up to it . I bet they were threatened to keep quiet to within an inch of their lives .
It's been cooler than usual here these past few days minus yesterday when it was well over 80. I imagine that helped slow things down some.
There were warning signs, imo.
This death could have been prevented.
Didn't 'dad' notice anything when he was home ?
I wish he would've kicked her behind to the curb long before this.
She couldn't have hidden her (internal) evil/ugliness forever.

Just trying to understand how no one sounded the alarm.
Nalani last night and now Skylea tonight. I’m beyond angry with these specimens that keep killing innocent children.
It’s interesting how much AC has to convince herself and others that she’s doing a good job at parenting on her FB, she even had people sticking up for her because she’s ‘not that type of person’. Well duh! I think most people should have grasped the fact that these wolves wear sheep’s clothing and I believe we all had a feeling where this was going before the discovery of Skylea’s body, because here at WS we see this situation far too often sadly. Rest in peace sweetheart, no one can hurt you now.
And I don't believe AC just 'snapped', and was perfectly kind at all other times.
Pretty sure that'll be her defense at trial.
Or, she 'blacked out' and doesn't remember anything.

My .02 is that at some point AC realized this girl was not going to 'bond' with her. (Maybe Skylea was in fear and terror ??)

And AC started to loathe Skylea.

As in, " dare she not appreciate all that I'm doing for her ? ... Doesn't Skylea know what I'm going through ?", etc.
Ad nauseam.
From step mom's Facebook I get the feeling the lack of bonding was not the child's fault.

Before the brother's children joined the household, when it was just her three and skylea, stepmom took her two girls to a concert (their first) and excluded skylea. The boy was/is too young for something like that, but skylea would not have been.
From step mom's Facebook I get the feeling the lack of bonding was not the child's fault.

Before the brother's children joined the household, when it was just her three and skylea, stepmom took her two girls to a concert (their first) and excluded skylea. The boy was/is too young for something like that, but skylea would not have been.

How sad!
From step mom's Facebook I get the feeling the lack of bonding was not the child's fault.

Before the brother's children joined the household, when it was just her three and skylea, stepmom took her two girls to a concert (their first) and excluded skylea. The boy was/is too young for something like that, but skylea would not have been.
I am not surprised by this - I posted upthread I felt the abuse started a while ago - it doesn't always have to be physical. I think this poor girl was badly mistreated. JMO

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