Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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Not really because they would have given her a piece of paper. She says they gave her nothing. I don't see how it could happen how she says except for the getting cash part. But if Walmart doesn't have a record of it, it didn't happen at all.

Agreed, they would have given her a piece of paper with the cash, so that is a lie, I missed that statement, thanks.

I feel better now, one way or another, she lied again. I wonder in all the testimony what percent is actually true?:waitasec::waitasec:
LOL I am with you....have a roast and veggies cooked....should last a couple days...cancelled all appointments until Friday......ummmmmmmm Think I will bake a cake later for emergency energy. Can't wait till the:worms: really exposed by JM

Lol yes ! Easy foods! Cake for that sugar high!
Bring on the stress! Got my Ativan! Bottle open!
it Wednesday yet!
That 'group' is clinging to their story and now they are accusing the Riverside PD of LYING to cover up their incompetency. And they want Project Innocence to come on board for poor Jodi. [ that'll ever happen...]

are you serious?? i visited that place once and refuse to again
That 'group' is clinging to their story and now they are accusing the Riverside PD of LYING to cover up their incompetency. And they want Project Innocence to come on board for poor Jodi. [ that'll ever happen...]

:lol: How ridiculous.

Oh wait, that's right, it is just a big conspiracy! :rolleyes:
Are there any journal notes or text msgs entered in evidence indicating she told Travis she wanted to kill herself? I'd like to hear the DV expert explain that as HE's controlling her, not HER controlling him.

FWIW, I heard a friend of TA's being interviewed last week. She said that when TA would try to end it with JA, she would threaten suicide. It sounded like it happened more than once.
Oh great not back tomorrow until 1 p.m. AZ time :banghead: that's 4 p.m. my time. I agreed to go into work at 4 for a few hours :furious: I thought they would be back at their usual a.m. time. Oh well it will be on youtube.

The above noted motions actually made me laugh out loud followed by some eye rolling.


:what::what: please tell me none of these motions were granted!! Surely all had to be denied!
Be careful what you ask for. Yes, male model/actor/singer/TV personality Marcus Schenkenberg famously did a Calvin Klein shoot in the shower.


Damn.....fanning myself....
Agreed, they would have given her a piece of paper with the cash, so that is a lie, I missed that statement, thanks.

I feel better now, one way or another, she lied again. I wonder in all the testimony what percent is actually true?:waitasec::waitasec:

If I was a juror, I'd vote for throwing out 100% of it.
AWWWWW! Just when I was beginning to admire you for your thought provoking posts!

Yes , Burr is funny, but the guy has some real anger issues with women. Wonder what mommy did to him. Maybe he finds it easy to get his comedy material, because he is a jerk, and women have figured that out!!

We don't all belong on Pedestals, but we also don't All belong to "Sociopaths Anonymous" I am not even sure Jodie is a sociopath. She has never had any prior history of this type of behavior---This was like a One Time Deal--Obsession might be a better word for a Mental break of some kind. NOT that she is excused for her actions.Never!

Actually, she did have a prior history. She skipped work to snoop in Bobby Juarez' email. She drove many miles to confront the girl Matt was cheating with. The only person she doesn't seem to have snooped/spied on was Darryl, and that IMO is only because we haven't heard about it (yet).

I view her past history as a cumulation of things that came to a head with Travis. Bobby cheats on her, grrr. Matt cheats on her, confront the girlfriend in person. Darryl won't marry her, fury. Finally, Travis, her best bet yet for the nice house & car. When he rejected her, it all came spewing out.

ETA: Don't like to think about what would've happened to Ryan.
Steely O'Emu



Apropos of nothing....
one of your most LOL-worthy emus yet, Dan the Man o' the mornin' (er, evenin') to ya!

Lol yes ! Easy foods! Cake for that sugar high!
Bring on the stress! Got my Ativan! Bottle open!
it Wednesday yet!

immating Jodi Aris........UMMMMMMMMM I'll need some of that ativan Katie
That 'group' is clinging to their story and now they are accusing the Riverside PD of LYING to cover up their incompetency. And they want Project Innocence to come on board for poor Jodi. [ that'll ever happen...]

I can not believe this group continues to want to slander an innocent man! And support the thing that slaughtered him! What in the world is wrong with these people??? :furious:
Beth Karas InSession
The Riverside County Sheriff's Department confirmed today, via fingerprints, that Travis Alexander does not have a criminal record. The person arrested was Dennis Alexander. He used Travis's name. #JodiArias

Finally....Beth had me worried....she sounded a bit skeptical earlier today.
but it would still show up in their register as a return to merchandise and Juan said there were no gas cans returned on that day (whether she had the paper or not)

And... I'm pretty sure he wouldn't say it, if he didn't know it was true!
I'd like to debunk a Walmart receipt myth.

snipped from

7. What's Walmart's No Receipt Returns Policy?
Walmart's No Receipt policy applies to items returned in a store only. When you return an item without a receipt, you have the option of receiving a cash refund (for purchases under $25), a Gift Card for the amount of the purchase (for purchases over $25) or making an even exchange for the product. We also follow any manufacturer's warranties.

You can make up to three No Receipt returns within a 45 day period.

I do this respectfully to inform those who believe she had to get a gift card if not producing the receipt. I just heard it on JVM again from a caller.

Do I believe she returned it, uh no. But if she did, it could happen like she said.

BBM and changed color to red

*Meaning you have to show ID in order to return without a receipt.

Also Wal-Mart would have to have an internal record of the gas can returned or their inventory would be so messed up.
According to Juan Martinez, Wal-Mart in Salinas has NO record of a gas can being returned on the date that the defendant claims she returned it.
These ads were done in the early 1990's for Calvin Klein so I sincerely doubt that they were an inspiration for the shower pictures of TA. JA would only have been maybe 11 or 12 years old when they came out.

JA might have been 12 years old? That struck me as a coincidence.....she tried to sound like one on the phone....lots of mention about a 12 yo having her first 'happy experience'...... What happened to JA when she was 12? You wouldn't have to hit me over the head to convince me that she's been a busy girl since about the age of 12.....
Oh great not back tomorrow until 1 p.m. AZ time :banghead: that's 4 p.m. my time. I agreed to go into work at 4 for a few hours :furious: I thought they would be back at their usual a.m. time. Oh well it will be on youtube.

Is that true????? Why is it an afternoon start time? DARRRRNNNNN. I have an appt. at 3 pm so I thought I'd just miss the tail end.

ETA; That was a mistake---the starting time is the usual morning time. wwhewwww.
Steely O'Emu



Apropos of nothing....
one of your most LOL-worthy emus yet, Dan the Man o' the mornin' (er, evenin') to ya!


:laughcry: Love the new glasses Steely
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