Is FCA headed back to Orange County for Probation?

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Maybe there was a reason she did not want to go back to work. jmo

Yep, like she does not want to be told by anybody what to do and only does things her way and at her leisure. The jail interviews with her parents and Lee made that quite obvious. Makes you kind of snicker what the DT has to put up with now..
JimLichtenstein Look for @KerryNBC on #caseyanthony probation brew-haha at about 7:15am on @todayshow . 2moro the fireworks begin. Stay tuned...
I don't care where she is as long as she's not allowed to hide in an undisclosed location while being protected, pampered, and presented as the victim. Let her be accountable somewhere, to someone, about something, rather than being shielded indefinitely from the consequences of her own actions. Let her see what people other than her defense team and their cronies think of her. I hope she ends up left with no choice than to live with her parents, and she has to look at their faces and hear their questions and know that they know that she killed their beloved grandchild. As long as she's not totally shielded from facing what she's done, I'm happy.

ITA! Those of us who haven't murdered anyone have to hold down a job, take care of our responsabilities, show up for appts, follow the law. And sometimes stuff happens that we have to suck up and take ie; state takes your property for easement, tax law changes, you know that the cop that gave you a ticket was wrong but you don't have a lawyer cuz you are too busy working just to put food on the table...

Before her check fraud charge FCA had never been held accountable for her actions. Other than that, she still hasn't been held accountable for anything.

FCA was already under the impression that she could get away with anything and her parents aided her in that. The not guilty verdict in Caylee's murder trial only reinforced this thought pattern. People like her don't do well on probation. They don't play. JB won't be able to get her out of a probation violation; and I doubt that he would bother.

I will bet that whoever gets the unpleasent task of being her PO will be on her case daily. He/she is most likely aware that anyone attatched to this case always walks out scathed and will take steps to make sure they aren't a casualty.

Take care, Robin
ITA! Those of us who haven't murdered anyone have to hold down a job, take care of our responsabilities, show up for appts, follow the law. And sometimes stuff happens that we have to suck up and take ie; state takes your property for easement, tax law changes, you know that the cop that gave you a ticket was wrong but you don't have a lawyer cuz you are too busy working just to put food on the table...

Before her check fraud charge FCA had never been held accountable for her actions. Other than that, she still hasn't been held accountable for anything.

FCA was already under the impression that she could get away with anything and her parents aided her in that. The not guilty verdict in Caylee's murder trial only reinforced this thought pattern. People like her don't do well on probation. They don't play. JB won't be able to get her out of a probation violation; and I doubt that he would bother.

I will bet that whoever gets the unpleasent task of being her PO will be on her case daily. He/she is most likely aware that anyone attatched to this case always walks out scathed and will take steps to make sure they aren't a casualty.

Take care, Robin

I agree- but - I think ICA will be sleeping with her Probation officer....:crazy:
I'm not trying to be provocative but I'm sincerely curious about this claim of volunteering. I've never heard of anyone volunteering at AA or NA meetings. It contradicts the aim of being 'self-supporting, declining outside contributions'.

No you can volunteer at an AA or NA meeting - as long as you are a "recovering addict". As a member of Al-anon, I tried once to "observe" an AA meeting because of the set of issues I was dealing with, and offered to volunteer. I was told it broke their commitment to confidentiality each member is promised and there was no way no how I could do it.

Now that I think about it - I was not allowed to even approach a member as they were coming out of a meeting.
Now IF Casey does get the normal probation, here is what I see happing. Casey will have to be visible to the public a bit. One can assume the probation officer will be harsh here. And every small legal mistake Casey makes will be reported to the authorities. That you can count on. Spitting on a sidewalk or street can be a breech of probation for example. With the type of scrutiny Casey will be under, there is almost no chance of her surviving the probation period without breaking her terms. She will be in the jail of her own made public opinion. And let her fry in it!!!
Yep. I can only imagine what they'll try to pull. JB seems to think this was/is a "special" "unique" case and cannot fathom FCA having to comply with the rules. She's just another criminal who got extremely lucky.t

Yes, but - Death is different! Remember???

Oh yeah, guess that mantra doesn't cut it with a check fraud case and sentence. Get to work DT, you'll have to come up with another "victim" statement as catchy as the last one.
AZlawyer is saying that s/he believes she completed her probation in jail and probably won't be made to serve it again. hopefully there is some news tomorrow about all of this.

Yes, that's what AZlawyer is saying now, but originally she said she never heard of such a thing, someone in jail serving probation.

Her opinion now is based on what she's read recently about this bizarre case.
I think HHJS had removed himself from this case emotionally 1 1/2 years ago. Either someone brought it to his attention or he suddenly realized there was a mistake.

When you think about it, it makes sense she should be on probation now. What kind of test is probation in jail if you are in solitary and have no connection with anyone other than the guards and your legal team. There is no test. And probation is a test. jmo

I totally agree with you. Serving probation is jail is beyond unreasonable. It's ridiculous.

I heard Judge Strickland after the acquittal and he said he was stunned (something like that). Maybe it did take him a few days before he "came to his senses" and realized something was wrong, she wasn't serving her probation from her prior convictions. Although he certainly could have done something, anything, between July 7th and July 17th. :waitasec: Ya know?
Acorrding the news thread There are many tweets stating this is where FCA is. Could be why her parents flew to Houston today. The Clinic is located there.
We specialize in treating individuals with complex co-occurring disorders
or dual diagnoses.

# Psychoeducation groups, mentalizing, family therapy and skills coaching are essential facets of our treatment programs

What do you all think?
She's allowed to drink, just not in excess. Most of her friends said she was only a moderate drinker usually anyway. I think she only smoked pot because she is a chameleon and that is what TLs roomies were doing. I think she'll violate it by theft. Oh, and I love that she has to make an "honest and truthful" monthly report to her PO. :floorlaugh:


I love it too! That forked tongue she has has multiple branches ... many, many forks, it's a wonder she can get it in her mouth. Each fork tells a different story, making it impossible for her to tell the truth.

The thing I hate the most (almost) is to be lied to. One lie is all it takes, and you can never actually trust that person again.

I totally agree with you. Serving probation is jail is beyond unreasonable. It's ridiculous.

I heard Judge Strickland after the acquittal and he said he was stunned (something like that). Maybe it did take him a few days before he "came to his senses" and realized something was wrong, she wasn't serving her probation from her prior convictions. Although he certainly could have done something, anything, between July 7th and July 17th. :waitasec: Ya know?

Huh! You know what I think happened? I think he and Belvin were having coffee or something and Stan said - hey Bel - I was pretty ticked off that you reversed my probation order on that Anthony case. I really think she should be on probation as I ordered - she needs the discipline and it would help quell some of the hostility out there.

And Belvin said - what you talking about? What order? OC didn't tell me about any order when we were totalling up the days served? Email me that order, and if what you are saying is correct - what are you waiting for? Get that motion refiled and let's get going on it. Sorry about that Stan! Let's make it right!
And Stan? LOL - This is really going to tick ole Mason off - y'know? Bwaahaaa! (sorry, couldn't resist the last part..:innocent:)
Acorrding the news thread There are many tweets stating this is where FCA is. Could be why her parents flew to Houston today. The Clinic is located there.
We specialize in treating individuals with complex co-occurring disorders
or dual diagnoses.

# Psychoeducation groups, mentalizing, family therapy and skills coaching are essential facets of our treatment programs

What do you all think?

Bwwaaaahhhhhaaaa - WTF - look what they specialize in!! Is the chicken soup grief lady there?
Acorrding the news thread There are many tweets stating this is where FCA is. Could be why her parents flew to Houston today. The Clinic is located there.
We specialize in treating individuals with complex co-occurring disorders
or dual diagnoses.

# Psychoeducation groups, mentalizing, family therapy and skills coaching are essential facets of our treatment programs

What do you all think?

Sounds logical. They will try to make her more respectable by attaching some bogus Psych diagnosis to her.
A lethal injection is the only therapy that would improve ICA.
I hope GA is careful when he hugs her- wouldn't want the physical contact to be misinterpreted by ICA- she might use that against him next time she's trying to escape being punished for a felony...
Now IF Casey does get the normal probation, here is what I see happing. Casey will have to be visible to the public a bit. One can assume the probation officer will be harsh here. And every small legal mistake Casey makes will be reported to the authorities. That you can count on. Spitting on a sidewalk or street can be a breech of probation for example. With the type of scrutiny Casey will be under, there is almost no chance of her surviving the probation period without breaking her terms. She will be in the jail of her own made public opinion. And let her fry in it!!!

I would like to believe all probation officers would be hard eggs. That's what their job requires - watching a person convicted of crimes who are released into society and to oversee the structure of the probation. I certainly don't expect or want a probation officer for Casey who carries a whip or is unfairly harsh to the point of treating one former inmate differently than another.

I am curious, if she is required to obtain gainful empolyment, just what can she do. Certainly she could not be trusted in a job that has handling money, or it would be a cruel joke for her to be involved in child care or perhaps a teacher's aide.

No, I think the most appropriate position for Casey would be working in a laundry. I'm being very serious about this idea.
I would like to believe all probation officers would be hard eggs. That's what their job requires - watching a person convicted of crimes who are released into society and to oversee the structure of the probation. I certainly don't expect or want a probation officer for Casey who carries a whip or is unfairly harsh to the point of treating one former inmate differently than another.

I am curious, if she is required to obtain gainful empolyment, just what can she do. Certainly she could not be trusted in a job that has handling money, or it would be a cruel joke for her to be involved in child care or perhaps a teacher's aide.

No, I think the most appropriate position for Casey would be working in a laundry. I'm being very serious about this idea.

I agree. There are lots of jobs behind the scenes, no public exposure where she could find employment IF she needs the money. Hard physical work is good for you in many ways. She needs to learn that.
You know the slogan, "Don't Mess with Texas"

They take this kind of stuff very seriously. I am married to a proud Texan.

i know this is soooooo off topic, and i apologize! but i am a proud texan also, and i cannot wait to see what happens to warren jeffs, here in san angelo.

gonna be a tough case to win for the prosecutors - but i have faith in the evidence the Tx Rangers will have put together :):)
Does anyone have a clue as to why Judge Strickland is doing this now? I wonder why he didn't do this before she left jail, or immediately after?

Something about this is "off." Why now?

I understood from something I read last week (sorry can't remember where) that he was asked to 'clarify' what the intent of his original ruling was because all the confusion surrounding the 'language' of the ruling. Don't know where the request came from however.

One thing I don't understand is the withholding of adjudication on some of the check fraud charges. What does that mean?
i know this is soooooo off topic, and i apologize! but i am a proud texan also, and i cannot wait to see what happens to warren jeffs, here in san angelo.

gonna be a tough case to win for the prosecutors - but i have faith in the evidence the Tx Rangers will have put together :):)

Well JC went on the cross to prove his point. Hopefully Jeffs will go the same way. Well sort of. Not the admired part.
I would like to believe all probation officers would be hard eggs. That's what their job requires - watching a person convicted of crimes who are released into society and to oversee the structure of the probation. I certainly don't expect or want a probation officer for Casey who carries a whip or is unfairly harsh to the point of treating one former inmate differently than another.

respectfully snipped

...and then we remember jaycee dugard
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