Is Casey the real Zenaida?

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Did KC "ping" anywhere near a place where she could use a public computer, or a friend's computer on the 16th?
Well, this "kid" has uber predictive skills then, because he decided to try to set his "sun sign" the same as an unknown chick named Casey and make a myspace to connect with an unknown kidnapper's name on June 16th - a month before the story broke. He/she also apparently was able to predict that the very day they made the myspace would be the same day it looks like Caylee got killed.

That's uber-crystal ball stuff.

You're right, Valhall. Or, we should find said kid to get lotto numbers for us. :)

OK. I concede that KC may have made a (very lame) attempt to create a ZFG on MySpace.
I don't know... If this is the "smoking gun" or even just REALLY incriminating, they may not have released the information. I don't think LE is required to release everything if it can hurt a criminal trial or investigation.

I think this was an attempt at creating paper trails, but for whatever reason she abandoned it. Maybe she ran out of time, hence the "just one more day mom", or something. I am just guessing, but I think this line of thinking has some merit.

So do I. Now. :)
Amen to the following the astrology---I was saying HUH?. I don't think she created that My Space to frame anybody. I think KC had long term plans. I had posted all this in a post here and it has disappeared.

She was gonna off her rents.
She got a ZFG drivers lis.
My Space
was gonna leave town to start a new life. She was gonna crawl out of KC's skin and into ZFG. Say the whole family was burned in a house fire. E-one would think she was in there 2.

In the meantime she has huge fight wid CA---gets mad and kills Caylee---just out of pure rage. Messed up her plans---I think she was gonna leave but CA caught her fore she got a chance leave,

Now she is sittin on her bed and Lee says, "Mom called the cops---What are you gonna say when cop says, "Ms. Anthony, where is your child?". LA says that she had some kind of reaction (can't member right off what kind) maybe like shocked--anyway-------oh he said. "it was like a light bulb went off". Think that is in the first interview. THAT is when she started using Zanny took her. Was the only way she could go. she figured she wasn't ever gonna get out of this---CA had already reamed her out from the moment she picked her up and she just wasn't gonna get out of this. So, we pulled ZFG off her shelf and started running with this story.

Whew---guess this will be deleted 2.

Sounds good to me! Except, I don't think she planned to leave town.
Wouldn't surprise me if she and Anne both planned to do this----together.
Wouldn't surprise me if she and Anne both planned to do this----together.

Remember Anne saying that KC told her she was having a nervous breakdown and wanted to commit herself or something like that... Can you see Anne as a friend saying: "Calm down, we'll go somewhere you and me. We'll start over. No need to commit yourself, we can handle this. Let's just get away and work it out."

Weird how the more I think about it, the more things start to make sense more than they even have...
Remember Anne saying that KC told her she was having a nervous breakdown and wanted to commit herself or something like that... Can you see Anne as a friend saying: "Calm down, we'll go somewhere you and me. We'll start over. No need to commit yourself, we can handle this. Let's just get away and work it out."

Weird how the more I think about it, the more things start to make sense more than they even have...

I mean!!!!!!! Wasn't it Anne KC was acting naughty with in the livin room of a party with lots of peeps?
Why? Peep around town would know she was KC.

i think maybe she had fantasies about killing her parents mambear, perhaps making it look like a murder/suicide (w/ a mind like hers who knows) and getting the house, but i don't think she ever had the nerve to leave town, gawd knows she had long enough and didn't.
i think maybe she had fantasies about killing her parents mambear, perhaps making it look like a murder/suicide (w/ a mind like hers who knows) and getting the house, but i don't think she ever had the nerve to leave town, gawd knows she had long enough and didn't.

And it always comes back to this and sounds logical as H3ll. I am there with ya'll on this thought---but still there is that thang on my shelf I can't let go of.

Maybe there is a reason she had to wait---maybe had something to do with the 55--poot what was it---track55--nope--come on brain--ya'll know the 55 I'm talkin bout? hate when that happens------anyway---timer55? anyway--maybe she and Anne had 55 days to get out of Dodge---plans messed up when she killed Caylee. I can just see her doin it. She had Tone's house to stay at til she left------sure couldn't go back home---maybe she got side tracked with the fun she was havin---maybe she didn't figure CA would find her------as long as she was at arms length (cell phone)
I feel like we might not know her as much as we think we do------well? Sometimes?
OK--------lets say it another way---tell me why she wouldn't have left town. What was holding her? If she had somebody to leave with then it is like Thelma and Louise.
And it always comes back to this and sounds logical as H3ll. I am there with ya'll on this thought---but still there is that thang on my shelf I can't let go of.

Maybe there is a reason she had to wait---maybe had something to do with the 55--poot what was it---track55--nope--come on brain--ya'll know the 55 I'm talkin bout? hate when that happens------anyway---timer55? anyway--maybe she and Anne had 55 days to get out of Dodge---plans messed up when she killed Caylee. I can just see her doin it. She had Tone's house to stay at til she left------sure couldn't go back home---maybe she got side tracked with the fun she was havin---maybe she didn't figure CA would find her------as long as she was at arms length (cell phone)

timer55 yeah, i remember. casey changed her password to timer55 at exactly the same time she was online booking flights for the puerto rico trip and it was (counting from then) 55 days until they were due to leave. i kinda think it was just a countdown to her holiday and she weaved it into her lies later on as she does w/ so many benign things. i could be wrong though.
i'm not sure i think annie was in on any murder plans - the girl seems like a nervous wreck to me and in that she was given meds for just that years ago i don't think it has anything to do w/ caylee, but again i could be wrong. this case is so damn weird there's very, very little i'm willing to rule out mambear. every time i think i can't be shocked any more than i already am, bang! something new comes along.
LOL I know--------I don't think Anne had anythang to do with Caylee either. I think she was just gonna leave with KC. No--no--KC did it on her own.
OK--------lets say it another way---tell me why she wouldn't have left town. What was holding her? If she had somebody to leave with then it is like Thelma and Louise.

casey is a lot of dirty names and 'coward' is one of them. i don't think she did have anyone to leave w/. her friends all had their own lives to live, boyfriends, dreams and aspirations. casey was the only one who didn't and made up a life to fit in and be looked up to. another thing, she didn't have any money ... sure she'd stolen enough for a few nights at a motel but not the kinda cash you need to leave town and completely start over w/ no skills, work experience or education beyond high school. what would she do?
casey is a lot of dirty names and 'coward' is one of them. i don't think she did have anyone to leave w/. her friends all had their own lives to live, boyfriends, dreams and aspirations. casey was the only one who didn't and made up a life to fit in and be looked up to. another thing, she didn't have any money ... sure she'd stolen enough for a few nights at a motel but not the kinda cash you need to leave town and completely start over w/ no skills, work experience or education beyond high school. what would she do?

Did Anne have anythang goin on?

Well, that we know of. is there anyway to find out of ZFG22 had a checking account--maybe she had some kind of shady job with the name ZFG

GA did find a resume of KC's that said "nanny"

Am really tryin
I have one very compelling reason to believe it isn't Casey that created this account. The person obviously didn't know her birthdate but wanted the Sun sign to be Pisces which Casey's myspace also has listed. The reason I don't believe it is her is that the person would have to have googled something like, "when does the Sun enter Pisces", or simply Pisces and would find out that the Sun enters Pisces most years on February 19. So, the person simply chose this date to get the Pisces sign. In 1986 when Casey was born, Sun entered Pisces just before midnight GMT on February 18 but EST would be on the 19th. Those born in the early morning hours in Florida would have an Aquarius Sun, not Pisces. She was born on March 19 when Sun is near the end of Pisces. But someone other than Casey that didn't take the time to find out or to look in the Orange County records to find her birth date wouldn't know that. In 1985 Sun entered Pisces about 5:30 pm GMT on the 18th which is extra early. So I would suggest that the person that created this account was simply trying to make it look like a Pisces person created this account. It looks to me like they simply chose a date they knew would be Pisces to match her Sun sign. Also, I highly doubt that on Oct. 16 this myspace would be primary on her mind. She knew what was coming down.

It is plausible that someone would just randomly look up dates when the Sun is in Pisces. But it could sure be Casey as well.

Just want to point out that KC was born in Warren, Ohio..not Florida. But you still have the correct EST for both places.

I'm not quite sure who created this myspace account! If it wasn't KC, it could have been a family member, friend or someone unknown. Maybe we will find out one day!
Did Anne have anythang goin on?

Well, that we know of. is there anyway to find out of ZFG22 had a checking account--maybe she had some kind of shady job with the name ZFG

GA did find a resume of KC's that said "nanny"

Am really tryin

i don't know any more about annie than the rest of us do, but she had friends, had boyfriends, and while she's jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo, apart from that she seems to have her life going where she wants it to. i think for a person to decide to run away from their home, family, pals, job, entire life, there has to be a very compelling reason and if annie had been someone w/ a reason like that i think we'd have heard about it.
i have to wonder why she'd choose to run away w/ casey too. wouldn't she wonder where caylee was?
i've thought about the possibility that casey had a very shady job and i haven't ruled it out but at the same time, i don't think she'd be saving the money. i think she'd be hemorrhaging cash to show off, after all she loved to play one-upmanship and if anyone ever lived in the moment and didn't plan ahead - i think we've found our girl.
sure, she could have forged certificates in pretty much anything but she wouldn't actually be able to do the job when she got there .... unless it was as a nanny ... but why would she kill a pesky kid she didn't want to take care of so she could get a job as a nanny and take care of someone elses pesky kid she doesn't want to take care of?

sorry it took me so long to get back to you mambear. my little ones got to stay up late and getting them to bed wasn't easy, lol!
NP eddeva------gotta lub dem babies. I will sit back and ponder all this for awhile. Take my pipe to the rocker on the porch and think. LMAO
i think maybe she had fantasies about killing her parents mambear, perhaps making it look like a murder/suicide (w/ a mind like hers who knows) and getting the house, but i don't think she ever had the nerve to leave town, gawd knows she had long enough and didn't.

I think she had the same fantasies.

But, KC only went to the same few places. She didn't even drive to other towns for fun.

I'm not sure she could leave her comfort area, go away, and establish a new identity.
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