Interviews 10/17/2011 All interviews #2

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That part really bothered me too. She admits that she put the baby to bed earlier than usual. So when she went back in and saw she was standing up in the crib, seems like she would realize it was too early. So it is strange that she would not peek back in a time or two to make sure she wasn't trying to climb out. My daughter flipped herself out of the crib at that age-dangerous situation.

My kids are 20 months apart and my son is an adventurous little sucker, and he barely figured out how to get out of his crib when he was 20 months old. I remember it distinctly.

So I doubt very much that the baby could get out. However when my youngest was born my oldest was 6 years old and kept getting him out of the crib as a newborn to feed him in the morning. This was cute but really scary because he could have dropped him.

I'm leaning towards the kids waking up because the baby is crying, but they forget that dad is working the late shift so they go around the house looking for him since mom won't wake up. Turning on all the lights and looking outside to see if his car is there (leaving the door open) They might even try to call him, then take the baby out of the crib but drop the baby, baby stops crying because she is unconscious, and so they put the baby back in the crib.

Dad comes home and they finally figure out what happened but they don't want to traumatize the boys further so they pretend she was abducted.

They aren't asking the boys what happened because they want them to forget.
Ah grams, I thought you were wondering if LE was going to run negligence charges by a Grand Jury tomorrow (rather than something bigger). I've got the GJ on my brain.

I think Debbi did check on Lisa before she went to bed because I don't think Debbi ever went to bed. I don't believe anything she says; never have. I think Debbi was up all night boozing (maybe even left the house for a good chunk of time) and through her negligence or a snap, Lisa was killed. We've got hours of unaccounted time (ya know, itty bitty gaps) that night/morning. Debbi didn't go to bed until after an accomplice got rid of evidence and Debbi attempted to stage a scene at the house, at which time she was interrupted and quickly jumped in bed because Jeremy returned home, imo.

Imo, Debbi is moving up her last sighting of Lisa because her previous claims of 7:30 and 10:30 can be debunked (have some ideas as to how, but not well developed yet). I believe she is now leading us towards a scenario where someone came in through the window and took Lisa while she was chatting and drinking with the neighbor. This is why she now claims 6:40 as bed time and drops the later "check-in" altogether. Her new tale needs to fit in with the neighbor's visit for some reason. JUST SPECULATING...

I have not suspected Jeremy of anything other than being blindsided, utterly confused, and whipped. If he was in on it, I don't think he would have said the lights were on - it doesn't make sense to me unless they really were on and I don't believe an intruder turned on all the lights. However, after the interviews this morning where he was seemingly unfazed by Debbi's drunkenness the night his daughter disappeared (and given his statement that her disappearance has brought them closer together in spite of Debbi's revelations), I am re-evaluating my initial take on Jeremy. He appears to me to be focusing on Debbi's defense above all else. Is he playing along or does he truly support her? If the latter, I think he has known all along that there was no intruder and he may have participated in whatever went down.


I agree about JI... I don't think he had anything to do with this. IMO he's in shock and denial.

I can't wrap my mind around an accomplice. I'd love to know if there are any statistics on someone who would help a mother get rid of a baby she just accidentally killed. Even if that person was party to the negligence that got Lisa killed, surely one of the two would have the decency to call 911.
Could her change in last time she saw Lisa possibly be that LE found a body/is close to finding a body and she fears time-of-death will prove her to be lying? I don't think it can be narrowed down that closely this far out though, right? More likely some other piece of evidence has surfaced to disprove her original timeline.

Maybe she was out on the town as others have suggested when something happened to that beautiful baby...and to cover her butt in case her not being there comes out, she changes her timeline?
There is no chance to narrowing time of death to an hour that long after the fact.
Imo, Debbi is moving up her last sighting of Lisa because her previous claims of 7:30 and 10:30 can be debunked (have some ideas as to how, but not well developed yet). I believe she is now leading us towards a scenario where someone came in through the window and took Lisa while she was chatting and drinking with the neighbor. This is why she now claims 6:40 as bed time and drops the later "check-in" altogether. Her new tale needs to fit in with the neighbor's visit for some reason. JUST SPECULATING...

But...wasn't the wine party taking place on the steps of the front porch? How could someone have gone in the front window without DB and the neighbor witnessing it???
My kids are 20 months apart and my son is an adventurous little sucker, and he barely figured out how to get out of his crib when he was 20 months old. I remember it distinctly.

So I doubt very much that the baby could get out. However when my youngest was born my oldest was 6 years old and kept getting him out of the crib as a newborn to feed him in the morning. This was cute but really scary because he could have dropped him.

I'm leaning towards the kids waking up because the baby is crying, but they forget that dad is working the late shift so they go around the house looking for him since mom won't wake up. Turning on all the lights and looking outside to see if his car is there (leaving the door open) They might even try to call him, then take the baby out of the crib but drop the baby, baby stops crying because she is unconscious, and so they put the baby back in the crib.

Dad comes home and they finally figure out what happened but they don't want to traumatize the boys further so they pretend she was abducted.

They aren't asking the boys what happened because they want them to forget.
A viable theory, IMO.
There is no chance to narrowing time of death to an hour that long after the fact.

Another defense strategy. Inaccurate timeline. No specific time of death :rolleyes: It's getting better all the time ;)
My kids are 20 months apart and my son is an adventurous little sucker, and he barely figured out how to get out of his crib when he was 20 months old. I remember it distinctly.

So I doubt very much that the baby could get out. However when my youngest was born my oldest was 6 years old and kept getting him out of the crib as a newborn to feed him in the morning. This was cute but really scary because he could have dropped him.

I'm leaning towards the kids waking up because the baby is crying, but they forget that dad is working the late shift so they go around the house looking for him since mom won't wake up. Turning on all the lights and looking outside to see if his car is there (leaving the door open) They might even try to call him, then take the baby out of the crib but drop the baby, baby stops crying because she is unconscious, and so they put the baby back in the crib.

Dad comes home and they finally figure out what happened but they don't want to traumatize the boys further so they pretend she was abducted.

They aren't asking the boys what happened because they want them to forget.

This sounds rational! That would explain their *protecting* the boys from further interrogation. Maybe it was only the oldest boy...not both boys were awake. Lord, I pray this isn't the scenario. For that poor child to have to live with that guilt!
If Jeremy knew that Deborah purchased a box of wine before he left for work, what did he think would be going on in his home that night?

Could explain his hounddog expression. Maybe other were invited to the party we don't know about.
I go back to JI's statement when asked about tips to police, he responded "Men who cheat on their wives."
What is going on???
Personally I'd vote for the back deck. :D
If the older kids were watching a movie in the boys room + Lisa is in her room, why on earth would you hunker down on the front step? Seems the least comfortable spot available. Unless of course you were waiting for someone to drive up or by + wanted to be seen. (I have no theory to go with that btw, only reason I could think to sit out there, but then I'm old + I like a comfy seat to imbibe from).

I've come to a point where I don't believe a word she says, due to all her inconsistencies + complete changes in detail, all the while she "possibly" had a blackout. Now either you do or you don't. If you do, you know fully well you did. If you didn't, then you remember. Can't have it both ways. IMO anyway.

I agree with all of your points. however one or two of the locals have posted that she regularly sat out front to smoke her cigs and also played with the kids out front every day too. So I can also see a situation where she and her friend might have liked the 'public' feeling of sitting out front.imoo
Jeremy's demeanor in all interviews so far reminds me a great deal of Kaine Horman in the early stages of the Kyron Horman investigation. It would not surprise me to see this case play out in a very similar fashion.
Could her change in last time she saw Lisa possibly be that LE found a body/is close to finding a body and she fears time-of-death will prove her to be lying? I don't think it can be narrowed down that closely this far out though, right? More likely some other piece of evidence has surfaced to disprove her original timeline.

Maybe she was out on the town as others have suggested when something happened to that beautiful baby...and to cover her butt in case her not being there comes out, she changes her timeline?

I think this change has come from her new lawyer.
Personally I'd vote for the back deck. :D
If the older kids were watching a movie in the boys room + Lisa is in her room, why on earth would you hunker down on the front step? Seems the least comfortable spot available. Unless of course you were waiting for someone to drive up or by + wanted to be seen. (I have no theory to go with that btw, only reason I could think to sit out there, but then I'm old + I like a comfy seat to imbibe from).

I think it depends on the family and the neighborhood. When I lived in Texas, all of the neighbors hung out in their front yards and many would use their garages like a 2nd living area. However, in other neighborhoods and in different parts of the country, we've stayed in the backyard. I used to hang out front when we had good neighbors we were friendly with but since they moved, I keep the kids in the back. I'm paranoid about keeping an eye on all of them by myself out front. :crazy:

I don't have a clip handy but I remember some neighbors saying in the very beginning that they saw DB with Lisa out front quite a bit. DB might just like to be in the front yard so she can watch the comings and goings of the neighborhood. Also, maybe they wouldn't want to be in the backyard with the dog or there could be more light on the front porch? MOO
If Jeremy knew that Deborah purchased a box of wine before he left for work, what did he think would be going on in his home that night?


1. He didn't know, hence DB's two separate purchases and he only saw the receipt for the baby items, or

2. Drinking is a big part of their life, and it's strange if there's NOT a box of wine in the fridge.
I agree with all of your points. however one or two of the locals have posted that she regularly sat out front to smoke her cigs and also played with the kids out front every day too. So I can also see a situation where she and her friend might have liked the 'public' feeling of sitting out front.imoo

DB smokes, too? Anti-anxiety meds, drinking, smoking. Oh, geez!
A key part of the interview with Fox News is when she was asked if her neighbor drank that much too, etc. She hemmed and hawed a bit there, said she didn't know, that they hadn't compared notes, etc. This to me was tantamount to saying "No she didn't drink that much and neither did I. Hopefully this doesn't get revealed and she has my back."


Is this when DB and her brother were at the store getting wine and baby stuff?

Some time right about 5:00 PM she was buying wine & baby food, etc. Did they just pass as two ships in the night? DB comes in as JI is leaving?
If Jeremy knew that Deborah purchased a box of wine before he left for work, what did he think would be going on in his home that night?

Maybe that was the reason for two seperate purchases? One for the wine and the other for wipes and baby food? She didn't want JI to know she was buying wine (again IMO). So she walks in with the other stuff, he leaves shortly after and she gets the wine out of her brothers car? :dunno:
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