Is FCA headed back to Orange County for Probation?

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lol, sorry, I will try and explain better. I said:" allowed to serve probabion for a previous sentence while incarcerated for a subsequent crime. This is if the subsequent crime was committed before they were on probation; in other words, only if they did not commit the subsequent crime while already on probation."

Person A commits a crime 1, gets arrested, has a court date 1 set and is out on bail.

Person A commits crime 2, gets arrested, has a court date 2 set.

Court date 1 comes up, Person A is sentenced to probation.

While on probation, court date 2 comes up, Person A is sentenced to 90 days in jail.

Since he was not already on probation when he committed crime 2, he did not violate probation terms, and is allowed to continue probation while in jail those 90 days.

Had he committed crime 2 after he was sentenced to probation, he would have violated terms, and would not be allowed to have his jail time count towards his probation time.

Thanks...and I know it's not's me...I read this about 3 times and still can't figure it out. It made my head
If she is indigent JB can no longer represent her. She has to get a public defender. Maybe she'll just write JB a check. Gotta be one laying around somewhere. jmo


How hilarious would that be if the check is drawn on Cheney Mason's account...sticky fingers always stay sticky:giggle:
Why does Mason have to be so unprofessional? He could have said we will fight it, without insulting Strickland. He doesn't understand that he is creating more hatred for his client since most people feel that she keeps getting away with things the average wouldn't get away with.
L Lohan's attorney was a classy lady and she just kept dealing with whatever came up. It's so odd that classless Mason is continuing his insulting behavior over and over. He is as much of a part of the problem he has blamed the media for.

Mason's had a bug up his ... about Justice system in general ... He's shown no respect whatsoever for the Judge's he's in front of and taken it one step further to accuse or insinuate wrong doing and try to intimidate them ... Twice that I noticed during the trial while he was at the podium speaking directly to the judge, he was pointing and shaking his finger at him ... one of the times saying "You, I know you know this" ... it was disrespectful enough that my jaw dropped when he did it ...

My point ... Mason's a bully ... he makes a lot of threats ... IMO it's not just his "style" but his ax to grind ... his last hurrah ... his last chance to get back at people who ruled against him ...
I believe you are in correct. JB can chose to represent her pro bono if he wants to. Perhaps we should pose this question on the verifed lawyers board. Isn't/wasn't CM representing her pro bono already?

The court costs are going to be the same, whether JB represents her or not. I also do not believe public defenders can be used for appeals.

I know this to be UNTRUE here in Georgia as I have a close friend who is an Appellate Appeals Attorney for the Public Defenders Office....
bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony defense tomorrow will file a motion to disqualify Judge Strickland. Their first move since he ordered her to begin probation.
3 minutes ago

Disqualify him from what? A decision he made over a year ago? :waitasec: :waitasec:
But it is up to the Judge to decide which conditions of probation apply to the probationer. If the Judge decides they don't need to work, the probation officer can not over rule that. I am not saying in this case the Judge will say that, but he has that right. It is the responsibilty of the probation officer to make sure the probationer follows the specific conditions of their probation.

Nope, not required by a specific court order. Part of their regular job duties as a probation officer. At least here in PA. Some programs even offer monetary incentives to an employer to hire such folks. On the funny side , if you have a hard time finding a job, if might be beneficial to commit a minor infraction and end up in only probation. You will have better luck finding a job. Some of those probation officers are very good in their jobs and have the contacts.
We live in a bizarre world.
Websleuthing busy bodies?

(noun) Def: 1. Persons who aren't apologists for Precious Flower; 2. Persons who think society has a right to keep a gimlet eye on a convicted felon who is claiming she needs time to grieve but appeared to be exultant when last sighted climbing into an SUV upon leaving jail; 3. Persons who fear a convicted felon is a highly dangerous individual with no capacity for remorse who has been unleashed upon society and wish for her to be kept accountable for her future behavior; 4. Persons who are vociferously averse to lying liars and their lies.
K.....why would an employer hire someone they have to watch like a hawk...wouldn't that mean taking someone away from their job just to watch her? She can't even qualify for a job where ZG the cleaning business. No way would they want her to have access to hotel rooms. jmo

It's not that easy for a felon to get a job anymore. Most companies do background checks and if you have a felony you are literally unemployable. The company I work for (retail) does this background check through the security department when a person is considered for employment if it doesn't come back clean that's pretty much it. This company only started this in recent years and I know of others that have too.
KC better consider that offer from Larry Flynt because at this rate she won't even be able to get a job at Walmart...haha!
bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony defense tomorrow will file a motion to disqualify Judge Strickland. Their first move since he ordered her to begin probation.
3 minutes ago

So why would they try to disqualify Judge Strickland when it was apparently a mistake in the way the Corrections Department read his order. Also why did they not try to disqualify Judge Perry when he made his calculation error of 4 extra days (which I believe was an error also by the Corrections Department). Maybe because that extra 4 days gave defense some time to get things set up for her. So if it benefits defense we will let is slide. If not, even though the judge has the law on his side defense throws a temper tantrum. They just do not want her back here in Orlando. She can get to them too easily. They all seem to like it better where she is. jmo
Not my choice of wording. Judge Strickland recused himself from the case in April 2010 after the defense accused him of having an inappropriate conversation with a blogger who had been following the case online. Doesn't matter who the converstion was with, major or minor, it was still inappropriate contact by lawful definition.

Inappropriate contact? He talked to a "blogger".
(noun) Def: 1. Persons who aren't apologists for Precious Flower; 2. Persons who think society has a right to keep a gimlet eye on a convicted felon who is claiming she needs time to grieve but appeared to be exultant when last sighted climbing into an SUV upon leaving jail; 3. Persons who fear a convicted felon is a highly dangerous individual with no capacity for remorse who has been unleashed upon society and wish for her to be kept accountable for her future behavior; 4. Persons who are vociferously averse to lying liars and their lies.
Thanks...I needed that laugh. oxoxox
Nope, not required by a specific court order. Part of their regular job duties as a probation officer. At least here in PA. Some programs even offer monetary incentives to an employer to hire such folks. On the funny side , if you have a hard time finding a job, if might be beneficial to commit a minor infraction and end up in only probation. You will have better luck finding a job. Some of those probation officers are very good in their jobs and have the contacts.
We live in a bizarre world.


the things that make you go "hmmmm.."

Mason's had a bug up his ... about Justice system in general ... He's shown no respect whatsoever for the Judge's he's in front of and taken it one step further to accuse or insinuate wrong doing and try to intimidate them ... Twice that I noticed during the trial while he was at the podium speaking directly to the judge, he was pointing and shaking his finger at him ... one of the times saying "You, I know you know this" ... it was disrespectful enough that my jaw dropped when he did it ...

My point ... Mason's a bully ... he makes a lot of threats ... IMO it's not just his "style" but his ax to grind ... his last hurrah ... his last chance to get back at people who ruled against him ...

Makes you wonder how many times he was passed over for judge????
Not my choice of wording. Judge Strickland recused himself from the case in April 2010 after the defense accused him of having an inappropriate conversation with a blogger who had been following the case online. Doesn't matter who the converstion was with, major or minor, it was still inappropriate contact by lawful definition.
Conversation I understand..."inappropriate contact" sounds downright...well you know.
Because of her past record and noteriety, I think she would make an excellent employee. She HAS to know she will be watched like a hawk, and her every move will be scrutinizied by everyone from her employer to customers to <mod snip>

Add the fact that if she does have to serve probation and any mistep would land her back behind bars, I imagine she will be the world's most law abiding citizen.

Not too mention, even as a felon, she can still be bonded.

Ross, maybe she can get bonded but how many employers would trust her with their files/accounts and then if their clients get wind of her having access to their personal & financial info it would certainly cause a lot of clients or customers to take their accounts/business elsewhere.

Just a little example: a commercial electrical maintenance company employed a convicted rapist and serial sexual predator. He then took their company van all over a suburban area, the same area that he committed the earlier crimes in and he used that company's van to stalk and sexually assault a whole new group of women. I don't feel bad that the business has been negatively associated with this violent predator...who is now serving a life sentence in VA. I don't feel bad that they may have lost clients because they hired a known Convicted Rapist and allowed him to go into businesses, sometimes in the wee hours of the morning, where it is quite possible that the business contact or person, meeting with him and showing him to the electrical room, etc, would be a female manger.

Just because things are allowed does not make it sensible or the right thing to do.
Not my choice of wording. Judge Strickland recused himself from the case in April 2010 after the defense accused him of having an inappropriate conversation with a blogger who had been following the case online. Doesn't matter who the converstion was with, major or minor, it was still inappropriate contact by lawful definition.

Actually, he recused himself because the DT were allowed to have one shot at demanding a recusal regardless of cause, and they took it. He would have had to recuse himself no matter what reason they gave. He was completely above reproach and this historical revisionism of what occurred is unacceptable.
Not my choice of wording. Judge Strickland recused himself from the case in April 2010 after the defense accused him of having an inappropriate conversation with a blogger who had been following the case online. Doesn't matter who the converstion was with, major or minor, it was still inappropriate contact by lawful definition.

True, but I believe we are confusing cases here.

Strickland recused himself from the CRIMINAL trial after having what the defense deemed was an "inappropriate brief conversation with a blogger" regarding the CRIMINAL CASE...

To my knowledge, Strickland did NOT have any "inappropriate brief conversations with ANY persons" in regards to THIS case.....THE CHECK FRAUD CASE!

Two separate cases...
Mason's had a bug up his ... about Justice system in general ... He's shown no respect whatsoever for the Judge's he's in front of and taken it one step further to accuse or insinuate wrong doing and try to intimidate them ... Twice that I noticed during the trial while he was at the podium speaking directly to the judge, he was pointing and shaking his finger at him ... one of the times saying "You, I know you know this" ... it was disrespectful enough that my jaw dropped when he did it ...

My point ... Mason's a bully ... he makes a lot of threats ... IMO it's not just his "style" but his ax to grind ... his last hurrah ... his last chance to get back at people who ruled against him ...

Cheney Mason's behavior is appalling to me.He has no class whatsoever. How he became such a successful attorney is beyond me. I suppose he bullied his way to the top.
Ross, maybe she can get bonded but how many employers would trust her with their files/accounts and then if their clients get wind of her having access to their personal & financial info it would certainly cause a lot of clients or customers to take their accounts/business elsewhere.

Just a little example: a commercial electrical maintenance company employed a convicted rapist and serial sexual predator. He then took their company van all over a suburban area, the same area that he committed the earlier crimes in and he used that company's van to stalk and sexually assault a whole new group of women. I don't feel bad that the business has been negatively associated with this violent predator...who is now serving a life sentence in VA. I don't feel bad that they may have lost clients because they hired a known Convicted Rapist and allowed him to go into businesses, sometimes in the wee hours of the morning, where it is quite possible that the business contact or person, meeting with him and showing him to the electrical room, etc, would be a female manger.

Just because things are allowed does not make it sensible or the right thing to do.

I also question whether or not Casey would be eligible for this Federal Bonding program as she was NOT convicted of Federal crimes, but State crimes....
Amazing! With her luck KC probably will win on an appeal of the probation. I don't see why her lawyers don't just say to her: We got you off on the capital murder charge, so be happy and serve your probation.
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