Interview with the two boys has been cancelled

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I think the fear of that happening is the very reason the parents aren't being more cooperative. I have a feeling LE threatened this and that's why DB & JI dont trust them. Even if they arrested DB, they'd have to show that JI is unfit also in order to remove them. How traumatic would that be ? They've just lost their baby sister, now they should be ripped away from their parents too ?

Judges routinely order emergency removals first and then hold a hearing. The safety and welfare of the children is the priority. Guilty people usually don't trust LE.

IMO..this all just seems like hype..they schedule the appt just to cancel it..then the media has more breaking news for the weekend.

This seems like the big plan..keep us interested in this case and the poor behaviors of these parents.

The big game media folks know how to keep the public coming back..they know we are screaming that Lisa is the only one that matters. We will continue to see these kinds of games..cause it is what makes "Breaking News"

I am saddened that national media is paying for attorneys for these folks..beyond irrespondsible. Rather than demand justice for a baby girl they provide legal aide to the perps. IMO

I don't know about hype. I almost feel as though the lawyers were taken out at the knees by one of their clients today. It is all crumbling what the lawyers tried to build up. The foundation wasn't good to start and now someone has put a kink in it.

As far as National TV making the news instead of reporting it, getting involved to this degree in these cases I agree. I think the integrity has got to be raised in such a large way. I am fed up with the news being the major player in legal cases and investigations.
I wonder if the lawyers asked their clients if the boys had any knowledge about Lisa can be found and they said no, (which is probably true) so they decided it was not worth the risk...
My thoughts exactly, especially considering that D had no problem stating other details to the media, i.e, LE accusing her of doing something to Lisa, LE telling her she failed the poly... Had LE even remotely hinted at removing the other children from the home, we'd have heard about it already. Of course now, should CPS get involved and the other children are removed, D & J will claim this is what they feared all along...

Exactly!! Plus two lawyers and defunct PI who love nothing more than to trash LE and make them appear to be the fiends in this scenario. Oh yes. They would still be shouting about this. And Short certainly wouldn't be trying to bargain and dealing using those precious boys as bait.
Damn, I'm staring to get mad!!
Yep, tension must be great between the two of them at this point, and the relatives too.

They aren't in their own home, they are having to live by others house rules, I can see that being very stressful. Nerves are probably strained to the MAX. MOO

OOhhhh! If I could be a fly on that wall!!! I bet by now questions are being asked IMO by those relatives!!
Look at all the guests! Come on in and join us! :welcome2: :balloon: :welcome4: :bananalama: . . Ok, my fortune telling gypsy freind isnt home at the moment, so lemme take a wild guess here and maybe throw in some deja vu, I think the HRD and LE fishing in lake Target unnerved someone because they are not looking for a 'live' Lisa? If I am to beleive the ever-changing fairy tale of DB, how should she know what happened anyway, it was after all her adult time. I would have had everyone in that house at LE until there was a path between them and me! Those boys being interveiwed would be of utmost importance to me..unless I had something to hide. I would want it done for Lisa and the boys benefit, I would do whatever it took! who wouldnt?!!
Yes but...

DB and JI are living there too, presumably.

Yes but it isn't the same as living in their own home. CPS should have been summoned by the non-custodial parents as soon as DI admitted to being drunk.

I wonder if the lawyers asked their clients if the boys had any knowledge about Lisa can be found and they said no, (which is probably true) so they decided it was not worth the risk...

I was going to say "Why, no, she said she never brought that night up to the boys," but as I was going to type, I noticed the ad to the right is a big bottle of vodka. So, I'm sure they know the boys can tell all sorts of stuff. Kids will out you in the grocery store...:crazy:

What I would like to know is WHAT do the boys KNOW ? IMO ... the boys "probably" know "something" ...

And DB and JI do NOT want to RISK those boys saying "something" -- "anything" that will "incriminate" them ...

Prayers for Baby Lisa and that she is found SOON !

MOO ...
We'll soon read that the family has been "gifted" with an all-expenses-paid trip to Disney World. :rolleyes: I predicted R & R for the parents this afternoon, but the "boys" are probably exhausted, too. Horse Hash!

How about Universal Studios?:worms:
I think the parents must know that the boys don't KNOW anything about where Lisa is, and could only hurt them with things that they MAY have heard...the lawyers have ways of asking these types of questions without coming right out and asking about guilt or innocence.
Kids will be painfully honest sometimes. Last week a little girl who is a co-workers granddaughter told stories out of school to co-workers that her grandmother had told her. One was that one of our co-workers eats our pantry at work out at every opportunity. She said my grandmother says you eat all the food around here. And it got worse. :lol:

So this interview is now being dangled in front of LE by the attorney. FOR what? Why the bait? What's in it for the client?
***Speculation alert***

My opinion only, but I'm wondering if the reason the parents are resistant to the boys being re-interviewed by Child Services is because the parents are fearful that they will reveal information regarding the dynamics of the household prior to Baby Lisa going missing.

DB & JI come across as fearful (to me) of anyone finding out what went on behind their closed doors, IMO.

Even if the boys don't know what happened that night and I'm not sure if they do or not, they know who the mother's friends might be, who comes to visit, who drinks and gets drunk, if there are lots of parties, etc., etc., They know if the parents fight allot, what the fights are about.

Kids know everything about what goes on day to day in a home and sense when something is wrong even if they can't identify it. The questioning could help quantify that.
OOhhhh! If I could be a fly on that wall!!! I bet by now questions are being asked IMO by those relatives!!

BBM. That's about the only thing allowing me to keep it together. Maybe, just maybe there is something going on?
Something kinda random occurred to me while I was reading up on the latest.

While I personally am inclined to think one or both parents are responsible for Lisa's disappearance, a lot of the behaviors I've seen also ring true for someone mentally ill. For example, the person I know with borderline personality disorder manages to make everything about her, and rope her spouse into her pov. I could totally see her acting like this over a missing child, if she wasn't the one responsible.

BBM. That's about the only thing allowing me to keep it together. Maybe, just maybe there is something going on?

And yes I agree with this. Particularly Ashley I. I am speculating but I don't think she is a believer in Debbi. Just speculation based on how she handled that interview.
You see what makes me think the boys know something is the fact that mom and dad have changed their stories of who slept with who that night.

Version 1 was that 1 boy was sleeping with DB and the other was in his room.
Version 2 was that boy boys were sleeping in their rooms.

Add in that DB said her son was sleeping with her due to a nightmare.

And then didn't I hear that both boys were sleeping with her but the 8 year old went back to his bed around midnight?

Add the fact that DB said the boys heard noises that night.

ETA: Oh, and don't forget to add that DB said she doesn't want to ask or talk to the boys about that night.
I was going to say "Why, no, she said she never brought that night up to the boys," but as I was going to type, I noticed the ad to the right is a big bottle of vodka. So, I'm sure they know the boys can tell all sorts of stuff. Kids will out you in the grocery store...:crazy:

Last night I caught Dr. Drew's program for the first time and actually enjoyed the part I did watch. He and Nancy Grace both said that they had been told that Lisa's "abduction" had not been brought up with the boys and neither Drew or Nancy could believe it. I can't believe it, either. Those boys would ASK about the whereabouts of Lisa and do so constantly.

You see what makes me think the boys know something is the fact that mom and dad have changed their stories of who slept with who that night.

Version 1 was that 1 boy was sleeping with DB and the other was in his room.
Version 2 was that boy boys were sleeping in their rooms.

Add in that DB said her son was sleeping with her due to a nightmare.

And then didn't I hear that both boys were sleeping with her but the 8 year old went back to his bed around midnight?

Add the fact that DB said the boys heard noises that night.

What gets me about this is, supposedly she was blacked out, but could remember who slept with her, who left to go back to their bed and at what time. Come on, either you remember or you don't!

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