IN - Terry and Darleen Anderson Murder, Mungo, 22 Oct 2005 - #2

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HI Rosco! Has she skipped town? Considering there is not electricity then it is safe to assume she has not been staying there. So who would take her in and harbor a fugitive? What about her friend in Washington(?) who used to post on Topix defending her all the time?

Funny, how all she wanted to do was restore the house just like she knew her parents would want it and now it is sitting empty and unkept. Just one more line out of her than has been proven to be a bunch of BS.

How is the AMW coming?
Hi Rosco, never posted here before, but it took me over a week to read the whole thread over at Topix and another week here! So who owns your parents house now? A? That is truly sad to hear about it being run down. What a heartbreaker. Is that trailer or whatever it was, on the water, where she used to live with her ex BF still there? I wonder if she could have gone back there? I was hoping by the time I go to the end of these threads that there would be a conclusion and justice would be served. Still hoping..... Wishing you all the best, Rosco. O/T, how is the other Rosco doing? How are his little knees?
Hi Rosco, never posted here before, but it took me over a week to read the whole thread over at Topix and another week here! So who owns your parents house now? A? That is truly sad to hear about it being run down. What a heartbreaker. Is that trailer or whatever it was, on the water, where she used to live with her ex BF still there? I wonder if she could have gone back there? I was hoping by the time I go to the end of these threads that there would be a conclusion and justice would be served. Still hoping..... Wishing you all the best, Rosco. O/T, how is the other Rosco doing? How are his little knees?

HI BeavisMom62. FIRST - thank you for reading this thread regarding the murders of my Dad and stepmom. That's a whole bunch of reading!!!!:crazy:

Well - let me try and answer a few of your questions.

"A" owns house.. She was the daughter of both Dad and Darleen. Brother and I were not in Dad's life until we tracked him down in our late teens. "A" was about 3yr or 4yrs at the time. That being said - brother and I were adopted way back 'once upon a time' and Dad and Darleen did not have a legal will. Soooo by law DB and I do not have any legal connection to anything of Dad's or Darleen's UNLESS they stated it in a legal will... NO WILL.
- BUT... in Darleen's own handwriting (which I am certain to be for sure and not done under duress) was a will stating that all would be left to "A" if something should to happen to Dad and Darleen 'BUT' the note stated to SHARE with her BROTHER and SISTER.. and Darleen named us. Well.. those were Darleen's last words written in her hand.. BUT the wishes of Darleen and Dad's were NEVER respected..along with respect to anything connected to 'that life'.. :mad:

Alas... that and so many other issues were NEVER ever offered or given after their murders. The door could not have shut any tighter/faster after we left that Halloween night almost three years ago.

The bank will take the house... as nothing was/has been paid. There was only a home eq. on the house when they were murderd. Sooo not much of a bill in that respect. The cars, boat, truck - all paid for. BUT with a HUGE drug habit and no job..... money goes away..
OH yea.. and also BOND MONEY... needed that in Feb... LOL..

The lake house (cedar lake) was a rental. I doubt she is there. That's where her XBF and her were staying just before the murders. Also - that area is the same place where her XBF's friends hang out.. and live. Sooo i think she is staying clear of that area. Remember she is WANTED.... I think she is staying VERY low.

LE knows... she can't hide LOL....

It's more stress on her with hiding/running...LOL!!! :clap:

Thanks for asking about Rosco buddy. He's such a great dog. Legs healing.. I truly think it's a mix/breed issue.. like his knees just were not correct and needed to be stronger for his large body (LOL). I think (personally) he's Chow/BullMastiff.. and maybe the mix was not good for the ACL's.. He's good tho. Need to loose weight ( HAHA don't we all ) cuz he gained while he was healing... and 10-15lbs is HUGE on a dog.

If he was left for that "A" monster to take care of him.. he would have been left on that chain forever... and most likly died on that chain from no food/water/attention/cleaning.

She did it to her own flesh... :eek:

Still wondering what happend to Fritz. He was Grandma's dog and she had him last time I heard. Prbl gone... can't feed anything on a meth habit...

Thanks again.. I also notice the post on topix... :blowkiss::blowkiss:

One day... this will all come to a BIG HEAD... and answers will be there for the entire family (the ones that care) to know...


All my love-
Warm wishes and prayers for you and your family, Rosco:blowkiss:.
Just wanted to let you know that I discovered this case several months ago and have read the entire thread and the one on Topix. My heart really goes out to you and your family (with the exception of A). I am located in Kansas, but if there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask. I am really hoping Terry and Darleen get their justice this year!
:blowkiss: Luv u too Lion. Hope ur doing well.

:blowkiss: - Thanks Missy for your prayers the support.

:blowkiss: For everyone here at WS!! "LOVE U MAN"....:blushing::blushing:

All is well here. Just waiting for word from LE that she is captured... Last time 'A' logged-in with myspace was 17Aug.. Not the pattern that she always plays.. so either not near PC or in jail... Hummmmmmmm....

JUSTICE for Dad and Darleen in 2008! Praying every moment !

All my love-
Thanks for the reply, Rosco. Glad to hear about your Rosco buddy. Yep, extra weight isn't good for their ACL's. I had to have that surgery done on my border collie, it wasnt due to weight, as she was just a pup at the time, but I have to watch her weight now. So sad about Fritz. Weird, I remember when my aunt died, her relatively new husband, that no one liked, let MY grandmother's dog, whose name was Mitzi (sorta a close coincidence) loose outside. Mitzi was old and Grandma was dead by then. Poor Mitzi ran away and we think she died in the snow. No one ever saw her again. Isn't that weird. Some people are so mean. Glad you at least saved Rosco. Justice for Terry and Darleen in 2008!
Hi Roscoe, I had posted to you on the O/T thread on Caylee Anthony but wasn't sure you'd see it. Anyway, I wanted to put it here where you would:
Roscoe, I wanted to say that I've been on your site before, sometime last year and was really touched by it. I didn't know the story behind your handle.
I am so glad that Roscoe has YOU!!!! Bless your heart and may God give you the strength to continue forward with all the integrity that you've shown, you are a truly remarkable woman. I admire you very much. Hugs to Roscoe too! I hope his knees are well.

I truly, truly hope that there is some justice soon on your dad and stepmom's murder, I can't even imagine what you've been through, especially with the suspect(s) that are on the minds. It is very sad. Thinking of you and wishing you the best. :blowkiss:
bumping for terry and darleen. any news of A, Rosco? Tick, tock, tick, tock.....
well... "A" is still loggin into myspace.. so not in jail yet.. Just a matter of time. tick-tock.... Gotta read the mongo topix. There is a poster who says some pretty direct actions against miss 'A'... and her where-a-bouts and what she's been 'up too'...

All is well here. Preparing DS for kindergarden. Yippy.. now DH can make some $$$ for us while DS is in school! sucks being broke all the time... but better than paying day-care costs these days - YIKES!!!!

Took some time off the work-force too. Nice to be home. DS is like velcro to me tho. Can't leave the home without him glued to my hip! Tried to pawn him off to his buddy's house for a few hours so i can do some shopping - NOT.. He cried.. wanted to go with mommy. Awww.. poor little guy. I know he misses me cuz i am working all day.. soo we shopped and went to lunch together. DS would'nt blink an eye if DH was to drop him off at the buddy's house.. LOL.. (( makes me feel good tho <3 ))

Love and hugs to all.


JUSTICE for Terry and Darleen Anderson in 2008!!!
Thanks for the update Rosco.

Both our little guys are starting KG this year. Mine has two days this week and 3 days next week. Mon off for labor day, and friday is a teachers institute already. Hoping we can still get together in mid sept. Will email you in a few days. I'm looking forward to meeting you and the boys meeting each other. :blowkiss:
Hi Roscoe! I am always excited when I see that you have posted. In regards to the poster at Topix.....if A is in and out of the house all the time and hanging around town you would think it would not be real hard for LE to find her. Ho hum. It is just a matter of time but we are all SICK OF WAITING! I could go on and on about the diservice and blatant disrespect she has and is showing to her parents memories but we all know that, don't we?

How is it coming along at AMW?
Hey Cub - hope ur feeling better.:blowkiss: Def. meeting up at the zoo sometime this year. 4sure. Our boys will have a ball together. :crazy::woohoo::woohoo: (( mine was bouncing off the walls last-night with all the energy supplied - gets the house going and the dogs jumpin and barkin! LOL ))

Thanks for the update Rosco.

Both our little guys are starting KG this year. Mine has two days this week and 3 days next week. Mon off for labor day, and friday is a teachers institute already. Hoping we can still get together in mid sept. Will email you in a few days. I'm looking forward to meeting you and the boys meeting each other. :blowkiss:
Am feeling better thank you. Lets try for the Zoo sometime in October. Will be a beautiful time of year to visit. Leaves changing and not too hot!
Sorry gaia227... :blowkiss:i never replied to this post.:crazy:
Don't know where "A" is - she has still signed into her myspace as of yesterday... I noticed on the mongo topix someone who lives near dad's place and drives by all the time sees the activity and the 'who's-who' that goes in and out... Mentioned names and all..:eek:

Well the house is knee deep with lawn needing attention and no electric.. Next bank will take it away due to no payments (( I was informed ))
... SAD.... Dad and Darleen's whole life going up... :mad:

AMW is still in the works. When I visited LE in June for Iron Man I was told there would be another attempt via email to see if there is a hold-up. Was told shortly after that AMW is busy but is still going to do something for Dad and Darleen's case.. I just don't know when and how.. LE said I would be informed of any new progress. Once i know I will post on WS and all the other areas..

Thanks gaia227. Sorry for the delay with your questions... :crazy:

all my love-:blowkiss:

HI Rosco! Has she skipped town? Considering there is not electricity then it is safe to assume she has not been staying there. So who would take her in and harbor a fugitive? What about her friend in Washington(?) who used to post on Topix defending her all the time?

Funny, how all she wanted to do was restore the house just like she knew her parents would want it and now it is sitting empty and unkept. Just one more line out of her than has been proven to be a bunch of BS.

How is the AMW coming?

I just checked myspace - she was signed in at the same time as I was.. LOL.. SO still 'free as a bird' i see...
BUT how free can u be watching ur back for LE? :waitasec:

With no money, no job, no house, no p's and now 'WANTED'.. must not be the 'fairy tale life'.....

She has done NOTHING but disrespect their souls!!!!!!!!! :behindbar


Hi Roscoe! I am always excited when I see that you have posted. In regards to the poster at Topix.....if A is in and out of the house all the time and hanging around town you would think it would not be real hard for LE to find her. Ho hum. It is just a matter of time but we are all SICK OF WAITING! I could go on and on about the diservice and blatant disrespect she has and is showing to her parents memories but we all know that, don't we?

How is it coming along at AMW?
Hello Roscoe! Sending many wishes that something breaks in this case soon. I think about your case and then I think about my parents and I get really furious for you. If I were in your shoes I think that after all of this time I'd just be handing out whoppin's and I'm just glad that you keep your wits about yourself. It is incredibly sad that your dad and Darleen's home is just sitting there unkept with the lawn overgrown and that the bank will soon take it over, this is so not something they would have wanted. Of course, they never would have expected any of this. It is just so sad. Always admiring your strength and fortitude and ALWAYS sending a hug and belly rub for Roscoe.

Thanks so much for your thoughts, prayers and wishes. GOSH do I too wish to have this book END already!!! My sister is still 'free as a bird' - since she has signed into her myspace yesterday.

U know... I do get really pissed sometimes... :furious: and I want to just throw and kick someone/anything... cuz it hurts so bad. BUT... I have to keep a level head.. I HAVE TOO. I have a family that needs me to 'keep it together'.. cuz they count on me... and i count on myself too. :crazy:

I can't fall apart now... cuz there is soo much that needs to be cleared...and the TRUTH needs to be told. DAD and DARLEEN deserve JUSTICE..and as far as I can see...I intend to NOT stop until there is an answer and justice is served for Dad and Darleen.

I pray that something opens on this case.... SOON!

Thanks again!! :blowkiss:

Always - Rosco

Hello Roscoe! Sending many wishes that something breaks in this case soon. I think about your case and then I think about my parents and I get really furious for you. If I were in your shoes I think that after all of this time I'd just be handing out whoppin's and I'm just glad that you keep your wits about yourself. It is incredibly sad that your dad and Darleen's home is just sitting there unkept with the lawn overgrown and that the bank will soon take it over, this is so not something they would have wanted. Of course, they never would have expected any of this. It is just so sad. Always admiring your strength and fortitude and ALWAYS sending a hug and belly rub for Roscoe.

Thanks so much for your thoughts, prayers and wishes. GOSH do I too wish to have this book END already!!! My sister is still 'free as a bird' - since she has signed into her myspace yesterday.

U know... I do get really pissed sometimes... :furious: and I want to just throw and kick someone/anything... cuz it hurts so bad. BUT... I have to keep a level head.. I HAVE TOO. I have a family that needs me to 'keep it together'.. cuz they count on me... and i count on myself too. :crazy:

I can't fall apart now... cuz there is soo much that needs to be cleared...and the TRUTH needs to be told. DAD and DARLEEN deserve JUSTICE..and as far as I can see...I intend to NOT stop until there is an answer and justice is served for Dad and Darleen.

I pray that something opens on this case.... SOON!

Thanks again!! :blowkiss:

Always - Rosco

Hey Rosco...
Can't imagine the pressure you feel...But please know that sometimes "everyone" in this world can't "always hold it together."
Honey you are only a human like the rest of us. You can't always "keep it together" for everyone. You are allowed your days as well. You can't ALWAYS be the strong one, I have learned this the hard way.
If you need to throw/kick something do so...pick a good pillow, etc...punch with all your might, punch till u can't breathe...I am willing to bet you will feel just a teensy bit better...not great, not whole, not settled, but a bit better anyway....I bet your family WILL understand.
Yeah "A" may still be free, but it WON'T always be like that...her time IS coming, and even worse....Oh MY but I would NOT want to be in her shoes, and this is coming from someone who HAS been to jail....
I went last 28th (AUG) for a violation of probation (couldn't pay my fine) and JUST got out earlier tonight.....
I was only in jail 8 days and that was MORE than enough for me to know I had had enough...that 8 days seemed a lifetime...let just the right person get in jail and start facing time and watch and see if they won't roll on other people...
"A" won't stand a chance....maybe she'll be the one to roll...who knows, maybe not her, but people WILL start talking....Whether arrested or not, Rosco, I belive "someone" knows, and that "someone" will speak before long.
Justice for you, Terry, and Darleen Sept. 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just can't believe A is still out there! If she isn't working and is on the run, no insurance money, etc, how is she living? Not to mention doing drugs, if she still is? I can't imagine that she has friends that would be willing to pay her bills, food, drugs, clothes, internet and everything. How are you Rosco? Hanging in there, girl? Hugs and kisses and prayers coming your way.
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