Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #79

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I think for sure she made her way into the house and was upstairs. These roommates seem to come and go but that week one was staying mostly at his girlfriends!

I think she got to Travis MUCH later than 4am. I think she was within hours of the house, I think when Travis told his roommate at 6am or 7am? that he only slept 45 minutes, Jodi was NOT there yet. I think she had called him and they fought. When I drive to Mesa from So Cal... Right near the California/Arizona border, you are about 1.5 hours from his house only.

I wish i knew the pings, where she called him from. I suspect he did NOT know she was coming and they fought on the phone a bit, maybe over the recorded sex call. I think that's why he said to the roommate he had not slept.

I do think she just showed up, went into his room and left his open camera bag outside his bedroom. She took the camera inside (at this point, no roommate is home) at maybe at 9am she went in. He was asleep.

Now I don't know what happened when he realized she was there, now that I know she has done that before and she has even hidden in closets and been there when he got home (and been sleeping on his bed or couch) this is HER personality, her behaviors. She can't help herself and now she has come to kill him.

I still think she had sunblock in a last ditch effort to see if the prince charming in him will emerge and things will be ok. If not she simply will kill him, this man will not go to Cancun with someone else.. Over her dead body
Very well put... I am with ya all the way!! I think the scene definitely has to fit her pattern of behavior and control, he never saw it coming...

I too would like to know about cell tower pings, also hope he does elaborate a little more on the premeditation on that day, am curious if there really was any coming or goings from anyone else on that day, really surprised jury hasn't asked more questions about any of that, such as car, roommates if they have I missed it.

Than again jurors asked very specific questions of her, which made me think they don't need the answers to the questions above. If I were her I be worried, that is if she can feel anything.
Theres no rock solid evidence they actually HAD sex, right? We didnt see the video, and there's two pics of TA alone on the bed, and then of JA also alone. IIRC, the pics of TA were kind of off to the side, and possibly could be construed as taken while asleep, or without his permission?

Right. Two of TA on the bed; possibly without his permission + three of her. One booty pic, one deer-in-the-headlights braided pic without her hands showing, and one of her seemingly lying down where we can see her botch-job Brazilian. Nothing to suggest the two engaging in anything together.

TA also texted her something about "why don't you get him to tie you to a tree..." I don't know where to find that text? Does anyone else? The way that was worded made it sound like the tying to a tree "fantasy" was JA's more than TA's.


It was Jodi's fantasy. I believe she introduced bondage sex play into their relationship because she is sexually submissive and it's her kink. Indeed we have her admission on the stand that she had ravishment fantasies involving Travis. A type of fantasy common among women who are into BDSM.
Thank you, Zuri! This video:

I have seen this, but so long ago. I will definitely reconnect with it.
Thank you MormonAttorney, Pensfan, CarolinaMoon and others who have opened up doors of understanding. I was raised with a 1st cousin/peer/friend who is a "Sociopath", so this is ALWAYS fascinating to me in being able to make mental leaps in understanding... not just concerning JA and others like her, but my own story and trying gain some pretty big healing aspects.

The follow up on how this girl turned out is quite interesting
I believe Jodi showed up and she wasn't going to take "No" for an answer. If Travis had called LE they would have done nothing except maybe told her to leave his home. She could have stood in the street in front of his home and reentered his home when LE left. Travis was caught between a rock and the demon beast!
Me too. Several have commented on the red line around Travis' neck in that photo at dif times so we're not alone. I wonder if she looped something around his neck while his back was turned and it ended up not working or he took it off and she continued to torture him saying God knows what (droning psycho big words) at him while holding gun on him to make him sit where she started the stabbing :(

These marks are also in his autopsy photos underneath the wound. Wonder what they are?
It needs to be pointed out that those two calls were preceded by three calls from Jodi trying to get in contact with him. And after those two calls, the rest were initiated by Jodi. That doesn't support her story imo.

IIRC, her testimony was he "guilted" her from the minute he found out about her trip. She made the decision to go "suddenly" in Pasadena, after the 8:16 call.
30 min after that she is filling up gas cans 8:46, and shuts off her cell phone
Revised with info about gas in Mesquite NV:

Well she filled up in Pasadena and filled up the gas cans. Her car had a 12-13 gallon capacity.

  • From Pasadena to Desert Center, it's 171 miles and takes 5 gallons of gas in a 2008 Ford Focus. On cross-exam, Jodi says she was running low on gas and filled up approx 12 gallons - that's not possible, but she could have topped off.
  • From Desert Center, CA to Buckeye, AZ, it's 170 miles and takes 5 gallons of gas. She said she filled up again in Buckeye and conceded on cross that she was running low on gas, so another 12 gallons of gas in Buckeye - this is not possible, and I do not believe she would have stopped at a gas station this close to Travis' home.
  • From Buckeye, AZ to Mesa, AZ is 56 miles and takes 1.7 gallons of gas.
  • If you assume Desert Center and Buckeye are fabrications because we don't have receipts and the appearance is Jodi is trying to be a ghost on her way to Travis' -- from Pasadena to Mesa is 386 miles and would take 11 gallons of gas. Jodi could make it to Mesa without stopping for gas, and have about 1 gallon to spare.
  • From Mesa to Hoover Dam is 293 miles and takes 8.6 gallons of gas.
  • From Hoover Dam to Mesquite, AZ it's 114.5 miles and takes 3.5 gallons of gas. In Mesquite, AZ she purchased $46.11 worth of gasoline --at least 10 gallons. There is no receipt for this gas purchase, and Jodi has not testified about getting gas here - we see this only on the bank statement that Juan entered yesterday.

  • So from Mesa to Mesquite, AZ, via Hoover Dam, Jodi would have used a little over 12 gallons at a minimum. That is a little more gas than she could have had left over in her tank plus 2, 5-gallon cans. Either she did stop between Mesa and Pasadena, or she had 3 gas cans. If she did stop for gas between Pasadena and Mesa, however, she would not have had to use the gas in the extra cans, so they would have remained full -- and she could not have filled them in SLC, which we know she did. Ergo, she had to have had 3 gas cans.
  • From Mesquite, AZ to West Jordan, UT, it's 331 miles, and takes 10 gallons of gas
  • From West Jordan to SLC, it's 13 miles and takes .5 gallons of gas.
  • In SLC she purchased 20.25 gallons of gas (not counting the possible purchase for the 3rd gas can). Presumably she filled up her car and the two cans, since this is way more gas than her car can hold.
  • From SLC to Winnemuca, NV, it's 354 miles and takes 10.4 gallons of gas. She said she was almost on empty when she filled up her car in Winnemuca. She purchased 12 gallons of gas.
  • From Winnemuca, NV to Sparks, NV it's 163 miles and takes 4.8 gallons of gas. In Sparks, she bought 5 gallons of gas. So she would have a full tank of gas and an extra 10 gallons in the trunk.
  • From Sparks, NV to Yreka, CA , it's 255 miles and takes 7.7 gallons of gas
  • From Yreka, CA to Redding, CA, it's 98 miles and takes 3 gallons of gas. In Redding she purchased 9.47 gallons of gas, presumably filling the tank.
  • At the end of her trip, she should have also still had 10 gallons of gas in the extra cans if she did not go anywhere else.


1. She could not have made it from Pasadena to Mesquite on a tank of gas and 2, 5-gallon cans.

2. She could make it to Mesquite, NV if she had three extra 5-gallon cans OR if she filled up in Buckeye.

3. If she got filled up in Buckeye, then she would not have needed to use the extra gas cans at any time before she filled up again in Mesquite. And after filling up in Mesquite, she had enough gas to get her to West Jordan and then to SLC, and she still would not have needed the extra cans. But in SLC she filled up the extra 5-gallon cans, so she had to have used them. That means she did not fill up in Buckeye.

4. Since she didn't fill up in Buckeye, she must have used the extra tanks -- but since she couldn't make it all the way to Mesquite with 2 extra cans, she had to have had 3 extra gas cans.

5. Unless she went somewhere else after Sparks, NV, she should have ended her trip with 2 full 5-gallon gas cans.

Tell me you are on the clock getting paid for your calculations!
Right. Two of TA on the bed; possibly without his permission + three of her. One booty pic, one deer-in-the-headlights braided pic without her hands showing, and one of her seemingly lying down where we can see her botch-job Brazilian. Nothing to suggest the two engaging in anything together.


Thanks, Pink. My thoughts exactly.
Theres no rock solid evidence they actually HAD sex, right? We didnt see the video, and there's two pics of TA alone on the bed, and then of JA also alone. IIRC, the pics of TA were kind of off to the side, and possibly could be construed as taken while asleep, or without his permission?

Yea, exactly. But aside from her manipulating the time stamp on those pictures, what else explains it? And why would he take those pics with her and NOT have sex, if he could get it, which of course, we KNOW that he could from HER. And if he was asleep, would he really sleep on top of his blankets completely naked? lol!
I have spent my evening lurking around the web and just saw something posted saying TA had been arrested in 2002 for battery. Has anyone else heard this rumor?
Thank you for posting this.

Along with the Priceline purchase, I wonder what the $28 charge is from the Sacramento airport. Could that be the price of an extra carry-on, or additional fee for exceeding weight limitations on a piece of luggage?

Luggage is charged by the airline, not the airport. Probably airport parking.
I transferred a picture I had taken a long time ago and put it on my SD card that's currently in my camera. The info/properties stay with the picture when it is moved and you can easily see the date the pic was originally taken.

But there is a built in component that allows you to "remove properties and personal information" and lets you choose which attributes to change. I just changed the date taken, modified etc to revert to today. Now when I view "properties" I see today's date even though I took it in April 2010.

I wonder if someone didn't look much deeper and look for more picture info whether they would just "accept" the date that shows up? Hmmmm

Course my camera is an Olympus E-PL1 which is not the same but all these mirrorless and DSLR's have basically the same capabilities.

This has made me curious-going to play around with it instead of going to bed...

I disagree. There is an internal timer in that camera that cannot be manipulated. If the state says those pictures were taken 6/4, I believe them. That wasn't even contested by Nurmi.
also again IIRC, while they did speak apparently a few days earlier, and she called him from Pasadena before heading that way... normally when you are heading to someone's house, esp. someone you are very close to, and esp. when it will be very late or wee hours of morning...don't you stay in contact with them on your progress? We always do, texting every couple of hours our progress, location. I always thought it was odd that IF he was expecting her that they didnt' stay in contact...I don't think he was...
It was Jodi's fantasy. I believe she introduced bondage sex play into their relationship because she is sexually submissive and it's her kink. Indeed we have her admission on the stand that she had ravishment fantasies involving Travis. A type of fantasy common among women who are into BDSM.

I agree with you. I know next to nothing about BDSM but even in the sex tape, when he's saying all that stuff that he'll do to her, he really doesn't sound all that convincing. It's like he's trying to sound like a bad, tough guy but he comes of sounding like a schoolboy? Like it's not really his thing but he's trying to say what he thinks she wants to hear.

In fact, if we really want to get down to the nitty gritty, then imo, the fact that there are not any photos of them engaged in any sex act, is all the evidence we need. No?
I have spent my evening lurking around the web and just saw something posted saying TA had been arrested in 2002 for battery. Has anyone else heard this rumor?

I am aware of the rumor, substantiating it will not be hard if true because Travis was not a minor so it would not be consealed
Right. Two of TA on the bed; possibly without his permission + three of her. One booty pic, one deer-in-the-headlights braided pic without her hands showing, and one of her seemingly lying down where we can see her botch-job Brazilian. Nothing to suggest the two engaging in anything together.


This is the first time I have looked closely at the pictures of Travis on the bed. One looks like he is sleeping with a bottle of KY next to him. The next one it looks like he woke up and threw the bottle. At first I thought he was holding up a "peace sign" but the KY bottle is moved and it looks like he just threw it. I think she planted that there for a photo and then he woke up and saw it. I really don't think they had sex that day.
That is exactly right. That is the ONE part of this case that bothers me, and we will probably never really know for sure because poor Travis is dead and Jodi is Jodi. I can't imagine from seeing her on the stand, that she was just so great that he could not have turned her down, especially since he had better things on the horizon. It's not like he hadn't already gotten what he wanted, so what did she have to offer that he hadn't already had that would make him get with her again after those texts? That, for me, is the real loose end in this case that hasn't really been addressed by either side, unless it was, and I was too slow to keep up. LOL which could

thats my thought! AND he was a funny guy, the women loved him. I understand the Mormon stuff the wards etc.. Turning 30. BUT, Jodi wasn't "all that", his roommates would never rat him out about bringing a woman home, they were not Mormon! (the roommates) and they rarely saw him.

He did not need Jodi to fill any fantasy, he had a lot of women to choose from.

I think she was a classic stalker, I think he did not feel like he was in physical danger from her. I am confident there was no violence between them.

I feel he was actually inexperienced with women, the frequent dating he did was more in line with what his church wanted and that was "innocent" stuff, hurry, go on a date, doesn't work out, next.. Nothing deep forming unless they connected. He was not sleeping with all of them they all deny ever sleeping with him.

And i know he was inexperienced. He was doing things to PLEASE her.. Give him a year, he'll knock that crap off in a hurry :)

I still lean to one last stalker event and when she came through his bedroom doors she really caught him off guard. But since he did not fathom she came with weapons, he took this as another "pushy" Jodi event where she pushes herself into his space, his life to make it up to him. Maybe telling him she brought the phone, its in her backpack, now that will be deleted and nobody will ever heard the sex recording (if they fought about that)

I am convinced she talked her way into the room, but he was totally taken by surprise. I'm think they could have had sex...i just want to know if he knew she was in the house at first.. then i move to step 2 lol
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