Is FCA headed back to Orange County for Probation?

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I understand what you are saying, but I highly highly doubt she is in a psych ward. More like laying by the pool with a cocktail in a string bikini. I don't believe she is getting couseling for 1 second!! It's just another one of ICA's lies.

TRUST me, I don't believe it for a second what I am getting at as her going in ASAP to AVOID court.... :)
I'm sure she'll be residing in some private residence with Body Guards, who will be with her 24/7 since she's Freakin' Casey Anthony and everybody hates her.

Will she be treated like a Celebrity like LL and have an entourage of BG's with her 24/7 of will she be treated like every other citizen who is on Probation?

So she will be on probation until August of 2012?
But - but - but.....just a minute! If she has to come back to Orlando and serve out her probation or anywhere else for that matter, she has to get a job!

And if she gets a job, someone will find out where - it will be all over the news :waitasec:

And then folks will start calling her place of employment and picketing and stuff, and then her employer might resent it and she will get fired. Awww - not fair!!!

And then she wouldn't have a job .......and Whoopsie - have something in common with Zenaida Gonzales!!! :giggle:

JB can put her on his payroll to satisfy that requirement..
Did a probation officer meet with her regularly in the jail? I don't remember any mention of a probation officer on her visitors logs that were released from time to time... Or do the PO's have special privileges and not get their names on the visitors logs?

Hi, Anakerie, an apt point. Also, probation was instituted specifically as an alternative to imprisonment, not as something that would run concurrently.
You really do not need to work if you have sufficent funds to survive. I have several people I know from volunteering at AA and NA meetings that are on probation, and retired.
If Casey has "sufficient funds" to survive, she should not be listed as "indigent" as far as her appeals and other court cases.

She will need to find employment of some sort. If nothing else, she has some rather hefty fines she needs to make payments on.
It's been a while since OCSO has stated that the A's were free to pick up the car. Hopefully they were given a deadline upon which time if they didn't pick up the car that they would be charged both a storage bill per diem, since notifying them that it is their's to take away, and a disposal fee if they leave it beyond the deadline.

I am sure the media is watching the fate of that Pontiac with hawk eyes for multiple reasons.
The thing I don't understand is for everyone that's praising this development, all this does is keep her in the news and I thought most were done ever seeing her face again.

Every time she walks out of her house, every time she does anything, the news will be all over it. That means she'll still be relevant. That means you'll still see her picture plastered over the Enquirer, People, or whatever other grocery store magazine.

Being sick of her and what was done to Caylee does not mean that people will forgo any news that The Felon is being punished in the manner in which the courts and the law prescribe/prescribed. People want her to pay back her fines, court fees, restitution (on any convicted charges) and serve out her sentence which the HHJS intended to include probation "Upon Her Release From Incarceration."

The AWFUL Side Effect of that is that it will get airtime and video play but that is just something that citizens will have to endure in order for The Felon to understand that She Is NOT Above the Law and that she must follow all legal stipulations determined by the courts.
If Casey has "sufficient funds" to survive, she should not be listed as "indigent" as far as her appeals and other court cases.

She will need to find employment of some sort. If nothing else, she has some rather hefty fines she needs to make payments on.

I really do love that employment part of probation, if probation goes thru. Will pose quite a dilemma for her handlers. Obviously she is currently being supported by them or other entities, which constitutes a legal taxable income since they are gifts and/or employment. It will put his indigent filing in jeopardy.
Mason released a very strong statement saying this was a FRAUD and Strickland was going to be recused once again and this entire thing is ridiculous.
I am just happy that her DT has to do legal work for her again. It costs them money$
every time they say a word, file anything, research anything, even for them to to read anything. LOL And the lawsuits are coming down the pike as we speak.

That's the media version. What he meant was: "No, no, no....we just got rid of her...don't bring her back, please. She's made a mess of everything." Wonder if one of the DT will give KC a job. Setting up folders. Lots of practice...she'd do a good job. jmo
I really do love that employment part of probation, if probation goes thru. Will pose quite a dilemma for her handlers. Obviously she is currently being supported by them or other entities, which constitutes a legal taxable income since they are gifts and/or employment. It will put his indigent filing in jeopardy.

If she is indigent JB can no longer represent her. She has to get a public defender. Maybe she'll just write JB a check. Gotta be one laying around somewhere. jmo
That's the media version. What he meant was: "No, no, no....we just got rid of her...don't bring her back, please. She's made a mess of everything." Wonder if one of the DT will give KC a job. Setting up folders. Lots of practice...she'd do a good job. jmo

I'm gonna take a wild guess here, but I would imagine that while some members of the DT may tell the media that KC *may* eventually work in one of their offices...

With her history of lying, as well as stealing, I seriously doubt ANYONE with a business (and a law firm is a business) would want Casey Anthony ANYWHERE within reach of business records, financial information, etc....
Does anyone have a clue as to why Judge Strickland is doing this now? I wonder why he didn't do this before she left jail, or immediately after?

Something about this is "off." Why now?
Being sick of her and what was done to Caylee does not mean that people will forgo any news that The Felon is being punished in the manner in which the courts and the law prescribe/prescribed. People want her to pay back her fines, court fees, restitution (on any convicted charges) and serve out her sentence which the HHJS intended to include probation "Upon Her Release From Incarceration."

The AWFUL Side Effect of that is that it will get airtime and video play but that is just something that citizens will have to endure in order for The Felon to understand that She Is NOT Above the Law and that she must follow all legal stipulations determined by the courts.

She still owes those Court Fee's and costs from her check fraud case..think I recall it was $5,000.00///Doubt it was ever paid!!//Anyone know??
Judge S. withheld sentencing until after her murder trial on some of those charges..So HE has full juristiction to make this go foreward..Judge Perry has nothing to do with it at all..TWO separate cases!!

I also hope that Ms. KC MUST provide FULL accountings for her income for 2011 and 2012...Taxpayers should never be made to pay her way NO MORE!!..JB et-al~~ should also have to show full accountings were support for MS KC's overhead, transportations, contractual deposits, and especially her "One on One" Psychological Councilling" THEY claim she is getting!! LOL..I for one would just to be a fly on the wall in those "Councilling Sessions"..But alas..:banghead: will never be available:maddening:
I'm gonna take a wild guess here, but I would imagine that while some members of the DT may tell the media that KC *may* eventually work in one of their offices...

With her history of lying, as well as stealing, I seriously doubt ANYONE with a business (and a law firm is a business) would want Casey Anthony ANYWHERE within reach of business records, financial information, etc....

ITA! Can you imagine the negative impact it would have on any business to say that KCA worked there? I don't know who would employee her. JMO.
She's only going to get through a year of probation unscathed if she stays with people who won't dob her in once the crimin' starts up again, which may be the DT (but their spouses will object) or it might be home where, despite the enabling that went on in court, I have a feeling there is a raft of Anthonyland punishments saved up and waiting.
ITA! Can you imagine the negative impact it would have on any business to say that KCA worked there? I don't know who would employee her. JMO.

A Landscaping Company long as her job is outside and she has no access to clients, their invoices, the company accounting, etc...

How about a Dry Cleaners shop (cleaning, pressing and bagging clothes) but no access to the register and always under the watchful eye of the supervisor?

Street Sweeper? I know after researching the Long Island case that towns/cities use some private businesses.

For their own protection, any company that keeps cash, personal ID or credit card info, on hand, will have to say no.

Maybe she could work for a Pooper Scooper Company and put the magnetic company placard on the side of the Sunfire.

So that would be NO to:
Waitressing/Bartending (because she can't be trusted with Credit or Debit Cards...not to mention Cash
Retail of Any Kind (same reason)
Banking (Same reason)
Most Admin jobs (Same reason but add any personal client info.)
Pet Sitting/Dog Walking, Home Health Aid, Child Care Provider, Cleaning Lady (Because she can't have any job where she is alone in people's homes.)
Personal Shopper
Personal Organizer
Telephone Solicitor (Same reason as Retail, etc.)
Medical Billing (Same reason)
Medical Records (Same reason) any medical or dental office that keeps patient information on hand.
Insurance Company (same reason)
Law Office (Same reason)

Please feel free to add to the list.
The one thing that leaped out at me was that Mr. Lippman, for the first time he's been representing the Anthony's seemed to have nothing at all to say to the media.

Now it appears he is accompanying them on the plane to Texas, according to the latest news release. Hmmm...:waitasec:
Karma, thank you, thank you, thank you. Also, thank you HHJS. Judge Strickland ruled with hindsight/foresight on this issue. Also, he knows where/how FCA was "paying" JB.

Does anyone have a clue as to why Judge Strickland is doing this now? I wonder why he didn't do this before she left jail, or immediately after?

Something about this is "off." Why now?

No clue since I don't live in the area, but think I read on another thread in forum that Strickland is up for re-election and some speculate that THIS is why he is pushing this issue...

But I don't know???
Does anyone have a clue as to why Judge Strickland is doing this now? I wonder why he didn't do this before she left jail, or immediately after?

Something about this is "off." Why now?

His order stated that probation was to be served following her release from jail he couldn't take action before that. As to why he did not act immediately upon her release, I am clueless.
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