Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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basically its when one person chokes the other - or in my friends case had a rope- during their "intimate time" right at the peak - it has to do w/ loss of oxygen to the brain is suppose to make you loopy and enjoy every thing more :what: - i don't get it personally

My friend said its amazing and you have to trust your partner completely...

I just sat there with my jaw hitting the table.

Call me a control freak, or consider me as having trust issues then...cause IMO...that's some crazy crap! No frigging way! I would have serious concerns about anyone wanting to toss a little choking into sex.

How does that conversation even go? "Hey honey...let me squeeze your throat until you almost lose consciousness will be fun! "
Holy host Michael Savage is calling judge Stephens a "psycho" and she should be disbarred ....
TOTALLY disrespectful.

Michael Savage? Neva' hoid o' 'da bum. Sounds like he's trying to live up to his surname.

i think ja's hopes are out the window after last thurs exchange with jm. when he showed the jury the bank statements and no gas can return just after ja told the jury she only has 2 cans. imo her whole defense is a shell game that blow up in the dt faces. nurmi was beside himself he was rubbing his head and objecting to no avail. :moo:

:floorlaugh: That line made me laugh!

"Auto Erotic Asphyxiation" sounds like a couple of kids making out in the car and are overcome by fumes from the exhaust. Talk about coming and going ... ;) I miss David Carradine in "Kung Fu". :(
Cold Sore commercials make me think of Jodi during this time. :giggle:
Call me a control freak, or consider me as having trust issues then...cause IMO...that's some crazy crap! No frigging way! I would have serious concerns about anyone wanting to toss a little choking into sex.

How does that conversation even go? "Hey honey...let me squeeze your throat until you almost lose consciousness will be fun! "

Yeah in all my whoredom years, I never got to desire to choke or be choked.
My friend said its amazing and you have to trust your partner completely...

I just sat there with my jaw hitting the table.

Call me a control freak, or consider me as having trust issues then...cause IMO...that's some crazy crap! No frigging way! I would have serious concerns about anyone wanting to toss a little choking into sex.

How does that conversation even go? "Hey honey...let me squeeze your throat until you almost lose consciousness will be fun! "

One of my BFs had told me about it. She had went out with some dude she hardly knew like a 1st or 2nd date and she said he was really rough. Then she told me about the choking. I made her promise she wouldnt go see him any more and she was fine with that. SO apparently she did not like it very much.
Isn't Tanisha a police officer in CA?

Something is not passing the mustard test for me. This happened back in 2002, tens years ago yet a search performed last week or even today renders the record as Travis' why in all these years has it not been corrected? Records can get expunged much easier and this is not even the same person so on a mix up on identity, I would think it would be simple to get Riverside to change the record.

you must not live here :great: this is basically how riverside police are out here - especially back then when crime was way worse than it is now - i once got a ticket, no seatbelt, and they forgot to turn it into court for 8 months then tried to swear a warrant out on me for not paying - i tried i took the ticket down, but they said it was not in the system - judge threw it out
Isn't Tanisha a police officer in CA?

Something is not passing the mustard test for me. This happened back in 2002, tens years ago yet a search performed last week or even today renders the record as Travis' why in all these years has it not been corrected? Records can get expunged much easier and this is not even the same person so on a mix up on identity, I would think it would be simple to get Riverside to change the record.

It's the other sister. Samantha. The 1 who usually sits screen left on the aisle front row.

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One of my BFs had told me about it. She had went out with some dude she hardly knew like a 1st or 2nd date and she said he was really rough. Then she told me about the choking. I made her promise she wouldnt go see him any more and she was fine with that. SO apparently she did not like it very much.


Not the reaction I would have had..... The guy would have required a team of doctors to find his testes...they'd have ended way up somewhere after I kicked him.

Chock me? Ha! Don't think so!
I thought Michael Hutchence died of an overdose. Sad either way.

I just checked .. coroner said suicide, Paula Yates said Auto-eroticism. I think I'll believe the coroner. Paula was to Michael as Jodi was to Travis IMO.
I apologize, in advance since this might be a little OT.

When I was in college it became quickly apparent that I had no aptitude for the social sciences - the "ologies" such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, etc. Maybe it was because I was a mathematics major and I like the soundness of the fact that 2+2=4 always and forever - no variation, no deviation. I'm pretty much a black and white person and until I got into my late 30s or so, there were very few any shades of gray with me. So reading about sociopaths/psychopaths always makes my head spin. But finally, watching JA in action (however one wishes to characterize her) has given me an insight that my old black and white mind could never have understood before. She is both creepy and frightening.

I watched the CA trial on the Internet (haven't had a TV since '97) and was fascinated by the workings of the trial but infuriated by the outcome. Since CA wisely chose not to take the stand, it was not possible to see her true personality emerge although the media was, as with JA, labeling her a sociopath/psychopath. Since I didn't have the "visuals" to help me understand As personality, I started reading true crime stories - trying to get a grasp on why killers do what they do. (I avoided text books because I probably would have fallen into a Jodi-like fog.) Just recently I read 4 books about Ted Bundy; I don't know what affected me so much about him, but I kept reading because all I could think was why, why, why and how, how, how does someone become this way.

Certainly the crimes that JA, CA and TB are horrific but I found myself equally horrified thinking that there must be some genetic or environmental impetus(or perhaps a combination of these) that leads to such behavior and maybe, just maybe, we, as a society, have some tools at hand to reduce/eliminate this behavior.. A "normal" mind just wouldn't go the way of these three. But it was Anagrammy's post, a very heartbreaking story, about her sociopathic son which prompted me to write this post and ask a question of those of you more familiar with the workings within the social sciences fields.

Is there, or has there been, any thought given to creating a unoversal database of characteristics of known sociopaths/psychopaths along with a collection of their DNA which could be tested, specifically genome sequencing? I would imagine the ACLU would have apoplexy over this idea but if we could get a genetic "handle" on this behavior and treat it with drugs and/or counseling, perhaps in the future we could reduce the chances of a Travis being butchered or a Caylee being smothered and buried or a sorority house in Florida having two of its members slain along with two being viciously attacked.

Anyone have a response?

Fear of misuse of such information, plus stigma, prevents science from moving forward with isolating genes and developing therapies to treat incipient mental illness.

I think it's ironic that I know by heart the four characteristics of a dangerous mole, thanks to public information dissemination but no acronym to help a parent recognize serious mental illness in a child. There is no mandatory reporting for violent children! I think this is a huge oversight, part of a mentality that says we can't solve it all, so let's not do anything.

Before he died, my son told me he wanted to kill strangers. "Why harm people who have done you no harm?" He answered, "So they will stop laughing at me." I took him to public health psychiatrist who would not talk to me at all --he said there was no money for that, they could only talk to the patient. Of course he didn't tell the doctor he was homicidal, so the result of that day's visit was the instruction for him to stop drinking and then come back and report if he still had any symptoms of anxiety.

Another time (one of many) I took him to the emergency room, on the way he said he would seriously injure the first tech who laid a hand on him. I wanted to tell the med tech and tried to take him aside and he said this to me, "There is nothing we need to talk about that we can't say in front of your son. Let's show some respect, shall we."

We do not have to have genome mapping to start taking the reports of parents and teachers that a child is DANGEROUS, that he loves causing pain and needs treatment.

Honestly, when he died I was relieved that my son did not take innocent people with him. Although the grieving was absolutely horrible, there was a fear that I had learned to live with, a tension that I never knew was there, it was lifted.

Not the reaction I would have had..... The guy would have required a team of doctors to find his testes...they'd have ended way up somewhere after I kicked him.

Chock me? Ha! Don't think so!

I kinda think it freaked her out and it seemed she was almost embarassed telling me about it. Maybe she was afraid to fight back or anything, but not going to see him again was no problem with her.
I did laugh at Manzana and the whoredom comment. I think a lot of us can attest to having some whoredom yrs in our pasts. I know mine really kinda make Jodi and Travis sex life seem a little boring. I know I know.
My apologies is this has been discussed...haven't had time to backtrack.

Tonight on Dr. Drew, Lisa Bloom stated that a plea deal can still be offered to JA! The odds of that happening are probably 1000 to 1, but is this really true at this late stage in the game? The best she would be offered is LWOP I suppose, but that would get her off death row. Waiting to hear from the legal eagles....
This is true. One time my ex-wife before she was my wife had a minor hissy-fit and curled up in a ball and began hyperventilating. I called 911. I didn't call back. During the call itself she got on the phone and told them she was fine (except the drama kind of backfired) and not to send anyone.

They dispatched anyway and I had two cops and a couple of EMTs drop by to run her vitals and determine that everything was indeed alright.

I may be wrong here, but I'm under the impression that once help is called for, especially if it has so much of a wiff of a domestic issue, someone is coming to your place regardless. As it should be.

Could you imagine the fallout should some woman be beaten, manages to call 911, after which her abuser beats her into calling back to cancel and they go right ahead and not bother to show up?

All it would have taken is for that to happen once for heads to roll and policy be changed.

P.S. What I learned in my 20s: Should your GF get involved in a tickle fight with her friends and fall head-first into an upright cast iron radiator and split her head and bleed all over the place and you, as a dutiful and scared s-less boyfriend drive her to the emergency room, be prepared to answer some questions. Lots and lots of questions. Even after they take her in the back of the ER before they even stitch her up and she tells them what happened and your total lack of involvement.

Again, as it should be.

Great post, but I have to ask ... Why did you marry her?
My toddler daughter was playing with the phone when I was in the shower. One of Buffalo's finest came to my home. My three very young sons tried to persuade the concerned officer that I was in the shower. He refused to leave without looking around. I walked out of the shower and found a strange, large man in my bedroom. Both he and I responded, "OH MY!" lol

I don't believe Bobby called 911 and canceled Jodi's emergency call. My experience was that officers don't accept "no, we don't need help" for an answer even when they arrive at the 911 residence.

That probably is the norm. Unfortunately, there have been exceptions that resulted in murder, such as this Pittsburgh slaying less than 3 months ago.

Even more chilling, to me, was when a teenage victim of Jeffrey Dahmer escaped, naked, and flagged down an officer. Dahmer convinced the officer the kid was just drunk and they were having a 'lover's quarrel.' The officer drove the boy back to Dahmer's house! "The police conclusion: "Intoxicated Asian, naked male. Was returned to his sober boyfriend." Like the dozen before him and four after, the young man was eventually strangled and dismembered.,28804,1937349_1937350_1937484,00.html
I kinda think it freaked her out and it seemed she was almost embarassed telling me about it. Maybe she was afraid to fight back or anything, but not going to see him again was no problem with her.
I did laugh at Manzana and the whoredom comment. I think a lot of us can attest to having some whoredom yrs in our pasts. I know mine really kinda make Jodi and Travis sex life seem a little boring. I know I know.

Yeah...I had my years too! Enjoyed them and always thought I was a tad wild and adventurous. Then I started following this case....apparently, compared to jodi..I am BORING and somewhat of a prude!
I kinda think it freaked her out and it seemed she was almost embarassed telling me about it. Maybe she was afraid to fight back or anything, but not going to see him again was no problem with her.
I did laugh at Manzana and the whoredom comment. I think a lot of us can attest to having some whoredom yrs in our pasts. I know mine really kinda make Jodi and Travis sex life seem a little boring. I know I know.

Poor girl musta been scared to death! I can't honestly even imagine.

( I talk like I'm brave...really I'm a sissy that froze when I had a gun pointed at me) I just talk BIG.
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