Is FCA headed back to Orange County for Probation?

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For the last time, get the facts straight. HHJS WAS NOT inappropriate. The defense actually sent one of it's investigators to talk to the blogger, and tricked him into talking about a brief conversation after a hearing that was on videotape where Judge Strickland said he had a fair and balanced blog. You can look on Dave Marinade's own blog at how furious he was that the investigator tricked him, and that it caused HHJS to recuse himself. That was it. And HHJS was never PROVEN to be inappropriate. He recused himself because HE FELT that was the right thing to do. If he HAD been inappropriate, he would have been FORCED off the case. He wasn't. It was his decision, and he CHOSE to stand down off of the case. I am tired of people saying he was inappropriate. He was NOT. It is not in ANY court document, just an UNPROVEN ACCUSATION by the defense. That is IT. This is not revenge on HHJS's part. I remember the sentencing myself, and he clearly said probation was to be served AFTER she was released from prison. I don't get why people are twisting this to be something it's not. It's the prison officials who messed this up, not HHJS. And he is NOT out to get anyone, and above all HE WAS NOT INAPPROPRIATE! Go back to the sentencing, read Marinade's blog about what happened, heck, even read HERE about what happened. It all proves he wasn't inappropriate.


I predict Cheney will be successful in court today. It really seems Strickland has an axe to grind.

Why? Because he is insisting that she abide by the terms of her plea deal?
Poor guy who hired him, I guess he did not watch the trial because if he saw how Baez is in court IMO he never would have hired him.he will probably get 10 years:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
CFCA acquittal was not because of JB skills IMO. I wonder if he will use his "Who cut the cheese" or "The truth stops here" remarks.Unless they get the Pinellas dirty dozen as his jury.

Agreed. I honestly can't see how JB can unironically be described as "masterful." He was only lucky in that he got away with a lot of eyebrow-raising antics. In fact, he was so bad that, during the trial, the news shows were all constantly speculating on how FCA could challenge her certain guilty verdict on appeal by virtue of ineffective counsel!

By sheer luck, he went from a joke to a "masterful," silver-tongued legal strategist. Perceptually, of course.
Why? Because he is insisting that she abide by the terms of her plea deal?
Exactly and "supervised probation, upon her release from incarceration, " was a stipulation of her sentencing.
Exactly and "supervised probation, upon her release from incarceration, " was a stipulation of her sentencing.

I don't understand why that is considered confusing language :waitasec:
I predict Cheney will be successful in court today. It really seems Strickland has an axe to grind.

Dont want to be "Debbie Downer" but I feel the DT will get their way AGAIN,also
Some how things always work in their favor.......:banghead:

Of course I would be ecstatic if Judge Strickland pulls it off!!! I'm betting he and JP have had many long talks about this case and I wouldn't blame them for trying to reach out for anything they can to get to FCA!!!
Well............I called that one..............guess who's in a psych hospital effective today? I'll give you one's not me....................yet!


"Allegedly" I apologize if this IS just a rumor, I based my statement on a previous poster!
Dont want to be "Debbie Downer" but I feel the DT will get their way AGAIN,also
Some how things always work in their favor.......:banghead:

Of course I would be ecstatic if Judge Strickland pulls it off!!! I'm betting he and JP have had many long talks about this case and I wouldn't blame them for trying to reach out for anything they can to get to FCA!!!

I don't believe that is the motivation. I think Judge Strickland simply wants her to comply with his initial order following the plea deal.

I do, however, think there is the possibility that she will not be required to serve this probation based on the claim that it was served in jail. From what I have read, she met w/ probation officer and violated no terms of the probation while in jail.

I hope that is not the case.

Hats off to Judge Strickland and to Richard Hornsby who got this ball rolling.
:coffeews: Seems like it's going to be a question of whether Strickland's original written order should stand, which did not specify probation should be served after the sentence, or whether the oral transcript should stand, which I'm guessing did specify the probation should be served separately from incarceration. For once in this case, please let the INTENT of the law prevail!

I have to admit, I'm doubtful though.
I thought it might be a good time to review Judge Strickland's 'Order on Defendant's Motion to Disqualify Trial Judge'. A true work of art, IMO.

I trust CM used a notary stamp from the proper decade this time around.
Well, now that is one court document that almost any layman could understand. HHJS, would do well as a psychic too; as nearly all of his predictions have come to pass. Except he, like the great majority of us, did not see, in the cards, The Infamous 12.
While we're waiting to see what happens on the probation, can someone explain why CFCA got credit for time served on the check charges TWICE?
I thought it might be a good time to review Judge Strickland's 'Order on Defendant's Motion to Disqualify Trial Judge'. A true work of art, IMO.

I trust CM used a notary stamp from the proper decade this time around.

Can I just say that I LOVE Judge Strickland's self-effacing and eloquent writing style?

"The irony is rich." ...Indeed!
I find myself mixed on how I feel about this latest development. I believe KC should be made to fulfill her obligation of probation but, I also feel it's paramount that she receive treatment at this time. She was acquitted.....whether I like it or not........she has to at some point live back in society. IMO, without treatment, she has little chance of doing that with any amount of success.

If....and I say IF.....she has entered this treatment center, it would probably make better sense to allow her to go through the treatment, then have her report back to Florida for one year of probation. It would seem to me that if the treatment is successful, the affect would be constructive. I understand Judge Strickland's purpose here. She must follow the law as all others are expected to but, I just don't think it would be productive to force the issue "at this point".
CM could very well try to use JS's words post conviction (yes, she was convicted of lying to LE) to get him tossed. I'm sure he'll attach every article or transcript of post-verdict interviews. Personally, I can't see how one thing has anything to do with the other, but I'm sure CM will throw dirt anyway. JMO
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