Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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Why wasn't this already done? :waitasec: Did they wait for her to lie to get the records so the defense didn't know where the prosecution was going?

Maybe those records can be tied to something Matt could have to say, too? In my senior memory, Juan was kind of clumping all that together. Maybe not, but seemed like it to me.
The OP was that Juan filed a motion for the records. Your post said "why wasn't this already done." That's why I jumped off it.

The minute entry has already been posted and is readily available on the public website. It doesn't indicate who filed the motion.

:waitasec: Ok...well, maybe you should jump off the OP's post, if they were the one to state it was Juan's motion. Just sayin...
I don't really get what the significance of the third gas can is. So what if she returned it. She still had two gas cans, that she filled with gas, that she was driving around with them in her car trunk in 100+degree temperatures. That still speaks totally of premeditation, imo. With or without the third can. Am I missing something?
:waitasec: Ok...well, maybe you should jump off the OP's post, if they were the one to state it was Juan's motion. Just sayin...

sorry if it offended you to jump off your post. I don't think the question of who's motion it was is controversial, so didn't expect you (or anyone) to be offended. Please feel free to "ignore." I'm not here to bicker.
:floorlaugh: I think I'm getting a little punch myself. Am relistening to the cross. When I heard it live, I remember wanting to tear out my hair at her slipping and sliding to an answer. Now listening again, I find myself giggling like a kid.

JM: Please read this transcript about your testimony about the pop rocks and the tootsie roll.
JA: (pause) okay.
JM: Did you read all of the part about the pop rocks and tootsie roll.
JA: No just what you highlighted.
JM: Well is there something about the tootsie rolls and pop rocks in the part above it?
JA: I don't know I haven't read it.
JM: Mam would you read it then.
JA: (pause) Theres nothing about the tootsie rolls up there.
Nurmi: Objection she should get to read that whole section of the transcript.
Judge: Sustained she may read the whole section of the transcript.
JA: I have read it.
JM: (Big sigh) so you have read the section where you talked about the pop rocks and tootsie roll?
Matt McCartney [COMMENT RE-POST]
Here’s another interesting post from Matt McCartney - detailing his 2 year relationship with Jodi – originally posted Jan 3rd 2013:

Take a look at her permanently deformed hand, where he broke her finger in one of his many angry outbursts.
Q. Why wasn’t it set?
A. She didn’t go to the hospital that’s why. She was protecting him.
Q. Why didn’t she go to the hospital???
A. Because a report would be made that could lead back to him and he knew it.
Jodi is an artist. Her hands are a critical element in her life. Not only is she a photographer, she is also a painter.
I personally witnessed the purple finger shaped bruises on her neck. She originally claimed was from a seat belt. Later, after much debate, she admitted they were from him. She assured me that: “He is a good man” and “He didn’t mean it”.
In one of our many conversations, I asked her why she wouldn’t “Just leave him.”
She said: “I can’t leave him, you don’t understand, I’ve tried. He wont let me!” She refused to elaborate.
I was Jodi’s boyfriend for around two years and in that time, she wouldn’t so much as squish a bug. I caught her on many occasions, fishing bugs out of the tub, so they wouldn’t get washed down the drain. She had this crazy neurotic cat, that would flip out and attack her for no reason and she didn’t so much as swat it. Jodi is NOT a violent person!
When we ended our relationship, I was living and working at a distance. During that period, I began spending time with a colleague. One of my douche bag coworkers decided to “inform” her. There was lots of crying, many talks and a few letters. She was NEVER VIOLENT in any way. We remained friends and since then, she had a few other relationships ending with Travis. I personally know the man she was with before Travis. He and Jodi maintained a friendly relationship after they parted. He also had NO issues with violence. So why now? What changed?
Before Jodi was arrested we would talk on a regular basis. I am one of her longest lasting friends and former lovers. I could be a important character witness. At one point, I asked Jodi to leave me out of this situation, so as not draw attention to myself or my new family and since then, she has.
Her life is on the line. She could get the death penalty. Yet she’s made it a point not to involve me.
Why? Because I asked her not to….
That is the kind of person Jodi is!”


BBM ..

Good call. Just catching up. I truly believe that he didn't just "DIE" as cooperatively as she would have "hoped" for. Judging by the terrible, bloody crime scene, he didn't cooperate. She was NOT prepared for this fight.

Travis ... we hear you loud and clear. Your voice will prevail. And .. I LOVE THAT!!

I felt a pang in my heart when I read this. I think she was recalling the murder when she said to Det. Flores, "He screamed and screamed, but not like a girl."

I think that is a very odd thing to say and as I've rolled it over in my mind (when I should be sleeping) I wonder if she didn't slash his throat to shut him up because he was dying way too noisy? Why judge his death cries???? For God's sake!!!

He died in agony and I have thought of him crying with her rating him as masculine death throes yes or no. More likely he cried out, "Why? Why? Help me, Jodi, please get the neighbors--I don't want to die." And maybe he prayed, asked God to forgive him (which I am sure made her even more furious)

The image of her doing more and more violence to someone who was just trying to get away from her--and then she claims he's mean, violent and a pedophile just bends the mind. If this creature does not get the death penalty, then I don't know why we have it.

I have shopped and cooked all day, made sandwiches, did laundry and I am ready for tomorrow!
A full 5 gal can weighs at least 40#. Maneuvering that to put gas into the car can be a real pain.
Just two hours ago I was stating that he said "would you be surprised if", thinkinking that rules of discovery would mandate that the prosecution had already turned over evidence of Walmart (and Tenesco too ). So yep, was where my mind was going is that strategically and Purposefully imho the PA didn not get that information prior to trial so they would not have to share it and give her false sense of security (or insecurity, lol)

I bet that the investigators have talked with both corporate attys before hand to give them a heads up this was coming and could be expedited as the information may or may not have already gone onto archives and they do not want time to retrieve to delay the trial. I also think he purposefully waited to do this on Tuesday versus Friday or Monday so that DT had already met with Jodi and experts over the weekend.

Their house of cards is falling apart and this is just ....ooh so grat! Glad that Katie will be with Jeanine Driver tomorrow in court so they can ready Nurmi and Wilcotts body language, lol!

Love me some Juan tonight!
Can't wait to grab my coffee, have both the TV and computer on and watch Juan destroy her story on the stand!! As I watch and sip my morning coffee, I will be thinking of JA never having any luxuries again!

Can't wait to hear from Katie, Jeanine, and the others in the courtroom. Their passion for Travis and other victims warms my heart. I pray it's a good day for Travis's friends and family.

It's almost Wednesday!! :great:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Victor Arias is fictitious. Is there any proof she went on a six week exchange to a foreign country to visit "the family" of a man who happens to have a blend of hers and the victims name?

This just does not pass the smell test, PLUS her passport would have aged away at 26 and she was 28 at the time she went Lizzie Borden on Travis.

I wonder if the prosecution has evidence one way or the other on this Victor Arias. Maybe he is fictitious. As you, if JA says it, I question it.
She had this crazy neurotic cat, that would flip out and attack her for no reason and she didn’t so much as swat it.

Don't know about anyone else but this really stood out to me. Having been around different animals all my forty something years on this earth, I have NEVER had a cat do this even once, let alone more than once.

I guess it true what they say, animals can sense evil.
I don't really get what the significance of the third gas can is. So what if she returned it. She still had two gas cans, that she filled with gas, that she was driving around with them in her car trunk in 100+degree temperatures. That still speaks totally of premeditation, imo. With or without the third can. Am I missing something?

She needed the 3 cans to have enough gas to get in/out of AZ without having to stop. 10g was not enough. Another poster did the math and can hopefully repost.
:floorlaugh: I think I'm getting a little punch myself. Am relistening to the cross. When I heard it live, I remember wanting to tear out my hair at her slipping and sliding to an answer. Now listening again, I find myself giggling like a kid.

JM: Please read this transcript about your testimony about the pop rocks and the tootsie roll.
JA: (pause) okay.
JM: Did you read all of the part about the pop rocks and tootsie roll.
JA: No just what you highlighted.
JM: Well is there something about the tootsie rolls and pop rocks in the part above it?
JA: I don't know I haven't read it.
JM: Mam would you read it then.
JA: (pause) Theres nothing about the tootsie rolls up there.
Nurmi: Objection she should get to read that whole section of the transcript.
Judge: Sustained she may read the whole section of the transcript.
JA: I have read it.
JM: (Big sigh) so you have read the section where you talked about the pop rocks and tootsie roll?
I swear I would have taken out a wooden spoon and whapped her with it at that point. JM is so much more of a professional than I could ever be.
A full 5 gal can weighs at least 40#. Maneuvering that to put gas into the car can be a real pain.

Yep. But, she was strong enough to do what she did to Travis. Rage will do that to you. I believe she was in a rage the entire trip to Travis's. She had a "goal". I'm a petite person, but I can carry much more than 40 lbs (if I want). I moved a huge dresser a couple weeks ago by myself, couldn't move after but got it done. LOL Mind over matter.
I was wondering, do you think there will be a problem in regards to the length of time lapsed in Walmart and Tessero still having these records available? What is the normal time frame to keep such mundane record keeping?

Not only due to Sarbanes-Oxley requirements, but for large public companies...they have them! Easy! The only question is how quickly they can be retrieved. But betting dollars to donuts, LE has given the company corporate attys a heads up on this before today. But since was not in evidence, or possession, did not have to share with defense...and let Jodi walk right into the Juanderful trap that was set.

Yep Jodi, you were given rope to hang yourself, and glad we all could depend on you to take the bait!
I wonder if the prosecution has evidence one way or the other on this Victor Arias. Maybe he is fictitious. As you, if JA says it, I question it.

Some here stated he/she had gone to his facebook page, but then again who know it could have been created by JA to spy on TA's:twocents:

Don't know about anyone else but this really stood out to me. Having been around different animals all my forty something years on this earth, I have NEVER had a cat do this even once, let alone more than once.

I guess it true what they say, animals can sense evil.

There is a show called My Cat From Hell... Quite HYSTERICAL!!
The lastest update to the court doc reads like this. Party (001) is the State.

3/12/2013 005 - ME: Hearing - Party (001) 3/12/2013
3/12/2013 MOT - Motion - Party (001) 3/12/2013
3/12/2013 MOT - Motion - Party (001) 3/12/2013
3/11/2013 012 - ME: Trial - Party (001) 3/11/2013
3/8/2013 012 - ME: Trial - Party (001) 3/8/2013
3/8/2013 012 - ME: Trial - Party (001) 3/8/2013
3/8/2013 LOW - List Of Witnesses/Exhibit/Evidence - Party (001) 3/8/2013
3/6/2013 012 - ME: Trial - Party (001) 3/6/2013
3/5/2013 012 - ME: Trial - Party (001)

Not only due to Sarbanes-Oxley requirements, but for large public companies...they have them! Easy! The only question is how quickly they can be retrieved. But betting dollars to donuts, LE has given the company corporate attys a heads up on this before today. But since was not in evidence, or possession, did not have to share with defense...and let Jodi walk right into the Juanderful trap that was set.

Yep Jodi, you were given rope to hang yourself, and glad we all could depend on you to take the bait!

2 words: Iron Mountain...pretty sure a lot of large companies use them.
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