Is FCA headed back to Orange County for Probation?

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The only reason I think they would fight this (or shall I say the only logical reason I come up with) is that she has to stay in Orlando and report her whereabouts, which could become public information and risk her personal safety.

BBM: "risk her personal safety" ?

It is "My Opinion" that the PUBLIC is at RISK with CFCA NOT in jail for the murder of her child, child neglect, lying to LE, etc.

No ... CFCA's "safety" is NOT at RISK ...

The PUBLIC is at RISK ...

I really think they are going to come out and say she is nutty as a fruitcake and she probably is after doing 3 years in solitary and they have admitted her somewhere.

I do not know about FL, but in GA the ONLY way to get out of Probation Supervision by claiming a mental illness is :
1- you are declared incompentent
2-appointed a guardian
3-admitted to a state run institution.

YMMV this is MHO and from previous experience with a relative.
I was talking about the deals that are trying to be made, the supposed interview with AT, the video of her on TM plane, the Hustler offer. Whether she is involved or not this is what is being projected out into the public's eye. If she were on probation there would be less of this and more of a semi-normal life, she'd have to work, she'd have to report and if she needed counseling she could get it. They can't hide her forever. She needs to come out and face reality no matter how ugly she may think people will be to her, it's of her own making. Her DT is responsible for where she is today. But in order to integate herself back into society probation is a good way to do it. Not understanding why DT cannot see this as it is an answer to their prayers, unless it's because they feel she is a money maker. jmo

It's power, too. They won the trial, and they want to keep on winning. JB and CM don't want any egg on their face.
It's power, too. They won the trial, and they want to keep on winning. JB and CM don't want any egg on their face.

They got a child killer off. And acted like arrogant, insufferable oafs in the process. I'd say most of America already sees the egg on those faces. just sayin... :loser:
Yes it is ironic, with such stylish writing, no one could understand "supervised probation, upon her release from incarceration, " was a stipulation of her sentencing till he had to point it out (too late after the fact).

Can I just say that I LOVE Judge Strickland's self-effacing and eloquent writing style?

"The irony is rich." ...Indeed!
Go over to the "The Verdict - Do You Agree or Disagree". I am convinced that several posters are former jurors on this case. You need a strong stomach to read some of the stuff.

As to where Casey will serve her probation, I'm sure there are at least six on that thread who would welcome her with open arms. Several believe she is innocent as the driven snow, but George is a sexual deviant (Casey & Caylee were sexually abused according to at least one) and a murderer. Go figure.

Guess that's my cue to not go there....I couldn't take it :crazy:
AND Casey Anthony was proven NOT GUILTY of murdering Casey but that doesn't prevent many from thinking she was guilty. Strickland had inappropriate contact, and took the easy way out by stepping down, rather than being forced to do so. It's all about public opinion now.

There is no proof JS had inappropriate contact with anyone, ever. No truth in that statement whatsoever. He stepped down to avoid a mistrial. Defense used it as a stall tactic, plain and simple. Public opinion, by-the-way, is that JS did nothing wrong. Recently Judge Rodriquez stepped down, SA was asked to be replaced, Judge Perry was asked to step down. None of them did anything wrong. It's just a tactical maneuver on defense's part to stall for time. Pretty obvious if you really think about it. jmo
AND Casey Anthony was proven NOT GUILTY of murdering Casey but that doesn't prevent many from thinking she was guilty. Strickland had inappropriate contact, and took the easy way out by stepping down, rather than being forced to do so. It's all about public opinion now.

Once again... Judge Stickland did NOTHING inappropriate and this shouldn't be stated as fact unless you can back it up with proof, not mere allegation, IMO. (See how that works there?)

The only reason I think they would fight this (or shall I say the only logical reason I come up with) is that she has to stay in Orlando and report her whereabouts, which could become public information and risk her personal safety.

Those are the risks that all ex-felons have upon re-entering society. She's not special, contrary to what some may think.
Yes it is ironic, with such stylish writing, no one could understand "supervised probation, upon her release from incarceration, " was a stipulation of her sentencing till he had to point it out (too late after the fact).

Too bad if it does not go through, huh. Probation was never meant to be punishment only to help people readjust to being back in society and to help them get back on their feet. "Too late after the fact" would certainly not benefit KC in any way. She can't hide forever and she may as well still be in prison. At least if she were back in society people would eventually get use to her and she would somehow find supporters. There were plenty of supporters outside the jailhouse when she was released. jmo
Both JS and JP are men with high integrity, cant say the same about the DT........if I said what I thought about them I would get a time out......................
I so enjoyed JS's interview on his thoughts about the "shocking" verdict,he said alot of things that I felt too and it made me feel better...
Has Casey reported already?

Go here:
Put in Anthony, Casey

Click on her name and you will see the following:

(This information was current as of 8/1/2011)

DC Number: X70160
Hair Color: BROWN
Eye Color: HAZEL
Height: 5'02''
Weight: 107 lbs.
Birth Date: 03/19/1986
Supervision Begin Date: 01/25/2010
Current Location: ORLANDO
Current Status: ACTIVE
Supervision Type: PROBATION FELONY
Scheduled Termination Date: 07/16/2012
BBM: "risk her personal safety" ?

It is "My Opinion" that the PUBLIC is at RISK with CFCA NOT in jail for the murder of her child, child neglect, lying to LE, etc.

No ... CFCA's "safety" is NOT at RISK ...

The PUBLIC is at RISK ...


There was a woman in Okla. (I believe) who apparently looked like Casey, a customer of her's waited for her to get out of work and followed her to run her car down off the road and left the woman when she presumed she was dead. Her car rolled twice.

The only reason, IMO, the public is at risk is because of these vigilantes who want to take the law into their own hands.

I'll post a link if needed.
all the TH and MSM says KC wants therapy for being in "solitary confinement" for three years.

Now someone correct me if I am wrong but isn't solitary 24 hour lockdown, no outside time ever? And the only human contact you have is someone sliding open a little slot to toss in your food?

There is a difference between solitary and PC right? Or am I losing it?
I have known people on probation. It's a transition back into society under the watchful eye of law enforcement. There is no reason to object to it unless there are other motives. As a poster said before she will be made to find a job, stay away from drugs/ alcohol and if any type of counseling is needed the probation officer will see to that too. And if she is in a facility now, she can serve her probation after her release if the judge agrees.
I'm sorry but she wasn't PROVEN not guilty the jury just found, in their minds, some kind of reasonable doubt. Doubt is not proof.

Thank you.

I'm always amazed by people (especially very young) who think once the jury says 'Not guilty' that that's the truth - the whole truth. That the jury must have some hidden powers of wiseness that enables them to see the real story.

Not guilty. Wow, and I thought she was, but I must've been wrong because the jury says she's not. Seriously, I know people who think this way.
I think it is all about money. If the public can see her, her bus view down. Heaven forbid that she would have to get a real job! I hole she is made to comeback!
I may be late on this but, Jean C. on IS said that a PO did visit FCA in jail (Feb 2010) to alert her to the probation conditions. This PO also told her that she was to report to Probation within 24 hours of release. When a court order is read and/or shown to a defendant, it is the defendant's responsibility to remember these conditions. No one is assigned to a defendant, to remind him or her that a court date is coming up, or to report to probation, or anything else. Seems open and shut to me, she received her orders and agreed.
AND Casey Anthony was proven NOT GUILTY of murdering Casey but that doesn't prevent many from thinking she was guilty. Strickland had inappropriate contact, and took the easy way out by stepping down, rather than being forced to do so. It's all about public opinion now.

The Felon was acquitted but certainly not "proven" not guilty. Nor was Strickland involved in "inappropriate contact". You can spin it that way just like the DT and try to besmirch the judge a million times, but it doesn't make it fact. It was trash, not garbage, btw.
Once again... Judge Stickland did NOTHING inappropriate and this shouldn't be stated as fact unless you can back it up with proof, not mere allegation, IMO. (See how that works there?)

Those are the risks that all ex-felons have upon re-entering society. She's not special, contrary to what some may think.


You are correct, except most ex-felons do not have the amount of publicity that has surrounded this case. And, I only have to wonder that if she was being held in Orlando for probation of 1 year while out, and something were to happen to her; would that be the state's fault? Kind of like when she was in their custody and they had to make sure her release was safe.:waitasec:
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