Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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Anyone know if Tru TV is regretting replacing In Session's coverage with idiot TV?
:seeya: Its WEDNESDAY!! Did anyone figure out what the plane ticket was all about on her statement? I tried searching these threads but couldnt find anything. tia
When TA's friends came into the house they noticed the smell. Napoleon was "running" around. Zack, by his own testimony, was in and out of the house. Enrique must have come home from work sometime.

It seems to me that even if I was coming and going during the 4-5 days Travis was in the shower, I would have been aware of the stench. My dog would be laying in front of that locked bedroom door, for sure, if not actively trying to scratch her way inside. And the house would have to be as cold as a walk-in cooler to keep that smell away.

What did they tell Flores, besides they thought Travis was in Mexico?

Well, you definitely have a great sense of humor-love the pic!
I always heard that sociopaths don't have a sense of humor. I believe in either Hare's or Stout's book, it talks about how humor requires irony and subtleness, and both are totally lost on socios. I think somewhere it was said that they know the words, but not the music...meaning they don't get the subtle nuances that make up the depth of human emotions and our interactions with each other.

I think the line "they know the words but not the music" is from Hare, describing how psychopaths often conflate the terms "ashamed" and "embarassed" because they don't experience either, and so the nuance is lost on them.

In trying to find the source, I came upon this interesting blog post, which I think is based mainly on Stout's The Sociopath Next Door.

Statistics vary from 1 to 4% of the general population. Male psychopaths outnumber female ones though that may be due to misdiagnosis and prejudice. Accepting the figure of 4% then you will meet at least one psychopath out of every 25 people you meet. Dr Robert Hare devised a checklist of psychopathy traits over 30 years of research into the condition, mainly based around the prison population. 15% of prisoners fall into the label of psychopathy and they are responsible for 40 to 50% of crimes so although we are talking about a statistically small number of prisoners they are responsible for a disproportionate amount of disruption to our daily lives. The prison population provided a “captive” group to be studied as it is well known that psychopaths rarely seek treatment for their condition, they do not think that there is anything wrong with them! There is research to suggest that psychopaths who receive treatment actually become worse because they have learnt new techniques of manipulation. So-called experts are frequently taken in by psychopaths – that does not bode well for the rest of us who are ignorant that such disordered people exist. It’s not until you have suffered at the hands of a psychopath that you start to question your experiences and start to recognise the disordered personality.

The bolded text gets to the point I was trying to make later in this thread that women sociopaths may fly under the radar.

Those statistic are chilling. Because when you break it down, not only are there more sociopaths than schizophrenics in this country, at 4% there are nearly as many sociopaths as there are, say, Jewish people (5%) in this country or a third as many sociopaths as there are left handed people (10-15%). There may be more sociopaths than there are gay people in this country (est. 1-10%, variously).

In any case, I think like everything else, the socio/psychopath can mimic the form of humor without the depth. Actual humor depends on the ability to put yourself into the mind of another, anticipate their mental state, which is just the sort of empathetic mental processes these people lack.

So, sociopaths aren't even good for a laugh, basically.
:seeya: Its WEDNESDAY!! Did anyone figure out what the plane ticket was all about on her statement? I tried searching these threads but couldnt find anything. tia

I saw someone's comment that it was likely when she went back to Mesa for Travis's memorial service.
Watching highlights of the trial this morning something occurred to me.

She admits to killing him when Nurmi asks her. But then says whenever she asks if she shot him, That she doesn't know if she shot him, the gun just went off...
Do you think the JA supporters are so naive or, um, mentally challenged that they actually believe her? Or do they know she lying and just don't care? There's no way an intelligent person could look at the facts of this case and come to any conclusion other than that she's lying and guilty of first degree murder.

I have seen on other sites (not this one) where people believe ANY woman who claims abuse, regardless of the facts, or have an issue with Mormons for some reason, or don't like LE or the justice system -- in other words, people who HAVEN'T looked at the facts. IMO those are her supporters. And then there are folks like poor Brian Carr, or are either looking to get on TV or have, shall we say, mental issues.
More on the gas cans today I'm sure ... I'd like JM to ask her WHY she had to refill the gas cans in the 1st place - when did she empty them the 1st time ?

At one point Jodi did say "I didn't even have to use them" regarding the gas cans.
Another whopper told to this jury. She couldn't fill three up unless she had emptied them.
Juan so smart starting off his questioning by asking her if she remembered taking the Oath, "just to the left of the judge over here".
don't you just love it when she starts running at the mouth and her own atty objects because she already testified that she couldn't remember......LOL

How can he muzzle her?

She won't even bite her tongue to save her own life.

Perhaps she was sincere when she said that if she killed Travis she would beg for the death penalty.

Will the jury unanimously dish up the requested 'alms' to this 'sincere' beggar?
Instead we have her immediately trying to cover her tracks. From the detailed cleaning of the crime scene to the disposal of "his" gun, the tossing of the imaginary rope in a dumpster, and doing something with the knife (what's her story about the knife these days anyway?). Turning on her cell phone at the Nevada border, 250 miles away from Mesa (after having been turned off in SoCal). Immediately making at least one phone to cover up the hole in the cell phone alibi (telling Burns that she got lost in Nevada), then hours later leaving a voice mail message to dead Travis telling him the same thing. These are not the actions of someone in a "fog". These are the actions of someone who premeditated the murder. Her convenient and far-fetched "fogging" alone should be enough to convict her beyond reasonable doubt. Her admitted cover-up attempts after the murder are just icing on the cake. I'm going to :banghead: if there is a hung jury. The evidence is overwhelming that her current story is yet another fabrication. I can't fathom how anyone could buy her "fog" cop out. Like I said, unless this crime had something to do with aliens and some MIB agent wiped her memory away, there's no way in hell that she could have fogged out the clean-up of the crime scene.
Not to mention there are many good techinques to help trauma patients recover their memories.
don't you just love it when she starts running at the mouth and her own atty objects because she already testified that she couldn't remember......LOL

:lol: I'm waiting for him to object to himself next! :giggle:
I think the question was posed because the jurors did NOT see JA shake during cross-examination or, really, at any point during the trial. She made the comparison of JM's "grilling" to that of TA's abuse. And there was NO shaking.

The jurors clearly saw what I saw: she was not a woman who would be pushed around, emotionally or physically. They have eyes and see her body language. She never shook "like a chihuahua." That's why she said she shook on the "inside." :twocents:

I'd love to know the jurors' reaction as Jodi described cowering in abject terror when, mired in LA traffic, TA's uncontrolled fury resulted in his yelling at drivers and rapidly escalated to the maniacal fiend actually pounding his hands on the steering wheel!!! Oh to be a fly on the wall in the jury room when they can finally speak together about the case.
It doesn't make any sense. I think she is just playing games and refusing to concede on anything, no matter how inconsequential -- to her own detriment.

I think Jodi is someone who has lied at great length all her life. Yes, she does see it as a game. But now she finds herself in a situation where people are not only seeing through her lies but are confronting her about it. I don't think she knows what to do. Telling the truth has never been part of her MO. All she can do is repeat the lies more forcefully, because she has nothing else. JMO
I'd love to know the jurors' reaction as Jodi described cowering in abject terror when, mired in LA traffic, TA's uncontrolled fury resulted in his yelling at drivers and rapidly escalated to the maniacal fiend actually pounding his hands on the steering wheel!!! Oh to be a fly on the wall in the jury room when they can finally speak together about the case.

I think she's done it for years, about everything and probably to just about everyone. My ex is like that, even lying about things that there is absolutely no reason to lie about - stupid, insignificant things. I think JA (and my ex) does it because it's just become second nature. She's lied so much, I doubt if she even remembers the truth anymore. I think her lies have grains of truth in them though. I think when she says he spit, that it was blood (like the blood on the sink) and she said something about how he just kept coming at her, I think he just kept fighting her and wouldn't give up. He fought hard.

I had a ex like this too. Because he was dumb and lazy he must have thought I was too. He would be shocked when I would take the time and effort to track down his lame lies and confront him. He would always fire back with some one else was lying or mistaken or he got the day wrong. It was nuts !!!!
Yes, and the grabbing at her clothes. Makes me sad....

Me too, it's heartbreaking.

I think she caught him off guard - he had no idea how violent she could be, until it was too late. I don't think he had any clue that she was capable of this and by the time he realized that her goal was to kill him, he was already too wounded to do much to stop it.
:seeya: Its WEDNESDAY!! Did anyone figure out what the plane ticket was all about on her statement? I tried searching these threads but couldnt find anything. tia

We are speculating it was when Jodi attended the memorial service for Travis. It would help if we could see the date on the receipt.
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