IN - Terry and Darleen Anderson Murder, Mungo, 22 Oct 2005 - #2

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OH hell no gia227 - no offence... none at all..!!!!! :blowkiss::blowkiss:
XBF and her dated about 1 1/2yrs when murders took place.. so a fair amount of time.

I was told by XBF that 'A' had the drug abuse BEFORE him and that HE was not the person who placed her into drugs. I don't believe that.. :mad:
He is a man who has no family values.. no dad or mom who really care for him.. dad has been MIA since birth and mom was not the kind whom you look up too (what I was told)

I believe that after the murders her drug abuse became out of control - agree... totally. I asked XBF when I called him after they broke up.. it was thru the topix and I told him to call me.. so we spoke.. he told me the spending was out of control after the murders... WAY WAY so much money he said.. and I said to him that he had no trouble spending my dad and darleen's money on drugs with "A". I asked him WHY he did not call us and he said it was becz "A" told him not too and he wanted to keep peace.

Yep.. I believe she truly knows something.... and that is just horrible to allow these murders to continue to be unsolved when you know something... VERY rude if you know and dont want the OTHER family to be at peace... That is my thoughts...

Roscoe - I hope I did not offend. I didn't mean to imply that A doesn't have any feelings about her parents murder. What I was trying to say is that if she is an addict the drugs are numbing her feelings which partly explains her lack of outward compassion and it also serves as something else to focus on that can become very encompassing which serves as a distraction. I didn't mean to imply that she doesn't care - I really think she does. I went back and read some of her comments on the topix board and despite some of the things she said and lies she told I thought she mostly came off as being sincere, frustrated with the lack of progress.

How long had A and the XBF been dating before the murders happened? I think her XBF in combonation with escalated drug use is very much the reason for her drastic personality change. I am making an assumption here so please correct me if I am wrong- XBF was a regular user when A began dating him. 'A' began to use too but not to the point where she was becoming physically and mentally dependent on it and because of that she was able to carry on normally. After her parents murder her drug use moved into a different level - she began using everyday and inevietably became addicted and that combined with the tragedy of her parents murder has been the catalyst for her life's downhill fall.

With that being said I still think 'A' has information/knowledge about what happened that night......and possibly the guilt she is carrying beccause of this is another reason she started using drugs more heavily. Escapism - the number one reason people start using.
From everything I've read here & at topix (including articles), I hate it but, it's the impression or vibe that's given off, isn't it?! arggh

I'm jumping ahead of my own reply but I see someone has posted before me with regard to this. I'm just not buying that - that there was nothing. I could buy, I'd be angry as all get out but I could buy it, that there was and they screwed it up... but with the simple and least detailed account of what took place there says there was plenty of forensic evidence. Don't ever lose sight of the fact that there was indeed a weapon... even if LE doesn't have it/them in their possession... there most definitely was one! And depending on what it was it is not always the easiest thing to dispose of 100% for eternity. And add the fact that evidence may still be ON it even if the killer/s tried to obliterate it.

One thing that bugs me if they've actually verbalized it to you as quoted there (or close to it) is them making a point of saying no fingerprints. Oh except for those that would be in the home or around the property due to living there or coming and going there. Well... considering certain peoples actions coupled with there being only certain peoples fingerprints wouldn't that be just the set of prints you'd be expecting to see there?! It makes it seem as if LE is saying 'well there must be an outsider's prints here'... just seems confusing and close-minded. Even if it's just something that tumbled off LE's lips.

Rosco, if they ever say to you that "YOU" don't have a case you lean right in and correct them and say "no sir, it's you who seems to not have a case."

Hmmm... that is a shame if he was privy to anything. Do you know how he died?

Again, I'm jumping ahead to what someone else posted before me... have you attempted to go higher up. Just to see what exactly may be an avenue for stoking the fires under them? How about the state's attorney general?

No you're not "just" anything... and never forget it's your Dad's & Darleen's voices that are crying out... thru you not "shutting up" and your loved ones and good friends and us here that have come to know you... it's their voices and they're going to be heard!

Well there you go... I get two things out of that info.... one, unfortunately they've probably little career experience to draw on and definitely need that state assistance - all they can get! and two, since they are fortunate enough to not have a crazy backlog of homocide to contend with they should have enough time to focus on this double murder! The drug stuff probably does keep them busy but there's drugs intermingled in this case so they go hand in hand. At the beginning of writing this my expectations from them was lowering.... with this info and my thinking... I'll not give them that free pass... my expectations bar has been raised right back up.

There has been a change in Sheriff since... and still nothing is done or showing up and new info..

It does suck, no denying that. You keep your chin up girl... rest it on someone's shoulder when necessary!! There's no such thing as a perfect crime -- they always leave something behind. We've heard that dozens of times, right? It's true, and for the most part in this case, imo, it hinges on LE not falling into that thinking of "there's no evidence" and that that which was there was there because it was supposed to be there. That is not typical cop thinking - it's not even quizative citizen thinking!! And it shouldn't be tolerated.

I've written a novel...egads! Sorry :blowkiss:

Justice for Terry & Darleen in 2008!

I will click on that link and send out some please please help notes...

Maybe get someone to look huh!?

I also think LE is just sitting back... and it does piss me off.. Every person i speak to in my family says the same thing. DB is also mad cuz he also believes that LE is waiting for someone to place the murderer at the front door of LE and had them over the murder weapons... with a confession.. :bang: yea right... that will NEVER happen.. and going on 3yrs... THAT IS EXACTLY what LE is waiting for... There is no couch anymore.. right after the murders pps lived there and could have gotten rid of anything LE did not find.. Why do you think 'A" wanted stranger to move it.. so family would NEVER come back un-announced... NEVER... XBF insisted on the security system... CARPP>. that man was asking everyone at the friggn wake about $$ for the system and I had to tell him to shut-up and let it go for today....

LE has taken this case to the back seat.. and State is taking up the slack on the spare.... that is sooooo frustraiting!!!

I am going to link on this now and see what I can stir up by the 18th when I plan on the memorial there in Mongo..

I invited LE... :rolleyes:
Can't the La Grange PD ask the FBI to help investigate? Have you asked them about that Roscoe?

The fact that there was no foreign DNA left at the scene is very telling. Surely LE recognizes that. There are only five people whose DNA would be expected to be there - Terry, Darlene, Amanda, Boyfriend and Grandma. Two of those people are deceased, one of them is elderly and not a good suspect. That leaves two people - two young, healthy, strong people.

I don't understand why when LE has warrants out for her and finally arrest her the judge doesn't deny her bail, they hold her as long as they can in an attempt to break her down a little and then question her relentlessly.

I never understand this about small town PD. They have a double-homicide on their hands -you would think they would be busting their balls to try and get it solved and prove that even though they are small they are efficient, good at their jobs and worthy of respect.

"A" turned herself in is what LE told me - I asked.....
Judge let her go on the previous bond... sooo there ya go. easy as cake huh!? :eek:

I know- NO DNA... nothing.

I wish there was ball busting in lagrange co.. but even when I spoke personally to the NEW sheriff - he didn't have a clue as to some questions i asked him and he then refered me back to the State LE on the case.

THAT pissed me off.!!! Your the sheriff and you are not 'up to date' on a double UNSOLVED homicide in your county? :furious:

I try to keep very very nice nice to LE.. they keep me informed on 'A" and they do not have to do that... It's only about the murders and that is it.. 'A" and baby..and the happenings.. :crazy::crazy:

I am going to the link now... and i will try to get back to these replies..
I will click on that link and send out some please please help notes...

Maybe get someone to look huh!?

Let us know what you get out of the link, contact-wise, and if it gives some hope toward some progress. I was wondering if letters of concern from us "outsiders" would be helpful? I'm more than willing to "go there" but only if you percieve that it would be a help and not an aggravation or hinderance to your own personal progress and relationship with LE etc.
Let us know what you get out of the link, contact-wise, and if it gives some hope toward some progress. I was wondering if letters of concern from us "outsiders" would be helpful? I'm more than willing to "go there" but only if you percieve that it would be a help and not an aggravation or hinderance to your own personal progress and relationship with LE etc.

State does NOT help public...

I have to contact DA's office for LaGrange - that is what they told me.

I have since sent an email to an atty that was on the Lagrange web-site as a County Atty.

I hope I sent to the correct location... oh well if not.. huh.:waitasec:
There was a thread on here started by John Van Dyke's wife about his disappearence and she was having a hell of a time getting LE to do anything. She contacted the state attorny general and her senators and one senator was sympathetic and actually used his influence to get some things done. She also had a letter-writing campaign asking the public to write to the attorney general, police dept, FBI, etc. I think if you can get enough people to do it it can be effective.

I definetly think it is worth a shot. You never know - you may come across someone in gov't who is sympathetic and willing to help. The attorney general would obviously be the best person to contact which you did but if you don't hear anything I would contact your senators and congressmen too. La Grange PD may be more apt to get off their butts and actually work on this case instead of waiting for someone to walk through the door and say "I did it." if they had some extra pressure put on them.
This was the reply from the State's Atty office..

This is the Attorney General’s office, we are the attorney for the State, not private citizens…I wish I could help..



Not helpful at all..

There was a thread on here started by John Van Dyke's wife about his disappearence and she was having a hell of a time getting LE to do anything. She contacted the state attorny general and her senators and one senator was sympathetic and actually used his influence to get some things done. She also had a letter-writing campaign asking the public to write to the attorney general, police dept, FBI, etc. I think if you can get enough people to do it it can be effective.

I definetly think it is worth a shot. You never know - you may come across someone in gov't who is sympathetic and willing to help. The attorney general would obviously be the best person to contact which you did but if you don't hear anything I would contact your senators and congressmen too. La Grange PD may be more apt to get off their butts and actually work on this case instead of waiting for someone to walk through the door and say "I did it." if they had some extra pressure put on them.
Roscoe- You talked about xbf being on the phone while A went into the house. Did Amanda have a cell phone and did they check her cell phone records? Or did they check xbf phone records for any leads?

I would like to take the opportunity to apologize for asking so many questions, that have once been asked.

With a similar experience that I went thru as you are going thru, I can feel the pain you are experiencing. The man who killed my mom served a year and to me that was injustice. This happened in 73', so technology has come along way from then and the knowledge of how to solve these cases has as well.

I am pursuing a degree in Chemistry concentrating on the forensic end of it. I feel that science doesn't lie, people do. You know what I mean.

I want to be able to help people get the justice deserved.

I took a class in "basic forensics" and that is what got me interested. The one example that sticks in my mind is the said "suicide" - A says B committed suicide but the examination and skills of the ME tells a different story. A killed B. It is so amazing how every crime will lead to the perp, some cases take longer than others. I went to my local pd and spent four hours in their crime lab, was shown some solved cases file pics and had on hand experience with the fingerprinting techniques.

Every Crime tells a story and leads to the one who committed it no matter how hard they try to cover it up. It takes skilled technicians and investigators that are passionate about their work, if they aren't passionate then they are in the wrong field and need to find another job.

I don't know what the reason is for the police to tell you that there was no evidence to lead to a suspect, I can't speak for them but it does sound as if they are waiting for the killer(s) to come to them.

I read a true story to do with a child that was found deceased in a parent's home. The ME ruled it anything but homicide, but the grandma and mom kept questioning it, got an investigator that listened to their concerns of why is was homicide and she had the backing of the district attorney. They had a second opinion from an outside of the area ME and this ME ruled it homicide. They finally got justice for the little girl. The father was convicted.

I believe we all just want to see justice served in your dad's and Darlene's case.

I don't mean to sound pushy or be intrusive, and again I am sorry if I have been.


I would like to take the opportunity to apologize for asking so many questions, that have once been asked.

With a similar experience that I went thru as you are going thru, I can feel the pain you are experiencing. The man who killed my mom served a year and to me that was injustice. This happened in 73', so technology has come along way from then and the knowledge of how to solve these cases has as well.

I am pursuing a degree in Chemistry concentrating on the forensic end of it. I feel that science doesn't lie, people do. You know what I mean.

I want to be able to help people get the justice deserved.

I took a class in "basic forensics" and that is what got me interested. The one example that sticks in my mind is the said "suicide" - A says B committed suicide but the examination and skills of the ME tells a different story. A killed B. It is so amazing how every crime will lead to the perp, some cases take longer than others. I went to my local pd and spent four hours in their crime lab, was shown some solved cases file pics and had on hand experience with the fingerprinting techniques.

Every Crime tells a story and leads to the one who committed it no matter how hard they try to cover it up. It takes skilled technicians and investigators that are passionate about their work, if they aren't passionate then they are in the wrong field and need to find another job.

I don't know what the reason is for the police to tell you that there was no evidence to lead to a suspect, I can't speak for them but it does sound as if they are waiting for the killer(s) to come to them.

I read a true story to do with a child that was found deceased in a parent's home. The ME ruled it anything but homicide, but the grandma and mom kept questioning it, got an investigator that listened to their concerns of why is was homicide and she had the backing of the district attorney. They had a second opinion from an outside of the area ME and this ME ruled it homicide. They finally got justice for the little girl. The father was convicted.

I believe we all just want to see justice served in your dad's and Darlene's case.

I don't mean to sound pushy or be intrusive, and again I am sorry if I have been.


For what it's worth I think you ask good questions, and I am very sorry for the loss of your mom.
Roscoe- You talked about xbf being on the phone while A went into the house. Did Amanda have a cell phone and did they check her cell phone records? Or did they check xbf phone records for any leads?

Keep in mind that LE does not share MOST of what they have regarding their evidence or/and pps information/where-a-bouts to me or family members..

That said - I do know that Amanda had a cell phone (at the time) - but I do not know the extend as to LE and their reviews of the all the cell phone-records.

I will ASSUME that they have checked out all phone records as well as home-phone records and of Dad's cell calls ... Darleen (I think) did NOT own a cell-phone.

I would like to take the opportunity to apologize for asking so many questions, that have once been asked.

With a similar experience that I went thru as you are going thru, I can feel the pain you are experiencing. The man who killed my mom served a year and to me that was injustice. This happened in 73', so technology has come along way from then and the knowledge of how to solve these cases has as well.

I am pursuing a degree in Chemistry concentrating on the forensic end of it. I feel that science doesn't lie, people do. You know what I mean.

I want to be able to help people get the justice deserved.

I took a class in "basic forensics" and that is what got me interested. The one example that sticks in my mind is the said "suicide" - A says B committed suicide but the examination and skills of the ME tells a different story. A killed B. It is so amazing how every crime will lead to the perp, some cases take longer than others. I went to my local pd and spent four hours in their crime lab, was shown some solved cases file pics and had on hand experience with the fingerprinting techniques.

Every Crime tells a story and leads to the one who committed it no matter how hard they try to cover it up. It takes skilled technicians and investigators that are passionate about their work, if they aren't passionate then they are in the wrong field and need to find another job.

I don't know what the reason is for the police to tell you that there was no evidence to lead to a suspect, I can't speak for them but it does sound as if they are waiting for the killer(s) to come to them.

I read a true story to do with a child that was found deceased in a parent's home. The ME ruled it anything but homicide, but the grandma and mom kept questioning it, got an investigator that listened to their concerns of why is was homicide and she had the backing of the district attorney. They had a second opinion from an outside of the area ME and this ME ruled it homicide. They finally got justice for the little girl. The father was convicted.

I believe we all just want to see justice served in your dad's and Darlene's case.

I don't mean to sound pushy or be intrusive, and again I am sorry if I have been.


I think your questions are very detailed and I have not a problem trying to answer them... However - most information LE does keep to themselves... AND some I do not and will not ever share on public forms...

LE did say that they have their thoughts and ideas (guess is what I think) and said they can arrest - but they remind me that there must be a trial and conviction (and I should know this working in a law-firm) - so arresting someone/pps would not be the correct direction - at this time...

LE has NEVER expressed who they would imagine.. or who they feel might be responsible for my Dad and Darleen's murders.

I do feel that LE is waiting for the pps to waltz into their office and confess - or - waiting for someone to get arrested for some other crime and then come clean with information - so they would get a lighter sentance...

I don't feel that will EVER happen and I am sorry to say that the murders of Dad and Darleen will remain unsolved - if this is truly what LE is waiting for... :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Hmm, I'm disappointed in the response you got from the state's attorney general! This comes directly from his webpage: "The Office of the Indiana Attorney General helps protect the rights, freedoms and safety you enjoy as a citizen of the Hoosier state." (emphasis mine)


We understand there's a chain of command - perhaps they don't understand that we understand that.
local paper - -

Investigation into 2005 double-homicide continues
By Tiffany Yoder
LAGRANGE — It’s been nearly three years, but friends and family of Terry and Darleen Anderson have not forgotten the Mongo couple. Law enforcement hasn’t forgotten them, either.

On the morning of Friday, Oct. 21, 2005, the Andersons were found murdered on their property in the 6000 block of C.R. 250N in rural Mongo. With a memorial service planned Saturday and the three-year anniversary of the event approaching, Sheriff Terry Martin assures that though there has not yet been a conviction, the case is still under investigation.

“It’s pretty much a weekly occurrence that we talk about it,” Martin said.

Terry, 59, and Darleen, 57, died of blunt force trauma. In the years since then, officers from the LaGrange County Police Department, Indiana State Police and FBI have all taken part in the investigation. At one point, nearly 10-12 officers were working the case at a single time. Now Lt. Tad Oakley of the sheriff’s department is the main officer on the case, with a county deputy and officer from the state police assisting.

“Essentially we have three guys working on the case now,” Martin said.

The officers still investigate tips, conduct interviews and keep Martin informed on any progress.

“They still get leads and try to follow them up,” Martin said. They are still hoping for one big tip to break the case and find the person responsible for the murders.

Martin said former sheriff Greg Dhaene, who was working in Martin’s current position when the homicides occurred, had been upset by it as well.

“That was one of the hardest things not being able to close the case before he left the office,” Martin said. He added that he knew the community as a whole and the officers working on the case were also wanting to close the case.

“They work hard on this case, its frustrating for them,” Martin said. “They want to solve it, too. Everyone wants it solved.”

Martin explained some of the difficulties in relating information about the case to the press and public. He said it was difficult to sit closed-mouth and reveal only the information from written press releases, though he said it was important to the investigation not to reveal many details.

“We have to be guarded in what we say,” he said. Martin and the department assured, though, while there isn’t much public discussion on the matter, the Andersons were certainly not removed from their minds.

“We haven’t forgotten about this case,” Oakley said. “We’ll never forget about this case.”

A memorial for the Andersons will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at Mongo Community Cemetery on S.R. 3 North at their graves. There will be music and prayers given by the Rev. James Bartlett of Mongo United Methodist Church.

All my love-

Rosco, thanks for posting that article. Travel safely this weekend. :blowkiss:
I'm glad it is still getting publicity - that's important.

Be safe this weekend and I hope there is a good turn-out for the memorial.
:thumb: U got !!!! :blowkiss: Thanks so much!!!!

:cop: Maybe some info?

:crossfingers: (((( this speaks for itself.. )))

I am soooooooo :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

OK (( catching my breath))

- I'll be fine.

Off line until Monday...

All my love-
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