IN - Terry and Darleen Anderson Murder, Mungo, 22 Oct 2005 - #2

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Roscoe, thoughts of you and your loved ones on this day of remembrance.

Let us know how the memorial went, Roscoe. Know that we were all there in spirit with you.

OK - Back at home and i'll tell u i cant express how much better i feel - emotionally..:woohoo:

it really takes a whole bunch of energy from me to go thru this each year. BUT - I will continue until there is an arrest...and conviction.

:clap: Was in newspaper, on TV and on radio. Turnout at graves were 25 at most... but TV was there and the word was spread.. :woohoo:

The reporter did get one 'slight' detail incorrect..:eek: He said and wrote that i was the daughter to discovered Dad and Darleen. OOPPS...:eek:
I did not see the article or TV coverage until i got online today.

I was not near a TV on Sat - The person who we stay with does not have cable and no PC access.
I did email the newspaper to let them know of this error.

Home safe... Ahhhhh what a relief....:crazy::crazy:

Great weather, great prayer and good pps.. It was nice.:blowkiss:

No new info with LE. They promised a follow-up w/America's Most hope there might be new info on AMW soon.. They have an inside email addy to AMW that I am not prevy too.. so they would need to contact that pps who asked them for the info. It has been since April/May when AMW asked for a package... so just waiting.

LE does still get leads. LE is asked all the time how the case is doing outside their uniforms and at their kids ball fields or at the grocery store getting their parcles. It's not forgotten and always a high priority. I walked out of the LE office feeling good..and satified... as much as a person can be since the case does not have an arrest yet.

Wish I had more to write... but it was a needed trip and media and news got out.. that's important.. and I achieved that.

I feel almost hung-over from the energy i felt before and during.. it's draining...

DS is in school today and I took a day off work:crazy:... just to have a no-brainer day and get some stuff done..

SOO off i go while the clock ticks away.

(( thanks DK for your special chat - love U - ))

All my love :blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:....

This sounds real good to me

LE is asked all the time how the case is doing outside their uniforms and at their kids ball fields or at the grocery store getting their parcles. It's not forgotten and always a high priority. I walked out of the LE office feeling good..and satified... as much as a person can be since the case does not have an arrest yet.

This is not a forgotten case by a long shot..

The day will come I will get on here and there will be Rosco with a big news story about Arrest's and No Bail on this case...

I deep down know this day is coming soon..
(((hugs))) Rosco. I'm so glad you you it went well. (eek, what an error for the media to have made, huh!) I'm very happy to hear that LE is asked about the case & how it's going from people in the community!

I think I definitely detected a smile on your face while you were posting... and that makes me smile! :)

You deserved that kick-back, take a breather day!
(((hugs))) Rosco. I'm so glad you you it went well. (eek, what an error for the media to have made, huh!) I'm very happy to hear that LE is asked about the case & how it's going from people in the community!

I think I definitely detected a smile on your face while you were posting... and that makes me smile! :)

You deserved that kick-back, take a breather day!

Rosco does a heck of a job. As I told her, I've been doing this a long time, and out of all the cold case murders in this area, no one has done a better job than her of keeping the victims memories alive.
Today is the actual 3 year anniversary of the murders. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Rosco.
Thanks my DK... my friend... :blowkiss::blowkiss:

It's a quiet day in my head... almost a somber.....

A new friends have emailed me and called. A few of dad's musky buds could not make the memorial but are planning a 'day of fishin' today - for Dad. Called to give hugs and memories over the phone. :blowkiss:

:( It's a hard day.

All my love -


Today is the actual 3 year anniversary of the murders. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Rosco.
(((hugs))) Rosco. I'm so glad you you it went well. (eek, what an error for the media to have made, huh!) I'm very happy to hear that LE is asked about the case & how it's going from people in the community!

I think I definitely detected a smile on your face while you were posting... and that makes me smile! :)

You deserved that kick-back, take a breather day!

Yeppp... you seen it.. the smile. It was there.. :):):):)

Thanks snowme... a friend from Ft. Wayne called me this morning.. said he seen the news... Was sending hugs today for the date:(...

yea.. 'slight' error on the 'who found' the bodies and called 911...

I kinda got a smile when i read that tho... It was a OPPPs... and then haha..

DH said 'A' might be pi$$ed for that error. Took her out of the attention.. and then I read her myspace mood was 'betrayed'.... LOL.. I actually laughed.

All my love -
This sounds real good to me

LE is asked all the time how the case is doing outside their uniforms and at their kids ball fields or at the grocery store getting their parcles. It's not forgotten and always a high priority. I walked out of the LE office feeling good..and satified... as much as a person can be since the case does not have an arrest yet.

This is not a forgotten case by a long shot..

The day will come I will get on here and there will be Rosco with a big news story about Arrest's and No Bail on this case...

I deep down know this day is coming soon..

Not by a long shot!!!! YEP.. that is perfect huh?

The day will come.. I too can taste it.. dream it.. feel it..

Rosco, I've never posted on this thread before but I read it all the time and keep up with updates. I've also read everything on the Mongo Topix forum too in the past. I just want to let you know I pray for justice for Terry and Darleen all the time. Especially today I wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers, on the 3rd anniversary.

I really believe in my heart there will be justice for them. It may seem like it's taking forever but I just really feel this will be solved. I know there are many others on here who believe the same thing so I hope you can take some consolation from that....

Take care. :)
Three years already! Holy cow! Prayers for a swift resolution to this case. Hugs to you Roscoe!
...DH said 'A' might be pi$$ed for that error. Took her out of the attention.. and then I read her myspace mood was 'betrayed'.... LOL.. I actually laughed.

All my love -

LOL, I wondered about what she might think if she saw/heard it.:crazy:
Ok, sleuthers...riddle me this, please:

Both Terry and Darleen were struck repeatedly with a significant blunt object, and there was an extraordinary amount of blood, as a result. (For the sake of this question let's pretend it is a hammer or an axe.) Rosco says the blood probably splattered 6 feet or more. Here is the problem, CSI said there were NO blood trails, anywhere. The killer would have had to been very close to them to strike them with an object such as that, almost right on top of them, so it stands to reason they would be literally soaked in the victim's blood. How in the world does that not track or drip wherever they walked afterwards? They even had dogs comb the property, Rosco said. It just doesn't seem possible.

Now, there was reportedly a pickup truck that was seen driving away from the house that night fairly quickly, and I remember police asking Rosco if a certain truck looked familiar. But even if they got into the truck right away, the house and the barn are probably 50 yard apart. At least one person had to walk/run quite a distance, I'd think.
That tis a riddle.

The only thing I can think of is they had a change of clothes with them. Brought a backpack, stipped immediately after the murders, put the bloody clothes in the bag......where there no blood trails leading from Darlene outside to Terry? I am assuming not. That suggests to me there may have been two killers. Darlene and Terry were killed almost simultaneously by two different people who stripped where they stood and holding the bloody clothes went to a backpack each brought and set close by.......after they changed they stole the items that are missing. That of course brings up the issue of footprints. There were no footprints left behind in the blood? Could the killer(s) gotten access to the guns and other items that were taken without having to step in Darlene's blood?

The fact that there was no foreign DNA also suggests, unfortunately, that the killer(s) were in the house often enough that is was not unusual their DNA was left behind. There is always the possibility LE has DNA but they are holding that info back from everyone.
DK I am tooo soooo riddled on this info. :confused:

But - told no blood transfers... so either ONE murder struck dad/or/darleen and then CLEANED up the weapon.. and then went across the property - to the other person... struck that person...and then cleaned up both times. Recall - - Dad and Darleen were struck over a dozen times. SOO the murder had rage enough to strike both pps with that much force.. and not leave a blood trail.. or drops..or foot prints..:confused:

All I can try and understand is LE is NOT telling ...and there is very good reasons not to tell family - as case is still unsolved.


Just don't get it...

Then gaia227 - maybe murder came with change of clothes...?

Maybe.. but I was also thinking that this was end of OCT.. hunting season. Cold outside. Maybe murder was waring a full suit - like a camo suit that is over clothes..? With gloves - it was cold that time of year..
Can remove the 'cover-alls' and under is clean clothes. BUT... there had to have been something left from the hair or something... ?? While changing or removal of the 'cover-alls'.
And then to walk to the other building without leaving traces... ??? To kill again???? :confused::confused:

There has to have been more than one person.... and that means it's not a secret...


Ok, sleuthers...riddle me this, please:

Both Terry and Darleen were struck repeatedly with a significant blunt object, and there was an extraordinary amount of blood, as a result. (For the sake of this question let's pretend it is a hammer or an axe.) Rosco says the blood probably splattered 6 feet or more. Here is the problem, CSI said there were NO blood trails, anywhere. The killer would have had to been very close to them to strike them with an object such as that, almost right on top of them, so it stands to reason they would be literally soaked in the victim's blood. How in the world does that not track or drip wherever they walked afterwards? They even had dogs comb the property, Rosco said. It just doesn't seem possible.

Now, there was reportedly a pickup truck that was seen driving away from the house that night fairly quickly, and I remember police asking Rosco if a certain truck looked familiar. But even if they got into the truck right away, the house and the barn are probably 50 yard apart. At least one person had to walk/run quite a distance, I'd think.
DK I am tooo soooo riddled on this info. :confused:

But - told no blood transfers... so either ONE murder struck dad/or/darleen and then CLEANED up the weapon.. and then went across the property - to the other person... struck that person...and then cleaned up both times. Recall - - Dad and Darleen were struck over a dozen times. SOO the murder had rage enough to strike both pps with that much force.. and not leave a blood trail.. or drops..or foot prints..:confused:

All I can try and understand is LE is NOT telling ...and there is very good reasons not to tell family - as case is still unsolved.


Just don't get it...

Then gaia227 - maybe murder came with change of clothes...?

Maybe.. but I was also thinking that this was end of OCT.. hunting season. Cold outside. Maybe murder was waring a full suit - like a camo suit that is over clothes..? With gloves - it was cold that time of year..
Can remove the 'cover-alls' and under is clean clothes. BUT... there had to have been something left from the hair or something... ?? While changing or removal of the 'cover-alls'.
And then to walk to the other building without leaving traces... ??? To kill again???? :confused::confused:

There has to have been more than one person.... and that means it's not a secret...


Well, there was 10-12 hours between when they had to be killed (based on their routine) and when the 911 call was placed, so there was plenty of time to do stuff, I suppose. They coulda come back later and done the robbing, for example, changed clothes and everything at the scene, and so forth. I don't know, it's just amazes me. Especially if they were under the influence of anything, how could they be so precise?

I am guessing LE could be holding back info, which is understandable. They haven't told you the murder weapon, for example, but maybe the autopsy couldn't pinpoint it.
I'm left with thinking there are three possibilities. One, LE/CSI did a very poor job at the scene with regard to evidence recovery; two, the killer/s were extra good at crime scene clean up to the extent that they only cleaned up evidence of the killer/s and left the rest of the gore to be found :bang:; three, LE is holding back alot more than we are fathoming.

What doesn't set well with me with regard to my second possibility is that *something* is always left behind, no matter how meticulous someone thinks they are, there's always something of them left behind. Which leads me right into not accepting the idea that LE accepts the idea that the only traces or dna in the home are those of the people who were known to be in the home under normal circumstances and that they are content to leave that idea laying right there. As I've said before that's not even the attitude a quizative citizen would take let alone a cop's thinking. Regardless of their thinking it's their duty to acknowledge that the perpetrator might very well be one of the people to be in the home under normal circumstances. That just can't be written off so easily.

Also, the idea that perhaps there were two killers makes it all the more difficult to digest the idea that there was no evidence of them left behind. That multiplies the opportunity for evidence to be left behind unknowingly.

Needless to say my first possibility is just plain offensive to any of us!

I hope and pray the third possibility is the case.

Now, if there was only one killer (and one weapon) that person would have had to take evidence of the first act to the second. Perhaps this is where they came to their conclusion that Darleen was attacked first. If some of her blood was found at the scene with Terry and none of Terry's was at the scene where Darleen was that would make sense to me. If indeed this was how they arrived at determining which of them was attacked first.

Again, I just really hope and pray that LE is holding back alot. Otherwise I'm at a loss as to why they (LE) don't move on something in this case. I mean we sit here and reason out what little info we have and we try to put the pieces into place and we get to a fairly defined conclusion of sorts... without the info they surely must have that they do have! If they had one small tidbit that pointed in some other direction than the direction we all end up going in then that should have aided them to produce a result of sorts or at least further the investigation, which hasn't been the case.

I wish I could see and hear these LE folks to hopefully lead me away from thinking they are as incompetent as I'm feeling right now. :furious:

Ok, sleuthers...riddle me this, please:

Both Terry and Darleen were struck repeatedly with a significant blunt object, and there was an extraordinary amount of blood, as a result. (For the sake of this question let's pretend it is a hammer or an axe.) Rosco says the blood probably splattered 6 feet or more. Here is the problem, CSI said there were NO blood trails, anywhere. The killer would have had to been very close to them to strike them with an object such as that, almost right on top of them, so it stands to reason they would be literally soaked in the victim's blood. How in the world does that not track or drip wherever they walked afterwards? They even had dogs comb the property, Rosco said. It just doesn't seem possible.

Now, there was reportedly a pickup truck that was seen driving away from the house that night fairly quickly, and I remember police asking Rosco if a certain truck looked familiar. But even if they got into the truck right away, the house and the barn are probably 50 yard apart. At least one person had to walk/run quite a distance, I'd think.
I'm left with thinking there are three possibilities. One, LE/CSI did a very poor job at the scene with regard to evidence recovery; two, the killer/s were extra good at crime scene clean up to the extent that they only cleaned up evidence of the killer/s and left the rest of the gore to be found :bang:; three, LE is holding back alot more than we are fathoming.

What doesn't set well with me with regard to my second possibility is that *something* is always left behind, no matter how meticulous someone thinks they are, there's always something of them left behind. Which leads me right into not accepting the idea that LE accepts the idea that the only traces or dna in the home are those of the people who were known to be in the home under normal circumstances and that they are content to leave that idea laying right there. As I've said before that's not even the attitude a quizative citizen would take let alone a cop's thinking. Regardless of their thinking it's their duty to acknowledge that the perpetrator might very well be one of the people to be in the home under normal circumstances. That just can't be written off so easily.

Also, the idea that perhaps there were two killers makes it all the more difficult to digest the idea that there was no evidence of them left behind. That multiplies the opportunity for evidence to be left behind unknowingly.

Needless to say my first possibility is just plain offensive to any of us!

I hope and pray the third possibility is the case.

Now, if there was only one killer (and one weapon) that person would have had to take evidence of the first act to the second. Perhaps this is where they came to their conclusion that Darleen was attacked first. If some of her blood was found at the scene with Terry and none of Terry's was at the scene where Darleen was that would make sense to me. If indeed this was how they arrived at determining which of them was attacked first.

Again, I just really hope and pray that LE is holding back alot. Otherwise I'm at a loss as to why they (LE) don't move on something in this case. I mean we sit here and reason out what little info we have and we try to put the pieces into place and we get to a fairly defined conclusion of sorts... without the info they surely must have that they do have! If they had one small tidbit that pointed in some other direction than the direction we all end up going in then that should have aided them to produce a result of sorts or at least further the investigation, which hasn't been the case.

I wish I could see and hear these LE folks to hopefully lead me away from thinking they are as incompetent as I'm feeling right now. :furious:

If it was only the local police, there's that possibility, but the investigation also included the Indiana State Police and even the FBI, if I remember right. It'd be hard to imagine all 3 screwing up. And there IS forensic evidence, from what I've heard, so I don't know if that is the issue, the lack of a blood trail is what's perplexing. Where they walked to should have been evident.

ETA: The first thing LE did was close off the entire property, they didn't even look for more bodies at first, they instead secured the scene, which is good. As a result, they didn't find Terry until a few hours later. So I don't think they were careless.
If it was only the local police, there's that possibility, but the investigation also included the Indiana State Police and even the FBI, if I remember right. It'd be hard to imagine all 3 screwing up. And there IS forensic evidence, from what I've heard, so I don't know if that is the issue, the lack of a blood trail is what's perplexing. Where they walked to should have been evident.
ETA: The first thing LE did was close off the entire property, they didn't even look for more bodies at first, they instead secured the scene, which is good. As a result, they didn't find Terry until a few hours later. So I don't think they were careless.

(bolding, my doing)
Dark Knight, I agree with you that there had to be some evidence as to the path & movements. Now, on the second thing I bolded.. I'm not sure, I realize it's not a tiny property but I would have expected them to thoroughly check not only the entire house but all outbuildings, not only for possible other victims but the perpetrator/s, a little quicker than a few hours.

Now that you mention it I do recall that other LE agencies were involved but that makes me go back to the idea (that I don't want to think could be true) that the dirtbag/s that did this were so able to leave no noticeable trace of themselves.... and the fact that if it just indicates familiars then why didn't they zero in on that and not let up until there was satisfaction that familiars didn't commit the crime.... ugh (sorry.... I seem to be stuck on that.)
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