Is TH Responsible in any way for the Disappearance of Kyron? **NO DISCUSSION**

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Is TH Responsible for the Disappearance of Kyron?

  • Yes

    Votes: 321 75.5%
  • No

    Votes: 18 4.2%
  • No Clue

    Votes: 86 20.2%

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It's all about probabilities to me. LE obviously believe there is a high probability she is involved and I'm sure that the majority of the time LE is focused on a suspect like this that suspect is guilty. We all know cases where LE has been fixated in the wrong direction, I posted an example of a very suspicious suspect in the Somer case who was not the perp, so I would not be surprised if the case turned towards someone other than Terri but in general what walks like a duck is usually a duck.

As for her memory...I see Terri's scheming side as evidence of somebody who really pays attention to what goes on around her. People like that don't tend to forget the details of what they did earlier that day or the day before. I've known a few people like that, my grandmother was like that. I used to work with a lady who was a hawk, she always knew what was going on. If she told me she didn't remember something or was vague about something then I knew it was utter BS. I'm not saying this means Terri should have developed a foolproof plan, because I think that is a little different type of thing.

Too, she was a body who has to pay close attention to what they have eaten every single day, how many calories they have taken in...etc.
Seems to me that a person in that type of sport must have great self discipline and memory..I understand people write things down, but self discipline in a sport like this requires more than writing it takes memory because a pen and pad are not always around with every single situation you are in..
OT, but does anyone recall who it was that said Terri was so active in the school? For some reason I was thinking it was in the same article that mostly quoted her mom, but maybe not. I guess I mean, do we know it for a fact?
OT, but does anyone recall who it was that said Terri was so active in the school? For some reason I was thinking it was in the same article that mostly quoted her mom, but maybe not. I guess I mean, do we know it for a fact?

I think at least some information came from the Blended family article that we have a thread on.
According to friends and family, the Hormans are a tight-knit, loving family that enjoys doing things together.

They play board games, go bowling with friends and take trips. In 2009, they visited Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla. Late last year they went to the Roloff Farm in Helvetia where the reality TV show "Little People, Big World" is filmed. And recently, they peered at the animals at the Oregon Zoo.

Terri volunteered at Skyline School, where Kyron was in second grade, and she took him to swimming lessons with [other children]
I don't know that I saw that part that they'd visited the zoo recently, but I do know that Terri herself posted on someone's FB page that instead of going to the zoo where the line was too long they chose to go bowling instead. And that was VERY recently.
I'm sorry for posting here ... I'm sure it is not the right place, so I would appreciate someone directing me to the correct place...

I want to know if anyone has a copy of the Dateline report from Monday that I can download? Or any links to where it is already online? NBC only have a couple of snips from the show on their site.

Thanks for your help.
... there was a span of time when she was being looked at and eyed as being involved when she did NOT have an attorney yet and she never came out speaking publically to clear her name.
Perhaps much of that time she was doing as her husband said and was keeping quiet.
Theory submitted by reader brings speculation to case

The reader asks if possibly Terri Horman was angered that her son moved out and took it out on Kyron. Sort of an ‘You made me give up my son, now you’ll give up yours’ type of thing. Please remember, this is only a theory
Hi Kant, good to see you... Do I have any physical proof she is guilty? No, I don't..I could very easily climb on that fence and say I don't know too..because I don't.
But, I'm going with my gut instincts on this one too... I say she is not only guilty of harming Kyron but could care less that she did...I suspect her only concern is herself.
IMHO...KH and DY pleading with her in anyway requesting information about Kyron will only serve to strengthen her resolve to let them suffer...Sad fact considering the circumstances.. but nonetheless true..I pray LE has something that will stand up in a court of law...JMO

I feel the same way Emeralgem! I don't know that she is guilty..anymore than anyone else knows that she's not..but I believe that she is. <moo..all any of us can do at this point is speculate, unfortunately. I only wish I was feeling positive about Kyron being found safe and sound, regardless of whomever is responsible for his disappearance..:(
Theory submitted by reader brings speculation to case

The reader asks if possibly Terri Horman was angered that her son moved out and took it out on Kyron. Sort of an ‘You made me give up my son, now you’ll give up yours’ type of thing. Please remember, this is only a theory

I'd be lying if I said this wasn't something that crossed my mind early on. Now, not so sure.
I could not tell you what I did in the weeks prior to, much less the day of the death of my husband. I could not tell you who was with me and who was not. I could not tell you what time of the day or night it was (or whether it was day or night), what day of the week it was, nor the calendar date without looking at the death certificate or in my Bible. I could not tell you what I'd last eaten or the last place I went. This was from that day until this; I have no temporal memory outside of he was gone and the hole had sucked in that part of us which had connected us until that moment.

gosh debs, maybe in some way you are truly blessed that you don't remember. :hug: I wish I could forget sometimes, I have played that night and morning over in my mind so often over the years...the 'what ifs' can be excruciating.
Ok, I'll bite. Assuming today is the day my stepchild goes missing (it's only 12:30pm here now, so there would be a few more hours of activity before I'm being questioned):

Woke up at 7:15, woke up daughter to get her ready for school. We lounged around in her bed for about 20 minutes, playing with the dogs, talking about what she dreamed last night, choosing her outfit for the day. DH came into her room at about 7:35am to kiss her goodbye, then left for work. At about that time, we got our lazy butts up and she proceeded to get ready for school.

We went about our morning as usual, DD brushed her teeth and got ready for school, I went downstairs to make her breakfast, get some coffee, tend to the dogs, etc. and she came downstairs around 8am to eat and watch cartoons. I hopped onto my computer to check email and update on Kyron's case :)

At 8:30am I realized I was totally late and raced upstairs to get myself ready, and DD came with me because she forgot to pick out socks and wanted to kiss the kitten goodbye (kitten stays in our master bathroom until he's big enough to hold his own with the dogs). As I got dressed, DD went downstairs to get her sweater and shoes, and I realized I didn't finish making her lunch, so with curses under my breath, I stuck a headband on my head to hide the bed-head and ran down to the kitchen to pack up her lunch.

Like a crazed lunatic, I rush us out the door at 8:46am and we drove to school. Arrived at school a few minutes past 9am, kissed DD goodbye and walked her to the doorway of her classroom and watched her go in. I signed her in at 9:05am.

I then got into my car, lit a secret cigarette (shhhhhh), and headed to the bank which is near the school. Got to the bank at about 9:10am, checked my safe deposit box, chatted with the manager, got back into my car and headed to one of my PO Boxes (UPS store) because I was expecting a package.

Reached the UPS store at about 9:30am, nodded hello to the kid behind the counter, checked the box and it was empty. Hopped back into my car to head to the post office near my house to check my other PO Box.

Arrived at my local post office at about 9:50am, checked the box, sorted through my mail and tossed the junk mail into the garbage bin inside the post office, got back into my car and drove home. Arrived home at about 10am, maybe 10:05am.

As I walked in the door I heard the phone ringing but just missed the call from my husband, so I called him right back and we chatted about our morning, his work schedule, etc. We talked for about 10 minutes.

I spent the rest of the next 2-2.5 hours on the computer working (I have my own business), checking email and stalking websleuths :) I also spent part of this time tidying up the house because the housecleaners are coming this afternoon and I like to have everything picked up for them. As we speak I'm eating leftovers in front of my computer.

Today is just an ordinary run of the mill Wednesday for me. Assuming the same for Terri (except it was not an ordinary day, it was science fair day, so even more reason for the day's events to stick even better than usual), and assuming she was questioned about her timeline the same day or even the next day, I can't understand why there would be any gaps or changes of story or evidence contradicting her account of the day (I know this is not confirmed, that these things are just rumors).

If you question me for the first time a month from now, about today, I'm certain I couldn't recount what I did at all. But the same day or next day? I just don't get how anyone would be iffy on how they spent the day. What am I missing?
It's not just a matter of remembering every minute of your day, but having someone (or something) to corroborate your story. I would think police would prefer someone other than a spouse or parent, too.

Who could testify to where you were and what you were doing between 7:35 and 9:05 and 10:15 and when your husband arrives home from work? btw, it would appear that I've been on WS all day, but in reality I've been away but still signed in for hours (I pretty much stay logged on so I don't lose my place). I also have had some health issues that have progressively worsened over the last weeks and have posted here a lot, but also have large chunks of time where I'm away and by myself. I don't think I've broken any laws, but I'd be hard pressed to prove it if accused.

I drive to relax, too. I love looking at old houses and neighborhoods, and am known to cruise through the same neighborhoods, checking out my "faves"...and, going on a drive has worked for most of my babies...


I thought I was weird for doing this. If I've had a particularly wicked night at work, I'll cruise around my favorite neighborhoods, looking at the gardens or landscaping or whatever for up to an hour or more, just decompressing, before I head on home.

Oh my goodness - I am so glad you asked. I have been chewing that one over, myself. I'd really like to know more about these two.

I too wonder if there is connection btwn DDS and MC. FWIW there is an "alleged' connection btwn DDS and RS the landscaper in MFH(It'd make sense with DDS also being involved in the landscaping industry)It is spoken about on blink, tho and I thought I read somewhere in the threads that there are not so good vibes btwn WS and blink. So, I'd not dare to try to link to it..
I too wonder if there is connection btwn DDS and MC. FWIW there is an "alleged' connection btwn DDS and RS the landscaper in MFH(It'd make sense with DDS also being involved in the landscaping industry)It is spoken about on blink, tho and I thought I read somewhere in the threads that there are not so good vibes btwn WS and blink. So, I'd not dare to try to link to it..

RS? Has the "landscaper" been identified? Or, who is RS?
IMO, I've mentioned more than once that I can't shake the feeling of a wildcard in this case, that has no connection to TH or anyone close or immediately related to Kyron. I keep searching for rational reasons to explain this feeling, or to counter it, and have not yet succeeded.

I'm on the fence at the moment. Help. Bring food and water.
I could not tell you what I did in the weeks prior to, much less the day of the death of my husband. I could not tell you who was with me and who was not. I could not tell you what time of the day or night it was (or whether it was day or night), what day of the week it was, nor the calendar date without looking at the death certificate or in my Bible. I could not tell you what I'd last eaten or the last place I went. This was from that day until this; I have no temporal memory outside of he was gone and the hole had sucked in that part of us which had connected us until that moment.

I am so sorry for your loss.

It's the same for me when my Mom died. I can tell you where she died, only because I know she was in that particular hospital. I could not take you to the room or even the floor where she died. I have no memory of nurses or doctors or anyone at all other than my family standing around her bed at the time she took her last breath. And that memory is like a tunnel vision, I only see her and my family; I couldn't tell you if she had IVs or what the room looked like or anything about the surroundings at all. I know she was admitted to the hospital then moved from a critical care unit to a 'regular' bed and then to another. I think. I do have some memory of her being transferred a time or two.

I don't remember the timeline at all, I couldn't tell you how many days she was in the hospital before she died, or how I was notified she'd been taken in or how I even got there. I remember nothing, really. I know the date she died only because it was the day after my daughter's birthday, and knowing how hard my daughter would take it, I had prayed she wouldn't die on that day. It's truly all a blur to me. Completely.
debs..I readily admit I have seen little of Terri and have heard even less out of her... But from what I have seen of her actions (press conference, attempted interivew) and information that has been revealed concerning her actions.. She fits the criteria for Cluster B..NPD
IMHO..Woman has ice water running through her veins...Kyron may never be found and I suspect if thats the case and there isn't enough circumstantial evidence to nail her, she will bask in the glory...JMO


I strongly disagree.
As some have speculated that Terri's lack of having all her "ducks in a row" when speaking of her lack of having her "story straight" for the day in question for some seems to give reason to lean towards her innocence in Kyron's disappearance. As in that if she had planned out Kyron's "disappearance" as so many of us believe that she did, then why would she not have gotten air tight alibis, etc for that timeframe in question on June 4th? I know for some this makes them really question was she involved?

IMO Terri is involved in "whatever" happened to Kyron on June 4th and I too(as does DY and TY) think that it was a long time coming as far as Terri planning for Kyron's disappearance and deciding ahead of time that specific day[IMO most likely because of chaotic/hectic nature of an event such as science fair]is why she planned it for that specific day. As others have alluded its quite possible that there may have been 1 or 2 other "attempts" on other specific hectic or chaotic days of this school year, but any number of things could've gone wrong and made her have to wait for another opportunity. IMO she was desperate to make June 4th work.

It was her last chance, as there were only a few days of school left and her plan IMO had to have the most important detail, that Kyron must "disappear" from school. IMO this took all suspiscion off of Terri. As she thought she had come up with a perfect scenario that would leave her COMPLETELY AND ABSOLUTELY BLAMELESS, that the school would be under the full blame and suspicion of the staff and teachers not adequately protecting the young children of Skyline.

This exact detail of Terri's plan IMO is the very reason for Terri's ducks seemingly not in a row for those several hours on June 4th. I think Terri took little effort of making herself an alibi(tho she did make sure she had one stores, gym, etc) but nothing AIRTIGHT for which she realized much too late was MOST DEFINITELY NEEDED AIRTIGHT ALIBIS FOR TERRI FOR EVERY SECOND OF EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY HOUR THAT IS IN QUESTION OF JUNE 4TH.

IMO because Terri was under the full belief that yes, they'd check out what she'd done that morning(IMO she thought LE would do it strictly as "following procedure" NOT ACTUALLY LOOKING AT, QUESTIONING HER ALIBI WITH FULL SUSPISCION ON HER)but rather I think Terri thought all of the intense scrutiny and looking under the microscope would be no where near her, but rather totally and completely of the staff, teachers, maintenance workers, etc of Skyline...

Its in my opinion this is where Terri "fouled up" in her planning and executing of Kyron's disappearance. I think its pretty evident that she planned extremely well for where and what she did to Kyron on June 4th, as Kyron's whereabouts a full 8 weeks later are STILL NOT KNOWN and possibly never will be known.

I hate this thought for closure for Kyron's loved ones, but I do have faith that Terri "fouled up" enough in her planning and executing as far as the airtight alibis were concerned and pray that it is enough that she is brought to face full justice for what she so selfishly, and quite frankly filled with evil did to Kyron on June 4th..

Of course IMO.. MOO..MOO and all that stuff.. IMO..MOO
I could not tell you what I did in the weeks prior to, much less the day of the death of my husband. I could not tell you who was with me and who was not. I could not tell you what time of the day or night it was (or whether it was day or night), what day of the week it was, nor the calendar date without looking at the death certificate or in my Bible. I could not tell you what I'd last eaten or the last place I went. This was from that day until this; I have no temporal memory outside of he was gone and the hole had sucked in that part of us which had connected us until that moment.

:hug: oh debs, I'm so sorry for what you went through. How devastating that sounds. :hug:
Just joining this thread....for today. I've read through a lot of this history and...random question. Is Canada better at treating kidney disease than the US?
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