Is FCA headed back to Orange County for Probation?

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It is quite possible she has brought in income; I am sure we are not the first people she would notify if she signed a contract and got an advance. It's also possible JB has garnered more clients because of his masterful handling of the Anthony case; maybe she is getting commissions?

I am so happy that the DT is still having to deal with all of her messes. This is costing them $$$$, and time and resources. And she has not brought in any cash, she is just costing them money. I wonder who is footing the bill?
quite a few but they threatened my cat if I talk about them

No, but how many people do you know that pretended to have a job, and just stole from friends and family, instead of working? How many people do you know that left their house each day, 'dressed for work', wearing a phony ID badge, and snuck back when their parents left?
My feelings about this development and my reaction to it ( yes, I did a small happy dance in my head ) had alot to do with my thought that she finally has to do the right thing for the first time in her life. And be monitored closely while doing it.

If she had been put on probation for any one of her previous thefts and had been held responsible for them, she wouldn't have been so free to pretend to go to Jacksonville and all points in between; while pretending Caylee was alive.

Someone here said that probation is no big deal. It may not be for folks that were already law abiding citizens and this is a first offense. They are just going to do what they always did before. But FCA isn't a one time offender. She stole many times before.

Casey has got away with so many things, so many times; I don't think she even realizes what probation is. If she messes up ONE TIME....Hold on, I just thought of something..if she was sentenced to the 441 days and she served the sentence, what is the penalty if she breaks probation?..


Take care, Robin
I remember at the time of sentencing ,when probation upon release was mentioned ,thinking "well that will never happen !" :banghead:
It is quite possible she has brought in income; I am sure we are not the first people she would notify if she signed a contract and got an advance. It's also possible JB has garnered more clients because of his masterful handling of the Anthony case; maybe she is getting commissions?

You're just yanking our chains, aren't ya? :crazy:
I know the defense is going to argue that she served probation while in jail, but not really. She served her sentence for check fraud and then the no bail for the murder charges. SHE needs to do at least probation because the court gave her time served on the lying to police charges. That is what her incarceration time was calculated towards. Unless she wants to just make that time count towards the 1 yr probation and go back to jail and serve the 4 years for lying to police..........that would be great too
Sorry for the rant.

...and she could go in GP, since she was exonerated from murder. :great:
No, I am not confusing cases. For my point it doesn't matter what case is being referred to (could be any case, not just one involving Anthony). My point about him having inappropriate contact was in response to some one's questioning why he was bringing this up now. I pointed out he is coming up for re-election and if was doing this to garner public support for that it was inappropriate. And as everyone points out about Casey, zebra's don't change their stripes, and if Strickland was inappropriate once.....

There is no proof he acted inappropriately. No bar complaint filed by CM. Nothing. CM knew JS would recluse himself and saw a perfect opportunity to file his motion. A judge reclusing himself is not an omission of guilt. He reclused himself because KC felt he would not judge her fairly. And we all know what a judge of character KC is. And CM saying it is so would lead anyone to believe it is not. He made many mistatements at the Frye Hearing.

Plus we've all read some of the blogs MD wrote and they were very supportive of the A's. So this was just another tactical maneuver by defense. So far they have had 2 judges step down and tried to have all of the SA's replaced and Judge Perry. KC seems to think she can just keep going through judges until she finds one she likes. jmo
Makes you wonder how many times he was passed over for judge????

Doubt if he was. A good criminal attorney in private practice has more earning powers than a Judge. Plus allows for much more grandstanding/glamor in the media. Something that Mason obviously cherishes.
I volunteer at AA and NA meetings (in central Florida), and have been told by quite a few that they allowed to serve probabion for a previous sentence while incarcerated for a subsequent crime. This is if the subsequent crime was committed before they were on probation; in other words, only if they did not commit the subsequent crime while already on probation.

I'm not trying to be provocative but I'm sincerely curious about this claim of volunteering. I've never heard of anyone volunteering at AA or NA meetings. It contradicts the aim of being 'self-supporting, declining outside contributions'.
No, I am not confusing cases. For my point it doesn't matter what case is being referred to (could be any case, not just one involving Anthony). My point about him having inappropriate contact was in response to some one's questioning why he was bringing this up now. I pointed out he is coming up for re-election and if was doing this to garner public support for that it was inappropriate. And as everyone points out about Casey, zebra's don't change their stripes, and if Strickland was inappropriate once.....

For the last time, get the facts straight. HHJS WAS NOT inappropriate. The defense actually sent one of it's investigators to talk to the blogger, and tricked him into talking about a brief conversation after a hearing that was on videotape where Judge Strickland said he had a fair and balanced blog. You can look on Dave Marinade's own blog at how furious he was that the investigator tricked him, and that it caused HHJS to recuse himself. That was it. And HHJS was never PROVEN to be inappropriate. He recused himself because HE FELT that was the right thing to do. If he HAD been inappropriate, he would have been FORCED off the case. He wasn't. It was his decision, and he CHOSE to stand down off of the case. I am tired of people saying he was inappropriate. He was NOT. It is not in ANY court document, just an UNPROVEN ACCUSATION by the defense. That is IT. This is not revenge on HHJS's part. I remember the sentencing myself, and he clearly said probation was to be served AFTER she was released from prison. I don't get why people are twisting this to be something it's not. It's the prison officials who messed this up, not HHJS. And he is NOT out to get anyone, and above all HE WAS NOT INAPPROPRIATE! Go back to the sentencing, read Marinade's blog about what happened, heck, even read HERE about what happened. It all proves he wasn't inappropriate.
Even if the probation is enforced, watch for this. CM and JB will argue for new probation rules. Rules that will allow Casey to do therapy. No work. No reporting. No visible court appearances due to fear for her life. Etc........ The DT will say circumstances have changed. Oh it will be endless special rules for Casey they will want. Heck, this could turn into weeks hearings over the probation issues.

Remember, Casey is above us and the laws!!!
I volunteer at AA and NA meetings (in central Florida), and have been told by quite a few that they allowed to serve probabion for a previous sentence while incarcerated for a subsequent crime. This is if the subsequent crime was committed before they were on probation; in other words, only if they did not commit the subsequent crime while already on probation.

That may well be true. But FCA wasn't "serving time" for a crime when she went to court on the theft charges. She hadn't been sentanced to anything. She had a bail set and could have walked out of there anytime with enough $. Just like she did when LP bailed her out.


Take care, Robin
I sometimes think KC should be on probation for her own protection. jmo
It is quite possible she has brought in income; I am sure we are not the first people she would notify if she signed a contract and got an advance. It's also possible JB has garnered more clients because of his masterful handling of the Anthony case; maybe she is getting commissions?

Well, Baez has garnered ONE new client in Orange County due to his "masterful handling of the Anthony case"...

How much commission could Casey have possibly earned from Baez catching a case where his client has been charged with a misdemeanor for Resisting Arrest and Refusing to Leave Property after being Order to by Owner? :crazy:
Well, Baez has garnered ONE new client in Orange County due to his "masterful handling of the Anthony case"...

How much commission could Casey have possibly earned from Baez catching a case where his client has been charged with a misdemeanor for Resisting Arrest and Refusing to Leave Property after being Order to by Owner? :crazy:

You wonder why anybody would seek him out for such an offense. I would expect , he has raised his hourly fee dramatically by now since he is now a " famous" attorney. Guess things are not like they appear.
Even if the probation is enforced, watch for this. CM and JB will argue for new probation rules. Rules that will allow Casey to do therapy. No work. No reporting. No visible court appearances due to fear for her life. Etc........ The DT will say circumstances have changed. Oh it will be endless special rules for Casey they will want. Heck, this could turn into weeks hearings over the probation issues.

Remember, Casey is above us and the laws!!!

Yep. I can only imagine what they'll try to pull. JB seems to think this was/is a "special" "unique" case and cannot fathom FCA having to comply with the rules. She's just another criminal who got extremely lucky.t
And everyone else in the world loves to work?
No, but Casey hates to work so much that she makes it harder for herself than if she just went ahead and got an honest job. If she put in half the effort that she spent on covering up for her joblessness (the stealing, the lies) actually working, she could have quite some career by now. She really, really goes out of her way to avoid it. IMO.
No, but Casey hates to work so much that she makes it harder for herself than if she just went ahead and got an honest job. If she put in half the effort that she spent on covering up for her joblessness (the stealing, the lies) actually working, she could have quite some career by now. She really, really goes out of her way to avoid it. IMO.

Maybe there was a reason she did not want to go back to work. jmo
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