Interviews 10/17/2011 All interviews #2

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I can't accept an accident theory, because I can't for the life of me imagine (no matter your condition, drunk, high or whatever) anyone not calling 911. Moreso I can't imagine disposing of your own child's body because of such. It's one thing to panic, freak out, delay, but it's a whole nother kettle of fish to dispose of your baby + then create some cover story that goes this far. I. just. don't. get. it. It's MOO that if a body is disposed of / hidden, then the COD was not accidental. How could creating all that after the fact, be LESS damaging in court?

Is it possible that LE uncovered some evidence of foul play on day 1 or 2?
I'm probably now O/T + I can't think about this any more tonight, so I'm off to dreamland. :countsheep:

Godspeed baby Lisa.
Some time right about 5:00 PM she was buying wine & baby food, etc. Did they just pass as two ships in the night? DB comes in as JI is leaving?

JI left for work at 5:20 per one of those interviews (I think it was Megyn's, and I agree she was the best). He was home from 3:20 - 5:20 per that interview.

So technically, JI could have been home while she was at the store at 5 p.m., and was per their timeline.

I am bothered by the fact it was his first time working those hours. I have sought more specifics on this but have been unsuccessful. It screams planning to me, unfortunately. :(

For a person who couldn't afford her cell phone bill or her wine (her brother bought it - you can tell in the video when she gives him the change IMO) why would she buy bulk baby food? Why two receipts? What about all the other groceries one usually buys on a trip to the store? She appears to put the wine receipt in her purse. Maybe she wanted to remove any evidence of drinking (remember this was not part of her story to begin with - we had to catch her with the receipt/video) but she wanted proof that she bought baby food that day.

So what I am getting at is that along with the above I see other evidence of PLANNING, such as the obtaining of another cell phone on Sunday (and that has no GPS on it.) I don't care if the phone can't dial out, it could be called with JI's work cell phone or someone else's. It appears to have served a purpose here, otherwise the FBI and KCPD would not be out with metal detectors and digging up new routes for creeks if they were not important.

Combine that with the post-crime behavior, and we have ourselves one awful scenario, that tests my composure.

I don't think it's a hoax at all. A fake kidnapping is extraordinarily difficult to pull off, even for the smartest of people, IMO. No offense to DB and JI, but I don't see them capable of pulling off a hoax of this scale, to the FBI, no less.

Of course, if it's a hoax, I'll just be happy Lisa is OK! Sadly though, I'm confident it's no hoax.

My opinions...

You'd also need an accomplice. And these two didn't even have working phones (or so they say) to call someone.
Thank goodness we both woke up alone with our clothes on!


Way to go for waking up with your clothes on! In my freshman year of college, I performed a stunt similar to the ones above and blacked out. I woke up in pajamas and had no idea how they'd gotten there.... Luckily my two roomates and good friends helped. I was also told that the neighbor guy walked around the halls of the dorm with my in an attempt to help me sober up. No recollection whatsoever. Scary!

Also, not sure if everyone is on the same page, but blacked out doesn't necessarily mean passed out. Just so drunk you can't remember, but you could still be walking around, talking to people or slurring...
I can't accept an accident theory, because I can't for the life of me imagine (no matter your condition, drunk, high or whatever) anyone not calling 911. Moreso I can't imagine disposing of your own child's body because of such. It's one thing to panic, freak out, delay, but it's a whole nother kettle of fish to dispose of your baby + then create some cover story that goes this far. I. just. don't. get. it. It's MOO that if a body is disposed of / hidden, then the COD was not accidental. How could creating all that after the fact, be LESS damaging in court?

Is it possible that LE uncovered some evidence of foul play on day 1 or 2?
I'm probably now O/T + I can't think about this any more tonight, so I'm off to dreamland. :countsheep:

Godspeed baby Lisa.
My mind keeps turning to that, too. Drunk or sober, if I accidentally hurt my baby, I'd call for help right away. I know I would. Some say you can't know, but I absolutely know I'd get help for him. Even if there was no chance he could be saved, based on my love for him, I know I'd irrationally hope medics could revive him.

I can't fathom accidentally killing him then disposing of him like trash. I feel sickened just typing that.
With food stamps and WIC you can't buy wine ... not even if you want to. When my sister had to use food stamps for about three months and was in terrible financial shape - she had a little boy and girl and lost her job - she tried to buy toilet paper and it either wouldn't go through or the cashier said no, and she was ticked. She called the food stamp office when she got home and asked them why she couldn't buy toilet paper - they told her because it's considered a luxury and only food could be bought with her FS debit card. She said "fine, I'll buy a steak and wipe my *advertiser censored** with it!"

But I digress ... I think the assistance program is exactly why the separate purchase.

I'm getting so sleepy, VLPate, that I thought you were bidding us "good night". I wanted to wish the inimitable Susan Hayward "sweet dreams" from the inimitable Bette Davis. Can you feel the drama? :D
My opinion only:

1. There is absolutely no reason for us to believe she was actually drunk. She might have been, or not.

2. The cell phones remain a critical part of this investigation. Who did mom call?

3. There is no reason to believe that the boys heard anything other than mom and likely Lisa crying.

4. It seems extremely unlikely that a drunk mom accidentally poisoned Lisa. If she had, it's not like she would have known -- the baby would be dead and quiet, and mom never checked on her anyway. Nor did mom crush her... mom didn't give a crap about her.

5. The whole stolen cell phones thing tells you everything you need to know about what happened and who killed this child.

Mom in this case reminds me a MANY parents I see. In public and pictures they are the most loving people imaginable, but it's nothing but a show.
I refuse to accept anything as an accident, anything at all, if the person seemingly responsible refuses to label it as such themselves. If THEY won't call it accident why should anyones else?

I had to go back and find this. You are so right. Don't come back later and try to claim an accident ... too late.
My opinion only:

1. There is absolutely no reason for us to believe she was actually drunk. She might have been, or not.

2. The cell phones remain a critical part of this investigation. Who did mom call?

3. There is no reason to believe that the boys heard anything other than mom and likely Lisa crying.

4. It seems extremely unlikely that a drunk mom accidentally poisoned Lisa. If she had, it's not like she would have known -- the baby would be dead and quiet, and mom never checked on her anyway. Nor did mom crush her... mom didn't give a crap about her.

5. The whole stolen cell phones thing tells you everything you need to know about what happened and who killed this child.

Mom in this case reminds me a MANY parents I see. In public and pictures they are the most loving people imaginable, but it's nothing but a show.

I think if DB had really been wasted to the point of blacking out, the cops arriving on the scene at 4 AM would have noticed.

I can't imagine why JI who fought so hard to have custody of his son from his ex, would get involved with someone as spacey & brainless as DB ,to form another family unit. Clearly someone you get together with , to have take care of your child & produce another offspring ,is someone whose brain & morals have something in common with you & your children. People don't form family units as casually as you do a wild night escapade!!! I just don't know how JI could fight for custody of the 8 year old & expect to have a mother's care , morals & example from DB who is not even divorced from her husband. She clearly has needs that do not make her an ideal parent. Perhaps I am missing something & they have a solid & loving relationship. I find their body language "HINKY":truce:
I think if DB had really been wasted to the point of blacking out, the cops arriving on the scene at 4 AM would have noticed.


Good point. And nobody ever jumps out of bed in that condition when it's not known if anything is wrong yet besides some lights turned on.
I think if it was my baby I would be on tv telling the kidnapper what type of formula she used, what to do to comfort her, how to get her to sleep, if she needed a Paci, what bottle she prefers, ect ect.... but maybe that's just me.
I'm getting so sleepy, VLPate, that I thought you were bidding us "good night". I wanted to wish the inimitable Susan Hayward "sweet dreams" from the inimitable Bette Davis. Can you feel the drama? :D

“I don't know if that's entertainment or people with gas issues or what it would be, but I'm not concerned about it at this point.”
Susan Hayward

Goodnight Bette :)
JI left for work at 5:20 per one of those interviews (I think it was Megyn's, and I agree she was the best). He was home from 3:20 - 5:20 per that interview.

So technically, JI could have been home while she was at the store at 5 p.m., and was per their timeline.

I am bothered by the fact it was his first time working those hours. I have sought more specifics on this but have been unsuccessful. It screams planning to me, unfortunately. :(

For a person who couldn't afford her cell phone bill or her wine (her brother bought it - you can tell in the video when she gives him the change IMO) why would she buy bulk baby food? Why two receipts? What about all the other groceries one usually buys on a trip to the store? She appears to put the wine receipt in her purse. Maybe she wanted to remove any evidence of drinking (remember this was not part of her story to begin with - we had to catch her with the receipt/video) but she wanted proof that she bought baby food that day.

So what I am getting at is that along with the above I see other evidence of PLANNING, such as the obtaining of another cell phone on Sunday (and that has no GPS on it.) I don't care if the phone can't dial out, it could be called with JI's work cell phone or someone else's. It appears to have served a purpose here, otherwise the FBI and KCPD would not be out with metal detectors and digging up new routes for creeks if they were not important.

Combine that with the post-crime behavior, and we have ourselves one awful scenario, that tests my composure.


I am so behind on these threads am trying to catch up, so forgive me if I sound clueless, but what was is the plan that JI and DB had that you are alluding to?
Good point. And nobody ever jumps out of bed in that condition when it's not known if anything is wrong yet besides some lights turned on.

Jesus, can you imagine the hangover and the sheer torture of that 11 hour interview?? Wonder if they let her take her anti-anxiety meds....
Kidnapping is a federal offense. If your friend asked you to kidnap a baby and then this media circus exploded wouldn't you go straight to the cops?

Who in their right mind would do this?

Ok yes maybe some crazy woman who was pretending to have a baby or a deranged drifter or some other freak.

But the evidence we look at based on the interviews shows us that the Mother admits to possibly blacking out. The fact that she didn't even admit to drinking even after the box of wine emerged, shows she had something to hide. If you bought a box of wine and drank some then you'd say "I put the baby down and had a glass of wine and watched some tv and went to bed"

She omitted it.

Additionally the open door, lights on and phones missing point to her doing a black out walk.

That's just what it looks like to me having grown up in a home with someone who had blackouts.

How do we know she omitted it with the police, though? That's all that would matter to me - that they were totally truthful from day one with investigators. What they say to the media is not as relevant to me unless it is different from what they told LE.

I think she's admitting to being drunk because witnesses and the police already know she was. I think she's saying it in the media as damage control, on the advice of someone.

I agreed right away with that but then I thought twice. Attorneys don't want their clients talking at all, ever, because they lose control over the message.

This bugs me terribly. While I could NEVER choose between my children, if one were missing, I'd pick the other apart looking for ANYTHING that may help find their sibling. What could possibly emotionally scar them more than for their sister to be missing and no one listening to them to hear that they know what happened? IF the boys know something, it WILL come some point.

This bothers me a lot because I totally agree with you. The baby needs to be found - now. It is unfathomable to me that she would prevent the kids from speaking with police. I hope the mother of the older boy has some legal rights and can give permission. Not allowing them to talk for fear of them being traumatized makes me very suspicious, although I'm still trying to keep an open mind.

The other thing that really bothers me is that apparently, she changed the time she last saw Lisa - and by a lot. Something like from 10:30 p.m. down to 6:40 p.m. or so? That's crazy. I don't like it. How do such facts change so radically? Sounds like someone is trying to make the facts fit something other than the parents' involvement.
LKB has never met a killer she didn't make an excuse for - not saying DB is a killer, just saying LKB made excuses for Casey.

I agree, the MK interview was the best - I'd like to see all of it - is it online yet?

I am having a brain black out. Could someone please remind me of who LKB is? Thanks!
How do we know she omitted it with the police, though? That's all that would matter to me - that they were totally truthful from day one with investigators. What they say to the media is not as relevant to me unless it is different from what they told LE.

I agreed right away with that but then I thought twice. Attorneys don't want their clients talking at all, ever, because they lose control over the message.

This bothers me a lot because I totally agree with you. The baby needs to be found - now. It is unfathomable to me that she would prevent the kids from speaking with police. I hope the mother of the older boy has some legal rights and can give permission. Not allowing them to talk for fear of them being traumatized makes me very suspicious, although I'm still trying to keep an open mind.

The other thing that really bothers me is that apparently, she changed the time she last saw Lisa - and by a lot. Something like from 10:30 p.m. down to 6:40 p.m. or so? That's crazy. I don't like it. How do such facts change so radically? Sounds like someone is trying to make the facts fit something other than the parents' involvement.
Not to me, not more than the one time. I do not for one moment trust anyone affiliated with LE to question my 5 year old. That said, I would take him to a child psychologist who could work with him and pass on every single scrap of information he remembered to LE.

The fact that DB won't allow the boys to talk with anyone at all, not even her, is what set off my alarms.

Again, that's just me. I respect others feel differently.
LKB= Linda Kenney Baden
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