GUILTY IN - Skylea Carmack, 10, Gas City, Grant County, 31 Aug 2019 *stepmom arrested* *appeal filed 2022*

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Oh how I hope that the other children in the house did not see this as it happened and did not see her put in a plastic bag and discarded like rubbish in the shed.
How could the stepmother have let hundreds of good souls search for SC for days and nights and pass out flyers and talk on TV when all along she knew what she had done.
All that child wanted was something to eat, and drink and to play and to go to school and to be loved and safe and she had none of these things.
I still cry about Adrian Jones and Lucas Fernandez.

Sometimes it seems like the penalties for women are lesser than they should be.
AC needs the DP , but life without parole would be acceptable.
She needs to leave prison in a pine box.

What slammed Adrian's case into my mind was the photos and videos.
I'm starting to think the public needs to be shown what these children look like after their murderers are done with them.
Because too often we're shown a smiling face of a relatively healthy child.
With Lucas and Adrian we saw horrible photos.
The public isn't outraged enough to change laws.
Sometimes it seems like the penalties for women are lesser than they should be.
AC needs the DP , but life without parole would be acceptable.
She needs to leave prison in a pine box.
Respectfully snipped and bolded for focus:

I could not agree more.

I'm all for gender equality when it comes to sentencing.

Is SC's murder any less vicious for having been committed by a "female?"
Is SC any less dead?
Rhetorical questions.

The horrific nature of this murder absolutely calls for the death penalty.

Wickedness is wickedness.
It knows no gender.
Juries need to get over the idea that women somehow are less deserving of punishment than men.
Fair is Fair.
Let's give female felons their just desserts.

In AC's case, her just desserts would be an injection of vecuronium bromide.

No sedative administered beforehand, either.

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I'm heartbroken for this sweet little girl. I was expecting this but hoped that this time, I was wrong. What a horrible, horrible creature. DP for this one, I hope.
Rest in peace little angel, Skylea. You deserved a wonderful life. I'm so sorry you never had that chance. Fly high.
I suspect they will plea her to LWOP - death penalty trials are very expensive and I'm sure she will probably get a public defender. I just am waiting to hear the friends/relatives comments on the family situation. Did no one see this behavior ? I cannot believe this is a one time occurrence - I'm guessing she physically abused her before and this was escalation of that abuse IMO.
IMO, Step mom makes it very clear she does not care for the child she is speaking about in that post which I also believe is Skylea.

Further down on her page she talks about one of the children cooking and spilling noodles on accident and how angry it made her and pats herself on the back for not lashing out about it.

Geez. It's ridiculous. Such petty things to become so enraged about. They're kids! They spill as break things.

Her post about the child hiding food in her pants and stealing candy causes alarm bells to go off. In so many cases where kids have been tortured to death, withholding food or cruelly punishing kids for issues with food has been a major part of the torture schedule.
Even to strangle a 10 year old girl ( ugh hate typing that ) takes a lot of strength, time and energy
She could have stopped at any time!
I have no words
Let’s hope she gets a taste of her own medicine in jail ...
RIP sweet angel Skylar
WMTV Channel 27, Marion

Amanda Carmack has been arrested and charged with Murder, neglect of a dependent resulting in bodily injury, strangulation, and domestic battery in the homicide case of 10 year old Skylea Carmack of Gas City, Indiana.

On the inmate details posted the arrest time was 4:50 AM.
I liked your post only because you kindly posted this information, but boy do I hate reading that that poor sweetheart is deceased!

This makes me so angry, I could just spit. Two young girls, Skylea and Nalani, found dead, both I am sure murdered in some way. We know Skylea was. I so want to scream right now!

Rest in peace, sweetie. Thoughts, prayers and condolences to her loved ones and friends, especially her siblings. Agonizing to read this.
So many times in this story my inner voice kept saying to me "that doesn't make common sense" wonder when I am going to start listening. Except that I couldn't face what my common sense kept saying to me.
There is a team that does a true crime podcast from my town and I will bat ideas back and forth with them sometimes on their different cases and quite often I find myself saying, you're thinking like a normal person, not a person who has just committed or is capable of committing a horrific crime.

What makes sense and doesn't make sense to you or I and seems like an unspeakable thought we don't want to even think of, it often the first thought in someone like that's
I suspect they will plea her to LWOP - death penalty trials are very expensive and I'm sure she will probably get a public defender. I just am waiting to hear the friends/relatives comments on the family situation. Did no one see this behavior ? I cannot believe this is a one time occurrence - I'm guessing she physically abused her before and this was escalation of that abuse IMO.

I would like to think our current prosecutor and his team aren't concerned with the cost of her trial. I know one of the prosecutor personally and he's pretty stubborn when it comes to fighting for what is right and not allowing someone to plea out with a slap on the wrist.
Even to strangle a 10 year old girl ( ugh hate typing that ) takes a lot of strength, time and energy
She could have stopped at any time!
I have no words
Let’s hope she gets a taste of her own medicine in jail ...
RIP sweet angel Skylar

From reading here at WS, strangulation takes some time.
Long enough to reconsider.
I'd call that premeditated.

Erin Corwin died for a long time. :(
At the trial, even her murderer thought it took longer than he expected.
Very few photos of Skylea on step-thing's FB.
There's a FB photo I think it's Skylea sleeping on a stuffed chair, with a gushing post by AC.
Again AC doesn't mention Skyleas' name-- but the gist of the post seems to all about AC and what a tremendous job she's doing as a parent and step parent.
Actually I couldn't find anywhere in AC's FB where Skylea's name was mentioned. Unless I missed it. :(

Amanda Carmack
June 14, 2017 ·

"....This girl has been working hard to help me try and get some order in this house. I've never had the privilege of parenting another's child before.
There are many times when it's stressful but more times where we get to bond.
She's been through some things and she still is going through something that's tough emotionally. She's growing and learning in this new life. The best I can do is teach her and love her as my own. In reality, that's all she really needs. All she really wants.

I sometimes cry for her because I understand the pain of wanting to be with someone you love even though they keep hurting you.
I feel like God gave me her so that she could see what a Mother's love is really like. I will do everything in my power to ensure that she knows she is truly loved and cared for...."

Emph. mine

This text is with a photo of I believe to be Skylea at 8 years old.
The first bolded... she needed an 8 year old to help restore 'order' in that house ?
W.T.F. was going on at that home ?

2nd bolded is somewhat telling.
Is AC referring to her own abuse of this child or trying to place blame on Skylea's bio mom ?

"see what a Mother's love is really like..."

Yes, AC really showed her.
A true witch with a "B".

Just bringing this back so the next time another precious child goes missing from his or her stepmom's care, we won't be fooled by her evil, self serving and egotistical lies. There's so much more I want to say but I won't. Oh Skylea if only you really had run away, maybe you would be alive today.
Why, then, do these women ( thinking of SLP also) choose to home school their children? If nothing more, they would have been rid of them for six hours a day. How can a woman be allowed to home school 7 children ? I know that we all have rights etc. but if she had been in school, the step mother would have had respite for a few hours and SC would have most likely had at least one meal a day.
Poor poor child. My heart is just broken over both her and Nalani. I suspect Skylea's time here on earth once the step-monster entered the picture was not very happy. I can only hope where she is she is experiencing nothing but love and joy.

That evil evil you-know-what. Her FB posts show she is rotten to the core.
Hopefully the police will learn from this one “weren’t looking for a body” she should have been found days ago (similar to the missing little boy found in a car by home. Get a glass marker and x the empty cars that are checked)
They obviously had reason to remove the other children (when?) so they might have wanted to look for a body at that point.
I think this might be the thread i just can’t continue to follow
It defies belief really that they didn’t find her, alive or dead .
In Police training school one of the things that is really pushed and pushed and pushed again is that when you have a missing person, in particular a child, you search that house and any outhouses/sheds/garages again and again and again. Primarily because often when children really do go missing (as opposed to them going missing because they have been murdered ) they get in some unimaginable positions within some unimaginable locations and therefore it’s imperative that such searches are repeatedly done so that you don’t miss any potential hiding places and so that if they are hiding initially ( playing hide and seek or simply being mischievous), they can be found if they are stuck or before they suffocate etc
So the quote from LE that they had no reason to believe that they were looking for a deceased child hence why they didn’t search the outhouse, is of no consequence. If they were doing their job properly, they would have found her days ago .
I know hindsight is a wonderful thing and that we all make mistakes and learn from them but come on .... the number of children who are reported missing and end up being deceased at the hands of someone they know, is becoming more prevalent than ever before so you’re not telling me that it didn’t cross their minds ....
Plus - what about the smell ? You can smell a decomposing body from a long way off ....
I shudder to think about what those other children in the house heard or saw . Not just on Saturday when the %#^* killed her but all the incidents and times leading up to it . I bet they were threatened to keep quiet to within an inch of their lives .
Omg. Although we knew something seemed foul, I still wasn’t prepared. Wow. Another case that sends me reeling over CPS. 7 kids/2 adults, 2 bedroom home? Search for a missing child doesn’t include exteriors of the home? Sigh.MOO EBM

From reading here at WS, strangulation takes some time.
Long enough to reconsider.
I'd call that premeditated.

Erin Corwin died for a long time. :(
At the trial, even her murderer thought it took longer than he expected.
That’s my point exactly
She could have stopped at any time
Therefore, because she didn’t, I would say that it’s premeditated! Hopefully the DP for this one and even that will be a more dignified way to leave this mortal coil than she allowed poor Skylar in her time of passing. I’m sooo enraged !

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