Inconsistencies/Discrepancies & Timeline discussion

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During the today show interview, Ron posture goes from slouched arms crossed to sitting completely straight and says, "He doesn't know, He was at work." This emotion is inconsistent with the question being asked as to what you noticed that made you alarmed that something was wrong.
Words are right, behavior wrong. imo he acts cocky that he has an airtight alibi. I find it quite concerning, but not inconsistent with manipulation that I noticed in the custody hearing.
He is quite confident that he has escaped scrutiny, yet at the same time appears imo to have caused it purposefully.
I don't know quite how to describe it, and hope it's understood. :)

I would like to know if the a/c guy noticed Haleigh there.
Everyone else is a family member and could be protecting Misty or Ron.
The neighbor who said he saw the kids playing outside may also be mistaken as to seeing Haleigh if there were other children there, ie niece and nephews. It depends on how observant he/she was.
I think the time line should be moved back from 7pm her getting off the school bus, otherwise the possiblilty of it being a preplanned disappearance grows. imo
During the today show interview, Ron posture goes from slouched arms crossed to sitting completely straight and says, "He doesn't know, He was at work." This emotion is inconsistent with the question being asked as to what you noticed that made you alarmed that something was wrong.
Words are right, behavior wrong. imo he acts cocky that he has an airtight alibi. I find it quite concerning, but not inconsistent with manipulation that I noticed in the custody hearing.
He is quite confident that he has escaped scrutiny, yet at the same time appears imo to have caused it purposefully.
I don't know quite how to describe it, and hope it's understood. :)

I would like to know if the a/c guy noticed Haleigh there.
Everyone else is a family member and could be protecting Misty or Ron.
The neighbor who said he saw the kids playing outside may also be mistaken as to seeing Haleigh if there were other children there, ie niece and nephews. It depends on how observant he/she was.
I think the time line should be moved back from 7pm her getting off the school bus, otherwise the possiblilty of it being a preplanned disappearance grows. imo
I find his frequent mention of being at work interesting also. It seems he feels a need to remind whoever is asking him any question that he was not at home and couldn't be involved in Haleigh's disappearance. As for inconsistencies, it seems unusual that the day after their 'wedding' they seemed so aloof toward each other while doing the "Today Show" interview ~ such as his arms crossed on his lap instead of holding her hand, or even acknowledging that she was having difficulty answering the question about her own inconsistencies, and stepping in to try to help her out. :waitasec: MOO
She sure does seem like a helicopter parent to her 24 year old son.

Her son is 25 years old and has been since October.
Misty turned 17 in December.
From October 29 to December 9th,
Ron was 25 and Misty was 16 years old.

ITA TN is a helicopter parent, and so is ggm.

My granddaughter is 16 years old, and I can't imagine her living with a 25 year old man with two children, one of them school age herself.
Her son is 25 years old and has been since October.
Misty turned 17 in December.
From October 29 to December 9th,
Ron was 25 and Misty was 16 years old.

ITA TN is a helicopter parent, and so is ggm.

My granddaughter is 16 years old, and I can't imagine her living with a 25 year old man with two children, one of them school age herself.
Just noted an inconsistency in MC's mother's behavior ~ she didn't mind MC living with RC even though it was definitely illegal at that time you mentioned (and I highlighted) but has now given her blessing for the marriage? Something doesn't make sense. MOO
LC says that she was going to wait to sign papers for Misty when she is 18, but Misty won't need her to do that then. She will be an adult.
LC therefore, did not approve of a marriage, and would not give her consent.
What changed her mind?

She said it was because the media had been "beating up on Ronald". I know, I know. I don't see the logic there either. And, other than Geraldo pushing him for answers about his drug use, I don't remember the media ever confronting him in an overly aggressive manner. But that seems to be another mantra used to answer just about any question posed.
During the 911 call, Misty sounds quite upset, however when the 911 operator asks about the numerical, Misty tone of voice changes so drastically from frantic to completely normal, then back to frantic again. Completely inconsistent emotional response.

GREAT catch !
Her son is 25 years old and has been since October.
Misty turned 17 in December.
From October 29 to December 9th,
Ron was 25 and Misty was 16 years old.

ITA TN is a helicopter parent, and so is ggm.

My granddaughter is 16 years old, and I can't imagine her living with a 25 year old man with two children, one of them school age herself.
Thanks for the age info, I had been looking for that. And worse than the fact that Ron was engaged in a criminal act according to the ages....but they were both sleeping in the same bed with his two small children!!
If I worked for Child Protective Services I would be very upset by such a living arrangement.
In the court records when the custodial decision was made Crystal was questioned very closely as to when the children would sleep and how many bedrooms there were if she was given the children....and then the children were given to Ron and sleeps in the bed with him and his girlfriend. IMO that is very wrong and should not have happened.
Their statements are keeping as short as possible, so it keeps the inconsistancies down. No tellin, but they may retain a lawyer soon....based on how little they are talking. They had a real chance to expand further on many things and they didnt want to do that. Like RC said, his personal life is none of anyones business.....true, but they could at least tell with more emotion & details about that day/night. I didnt mind that RC stated that about his personal life, thats not what I caught onto. He's saying very little about Haleigh and that night...why is he holding back?

I imagine that the Today show interview might have gone differently and managed to bring the focus back on Haleigh if they had spent less time grumbling that their personal life is nobody's business and more time talking about Haleigh. At the beginning of interview Vieira asked RC what he wanted to accomplish and this was the perfect opportunity to draw out a huge photo of Haleigh or appear in a Haleigh shirt and say that this is my beautiful daughter Haleigh who was abducted from her bed a month ago, and I would like to tell everybody watching this about her. She likes this and is afraid of this, she looks like that and she can be recognized by this and this and this. Please help find her. But nobody said those things. In the end of the interview when he was given the explicit chance to focus on finding Haleigh, talk to her and plead for information he kept it very curt and didn't even look at the camera much.

To me this behaviour was an inconsistency. He said he wants the focus back on Haleigh and not on his personal life but it seemed to me that he didn't use his chances to focus on her but instead focused on complaining about people being interested in his personal life. I can sympathize that it would be very irritating to have press tracking your steps and people saying bad things about you, whether or not he had something to hide, but the way this interview was handled seemed counterproductive to me.
Our Dear Pirate, Please can we discuss the blankets now? I think you said "don't get me started" lol Please, let get to the bottom of the blanket inconsistencies. Misty said once the blanket smelled of urine so she was washing it? Then she said something about a blanket in the van? A blanket on a window? Thanks in advance.
CROSLIN: We had a blanket hanging on the window. And I had to wash that. And her blanket was -- she had peed on her blanket the night before, I guess. And I took it and put it on there, but it smelled like pee. So I washed the blanket and gave her little sheets to cover up with. And she fell asleep. And I put a blanket on her and then I laid down. (END VIDEO CLIP)VELEZ-MITCHELL: Was -- was Haleigh a bed-wetter? GRIFFIS: No. She -- at my home, Haleigh hasn`t wet the bed in my home in at least two years. VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you hear Misty saying that the night before Haleigh disappeared, it would appear that she wet the bed, because she was going to put the blanket on and she smelled pee, as she said. And then she cleaned the blanket and put a sheet on the little girl instead and then later put a blanket on her. So what is your reaction? What -- what thoughts occur to you as you hear that story? GRIFFIS: That`s not like Haleigh. Haleigh has wet the bed previously when she was a couple of years younger. But when she spends time with me and her mother, her mother would tell me if she was wetting the bed. She hasn`t wet the bed at my house. So why would she wet the bed at their house? Maybe they`d give her too much to drink or maybe she was in a stressful situation and wouldn`t go to the bathroom before she went to sleep. VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, the thing that occurs to me is that, when a child wets a bed, you also change the sheets and even clean the mattress underneath. It would appear that the blanket itself on the top is -- is not what would be the wettest. GRIFFIS: Yes. The whole -- the whole bed and mattress would be wet. I mean, you`d want to flip the mattress over and wash the sheets also underneath it.

"I spent an hour and a half with him last night. He told me last night -- we were out in the middle of the cold in North Florida. Believe it or not, it does get cold in North Florida. We were out in the middle of North Florida, and he told me this. He said, "Pastor," he said, "I kissed my daughter, went to work, trying to make an honest living, trying to make an honest wage. I came home eight hours later, and she was gone."
Reporter: ...Tell me about the last time you saw her...

Ronald Cummings: I got her off the school bus. She ran to me--jumped in my arms. Drove the car home--got out-- gave me a hug and a kiss--loved on me-- told me she loved me and she'd see me when I got home....

This doesn't add up to 3 AM.
Thanks Emeralgem for posting this insconsistency--this post is to add Ron's comment

Who picked Haleigh up from the school bus?

GRACE: We know for a fact, Miss Neves, that she was at school the day that she went missing.

NEVES: Yes, ma`am, she was. I picked her up from the bus stop.

Ronald Cummings: I got her off the school bus. She ran to me--jumped in my arms. Drove the car home--got out-- gave me a hug and a kiss--loved on me-- told me she loved me and she'd see me when I got home....
This doesn't add up to 3 AM.

respectfully snipped

Yeah, if it had been "eight hours" that would mean he'd have left at about 7:00 PM to go to work. But wasn't it said early on that he had gone right after he picked Haleigh up from the bus stop?
respectfully snipped

Yeah, if it had been "eight hours" that would mean he'd have left at about 7:00 PM to go to work. But wasn't it said early on that he had gone right after he picked Haleigh up from the bus stop?

That's what it sounded like to me too, cjk2009:

Reporter: ...Tell me about the last time you saw her...

Ronald Cummings: I got her off the school bus. She ran to me--jumped in my arms. Drove the car home--got out-- gave me a hug and a kiss--loved on me-- told me she loved me and she'd see me when I got home....

Thanks Emeralgem for posting this insconsistency--this post is to add Ron's comment

Who picked Haleigh up from the school bus?

GRACE: We know for a fact, Miss Neves, that she was at school the day that she went missing.

NEVES: Yes, ma`am, she was. I picked her up from the bus stop.

Ronald Cummings: I got her off the school bus. She ran to me--jumped in my arms. Drove the car home--got out-- gave me a hug and a kiss--loved on me-- told me she loved me and she'd see me when I got home....

the only way this could be consistent is if Ron & TN were together in the car picking Haleigh up?
the only way this could be consistent is if Ron & TN were together in the car picking Haleigh up?

It's possible, but where would TN have gone from there? According to Ron's statement, he drove the car home and kissed Haleigh goodbye. There's never been any talk of TN being there earlier that day. Any ideas, kikid?
I would like to know if the a/c guy noticed Haleigh there.
Everyone else is a family member and could be protecting Misty or Ron.
The neighbor who said he saw the kids playing outside may also be mistaken as to seeing Haleigh if there were other children there, ie niece and nephews. It depends on how observant he/she was.
I think the time line should be moved back from 7pm her getting off the school bus, otherwise the possiblilty of it being a preplanned disappearance grows. imo

We don't know who the AC repairman is. It is possible he already knows Ron and Misty and could even be a friend of theirs. It is a small town.

As for the timeline, I agree it should be moved back to Haleigh getting off of the school bus. I'm assuming the bus driver has been interviewed by LE relative to the time she was dropped off and precisely who was at the stop to pick her up but we have heard nothing of this from the media to my knowledge.

I do believe GGM and TN's 7 pm sighting story is bogus FWIW. Even LE is not using it as the last time seen data.
During the today show interview, Ron posture goes from slouched arms crossed to sitting completely straight and says, "He doesn't know, He was at work."

That is Ron's stock answer for everything and IMO it carries little weight as LE is still saying they don't know what the crime is or *when* the crime was committed. LE is basically stating they don't at this time find Ron's "I was at work" a valid alibi but Ron keeps thrusting it out every time someone asks him a hard question.

He gave his alibi (I was at work) FIRST to 911 before informing them his daughter was missing and asking them to help.

Misty did the same thing (I was sleeping and I woke and got up...) rather than crying out for help first and foremost.

I called 911 once when my grandma fell down the stairs and I was hysterical...all I could say FIRST was please send the paramedics because my grandma is hurt. I didn't start by saying I wasn't near the stairs and didn't know what happened. When someone calls 911 and gives their alibi FIRST it is a red flag to LE. I've seen this stated on shows like Forensic Files.

911 kept me on the phone and tried to calm me down. I did not swear at them and tell them I didn't have to answer their questions nor did I hang up on them even though I was eager to get back to my grandma. I found the hang ups and swearing to 911 on Ron's part to be very hinky from the get go.

Also, Misty identifies herself TWICE as Haleigh's mother. Ron does not correct 911 when they identify Misty as his wife. 911 needs the correct information in order to help LE and those responses were misleading info for LE. They were also easily set straight to 911. Sure those two could have been upset but so upset that they didn't know who they were to Haleigh and each other? I'm not buying that.

As for his posture on the Today show. What caught my eye first was that not only was he not touching Misty (no arm around her shoulder or hand holding) but while she was sitting upright and close to him, Ron was leaning slightly *away* from Misty almost as though he was distancing himself from her. Every picture tells a story.
It's possible, but where would TN have gone from there? According to Ron's statement, he drove the car home and kissed Haleigh goodbye. There's never been any talk of TN being there earlier that day. Any ideas, kikid?

not a clue...

[pure conjecture] I guess it is possible he could have dropped her off at home on his way to work?? doubtful, I think one of them wasn't at the bus stop.
I imagine that the Today show interview might have gone differently and managed to bring the focus back on Haleigh if they had spent less time grumbling that their personal life is nobody's business and more time talking about Haleigh. At the beginning of interview Vieira asked RC what he wanted to accomplish and this was the perfect opportunity to draw out a huge photo of Haleigh or appear in a Haleigh shirt and say that this is my beautiful daughter Haleigh who was abducted from her bed a month ago, and I would like to tell everybody watching this about her. She likes this and is afraid of this, she looks like that and she can be recognized by this and this and this. Please help find her. But nobody said those things. In the end of the interview when he was given the explicit chance to focus on finding Haleigh, talk to her and plead for information he kept it very curt and didn't even look at the camera much.

To me this behaviour was an inconsistency. He said he wants the focus back on Haleigh and not on his personal life but it seemed to me that he didn't use his chances to focus on her but instead focused on complaining about people being interested in his personal life. I can sympathize that it would be very irritating to have press tracking your steps and people saying bad things about you, whether or not he had something to hide, but the way this interview was handled seemed counterproductive to me.

Has Ron ever called Haleigh by her name in the media yet? Early on he only referred to her as "my daughter" or "my little girl" and I never heard him call her Haleigh. I think this matters though I'm not sure why. I haven't been paying attention to every thing he says in the media (is there anything much recently other than the Today show?). So I don't know if he's called her by her given name yet.

Not only did he not have a picture to hold up on the Today show but he wasn't even wearing a button much less a T-shirt with her picture on it. Misty was wearing a T-shirt with Haleigh's picture but it was partially covered by her sweater or hoodie or whatever she had on. Certainly it is warm enough under hot studio lights that she could have removed that thing so the T-shirt could be fully seen. Also, I've noticed Ron recently removed his goofy hoop earrings and replaced them with more subtle stud earrings. I wonder if his mommy told him to do that...that it would look better?

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