Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #81

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I have asked several times, but can't get a response that makes sense...why would Jodi take pictures of Travis in the shower without his knowledge? Nothing about this hypothesis makes sense to me. I can't understand why people think Jodi would have done this especially since neither side has suggested It. And no, I don't accept "that's just crazy Jodi" as a good answer!

Why it doesn't make sense:
1. Use of flash
2. He's looking right in the camera at the end
3. He's clearly posing in the pics of his back
4. She deleted the pictures (not blackmail)
5. She planned to kill the shower and this was a way to get him in there and not have him be suspicious about why she's in the bathroom with him

Please, someone enlighten me.

I agree. The idea of him not knowing makes zero sense. As to why otherwise sensible people continue to indulge this notion, I think the answer is it titillates them. There is something so diabolical about the thought of her sneaking in and stalking him with the camera, or holding him at gun point and demanding he pose. It is so intoxicating to think about that they are kind of willing it to be true for the titillation factor.

I think the reason so many folks are convinced that the photos were taken without Travis's knowledge or his consent is the same reason many refuse to believe that Travis let her come visit and had sex with her. It is a form of black and white thought- Travis (white) was too GOOD to want to have anything to do with the EVIL (black) Jodi, and therefore, he either had to have been caught unaware, or forced.
Instead, there are shades if grey (maybe even 50 of them lol). And the way I see it, they had a tumultuous relationship, and like times in the past, Travis was able to get past whatever he complained about in the May 26th text, and did go on to have and probably enjoy, sex with Jodi. I never thought of him as saintly, and I did think he used her for all she put out. They both had issues, his were typical run of the mill guy thinking with his penis type. Unfortunately, he had no idea just how out of the ordinary her issues were, and what that would cost him in the end.
I truly think this problem as seeing Travis as super-human perfect and saintly and Jodi as completely undesirable and disgusting to him and all men way, way oversimplifies the picture and is making many people try and come up with outlandish theories to explain the circumstances that seem rather straight forward to me.
Agree with all of the above. Adding to your list is the scenario that Travis might have had plans that night with one of his girlfriends. He thought Jodi was gone, he jumped in the shower, and in a couple of minutes the psycho killer appears from out of nowhere wielding a gun.

I thought it was kinda strange that nothing was mentioned about breakfast, lunch or dinner during the 15 hour siege. Jodi mentioned a banana, but that was all. I would have been starving by that time. Did Travis invite Jodi to stay for dinner or go out for a bite? Surely, she would have cancelled Ryan Burns for a chance to have dinner and spend another nite with Travis. I suppose we will never know what plans, if any, Travis had that night. Unless, that is, Juan has a surprise comiing.

Travis was expecting an important conference call at 7:00 PM that evening that's all I have heard about any plans.
Where dis she find this word! For h.s dropout she sure uses big words.

Her facility with words doesn't gibe with her being kept back in kindergarten, dropping out of school after the 11th grade to live with jobless, vampire loving Bobby, and her failure to get her GED until jailed. Moving to Mesa as the new girl, Jodi must have been asked repeatedly about herself by ward members. I can't imagine she admitted to being a hs drop-out, or realized what an impediment that would likely be to young men seeking wives for time and eternity. It would have seemed a huge red flag to me that something wasn't right with this girl.
Hi everyone!! I am new to this forum and just wanted to jump in here. :seeya:

I want to know what woman would drive the amount she did...through the dark, desolate desert? It was sooooooooo premeditated. A 25' just conveniently disappears from her grandparents...really!? She "loses" her car charger conveniently around the time her phone was off so it doesn't place her anywhere near the scene? Gas cans???? For saving $$$ on gas???? Hair Colour changes??? Really??? She is a psychopath with a history of stalking her ex boyfriends...or at least not letting go immediately. I can't take her smugness when she is answering JM's questions. Get her to the chamber more money needs to be wasted on this evil. :furious:

IMO the questions the jurors are asking show they believe she is full of...

And one more thing...if I hear "in that regard" one more time...:banghead:
There has been an ongoing speculation here on WS about whether Travis invited Jodi to his house on June 4th, or if she surprised him. And if she surprised him, why would he apparently agree to have sex with her and participate in a provacative photo shoot?

Here's my best guess: I think Travis was addicted to Jodi, to her sexual energy and the obsessive attention she gave him. And my evidence for this is that I've seen addicts first hand ... they engage in the addictive behavior even though they know it's destroying their life!

Based on the 5/26 text, we know Travis understood Jodi's "evilness." He saw her as a true sociopath. He had even told friends he feared for his life.

How could he sleep with her, then?

Same answer as anyone who has ever struggled with addictive tendencies ... we can't stay away from our addiction! If you're a recovering alcoholic, you know alcohol is bad for you, you know it's caused you to lose what you value most in your life ... it's harmed relationships ... and yet, if offered a drink, you might just be unable to refuse. That's what is called a RELAPSE.

I believe Travis was trying to move on, trying to recover from Jodi, but when she showed up, he relapsed.

Based on the fact that both of his parents were meth addicts, addiction was probably something in his genes. Some children of addicts can channel their addictive traits in other ways, and become very successful, as Travis obviously did. But there could have remained an inner chaos within him, from his childhood, that left him susceptible to very dangerous and addictive behaviors.

Jodi manipulated Travis' good nature. She probably knew just what to say to get him to trust her again, even momentarily. They had a very dysfunctional and chaotic relationship.

In the end, Travis lost his life because he continuously let Jodi back in. Sometimes even when we know where the path ends, we can't stop ourselves. It's sad. Jodi was Travis' kryptonite. He was powerless.

Sometimes when you are with somebody the relationship is toxic, which is what we have here with JA and TA. Upon being apart you miss the good times and you forget how horrible the bad times are. People like JA know what buttons to push to worm their way back into your life. For Travis, he was a kind person and he also enjoyed and probably missed the sex.

I doubt Travis invited her to Mesa from Yreka while she was going on her visiting friends trip. We have no idea what kind of bull**** she told him. We do know that she needed to make sure he was going to be home. I doubt he would have turned her away if she showed up on his doorstep because who would? Travis was known for helping out friends and JA knew she wouldn't get turned away. Once she got that foot in the door all she had to do was make a sexual innuendo or get naked or all of the above and he was reeled in again.

Someone earlier posted she can order from Perryville Commissary from Death Row. Here is commissary list FYI no Pop Rocks :jail:

My goodness! Some of those prices are CHEAP!!!! A 20oz diet coke for $0.85 ? They're like $1.40 here in our grocery!!!

Wow. No wonder certain ppl think it "pays" to go to prison...... :sigh:
I disagree because the first shots were taken without a flash and they are much darker. There is a shot before the full-on face shot where he looks surprised. She is a stalker and wanted souvenirs of her victim. I don't think he was posing and initially aware she was there. She even said he wouldn't have consented to shower pics being taken. I think he was relaxing thinking she had left. The crossed leg position was taken after she killed him and stuffed him back into the shower.

Agree, the lighting in the photos take are originating from the room and the light above the shower (ceiling). There is a back shot that appears as if the camera flash was used, but I couldn't see the time stamp on that pic at the Huffington post site. I would be interested in knowing if that back shot was just before the face shot where Travis is sitting/shrinking back into the shower. She either had the gun or knife on him and took him by surprise.
I just re-watched Daryl Brewer's testimony.. something is very odd about him and the manner in which he testifies... and the way JA stares him down during his testimony is incredibly creepy! When he is talking about their relationship before she kind of has a puppy dog look in her eyes with her eyebrows up trying to get some sympathy, then when he starts testifying about the gas cans and whatnot her stare looks evil and maniacal!
→This is something I copied from another person's post to WS.
These are all FROM Travis TO JA
April 2008 (I think - if not, its close)
(illegible) you have that
information. its 15 minutes it
would take to gt the info.
But you won't take 15
minutes. Why because it is
an Fing lie. So either text
me you that you are ready
to tell the truth or give me
your imaginary friend with
the worst BS story you have
ever told or leave me alone.
Its a lie like no other. It is
freaking foolish. There is no
way out of it, you have
screwed up your story so
bad you can't mend it. You
are caught. When will you
realize that. I do not know.
You have til tomorrow. to
have me this persons
information before I tell all
of the hughes' leslie udy,
the freemans, your parents
and anyone else that
matters about all the crazy
things you have done. So
either fess up or feel the
wrath. No matter how bad
the truth is I promise you
the punishment will be
better than the lie. This is
worse than your magical
email that a mysterious man
you've never seen before
wrote for you. You insult me
by thinking ill believe such
crap. nothing else from you
til the truth. I already know
your lying so why continue.
After tomorrow, its gonna
get real bad for you. Time to
spit it out.
These 3 are all part of one long text,
no replies from JA in between:
05/26/08 at 07:59:15am
I sent you a response to
your dire conversation, that
I hope youread because
you need to read it. Maybe
it will spark human emotion
in you, something that only
seems to exist when it
comes to your own
problems. But everyone
else is just a part of your
sick agenda. By the way,
your pic comment to Danny
Jones makes you look like a
pure *advertiser censored*, even more to
the people who know you.
You should be embarrassed
by it. If he knew what I knew
about you he'd spit in ur
face. Sow ould everyone
else. I have never never in
my life been hurt so bad by
someone. But why do I
even say it because you
don't care. It doesn't serve
your evilness.
05/26/08 at 08:35:02am
You couldn't get off your
lazy butt to to read it could
you. That's the sociopath (I)
know so well. it freakin
05/26/08 at 09:11:11am
I don't want your apology I
want you to understand
what I think of you. I want
you to understand how evil I
think you are. You are the
worst thing that ever
happened to me.

I love reading those texts - it's what everyone wants to say to her. Do we know what preceded these texts though? What caused him to be so angry at her?
I think the reason so many folks are convinced that the photos were taken without Travis's knowledge or his consent is the same reason many refuse to believe that Travis let her come visit and had sex with her. It is a form of black and white thought- Travis (white) was too GOOD to want to have anything to do with the EVIL (black) Jodi, and therefore, he either had to have been caught unaware, or forced.
Instead, there are shades if grey (maybe even 50 of them lol). And the way I see it, they had a tumultuous relationship, and like times in the past, Travis was able to get past whatever he complained about in the May 26th text, and did go on to have and probably enjoy, sex with Jodi. I never thought of him as saintly, and I did think he used her for all she put out. They both had issues, his were typical run of the mill guy thinking with his penis type. Unfortunately, he had no idea just how out of the ordinary her issues were, and what that would cost him in the end.
I truly think this problem as seeing Travis as super-human perfect and saintly and Jodi as completely undesirable and disgusting to him and all men way, way oversimplifies the picture and is making many people try and come up with outlandish theories to explain the circumstances that seem rather straight forward to me.

Agree completely. Just piggybacking on what you say above, there is also the sense that because he sent her angry texts he would NEVER let her in his home/bed. Which, of course, is payently absurd, as plenty of prople have sex with their exes. But here there is no allowing for the full range of human nuance and complexity.
→This is something I copied from another person's post to WS.
These are all FROM Travis TO JA
April 2008 (I think - if not, its close)
(illegible) you have that
information. its 15 minutes it
would take to gt the info.
But you won't take 15
minutes. Why because it is
an Fing lie. So either text
me you that you are ready
to tell the truth or give me
your imaginary friend with
the worst BS story you have
ever told or leave me alone.
Its a lie like no other. It is
freaking foolish. There is no
way out of it, you have
screwed up your story so
bad you can't mend it. You
are caught. When will you
realize that. I do not know.
You have til tomorrow. to
have me this persons
information before I tell all
of the hughes' leslie udy,
the freemans, your parents
and anyone else that
matters about all the crazy
things you have done. So
either fess up or feel the
wrath. No matter how bad
the truth is I promise you
the punishment will be
better than the lie. This is
worse than your magical
email that a mysterious man
you've never seen before
wrote for you. You insult me
by thinking ill believe such
crap. nothing else from you
til the truth. I already know
your lying so why continue.
After tomorrow, its gonna
get real bad for you. Time to
spit it out.
These 3 are all part of one long text,
no replies from JA in between:
05/26/08 at 07:59:15am
I sent you a response to
your dire conversation, that
I hope youread because
you need to read it. Maybe
it will spark human emotion
in you, something that only
seems to exist when it
comes to your own
problems. But everyone
else is just a part of your
sick agenda. By the way,
your pic comment to Danny
Jones makes you look like a
pure *advertiser censored*, even more to
the people who know you.
You should be embarrassed
by it. If he knew what I knew
about you he'd spit in ur
face. Sow ould everyone
else. I have never never in
my life been hurt so bad by
someone. But why do I
even say it because you
don't care. It doesn't serve
your evilness.
05/26/08 at 08:35:02am
You couldn't get off your
lazy butt to to read it could
you. That's the sociopath (I)
know so well. it freakin
05/26/08 at 09:11:11am
I don't want your apology I
want you to understand
what I think of you. I want
you to understand how evil I
think you are. You are the
worst thing that ever
happened to me.

I remember more in additional texts... where he refers to her depriving him of his privacy ... That was what lead me to think she got busted for extreme stalking behaviors. Anybody figure what he is so pissed about here?
This is an excellent point. Some family members are in AA and asked why they took a drink when they KNEW it was a tragic mistake that might lead to disaster, they could only answer "I don't know."

So Arishia, are you saying TA had a genetic component that made him addicted to Jodie. Cause any comparison to his attraction to Jodie and an alcoholics attraction to alcohol, IMOO, would be an insult to Alcoholics all over the world.:what:

Alcoholic in Recovery
IMO every guys fantasy is to have a sexually adventurous partner like Jodi. Just for a little while. Jodi would do anything.

He like many men are kinda flattered at first to have her unbridled lust. Problem is, it gets old's smothering, controlling, the lies the manipulation.

He thought he handled it. She was in California!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Could someone help to set me straight on something? I was thinking I had read in a previous post here that Travis had been making plans to go visit Jodi after her move to California, which seemed to indicate he was still interested in maintaining some sort of relationship with her. Do we know that was confirmed to be true?

On the other hand, I'm thinking that I remember that in the phone recording (I think?) she mentioned him coming to visit her, but Travis did not respond, i.e., did not voice agreement with her. I got the impression from this that his visiting her was all JA's idea and that he had no such plans. TIA for helping clear up my confusion. :)
some people have mentioned the trip with Mimi to Cancun as a motive because of the 1000 Places to See before you die.

Cancun is not one of those places.

Just a little FYI
[respectfully snipped]

05/26/08 at 08:35:02am
You couldn't get off your
lazy butt to to read it could
you. That's the sociopath (I)
know so well. it freakin
05/26/08 at 09:11:11am
I don't want your apology I
want you to understand
what I think of you. I want
you to understand how evil I
think you are. You are the
worst thing that ever
happened to me.

Are we sure JA didn't respond to any of those? I'm confused why TA would write 'I don't want your apology' if she didn't apologize?

Isabelle said:
Do we know if there was a mirror that allowed Jodi to see Travis' reflection while he was in the shower, so she knew when his back was turned?
No, the only thing opposite the shower was the closet.
I think some of it is trying to get the defendants to look meek and mousy but a LOT of it is they don't have access to make up and great haircare in prison. I really do think this is how they naturally look after being locked up for years. Are they even allowed to put on make up during trial? :waitasec:

That's an interesting thought. I thought her lawyers were doing that on purpose. It never occurred to me that she might just look that way naturally.:floorlaugh:

In Nancy's case, they said she used to get 5000 dollar haircuts. I never even knew such things were possible. But that was in Hong Kong.
I wonder if she has been reading the dictionary while in jail or if she has always used such unnecessary words to appear intelligent while coming across as pretentious.

LOL! Me too! It would be one of my questions if I was a juror. I'd also want to know how many books on Battered womens syndrome she'd read since the 'murder' and what form of birth control she and Travis used (if any) and if they ever practiced safe sex.
When she testified "I can't remember if it was before or after I ate the banana" I wasn't paying full attention and just assumed she was talking about a BJ. I thought "huh, I guess you could call it that"

It was quite awhile before I realized it was an actual banana.

Hahahaha! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I think the reason so many folks are convinced that the photos were taken without Travis's knowledge or his consent is the same reason many refuse to believe that Travis let her come visit and had sex with her. It is a form of black and white thought- Travis (white) was too GOOD to want to have anything to do with the EVIL (black) Jodi, and therefore, he either had to have been caught unaware, or forced.
Instead, there are shades if grey (maybe even 50 of them lol). And the way I see it, they had a tumultuous relationship, and like times in the past, Travis was able to get past whatever he complained about in the May 26th text, and did go on to have and probably enjoy, sex with Jodi. I never thought of him as saintly, and I did think he used her for all she put out. They both had issues, his were typical run of the mill guy thinking with his penis type. Unfortunately, he had no idea just how out of the ordinary her issues were, and what that would cost him in the end.
I truly think this problem as seeing Travis as super-human perfect and saintly and Jodi as completely undesirable and disgusting to him and all men way, way oversimplifies the picture and is making many people try and come up with outlandish theories to explain the circumstances that seem rather straight forward to me.

I agree.
Let me be lame and copy+paste my theory
I understand Travis a little. A lot of people ask "why did he keep seeing her!?" She was stalking him. She was crazy, etc, etc. But based on what we know he was mostly surrounded by "good mormon girls (JA words in their conversation/texts if I'm not mistaken" and Jodi was the only one he could (for the lack of better terms) fulfill his needs with. So now you have a young man who's been introduced to all kinds of hot sex by a pretty girl and she's the only one he can do these things with because he's practically living a double life now. He's supposed to be a virgin but he's not. He's enjoying the sex a lot while he shouldn't be having any.

I'm catholic and I've been surrounded by family members that are pretty strict about the rules of the church. I do think it can create a sort of guilt/shame and inner conflict when you're doing things you've been told your whole life you shouldn't be doing. And I do believe that Travis feeling this way gave Jodi a lot of power over him. He didn't like her much, but he loved the sex so he kept letting her in his life. He couldn't turn to another woman because well, he's not supposed to be having kinky sex! So Jodi kept sneaking and he kept allowing her back in. And ultimately that ended up going horrible for him.

I think she seduced him on june 4th. And I think Travis never really thought Jodi Arias was dangerous. She had no criminal record, no past behaviour of harming people. He wanted her for sex and other stuff on june 4th and paid no mind to his previous concerns regarding her.

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