Inconsistencies/Discrepancies & Timeline discussion

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*bolded by me*
Thank You---I caught that comment too, but thought I heard it wrong.----
Did anyone think RC was a bit emphatic about "being at work" :waitasec:

Yes, very emphatic, although in the 911 call and in just about every other interview that I have seen, he always brings up the fact that he was at work. LE has said that he was at work, but I would like to know his actual work hours that day, his dinner or break times, and also if he was supervised the entire work period, or was off working alone at times. It seems to me that he is bringing this up more than is necessary, just as Misty is bringing up the blanket(s) too often. Makes me kind of wonder.......
The 911 call was made at 3:27 a.m. So does this mean Ron and Misty called TN before they made the 911 call? If TN got to the trailer at 3:30 a.m. then she must have been there when they were talking with 911 but I have never heard anyone say that was so.

Technically Misty called 911. Ron could have used his phone to call TN, but going by just what she said, she said Ron called at 3:27 and she was there by 3:30. Maybe she had a hovercraft.
Technically Misty called 911. Ron could have used his phone to call TN, but going by just what she said, she said Ron called at 9:27 and she was there by 9:30. Maybe she had a hovercraft.

Gets my vote.
Technically Misty called 911. Ron could have used his phone to call TN, but going by just what she said, she said Ron called at 9:27 and she was there by 9:30. Maybe she had a hovercraft.

Some inconsistency might be introduced by people not having their watches and other clocks synchronized. I never know what the exact time is since my cell phone, my clock radio and my oven clock all tell a different story. But IIRC, Ron is looking for his f'ing phone well into the 911 call. I suppose he could have misplaced it after he called TN. (Then again he may not.) The LE has presumably checked the operator records and has better information.
NG talked to a former tenant of the trailer. He said *he* installed the lock on the back door because he had a small child or children. Maybe Ron *replaced* the lock but that isn't what Ron said. Ron said he installed the lock and to me that is not the same thing as changing the lock.
Yes, another quote from Ron on the first or second day was: when asked about what kind of lock was on the back door he said, "a little plastic one" I was amazed at that answer at the time and even more so now.
Another thing I noted this am while in the big apple...Ron said Haleigh "would have wanted us to get married"...Misty, Teresa, and Annette all said "Haleigh wanted them to get married", big difference.
I think Ron was forced into the marriage...not sure why or by whom...but IMO he is not one bit happy about being seems this is his first marriage.
Does Misty know something and he is willing to marry to keep her silent?? JMO
But then I wonder about a lot in this case.
I thought the same. He was asked if he believed that RJ had told his man in black story to Crystal and he said he doesn't know because he was at work. But what's that got to do with it? He wasn't asked if he saw the man in black, he's asked if RJ ever told it to him or if he thinks RJ could/would have told it to Crystal. "I don't know, I was at work" is just his stock answer to half of the questions he gets asked.

Bolded by me

Almost always followed by "I support my family". Something very scripted about that.
Technically Misty called 911. Ron could have used his phone to call TN, but going by just what she said, she said Ron called at 9:27 and she was there by 9:30. Maybe she had a hovercraft.

She sure does seem like a helicopter parent to her 24 year old son.
is even more strange than the original. Now she got up at 3:00 and sees the door open and so she then goes to the bedroom to get the phone to call Ron and then she sees Haleigh missing. So she what, just continues with the call to Ron? She doesn't even look around the trailer? She doesn't open the door back up since now there's a person missing? Why the hootin heck would seeing an open door compel you to call your boyfriend who is working miles away anyway?

Also, I thought she called him from outside or something. Didn't he see her in the doorway? So, was she in the bedroom or outside? Did she even look around the house? Supposedly they called 911 right away because Ron was mad because she hadn't already called. So, she's calling because the door was open but sees Haleigh gone and Ron walks in at that exact same time and they just call 911 because they concluded somebody stole Haleigh. It just makes no sense that no one even looked around the house and yard and called out and woke the neighbors and put every light on.

The one thing that isn't inconsistent is that "I was at work" which appears to be the all purpose answer to everything. It's also a defensive posture and a shifting of respsonsibility.

Ron doesn't seem to want to take responsibility and admit to things. One example is the fight with the guy about the gun or whatever which even his mother admits happened but which he denies. His answer about whether he has another child is also telling, "Possibly". I guess I find that rather reprehensible. Obviously he knows there's a possibility, probably a damn good one given the apparent age of the mother from the picture I saw, that he's the father of a young boy yet he makes no effort to find out if he actually is the father. It seems his blushing bride thinks he is the father but he doesn't care enough to find out and be part of his life or doesn't he want to have to support a child if it's a situation he doesn't control?

To me the biggest inconsistency is the inconsistency of Ron's actions with those one would expect from a father in this situation. Why would one marry the dumb bi&%^ teenage babysitter who he said let his daughter get stole and who can't tell a consistent story, who walks out of police questioning, who admits on natinal TV that she has told different stories and when asked why only responds, "I don't know".
To give him the benefit of a doubt, it would be understandable if he didn't want another child of his in the public eye if one of them is already missing and there might still be some danger to the other children. It might make sense if he believes this is some sort of revenge situation, not so much if it's a family abduction or abuse case.

"I was at work" catches the ear because he sometimes says it in inappropriate situations where it's not the answer to the question. Plus, there is always something suspicious about a fellow who goes around repeating "I have an alibi, I have an alibi".

The marriage for love thing seems inconsistent with their body language on the Today show. Just watching it without voice on, and not knowing the history, I would never have figured out that this was a newly wed couple who were so much in love that they couldn't wait to get married.
The first thing I do when I am missing my "dog" is call out her name go outside and call as loud as I can. They I call for help finding her...neighbors and family...

If I would do/have done that for a "dog" .hmmmmmmm
for I would call 911 as fast as I could!!! especially for a child I was responsible for.
I don't think age has anything to do with this reaction.

It just doesn't sound right the way MC says she reacted to the HC missing from the home.

You just reminded me again of a situation I have thought about a dozen times since this case began. A few years ago my next door neighbors teen-age baby sitter rang my doorbell with a panicked look on her face. I was alarmed (especially so since I knew the kids had been in the pool earlier) until she explained that one of my neighbors toy poodles was missing from the yard and they could not find her anywhere.

Long story short, my daughter and I joined the search, as did the neighbors and kids from the other side. Within a few minutes a sheriffs deputy happened to drive by, asked what was wrong, and she also helped by driving a little further down the neighborhood from where we were looking. We found the dog...asleep under the couch in the house...but that is not the point. Within just minutes....this teen age girl was RESPONSIBLE and CONCERNED enough to seek help from neighbors and get out there LOOKING! She did not just "look around and wait in the doorway for the parents to get home"...she got things moving to solve the problem.

So my idea of an inconsistency here is that what Misty did was NOT what a normal babysitter would do...let alone a wanna be mommy....she should have RUN to the neighbors to get them looking while she called 911 on her cell phone that she now claims she went immediately to get from the bedroom.
The inconsistencies bother me too. So I told my daughter about Misty inconsistencies in her story about the night Haleigh went missing. I asked does that make her a liar or could there be another reason for the inconsistecies. She is taking Phychology in college, she pulled out her book she just happen to be reading a chapter on memory, we research, there was some interesting information.
This is quote from her book on Forencis psychologist,
"Some police detectives will recreate the crime scene to help witness to remmeber what they saw.
They will return to the scene at the same time that the crime occurred.
They will have the witness wear the same clothes and go through the same motions as they did before the crime. With so many memory clues, witness somtimes remember key items of information they hadn't recall before." She will have to do everything the exact way that was done that night.
The witness is encourages to recall events in different orders and from different viewpoint. every new memory no matter how trival it may seem, can serve as a cue to trigger the retrieval of yet more memories.
I am trying to look at all possibilty.
You just reminded me again of a situation I have thought about a dozen times since this case began. A few years ago my next door neighbors teen-age baby sitter rang my doorbell with a panicked look on her face. I was alarmed (especially so since I knew the kids had been in the pool earlier) until she explained that one of my neighbors toy poodles was missing from the yard and they could not find her anywhere.

Long story short, my daughter and I joined the search, as did the neighbors and kids from the other side. Within a few minutes a sheriffs deputy happened to drive by, asked what was wrong, and she also helped by driving a little further down the neighborhood from where we were looking. We found the dog...asleep under the couch in the house...but that is not the point. Within just minutes....this teen age girl was RESPONSIBLE and CONCERNED enough to seek help from neighbors and get out there LOOKING! She did not just "look around and wait in the doorway for the parents to get home"...she got things moving to solve the problem.

So my idea of an inconsistency here is that what Misty did was NOT what a normal babysitter would do...let alone a wanna be mommy....she should have RUN to the neighbors to get them looking while she called 911 on her cell phone that she now claims she went immediately to get from the bedroom.

I do agree that what Misty should done, that babysitter was very responsible, I do believe since Player is very good friends and live right there I would called him right after 911 and asked for help.
I also think that the automatic call should went out ASAP. This is a missing child, every neigbor should been been awake and ready for search of their house and property . time is so crucial.
Their statements are keeping as short as possible, so it keeps the inconsistancies down. No tellin, but they may retain a lawyer soon....based on how little they are talking. They had a real chance to expand further on many things and they didnt want to do that. Like RC said, his personal life is none of anyones business.....true, but they could at least tell with more emotion & details about that day/night. I didnt mind that RC stated that about his personal life, thats not what I caught onto. He's saying very little about Haleigh and that night...why is he holding back?
Their statements are keeping as short as possible, so it keeps the inconsistancies down. No tellin, but they may retain a lawyer soon....based on how little they are talking. They had a real chance to expand further on many things and they didnt want to do that. Like RC said, his personal life is none of anyones business.....true, but they could at least tell with more emotion & details about that day/night. I didnt mind that RC stated that about his personal life, thats not what I caught onto. He's saying very little about Haleigh and that night...why is he holding back?

Yes! It felt more like: "It's none of your business, PERIOD."
Some inconsistency might be introduced by people not having their watches and other clocks synchronized. I never know what the exact time is since my cell phone, my clock radio and my oven clock all tell a different story. But IIRC, Ron is looking for his f'ing phone well into the 911 call. I suppose he could have misplaced it after he called TN. (Then again he may not.) The LE has presumably checked the operator records and has better information.

TN states she was called at 3:27. She then states she lives about 12-15 miles away. She follows that with the statement that she got there at 3:30. While I agree synchronization could be off, these are her words and They are inconsistent with what we know about the laws of basic physics. There is no way she could have driven 12-15 miles in 3 minutes. Yet this is the story she tells.
She won't EVER be their Mommy. Anyone else, especially in this situation where she was the last person with the missing child and the mother is there would be well cognizant of that fact and be careful of using the correct and accurate term "Stepmother" especially while the actual Mother is on the scene.

(snipped) First and foremost Misty falsely id's herself as Haleigh's "mother" when making crucial 911 report.

Thank You---I caught that comment too, but thought I heard it wrong.--Did anyone think RC was a bit emphatic about "being at work" :waitasec:

Yes, very emphatic, although in the 911 call and in just about every other interview that I have seen, he always brings up the fact that he was at work. LE has said that he was at work, but I would like to know his actual work hours that day, his dinner or break times, and also if he was supervised the entire work period, or was off working alone at times. It seems to me that he is bringing this up more than is necessary, just as Misty is bringing up the blanket(s) too often. Makes me kind of wonder.......

The one thing that isn't inconsistent is that "I was at work" which appears to be the all purpose answer to everything. It's also a defensive posture and a shifting of respsonsibility.

(snipped) Agree dad uses "I'm at work" the way Misty uses "I passed the poly"--anytime either is confronted w an inconsistency.

NG talked to a former tenant of the trailer. He said *he* installed the lock on the back door because he had a small child or children. Maybe Ron *replaced* the lock but that isn't what Ron said. Ron said he installed the lock and to me that is not the same thing as changing the lock.

I suggested before it's possible he may have just installed deadbolt (that could only be locked from inside) if it was cheaper than actually rekeying door, which raises more questions in my mind about keys--and reports disputing Misty being at the home that night. Those are by far the most damaging inconsistencies we no of, wish we knew more re tipsters.

Yes, another quote from Ron on the first or second day was: when asked about what kind of lock was on the back door he said, "a little plastic one" I was amazed at that answer at the time and even more so now.

(snipped) Small cheap plastic "lock" dad answers about probably just latch typical of screen doors--the one allegedly propped w cinderblock. JMO

LC says that she was going to wait to sign papers for Misty when she is 18, but Misty won't need her to do that then. She will be an adult.
LC therefore, did not approve of a marriage, and would not give her consent.
What changed her mind?
TN states she was called at 9:27. She then states she lives about 12-15 miles away. She follows that with the statement that she got there at 3:30. While I agree synchronization could be off, these are her words and They are inconsistent with what we know about the laws of basic physics. There is no way she could have driven 12-15 miles in 3 minutes. Yet this is the story she tells.

RC hangs up on 911 operator, and imo calls his mom.
911 attempts to call them back and RC answers the phone, about 30 to 45 seconds later. I believe he called his mom at this time.
RC hangs up on 911 a second time, and they try to reconnect, but stop trying when no one answers.
LE report states that LE arrived around 3:40 am
TN arrives after LE got there and had attempted to talk to RC with no results, and turns their attention to Misty. LE reports that TN arrives "at this time" while talking to Misty. No time other than that is stated
If TN arrived after LE, who got there at 3:40, and she was called after the first disconnect with 911, her arrival time is appropiate. She is inconsistent in her statement verses LE report however.
Crystal states that an incident occurred when Haleigh was 2 and there was a near drowning, however 911 was not called, and this is at the very least poor judgment on the part of both parents.
This incident very likely did not occur.
During the 911 call, Misty sounds quite upset, however when the 911 operator asks about the numerical, Misty tone of voice changes so drastically from frantic to completely normal, then back to frantic again. Completely inconsistent emotional response.

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