Is Casey the real Zenaida?

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Dam gurl----H3ll, your good. Go git this thread notarized--filed. LMAO I just wished this thread was organized all in one big post---like a summery.
I'd like to point something else out here that may or may not end up being relevant to the discussion (we can all tend to interpret things with bias, and I fully realize that). I've been working on a graphical timeline of KC's activities from June 15th through July 15th just to wrap my mind around her habits. I have found a very consistent behavior for KC concerning a daily phone habit:

1. Her first phone activity is usually very brief. She appears to turn her phone on and either gets a myspace alert, a text message from some one, or (more usually) checks her voicemail. This is typically around 8 a.m., but can be as late as 11 a.m.

2. She then would typically have a period of no activity on the phone that could extend up to 3 hours after the initial brief activity.

3. I found no instance of KC's first phone activity being at a location other than where she slept...i.e. if she spent the night at the Anthony home, the first activity was at the Anthony home; likewise if she was at TL's, the first activity was at TL's.

4. Irrespective of where KC spent the night, she didn't seem to ever leave that location very much before noon.

With that stated, on the morning of the 11th, she had no initial activity at the location she had spent the night (i.e. the Anthony home). This is out of character. This means she left the Anthony home before ever turning her phone on (i.e. it didn't receive any calls, text messages, alerts and she didn't check her voicemail) before 9:40 a.m. and that was at a different location than the Anthony home. This is out of character.

This also means she was up and out of bed and away from the place she slept before 9:40 a.m (without talking on the phone)....again, out of character.

Now, why would she have her phone off until 9:40 a.m. when she has left the house sometime between 4:39 and 9:40 a.m.? Maybe because she had to go some where she couldn't answer the phone, or didn't want to explain where she was, because leaving as early as she had to (7:00 a.m. or earlier) would have raised suspicion with CA. (She would have gotten a phone call asking "Where are you?")

I'd like to point something else out here that may or may not end up being relevant to the discussion (we can all tend to interpret things with bias, and I fully realize that). I've been working on a graphical timeline of KC's activities from June 15th through July 15th just to wrap my mind around her habits. I have found a very consistent behavior for KC concerning a daily phone habit:

1. Her first phone activity is usually very brief. She appears to turn her phone on and either gets a myspace alert, a text message from some one, or (more usually) checks her voicemail. This is typically around 8 a.m., but can be as late as 11 a.m.

2. She then would typically have a period of no activity on the phone that could extend up to 3 hours after the initial brief activity.

3. I found no instance of KC's first phone activity being at a location other than where she slept...i.e. if she spent the night at the Anthony home, the first activity was at the Anthony home; likewise if she was at TL's, the first activity was at TL's.

4. Irrespective of where KC spent the night, she didn't seem to ever leave that location very much before noon.

With that stated, on the morning of the 11th, she had no initial activity at the location she had spent the night (i.e. the Anthony home). This is out of character. This means she left the Anthony home before ever turning her phone on (i.e. it didn't receive any calls, text messages, alerts and she didn't check her voicemail) before 9:40 a.m. and that was at a different location than the Anthony home. This is out of character.

This also means she was up and out of bed and away from the place she slept before 9:40 a.m (without talking on the phone)....again, out of character.

Now, why would she have her phone off until 9:40 a.m. when she has left the house sometime between 4:39 and 9:40 a.m.? Maybe because she had to go some where she couldn't answer the phone, or didn't want to explain where she was, because leaving as early as she had to (7:00 a.m. or earlier) would have raised suspicion with CA. (She would have gotten a phone call asking "Where are you?")

Outstanding, as usual, Valhall! :blowkiss:
Would traffic court have a security tape? Wouldn't that be something if LE was onto this ages ago and was able to pull up the old tape?

Valhall - Do you think she brought Caylee along with her to traffic court or left her at home saying something like she just had to go in for a couple of hours and maybe George watched her?
I'd like to point something else out here that may or may not end up being relevant to the discussion (we can all tend to interpret things with bias, and I fully realize that). I've been working on a graphical timeline of KC's activities from June 15th through July 15th just to wrap my mind around her habits. I have found a very consistent behavior for KC concerning a daily phone habit:

1. Her first phone activity is usually very brief. She appears to turn her phone on and either gets a myspace alert, a text message from some one, or (more usually) checks her voicemail. This is typically around 8 a.m., but can be as late as 11 a.m.

2. She then would typically have a period of no activity on the phone that could extend up to 3 hours after the initial brief activity.

3. I found no instance of KC's first phone activity being at a location other than where she slept...i.e. if she spent the night at the Anthony home, the first activity was at the Anthony home; likewise if she was at TL's, the first activity was at TL's.

4. Irrespective of where KC spent the night, she didn't seem to ever leave that location very much before noon.

With that stated, on the morning of the 11th, she had no initial activity at the location she had spent the night (i.e. the Anthony home). This is out of character. This means she left the Anthony home before ever turning her phone on (i.e. it didn't receive any calls, text messages, alerts and she didn't check her voicemail) before 9:40 a.m. and that was at a different location than the Anthony home. This is out of character.

This also means she was up and out of bed and away from the place she slept before 9:40 a.m (without talking on the phone)....again, out of character.

Now, why would she have her phone off until 9:40 a.m. when she has left the house sometime between 4:39 and 9:40 a.m.? Maybe because she had to go some where she couldn't answer the phone, or didn't want to explain where she was, because leaving as early as she had to (7:00 a.m. or earlier) would have raised suspicion with CA. (She would have gotten a phone call asking "Where are you?")

Amazing. Thank you!
Respectfully snipped to the point:
...This also means she was up and out of bed and away from the place she slept before 9:40 a.m (without talking on the phone)....again, out of character.

I can think of two possibilities. One is that her phone needed a charge, whether in the house or the car. Another reasonable explanation is that she had an appointment first thing in the morning which meant she couldn't be distracted by the phone till she got to where she was headed. I've stated else where that she said in an early interview that S. Silva is Caylee's pediatrician. I couldn't find anyone with that name licenced in the Orlando area and the phone number listed in her cell memory is not a business phone. It seems strange LE wouldn't follow up on this but maybe this is an emergency number and Sandra is the spouse of the actual licensed pediatrician. This cell tower pinged at 9:40 is only 1/3 mile from Miguel Silva pediatrics. Perhaps it would be useful to look at the texts. I remember her talking about Caylee having a cold sometime in the recent past before June 16. It may have been to Amy.

But, if she didn't have an appointment near that tower, yes, she could have made the trip to Ocoee. It takes 31 minutes from the Ocoee court house to that tower pinged at 9:40. But, a doctor appointment is more plausible. And the name Silva must fit in somewhere. I think if this was really a friend, and not a connection to a doctor, LE would have interviewed her to add to the string of lies confirmed.
But, if she didn't have an appointment near that tower, yes, she could have made the trip to Ocoee. It takes 31 minutes from the Ocoee court house to that tower pinged at 9:40. But, a doctor appointment is more plausible. And the name Silva must fit in somewhere. I think if this was really a friend, and not a connection to a doctor, LE would have interviewed her to add to the string of lies confirmed.


Very good points, AE. Just want to clarify I'm only talking to the question "could she?" not "did she?", so since I have no clue where she was that morning, it could just as well be a pediatrician, etc. I have not looked at the nature of the phone activity at 9:40 a.m. on the 11th. I don't have that particular phone activity document, so I'll get it. It will be interesting to see what that first activity is.

Very good points, AE. Just want to clarify I'm only talking to the question "could she?" not "did she?", so since I have no clue where she was that morning, it could just as well be a pediatrician, etc. I have not looked at the nature of the phone activity at 9:40 a.m. on the 11th. I don't have that particular phone activity document, so I'll get it. It will be interesting to see what that first activity is.

Thank you. Her first at 9:40 was a call to TL, 141 sec, then a text exchange, him to her, her to him. I think after that is some facebook activity back and forth. I'll look for the texts detail I was referiing to and date when I get a chance.
I'd like to point something else out here that may or may not end up being relevant to the discussion (we can all tend to interpret things with bias, and I fully realize that). I've been working on a graphical timeline of KC's activities from June 15th through July 15th just to wrap my mind around her habits. I have found a very consistent behavior for KC concerning a daily phone habit:

1. Her first phone activity is usually very brief. She appears to turn her phone on and either gets a myspace alert, a text message from some one, or (more usually) checks her voicemail. This is typically around 8 a.m., but can be as late as 11 a.m.

2. She then would typically have a period of no activity on the phone that could extend up to 3 hours after the initial brief activity.

3. I found no instance of KC's first phone activity being at a location other than where she slept...i.e. if she spent the night at the Anthony home, the first activity was at the Anthony home; likewise if she was at TL's, the first activity was at TL's.

4. Irrespective of where KC spent the night, she didn't seem to ever leave that location very much before noon.

With that stated, on the morning of the 11th, she had no initial activity at the location she had spent the night (i.e. the Anthony home). This is out of character. This means she left the Anthony home before ever turning her phone on (i.e. it didn't receive any calls, text messages, alerts and she didn't check her voicemail) before 9:40 a.m. and that was at a different location than the Anthony home. This is out of character.

This also means she was up and out of bed and away from the place she slept before 9:40 a.m (without talking on the phone)....again, out of character.

Now, why would she have her phone off until 9:40 a.m. when she has left the house sometime between 4:39 and 9:40 a.m.? Maybe because she had to go some where she couldn't answer the phone, or didn't want to explain where she was, because leaving as early as she had to (7:00 a.m. or earlier) would have raised suspicion with CA. (She would have gotten a phone call asking "Where are you?")

Thank you thank you thank you - I am a late comer to the whole ZFG22 thing, and also the ping maps, but I was sure someone had looked into this - thank you for this information. It confirms a lot for me!!!
Valhall, I found one refrence to Caylee having a cold, on doc hand numbered page 1121. It is dated May 23. Casey says, "I'll have to let you know when I get done at the drs. I gave Caylee my cold....I gave her some amy love..."Then on page 1122..."Sounds good. I'll be stuck here for another hour. So many kids...I'm trying! This is the 1st time she's ever gotten sick. We made it almost 3 years..."

I believe she said Caylee had only been sick twice in her life. Now we don't have her cell records from May so can't see where she was pinging during these texts that appear to be from a doctor's office. But if she was sick twice that would be again after May 23. Often doctors give an antibiotic (even for colds and flue, quite irresponsible IMO) so there could have been a follow up visit at the end, also very common to get the extra income, perhaps. 10 days is the usual which would be about June 6, allowing for the weekend and time to fit in the appointment. If the antibiotic didn't work then there could be another visit. Sometimes, too an antibiotic will seem to make them better but they show symptoms again later, if it is something other than a virus that runs its course quickly.

Now, a text on June 11, doc page 1138, at 12:18am says, "...I'm in and out of sleep. Stupid drama. This is the day in question and might explain why she was so slow to use her phone the next day. She didn't get her normal 4-6 hour block of sleep, something keeping her up or interrupting her sleep. IMO it is more likely that what ever was going on this day during the night is why the 11th was one of the incorrect dates was given for the last time Caylee was seen. The drama could have involved Tony. After this good night text to Amy she was on with him until past 4:30 am. This gives her very little sleep time, to be on the road again by 9:40 with Caylee dressed and ready to travel. That's only 5 hours to catch some sleep and get ready.

I'm not recalling, was there a prescription found with Caylee's name on it?
Valhall, I found one refrence to Caylee having a cold, on doc hand numbered page 1121. It is dated May 23. Casey says, "I'll have to let you know when I get done at the drs. I gave Caylee my cold....I gave her some amy love..."Then on page 1122..."Sounds good. I'll be stuck here for another hour. So many kids...I'm trying! This is the 1st time she's ever gotten sick. We made it almost 3 years..."

I believe she said Caylee had only been sick twice in her life. Now we don't have her cell records from May so can't see where she was pinging during these texts that appear to be from a doctor's office. But if she was sick twice that would be again after May 23. Often doctors give an antibiotic (even for colds and flue, quite irresponsible IMO) so there could have been a follow up visit at the end, also very common to get the extra income, perhaps. 10 days is the usual which would be about June 6, allowing for the weekend and time to fit in the appointment. If the antibiotic didn't work then there could be another visit. Sometimes, too an antibiotic will seem to make them better but they show symptoms again later, if it is something other than a virus that runs its course quickly.

Now, a text on June 11, doc page 1138, at 12:18am says, "...I'm in and out of sleep. Stupid drama. This is the day in question and might explain why she was so slow to use her phone the next day. She didn't get her normal 4-6 hour block of sleep, something keeping her up or interrupting her sleep. IMO it is more likely that what ever was going on this day during the night is why the 11th was one of the incorrect dates was given for the last time Caylee was seen. The drama could have involved Tony. After this good night text to Amy she was on with him until past 4:30 am. This gives her very little sleep time, to be on the road again by 9:40 with Caylee dressed and ready to travel. That's only 5 hours to catch some sleep and get ready.

I'm not recalling, was there a prescription found with Caylee's name on it?

Good info, AE! I do have to ask we have a second confirmation that Caylee was sick? Or just KC's word for it. I don't know about a prescription.
All I've seen about Caylee's health is Casey's text, her initial interview with LE and a pic, taken at TL in early June that looks to me like she is under the weather, around the eyes, such as with a cold or flue bug. I noticed that pic again in the ABC segment today. I'll look at the docs for the items taken in the search warrant for a possible Rx.
Personally, I don't believe ANYTHING KC writes in text messages, or emails...
She USED sickness in herself and others to justify getting out of pre-planned agendas.

Remember, this is a sick girl who Pretended not to be pregnant for 7 MONTHS! This means, her unborn child went without medical care for her first 7 months of life in utero.!!!
All I've seen about Caylee's health is Casey's text, her initial interview with LE and a pic, taken at TL in early June that looks to me like she is under the weather, around the eyes, such as with a cold or flue bug. I noticed that pic again in the ABC segment today. I'll look at the docs for the items taken in the search warrant for a possible Rx.

Who among us mother's, can say that our first born child wasn't taken to the dr. at least 4 times per year? Hello!
Personally, I don't believe ANYTHING KC writes in text messages, or emails...
She USED sickness in herself and others to justify getting out of pre-planned agendas.

Remember, this is a sick girl who Pretended not to be pregnant for 7 MONTHS! This means, her unborn child went without medical care for her first 7 months of life in utero.!!!

Hellooooooo------and don't forgit GA's heart attack. And I'll save space by not mentions all the others.
Personally, I don't believe ANYTHING KC writes in text messages, or emails...
She USED sickness in herself and others to justify getting out of pre-planned agendas.

Remember, this is a sick girl who Pretended not to be pregnant for 7 MONTHS! This means, her unborn child went without medical care for her first 7 months of life in utero.!!!

Agreed. Also a great ploy for getting cash from Mom or Dad to cover the's visit! (yeah, that's the ticket!) It would cover the reason for having to be up and out the door at such an early hour as well.

I haven't checked the phone record's yet, but I believe they go back to the 6th of June? It's been my experience over the last 19 years of living in Florida to receive a confirmation/reminder call from the Doctor's office at least one business day before I'm scheduled to come in; is there any indication of KC receiving one? Or any calls to the office for an immediate (please, can ya squeeze me in, she's really sick) visit?

Not trying to burden anyone with research, just some thoughts to ponder.
Who among us mother's, can say that our first born child wasn't taken to the dr. at least 4 times per year? Hello!

Me for one. In fact my 19 year old has never been to the doctor, never anything I couldn't take care of myself. He's never had a cavity either. My 15 and 7 year old have only been to the doc once, for a fracture and a cut I needed to make sure didn't sever any tendons or nerves. I won't bore you with the other 4 children's medical history.

Yes, Valhall, there was a Rx taken, shown on doc page 3739. It was for Caylee, Gentamiacin. No date or doctor is listed on the Evidence sheet. But, I understand why Caylee's eyes looked that way in the pic I was referring to. It is a very strong antibiotic used for such demons as staph and strep bacteria, in the eyes. The possible side effects listed:

Bacterial and fungal corneal ulcers have developed during treatment with Gentamicin ophthalmic preparations.

The most frequently reported adverse reactions are ocular burning and irritation upon drug instillation, non-specific conjunctivitis, conjunctival epithelial defects and conjunctival hyperemia.

Other adverse reactions which have occurred rarely are allergic reactions, thrombocytopenic purpura and hallucinations.

Name (Active Moiety) Type Strength
Gentamicin Sulfate (Gentamicin) Active 3 MILLIGRAM In 1 MILLILITER
Benzalkonium Chloride Inactive
Dibasic Sodium Phosphate Inactive
Hydrochloric Acid Inactive
Monobasic Sodium Phosphate Inactive
Water Inactive
Sodium Chloride Inactive
Sodium Hydroxide Inactive


Prolonged use of topical antibiotics may give rise to overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms including fungi.

Bacterial resistance to Gentamicin may also develop. If purulent discharge, inflammation or pain becomes aggravated, the patient should discontinue use of the medication and consult a physician. If irritation or hypersensitivity to any component of the drug develops, the patient should discontinue use of this preparation and appropriate therapy should be instituted.
Agreed. Also a great ploy for getting cash from Mom or Dad to cover the's visit! (yeah, that's the ticket!) It would cover the reason for having to be up and out the door at such an early hour as well.

I haven't checked the phone record's yet, but I believe they go back to the 6th of June? It's been my experience over the last 19 years of living in Florida to receive a confirmation/reminder call from the Doctor's office at least one business day before I'm scheduled to come in; is there any indication of KC receiving one? Or any calls to the office for an immediate (please, can ya squeeze me in, she's really sick) visit?

Not trying to burden anyone with research, just some thoughts to ponder.

Usually people would have their land line on the doc records, not a cell. We don't have the home records, as far as I know. Cell numbers are usually listed for an emergency number, if there is a land line available as primary.
Who among us mother's, can say that our first born child wasn't taken to the dr. at least 4 times per year? Hello!

Lol! My first-born was taken probably once a month until her pediatrician wanted to send ME to a doctor! I would freak out over every little thing!
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