Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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I can't wait for this tomorrow. !!!!!

wonder if the have security video footage for the sale....parking lot....and her leaving , never to return.


Lol she's got that electrical thingie on her leg! She best behave! Maybe they need to put one on the other leg! And give her some depends with spiders on them
To prepare her for the verdict.
I seriously doubt female sociopaths are rare. I know what you meant here: It's rare that they are so fully exposed.

I suspect female sociopaths fly under the radar more. Perhaps it has to do with the different strategies women use, ability to engage proxies more, or generally better talent at manipulation that doesn't often come out in overt violent or antisocial acts.

It's not that women sociopaths are rare, but, pure speculation here, women make more effective sociopaths and better escape detection.

Societal expectations play into it. I'm chronically annoyed by the assumptions of programs like ID's "Snapped". They do portray women who "snap" but some of the "snappers" are female serial poisoners that kill a string of husbands for insurance money. That's a weird idea of "snapping".

The other side of the coin of sexism is to put women, as a whole, on a pedestal, which often treats women are less than complete human beings, without agency and often as mental and moral children. You make excuses for children you never would for adults and that seems to be what's happening even here in this case when talking heads continue to women what it is Travis Alexander did to set her off, as if he's the only one with agency (and in a sense, responsibility) in the relationship.

I get a sense of that with the insistance that Travis Alexander was "using her for sex" or "thinking with his little head".

You know what Travis Alexander was? He was a nice, somewhat pudgy, sexually inexperienced guy who met a predator in a pretty shell, who he first thought was just the nicest girl in the world and that first impression persisted long after someone with the omniscience of hindsight would tell him to run like his life depended on it. The only thing I would fault him for was being basically a pitchman for a Multi-Level Marketing scheme. He was the guy who convinced you to sell for AmWay and was a "motivational speaker" in the same way Arias is described as a "photographer" rather than what she was, which was a waitress.

But that's the point: The preferred narrative trumps reality. Seriously, if I hear some talking head call Arias a photographer, like she ever got paid for it from someone who wasn't a friend or family, I will scream.

The Jodi Arias act is no different than Ted Bundy with a cast on his arm. Which sounds cunning and clumsy when Bundy did it, but it's own own societal attitudes and expectations that let Arias get away with her "poor little helpless me" predatory act.

It's as if we peer too hard at it, the whole apple pie facade will come apart.

Maybe we need a t-shirt made that reads "Women: Just as Evil as Men, Only in Nicer Pastel Colors".

the vast majority of people on the planet are neither sociopaths nor psychopaths, so in that context it is rare. Most don't kill either, so what I said stands.....but I clearly didn't phrase it well, so thank you for through correction on that part. MLMs are not a scheme either....they aren't pyramids but can be close.

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At one point, I had opined that I thought JA's artwork was quite good. I was criticized for having such an opinion.

But I would like to suggest that if this artwork was TA's, the opinion would be that it is remarkable and JA cut short the life of a talented artist. Our judgment of the work is colored by our opinion of the artist. We hate JA, therefore her artwork is amateur-like.

I do not like JA and abhor her actions...before, during, and after June 4. But, I am honest with myself when I say I THINK her work is really quite good.

Bash me if you must...but I thought all opinions and views were welcome here.

Isn't art, like beauty, in the eye of the beholder?
I am CONVINCED that there was NO further sex or sex talk between them after this incident. And I am even MORE convinced that he did NOT expect her that day/night (whatever it was). And, also ... just for the record ... I don't believe all of the sexual encounters she speaks of. There may have been some sex ... but I really don't think it was as raunchy or frequent as she would like us to believe. We only have her word ... and we ALL know what that means. I honestly don't think there were sexual encounters that day ... not in the office for sure ... and maybe not even upstairs in the bedroom. She put herself in the office having sex with him because (for some reason) she needed to explain why she cleaned up in the downstairs bathroom ... there must be some kind of evidence coming up that she will need to clarify in that respect. Just wait .... there will be something coming up about that. Maybe that's where she cleaned up after the murder ... I dunno .... I just don't trust anything she says ... she is so manipulative and (premeditated) ... she has thought this all out and keeps dropping little (unnecessary) tidbits along the way. :waitasec:

(My bolding) Yes, I think she may be toying with her audience to see if they are as smart as she is, I think she's been telling us all along what happened, it's just wrapped up in so much malarkey she's making us wade through it all and figure out what's true and what's baloney.
I can almostvbetvthe pedophilia was created not by JA but by nurmi. The tshirt and undies she claims that TA made them for her ! A lie! Those were made after his death. Nurmi works with sex crimes! It's only fair to assume he would know how to give birth to that lie.
Because of the gravity /heinous of the crime! They needed to add that! That is why nurmi does all the leading with the pedophilia! Notice how he leads her!

I may not be impressed with Nurmi, but I do not believe he would ever promote perjury. He is working with with JA's story, he can only work with what he's given.
A lot of companies need a warrant to divulge their records. I assume this is what it is all about. That's not to say investigators have not spoken to both Walmart and Tesoro :)

Yes, I would bet investigators know exactly what is in the records, they just need the records in admissible form for the trial.
VP just said that overall JA has been asked 5,400 questions so far! :eek:
I was wrong about the motion to admit the docs. Minor4th pointed out that the motion was to Compel Walmart and Tesoro for the business records. I have edited my original post as to not spread incorrect information. Sorry :please:

Great. Juan was bluffing then. :banghead:
I can almostvbetvthe pedophilia was created not by JA but by nurmi. The tshirt and undies she claims that TA made them for her ! A lie! Those were made after his death. Nurmi works with sex crimes! It's only fair to assume he would know how to give birth to that lie.
Because of the gravity /heinous of the crime! They needed to add that! That is why nurmi does all the leading with the pedophilia! Notice how he leads her!

Sorry but Jodi was trying to put this out before Nurmi came on board, didn't her first team quit because of the letters debacle? Isn't that when she was going to defend herself .. sorry touch of FognesiaTM on those details .. anyway I'm pretty sure this lie was pre Nurmi, and Jodi's creation.
I forget who it is that's fretting about the lack in regards to expert testimony on splatter evidence. In the State's CIC they proved premeditated 1st degree murder. Once JA got on the stand things changed. I believe we will see in rebuttal more testimony about the splatter to disprove all of JA's testimony. imo

I really hope so.
Thank you for clearing that up! I remember her saying on the stand that things were "really bad" for them right around the time she finally called mom and did move. This all fits with that. But apparently she was able to figure out ways to get him to make up with her. I think the guy must have loved her?

Lots of people mistake sex as love. moo

Great. Juan was bluffing then. :banghead:

Not a chance. He already knew the gas can was never returned on that day and that the $ 19.65 third purchase was a "gas" purchase. He wouldn't have gone down that road without knowing the answer beforehand.
Has the State's rebuttal witness list been made public ?
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