Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #79

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Her sexual comments in text messages and phone calls all have a common theme -- sexual submission.

We have her talking about "spankings", screwing Travis like a "little school girl", requesting facials, and her admitting to ravishment (forced sex) fantasies on the stand. That fits the profile of a woman into BDSM.

Travis's sexual fantasies seem to come from mainstream *advertiser censored*, such as 69, anal, face sitting, etc. Only the tooties pop thingy is unusual. With his fixation on performing oral and his desire for face sitting, he strikes me as more of a submissive type himself -- one who topped to please Jodi and her kinks.
Not sure that he was sufficiently experienced sexually to really know what he was/wasn't but most of what we've heard and read leads me to believe that most of the "debasing" activities were lead by her proclivities rather than his.

Her entire defense is built around this tape and her journals. It's so painfully obvious. The jury has to have seen it too. Just take the condensed tape and everything that Travis said on it and look at her stories. Of course she's also been embellishing along the way but that tape is the base.

What really bothers me is that she must have had help with it. Not that she isn't totally qualified herself, but someone must have talked her into it. Someone must have said the Ninja story is not going to fly, what else do you have? A tape? Okay lets go over that. And I really despise people who help defendents make up a "story" for a defense. :furious:


Either her jailhouse pals or Nurmi .. when did he come on board? From what I can tell this story was invented in 2009 and developed through 2010 .. Sorry, but it's near impossible to find a timeline on this case for things that really matter, when was her phone handed in, when did she try and sneak letters to MM etc. She says she first talked to therapists in 2009 about sexual abuse, but that's only her word, JM says 2011, JA says 2010 .. I'm thinking the phone got to LE in 2010 from her aunt, and the case was developed around that piece of evidence. I am suspicious of the timing of the phone being handed in. Either it was innocent via her aunt and the case was built around it to suit, or it was manipulated by Jodi and she thought hmmm I can use that phone to help this case...

48 hours interview 2008, when was Inside Edition (or whatever it was) and the last time she spoke of Ninjas. I want to know when Nurmi came on board and when she changed her story.

ETA: OK the pedo story came in before Nurmi and was the catalyst for her other team withdrawing and he tried to withdraw himself.
Oh my, I never thought about the need for sunblock that Jodi bought at Walmart. Cancun, cough. I suppose she'll say she was making sure Travis would take sunblock on his trip...just like she was worried about keeping from him, ahem...from looking at she had to make sure she had plenty of sex with him, only she would do. And she had to keep close watch on those other Mormon girls in case they didn't follow the Jodi's "rules".
Personally, I think Travis could clean house better than Jodi. I wonder if "housekeeping" was something Jodi did for a lot of men for money?

She certainly DID NOT clean her grandparents home--not even her own room! I compared the pictures of her grandparents home (burglary evidence pics)
pics of Travis' home even after the murder

It's a WORLD of difference. She lived in a total dump--there's no kind way to put it. No care put into the grandparents home--none. She could have at least cleaned for her own grandparents for letting her stay there.:furious:
sometimes I think that I need to "think like her" but too "yucky" as she would say. But what made him do ANYTHING with her after that sociopath message. He had her # so what could have happened. Well, its Jodi of course so it had to be some kind of lie, some kind of blame for whatever happened put on someone else. Did she have some convincing sob story where she was a victim?

I keep thinking she had to do something to counter that text and his conclusion. Even though he told her in that message I still think he didn't really have any clue of how deeply disturbed she was. He may have felt more like she was desperate because of her love or obsession for him but I doubt he understood her evil went way beyond that.

I think he figured she was just a "normal" nut driven by her feelings for him which probably made him feel guilty because of the sexual nature . I'm sure Jodi manipulated his guilt well. I've wondered whether "suicide" factored into her manipulation. She seems keen on using that but it may have been post murder but I can see her using it to hang onto Travis too.

I've even wondered if she was threatening suicide as she showed her weapons. I doubt it but it occurred to me. She was doing something to manipulate him that day. I just don't know what.

Sometimes that thought crosses my mind also. Did she have a knife or gun to her head/neck at some point?
to burn everything on her way from Utah to CA? I could see her thinking it was safer to do it on that leg of the trip than when driving TO Utah from AZ. But, who knows with her...

She may have burned her clothes and shoes but I can't see how she burned the knife and gun??? Those are in water somewhere imo.
Exactly...The only reason she mentions the "video" is to give the impression that they actually had sex...And wouldn't you know it? There is no video in evidence!

Another reason to doubt that they ever had sex that day.

Whenever she's inserted an unsubstantiated "story" into her testimony, it has been a lie. Why on earth would she bother to mention a video of them having sex without being able to produce it?


Just to F with Flores, he had originally told her about finding camera but said it was too damaged. Then he reveals they have recovered the pics of them after sex, of the shower and of Travis bleeding on the floor. All of these taken the day of the murder when Jodi had said she was not in the state of Arizona.

He tells her how it's possible to recover the pics but video is much harder,
I think it's Jodi saying F u Flores, I had a video you didn't know about, evidence of that dy you'll never see because I got rid of it

Well, I can see a jealous Jodi "accidentally" dropping Travis' new camera. That Abe guy, who Travis supposedly hated (according to Jodi's world)--cuts Arias no slack and says Jodi purposely used guys to get Travis riled up. Jodi's crying on the stand, to Abe, was a sham to get out of trouble. She only cried for herself and for her panic, to distract people away from the truth.

I believe the camera was placed on the sink after Jodi accidently snapped the ceiling photo -- a left handed woman fidgeting with the new camera's unfamiliar camera controls. Then gets knocked down by Travis when he staggers to the sink and coughs up blood.

Remember that this camera made it all the way down the hallway, so if it was dropped by the shower or bathtub, it would either require two kicks or one very hard kick to get the camera to where the dragging picture was taken. The former is reaching IMO and the latter would have left some external physical damage on the camera. But if it fell off the sink, one light kick could send it down the hallway with no damage.
also again IIRC, while they did speak apparently a few days earlier, and she called him from Pasadena before heading that way... normally when you are heading to someone's house, esp. someone you are very close to, and esp. when it will be very late or wee hours of morning...don't you stay in contact with them on your progress? We always do, texting every couple of hours our progress, location. I always thought it was odd that IF he was expecting her that they didnt' stay in contact...I don't think he was...


But there was no contact....and not only that, she turned her phone OFF. Who does that?
What if Travis wanted to contact her to make sure everything was OK with her on that long trip? She didn't want any contact. Wonder why?
Travis did NOT know she was on her way.

In the one of Travis with his hands clenched at his chest, I see a man in anguish, head hung in shame, he'd lost to the natural man again. I see him trying to wash Jodi away. Then he saw her and knew that was it. She was going to kill him.

In the pic of him sitting down in the shower, his "junk" would be on the shower drain. I don't think a man or woman who would willingly put their privates right on the drain--would be yucky! No matter how clean... just saying...
I know that and then he ran out into the hallway. What I'm saying all that was futile as he was already mortally wounded from the start. He only had seconds but he did put up a fight.

I think he crawled from the shower to the sink. Pulled himself up briefly where she stabbed him in the back. He fell. He crawled on the tile toward his bedroom and made it to the carpet where his throat was slashed. She dragged him back. I don't think he was ever on his feet again after a brief time when he pulled himself up at the sink. He had too many wounds in him then
She never gets up. Every time she tells the story, she rolls and runs. See, that way there's no time for Travis to stop her from getting up.
Also he's standing... He just body slammed her she rolls gets up . he's right there right ?he's still standing right? and he let's her do all of that and still can't get her!!!!

That's where she loses me that never happened IMO
since she ends up putting it in the wash. Even if she meant to take it why would she manipulate pictures she loaded onto it. Especially if her actual plan was to say she was never there.

It is simply exhausting to try and imagine why this psychopath did things.

But I keep thinking about the new camera he bought for Cancun with another woman... which makes me think there was some method to her madness and I honestly don't even know if she left the camera there on purpose or made a mistake or thought about taking it. It's just impossible for me to get into her head..and, actually, that's a good thing.

I am so happy you're not going to bed yet! Yes...This is exactly what I think she might have done with those pics. They could have been older pics that she uploaded onto his camera!
She may have burned her clothes and shoes but I can't see how she burned the knife and gun??? Those are in water somewhere imo.

Never been to Hoover dam? Was that where she passed thru? Some dam mentioned. My question? Is there a visitor lookout point! Where you can park your car and get out and view? If so could the gun of been tossed in the water there?
Actually, he mentions the 69, face sitting, etc on the sex tape. I believe that he was genuinely interested in that sort of stuff.

Here is my latest picture of myself.


I have heard of house sitting, could you please explain face sitting to me?
I am so so curious to find out what she did for Travis to say he had never been so hurt by anyone in his life. I am surprised we don't know at this point in the trial.

I wonder if this is like his Home Run week. Why not show her the statement on his Cross.. he didn't?

Like he keeps some powerful stuff to wake that Jury up at the end? I like it, if thats the strategy! Means we might see much more

But there was no contact....and not only that, she turned her phone OFF. Who does that?
What if Travis wanted to contact her to make sure everything was OK with her on that long trip? She didn't want any contact. Wonder why?
Travis did NOT know she was on her way.


Travis may have known she was coming to see him, but Jodi didn't want anyone else to know, that's for certain.

But there was no contact....and not only that, she turned her phone OFF. Who does that?
What if Travis wanted to contact her to make sure everything was OK with her on that long trip? She didn't want any contact. Wonder why?
Travis did NOT know she was on her way.


Who does that? People that don't want their phone to ping on cell towers that would give away their location.
I think he crawled from the shower to the sink. Pulled himself up briefly where she stabbed him in the back. He fell. He crawled on the tile toward his bedroom and made it to the carpet where his throat was slashed. She dragged him back. I don't think he was ever on his feet again after a brief time when he pulled himself up at the sink. He had too many wounds in him then
Stabbing him in the back will show the jury that this was not done in self defense.
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