Information to break fast and furious soon according to fox news

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Casey is not protecting anyone. The assumption that she is staying quiet to protect someone is based on the assumption that she thinks and views the world the same as the rest of us. She does not. call it what you will, Sociopath, Psychopath, pathological liar, narcasistic personality disorder. It amounts to the same thing. She is keeping quiet because she does not want to talk. Plain and simple. When she does open her mouth, it is pure lies. Because that is what she does. If challenged on her lies she simply clams up. She cannot grasp or deal with someone not believing her lies, anymore then the rest of us can grasp why she lies in the first place.

In her mind she is simply staying quiet until this all blows over. She does not plan far ahead, she is not concerned by things in the past. No guilt, no remorse, no empathy, no compassion.

That is who she is.
:clap:Absolutely correct, I keep saying the exact same thing but for some reason people want to find some other reason for her behaviour. The simple fact is she has personality disorder, sociopath, and Caylee was disposible to her. She has no guilt , no remorse, she will not talk because she thinks this will all pass over and she will get away with it.
I finally figured out how to easily know if something is going on on this case or not. If I click to get into Websleuths and it take me right in, I figure nothing is happening. If, on the other hand, I try to get in and it says that the SERVER BUSY I got turn on Fox.

LOL! Me too! :crazy:
You can't just put a child on an airplane with no identification Thsoe days are long gone. Manifests have to be maintained by airlines and they are easily checked. My grandchildren cannot fly without birth certificates. I don't think a flight to Puerto Rico i8s a possibility. 9/11 changeed a lot of travel methods. The airline would know if there was a child on board, and Caylee was too old to fly free - she would have had to have a ticket.
Is this true for flights to Puerto Rico? Because I have been flying with my daughter since she was 6 months old and nobody has ever asked me for a birth certificate. I adopted her (transracial adoption) and she looks nothing like me at all. Yet nobody has ever questioned me or asked for proof of her name or birth certificate. I buy the ticket in her name and nobody questions the name I provide for her. Also....up until 3 she sat on my lap on planes and I didn't need a ticket for her (she was the size of a 2 year old at 3) and once again - no questions. I don't know if Puerto Rico would be different.
I agree with you on the choice thing. The only thing is, a lot of victims don't understand their inclinations toward certain things, they haven't made the connection yet. They just know there is an emptiness that things like *advertiser censored*/being promiscuous momentarily fills. It's either participate in those acts or feel the emptiness. That's a hard choice for them to make. Doesn't make it right for them to choose "wrong" but it gives insight into maybe why they made the choices they made.

How very insightful, unsaid, and so very very true... I lived my entire life in that state. Mental illness feels much the same way.
Way too out there given the forensics that LE has. We only know a smidgen of what they've got because they are keeping everything close to the vest. Sorry to burst your bubble.

No apologies necessary, I want to be wrong, I want this little girl to be alive but I don't think she is anymore. I just think the Gma has more to do wit it than anyone else. She had access to Casey's computer, and her car. she also had control over what Casey spent, she said on national tv that she called and told Casey about the gas cans. hmmm?

I just don't know

Did you see how she tried to comfort the lady who was yelling at her in the street, she is used to being the one who Casey turns to if you remember she said in court that even when Casey lied she eventually told her the truth. She's the comforter the caregiver the controller, and everyone was leaving her.

Speculation searching for the truth behind the lies...

Again I want to be wrong about all of it.
You can't just put a child on an airplane with no identification Thsoe days are long gone. Manifests have to be maintained by airlines and they are easily checked. My grandchildren cannot fly without birth certificates. I don't think a flight to Puerto Rico i8s a possibility. 9/11 changeed a lot of travel methods. The airline would know if there was a child on board, and Caylee was too old to fly free - she would have had to have a ticket.
Respectfully snipped from Gaia713 above)

Actually my son [teen] flew from west coast to east coast for the summer by himself, on 2 1-way tix bought at 2 seperate times thru 2 diff ALs & no ID was required at any of the 3 airports. My youngest [just turned 5] has flown TONS of times as lap-sitter with both hubby & myself & never needed tix - she's small for her age & they just don't seem to question it at all in our experiences....! [over the past couple yrs these were a variety of ALs- US, Cont., United & Delta]
Is this true for flights to Puerto Rico? Because I have been flying with my daughter since she was 6 months old and nobody has ever asked me for a birth certificate. I adopted her (transracial adoption) and she looks nothing like me at all. Yet nobody has ever questioned me or asked for proof of her name or birth certificate. I buy the ticket in her name and nobody questions the name I provide for her. Also....up until 3 she sat on my lap on planes and I didn't need a ticket for her (she was the size of a 2 year old at 3) and once again - no questions. I don't know if Puerto Rico would be different.

Thank you!! Now I know I'm not crazy and didn't just pull a fast one on the airlines who have never asked for identification for my child post 9/11! Not that this is necessarily a good thing's just I know I'm not crazy! PR is not considered an international flight so I don't believe it would be any different.
Why would LE be searching the neighbors yard with dogs. Is there a link to this.
My something smells fishy went off when I read the the statement from the niehgbor with the shovel and his trip to Chicago. The part about his older son not at home and he was still out there and he didn't remember what week he got home. The entire statement was strange. He called LE why did he not know when he returned from a trip? Don't you get your facts together so when you call LE you can tell them what you known. Then you have Casey asking LA about 'windy city'.

hmmm. this may need some more "digging". does sound strange, and again, i think she did send that message to lee about chicago and the windy city for some reason...
Thing is, I can no longer hope for Caylee to be in PR somewhere. There is no way Casey would go through all she has without giving in and spilling the beans. She would want her life back to party and hang with her friends.

Casey sit in jail like this if she had any valid information of Caylee being out there? That's too crazy even for this crazy case, imo!
I too believe Cindy was the last one to see Caylee. She was about to lose George to divorce possibly because of another woman, (speculation) Casey was wanting to move out, and Caylee was the only one who needed her anymore. If she Mrs. CA were suicidal and took Caylee out first then backed out (Susan S.) and convinced Casey that she misplaced her (perhaps she had been using the chlorophorm in short doses on both of them (sp?)) If you remember I'm one of the few who believed from the get go that Caylee is still alive. I am going out on a limb to say that I think grandma took her out ann its true that Casey doesn't know where she is. As far as George saying he saw them on the 16th, if you remember everyone started out saying the 9th which would have been the 10th for George's recollection if he was following their time line, he would have changed it to the 16th to follow suit. PURE SPECULATION..... WAY OUT THERE! I Know, but think about it. in the interview she talks about Caylee and G'ma, and how it always happens this way, HELP ME!

Feel free to sling mud at me, I've been wrong before.

move if needed

LE must have checked Cindy & George's jobs to see when they arrived & left work around the time Caylee disappeared.

I just don't see the grandparents or any of Casey's friends doing ANYTHING to the baby & I certainly don't see Casey covering for ANYONE.

Casey spend the rest of her life in jail to protect someone else?? If her own baby doesn't trigger Casey's loyalty or concern.... nobody would.
Thing is, I can no longer hope for Caylee to be in PR somewhere. There is no way Casey would go through all she has without giving in and spilling the beans. She would want her life back to party and hang with her friends.

Casey sit in jail like this if she had any valid information of Caylee being out there? That's even too crazy for this crazy case, imo!

I hear you! I think Casey's just going to be quiet and hope a body is never recovered and no further evidence is found to charge her with murder. I'd hate for this case to go unsolved but it wouldn't be the first one.
:clap:Absolutely correct, I keep saying the exact same thing but for some reason people want to find some other reason for her behaviour. The simple fact is she has personality disorder, sociopath, and Caylee was disposible to her. She has no guilt , no remorse, she will not talk because she thinks this will all pass over and she will get away with it.

People do not understand the concept.. they want answers and reasons, something they can touch and see.
No apologies necessary, I want to be wrong, I want this little girl to be alive but I don't think she is anymore. I just think the Gma has more to do wit it than anyone else. She had access to Casey's computer, and her car. she also had control over what Casey spent, she said on national tv that she called and told Casey about the gas cans. hmmm?

I just don't know

Did you see how she tried to comfort the lady who was yelling at her in the street, she is used to being the one who Casey turns to if you remember she said in court that even when Casey lied she eventually told her the truth. She's the comforter the caregiver the controller, and everyone was leaving her.

Speculation searching for the truth behind the lies...

Again I want to be wrong about all of it.

I get what you are saying about Cindy.. at one point I thought she might be the perp as well. I still have not ruled it out completely.
I'ts just a theory and everyone is entitled to have one. I personally do not think George is involved in anyway and if he had been LE would have picked up on it during their long interviews with the family

Totally agree, nor do I think that Casey was abused in any way and certainly not sexual. If there was abuse it was in indulging her way too much. She is a classic sociopath, if George was involved in any way Casey would have given him up long ago. Casey only cares about Casey.

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