Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #79

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Originally Posted by trial watcher
new here!

do you guys know where I can find trial evidence info?

like the email where TA calls JA a sociopath?

During the Casey Anthony trial there was a place you could see all the interviews of the people questioned, phone records, etc.

Thought I saw it on here. Can anyone help?
I don't know if this has been answered yet, but here is a link to photos of many of the emails, text messages, etc.
I think if he had sex with her it was to con her into thinking everything was going to be ok. As I recall he had concerns there was an axe murderer deep inside.

It was she that needed sex to calm herself, not him

I agree.

And I think she may have said something like " one more time for a nice goodbye" and then I will be on my way to see my new Boyfriend.
I noticed that too. When answering JM she said that she put her foot on the shelf and reached with a hand to the top shelf and got the gun without ever touching anything with her other hand. When answering the jury she said that her other hand touched the edge of a shelf. I'm sure that the jury caught this too.

What is more interesting is the shelves are held up by pins which will not tolerate a hundred plus lbs of weight.
If Jodi put all her weight on any shelf which she would have done in order to reach the imaginary gun the pins would have broken and the shelf would collapse down.
If you have one of these types of shelves at home try putting your weight on one and see what happens.
I know they brake because my daughter is 75 lbs and she has climed on our shelves and broke them.
A shelf might hold a fair bit of weight if it is distributed evenly but not a sudden heavy downward force such as a person putting all their body weight on it suddenly.On her drivers licence it said she weighed 125 lbs.
Well it's like this she doesn't know when to shaddup! She has an answer for everything!
Every time she opens her mouth she hangs herself

So true. But bet she's back in her cell thinking of new ways to mind f... some more. Make up another story she forgot to mention in the past month on the stand.

She's done but is not getting it.

I tell ya if JM came at me like that I'd wilt and scream out Okkkkaaayyyy. I'm lying. I did IT!

She didn't shake. Didn't panic. Nada. A rock.

With more jury questions I'm thinking more suddenly new docs to be brought up by the defendant. :what: And hours and hours of the KN & JA show. :what::banghead:
So true. But bet she's back in her cell thinking of new ways to mind f... some more. Make up another story she forgot to mention in the past month on the stand.

She's done but is not getting it.

I tell ya if JM came at me like that I'd wilt and scream out Okkkkaaayyyy. I'm lying. I did IT!

She didn't shake. Didn't panic. Nada. A rock.

With more jury questions I'm thinking more suddenly new docs to be brought up by the defendant. :what: And hours and hours of the KN & JA show. :what::banghead:

Oh gosh totally, her "Jury" has 64 more questions for her! They must really like her...they want to know more about her harrowing experience. It's like she got the Golden Mic Award!

IMO, I believe that TA was completely finished with her. It doesn't make sense to me that he would finally be rid of her since, what was it?, March or April, and then jump back into the sack with her at that point.

I believe she forced him into the photos somehow. Did she want them as a memento?? Then freaked after the actual killing and decided to delete them?

Him consenting to have sex with her at that point is hard enough for me to believe, but I can't see him consenting to nude photos at that point...just doesn't make sense to me.

He's giving the backwards peace sign in that one, right? More like V for Vendetta! An Anglo-Saxon hand sign deriving from the Middle Ages, Winston Churchill and, later, Richard Nixon appropriated the index and middle-fingered gesture as a symbol for victory in their respective popular cultures. It may look like a backwards peace sign, but on the streets and sports arenas of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, expect neither peace nor victory as a response to this gesture. When traveling the world, avoid ordering two drinks with this sign for "shove it," instead opting again for a wave and a smile.

I didn't realize the timeline had been broken down to so little time for all this sex Jodi said they had wonder Juan was asking what they had for breakfast and all. lol. Poor Travis, the horror he must have endured--he truly was done with her. Anyone figured out yet if she stole from him if his accounts were coming out right? He made that comment about her scamming and all. Once he called her a sociopath, the gun gets stolen within a week from grandpa's gun collection, only the .25 caliber.

Does anyone know about his new floor cleaner left out, something his room-mates said was strange. It looked like he was trying it out and was interrupted. I get the sense that Travis completed tasks he set out to do, being very organized and neat. Especially getting ready for his trip and an important conference call.
I wish the jury would ask her details of everything she did between the hours of 2.00pm and 5:30pm.

If you think about it why would Travis want her to photograph him in the shower. What were they doing before he got in the shower? Why not photograph him getting in? Why not take pics of him in his undies?

Where was she? It would appear she left about 2:00pm angry at him and came back. He may have foolishly left the doors unlocked again. She had to wait till the roommates were gone and watched them leave.

She waited till he was naked and unable to defend himself.

This is a really good point that I hadn't thought about before your post.
She claims he wanted the pictures to show-off/check out his new leaner body but pictures taken under running water, through a closed shower door, in a poorly lit room are not going to turn out very well. Pictures in his underwear would have been far better. She's the "professional photographer." She should have known that.
I've read some interesting studies that frontal lobe damage has been seen in the anti-social personality-disordered people. I've suspected for a long time that the problem is associated with some kind of abnormality to the emotion centers of the brain.

I'm thinking when Jodi says she's hyper-literal, she recognizes, I believe, that she is lacking emotions other people are feeling and, therefore, lacks the authentic emotional language.

I was just reading a book called The New Normal which is about neurobiology and behavior. There is a short section on sociopaths and the lack of empathy. There are two parts of the brain necessary for empathy. One is the amygdala which is where recognition of other people's emotions takes place. If that is damaged, then people have trouble reading others. The other is in the prefrontal cortex which communicates with the amygdala (and other parts of the brain). Sociopaths usually have normal amygdalas but signalling between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex is impaired. They are fine at reading others but they can't mirror those emotions so they lack empathy.

The book really hit home for me. My first husband developed a neurodegenerative disorder. He became unable to read other people's expressions. He also lost his capacity for empathy. He was the kind of person who would stop the car and move a turtle out of the road. Then one day when the TV news reported on an accident where more than a dozen young adults were killed, he looked at me (I was very upset, thinking of their parents and how sad it was that their lives were cut short) and asked, "Why are you upset? We didn't know any of them." He was puzzled. He had learned empathy, had it until middle age and then he LOST it.
Absolutely agree!!

You butcher someone you're supposed to care about then you lie to cops the media and still you try to black mail yourself into a 2nd degree charge OR you'll make your victim, his family and his friends pay publicly takes a certain kind of inexplicable evil.

There are no words. Even after she realizes the jury may be onto her what does she do but step her slanderous BS causing the family sitting right in front of her more pain as she stares them down.

Because they wanted the death penalty they will pay. Diabolical. Not an iota of empathy accept for her own self. Crying over her own suicide letters when we all know as she does she would never kill herself. Never.

Or she wouldn't be here now for this trial per her excuse to the jury for her mark my words no conviction remark.

It's been said before but once again why is it these killers claim the suicide card other than for sympathy for themselves?

I got none for her. She has gone so far beyond in the bash the victim so I can get off plot that I can't help but hate her. She's got no redeeming human qualities. It's far too late for any intervention. Specially with her behavior in the day and days after her horrendous crime!

And this testimony at trial. She deserves a DP!! IMOO
She is commiting suicide every day she is on the stand she is getting closer to her wish.
The gurny of death awaits her.
Hey Websleuthers! I'ma newb here although I've lurked for years. I went through the CA trial with you all, and after that, I swore that I would never watch another trial again, but so much for that. You guys are so informative and funny (especially when Nurmi drones on and on and on and on lol) and I finally decided to jump in. I'm still learning so forgive me for awhile till I get the hang of it. I'm so glad you guys are here to share my little morbid hobby of true crime with. No one else around me gets it or cares about it, so I'm glad there is a place I can go to not feel so strange. lol! Can't wait to get to know you all, and I hope that I can bring something to such an amazing and interesting forum. And Juan Martinez is such a bad*ss. lol! I love that guy!
Yes and I cannot wait for forensics to prove! Prove
It couldn't of happened her way! I wanna see her face! During
Closing arguments oh !! Juantacious! Is gonna be So funtacious! As he edifies travis!
I wanna see which personality miss thang will show! Pollyanna or Sybil?:floorlaugh:
I could just see her foaming green at the mouth! Her neck eyes ! Bulging !
I hope someone's monitoring ol sparky on her leg! Cuz you don't know what she will do!

But than again

Getting anxious too!!

I think she's gonna be so red faced & PO'd it's gonna be how you say so Funtacious:floorlaugh:

Definitely in need of Depends!:what:

There will be Happy Happy Joy Joy singing and dancing in this house!:great:

Edit to add: Yes. Time to EDIFY Travis!!
What is more interesting is the shelves are held up by pins which will not tolerate a hundred plus lbs of weight.
If Jodi put all her weight on any shelf which she would have done in order to reach the imaginary gun the pins would have broken and the shelf would collapse down.
If you have one of these types of shelves at home try putting your weight on one and see what happens.
I know they brake because my daughter is 75 lbs and she has climed on our shelves and broke them.
A shelf might hold a fair bit of weight if it is distributed evenly but not a sudden heavy downward force such as a person putting all their body weight on it suddenly.On her drivers licence it said she weighed 125 lbs.

JM should do a demonstration with a replica of TA's closet shelving. Make her show the jury how she climbed on the shelf without it breaking. :rolleyes:
I totally agree with you. I'm not convinced that they had sex that day either. I think that those pictures may have been taken at an earlier date and that she uploaded them onto his camera at 1:30 pm. The bed has not been slept in. Also - TA's leg look hairless in those pics and they do not look hairless in the shower pictures.


I can not remember where I read it but I thought there were other pictures on the memory card of just Travis prior to that day. That he took himself or someone took of him with his new camera? Pictures of him biking or something? Does anyone else remember this?

And the time stamps would be pretty hard to manoever with pics that were taken on a different day, not to mention the hair colour on JA.

The shooting range guy is a prosecution witness. Nurmi objected to him being called to testify on grounds that he has watched too much media coverage of this case. The judge sided with the JM and told Nurmi that he'd be able to cross examine him.

I don't think Nurmi has anything to prove that Travis had a gun. There's NO doubt in my mind that the 25 auto used to kill Travis belonged to Jodi's grandparents.

It's about the totality.

In order;

1) On May 26th, a heated text exchange between Jodi and Travis. In these messages, Travis calls her all kinds of names and tells her that she is evil and the worst thing that ever happened to him. This is when the **** hit the fan.

2) May 28th, a 25 auto is stolen in an odd "burglary" 5 days before her murder trip. The "burglar" breaks in and finds the gun cabinet, takes the 25 but strangely leaves behind many dollars in quarters that were piled on top of this very cabinet. According to Jodi, this "burglar" stole 30 dollars from her. So if this "burglar was interested in petty cash, why leave behind all those quarters and half dollars? Moreover, valuable rifles and shotguns in their holsters are also left behind. We know this "burglar" had a napsack as evidenced by the missing DVD player and stereo system. So if this "burglar" existed, he would have had a way to carry the guns with him. So why leave them and instead take a worthless DVD player? We're talking 2008 here when DVD players were dirt cheap on average. Certainly a shotgun would command more on the black market than a DVD player. Further, this family was poor and didn't even have an HD television so we can be almost certain that the stolen DVD player was practically worthless, especially in comparison to a shotgun or rifle. Conclusion -- the burglary was staged.

This phantom burglar gives Jodi a convenient "alibi" for the missing 25 auto. This is why she did not just take it or borrow it. She knew that eventually she would have to dispose of it, and it would look even worse if detectives discovered that a 25 auto at her place of residence just vanished into thin air before the murder. Deadly weapons just don't sprout legs and walk away. Pinning the blame on a phantom burglar was necessary.

3) 25 auto is used to kill Travis. Not a very common type of gun.

Jodi disposes of said 25 auto "in the desert". This is another indication that she was the owner of the gun and not Travis. We know that Jodi tossed his camera in the washing machine to destroy the DNA and hardware circuitry. She was willing to leave behind his stuff as long as it was wiped of evidence. So it stands to reason that if this 25 really belonged to Travis, she would have tossed the gun in the washing machine too. Or at the very least, cleaned it off upstairs in the sink and left it there. But she took it with her and the most likely reason for that is because she feared that it could be traced back to her grandparents.

4) Jodi tells Flores that Travis did not have any weapons besides his fists in a recorded phone call. She had no reason to lie about this at the time. Telling her current "truth" would not have incriminated her nor would it have damaged his ego, err I mean reputation. She must have been telling the truth to Flores.

5) Jodi tells Flores in a taped interview that she didn't even know her grandparents had *guns* until the "burglary", directly contradicting what she would later say on the stand. On the stand, she says she only knew about the rifles before the burglary, but not the handgun. How is that a contradiction to what she told Flores? Simple. Jodi used the plural gun(s) not GUN. She denied knowledge of all guns! The most likely explanation for this lie is that Jodi did indeed steal the 25 from her grandparents and her guilty conscious compelled her to deny all knowledge to appear as innocent as can be.

Take it all together and it becomes PROOF that she brought the 25 auto with her.
What was the name of the phone that Gus Searcey gave Jodi? I saw a post here earlier about when she lost it, and I can't locate again...scowl

Helio. I don't know if that is a Carrier, or just a Model?


Hers could have looked very different! they have many models
Hey Websleuthers! I'ma newb here although I've lurked for years. I went through the CA trial with you all, and after that, I swore that I would never watch another trial again, but so much for that. You guys are so informative and funny (especially when Nurmi drones on and on and on and on lol) and I finally decided to jump in. I'm still learning so forgive me for awhile till I get the hang of it. I'm so glad you guys are here to share my little morbid hobby of true crime with. No one else around me gets it or cares about it, so I'm glad there is a place I can go to not feel so strange. lol! Can't wait to get to know you all, and I hope that I can bring something to such an amazing and interesting forum. And Juan Martinez is such a bad*ss. lol! I love that guy!

It's great here.

I can not remember where I read it but I thought there were other pictures on the memory card of just Travis prior to that day. That he took himself or someone took of him with his new camera? Pictures of him biking or something? Does anyone else remember this?

And the time stamps would be pretty hard to manoever with pics that were taken on a different day, not to mention the hair colour on JA.


There was a picture I saw them show her while on the stand, she almost looks like she is looking up? I have never seen that one before, it has the same lighting as the ones in the bedroom. I suspect there are a few we don't have?
I just read Flores's fascinating investigative report. After all this discussion about gas cans this struck me as funny. On June 25 Flores conducts a phone interview with Ryan Byrnes. According to Ryan, as reported by Flores: "At 2300 hours on Wednesday night, she finally called him and said she had gotten lost and driven in the wrong direction. She also said she had run out of gas."

Should have brought 4 gas cans...

It's been so long, I've forgotten his court testimony...
I disagree. There is an internal timer in that camera that cannot be manipulated. If the state says those pictures were taken 6/4, I believe them. That wasn't even contested by Nurmi.
What happens if the battery dies on the camera ? IMO, any sort of date/time mechanism would require a battery to operate. Any what if you took the camera on vacation halfway around the world ? Are you saying you couldn't change the date/time on the camera to the local date/time ?

Also, there is software available to manipulate time stamps on photos ...
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