IMO if not a bracelet, something else insignificant would've resulted in the same way.
Yeah, it's like what's wrong with these people? I think they have issues that make them want to become enraged with a helpless child. So she broke a frickin bracelet. World War III over that? How about, "Hey? That was mean to do to your sister's bracelet. She's pretty upset. Why did you do that? Please apologize to her. You're going to have to use your pocket money or work to buy her a new one. Destroying other people's things is not something we do."
But also, this kid was taken from one house and thrust into another wth multiple kids. Life is hard for kids to begin with. They're just trying to figure out the world. Sometimes they might act out a bit. Compassion. Paticence. Humor. All of that works better than anger and punishment.
I see too many parents that expect little children with their undeveloped brains to behave better and with more restraint and maturity than the adults do. And they want to harshly punish kids for any transgression.
I see it everywhere. An example? There's this reality show family. The Little Couple. Really nice people. Adopted two kids from overseas who have achondroplasia. They seem like great parents.
The kids are filmed during exciting times like parties, celebrations, trips. So sometimes they're a bit wound up and feisty. Or overstimulated or tired. But pretty normal, sweet kids.
The amount of nasty comments about this family on social media is astounding. How spoiled the kids are. How they can't watch the show anymore because these perfectly normal kids are out of control. It's ridiculous. But it's not just that family. It's everywhere online you see harsh judgment of parenting and of kids and constant accolades for parents who use severe corporal punishment or humiliation to discipline kids.
I think that attitude which seems so pervasive in the US fuels savages like this step mother. It gives them an excuse to harshly "deal" with their child and increase the severity each time the poor kid isn't absolutely perfect.
Soon they're just looking for reasons to hurt their kids.
I wish we could treat kids better in this country in general. Not expect them to control their emotions and behavior better than adults. They need calm and fair limits. But to expect so much? Especially of kids who have been through or are going through something hard? Poor babies.
I think if we had a more understanding and compassionate attitude toward child rearing, people would be less likely to feel it's okay to hurt kids as a form of discipline.
I mean this woman was posting on social media about how the child was hiding food and stealing candy and her outraged frustration was off the charts. Yet she chose to homeschool 7 kids? Why not get them out of your hair for awhile every day?
It's like she wanted an excuse to be angry. And instead of her FB friends saying, "You sound frustrated. Can I take her for you for a few days?" They just commiserated as if it was normal to be that incensed by what the poor, confused kid was doing.