Is TH Responsible in any way for the Disappearance of Kyron? **NO DISCUSSION**

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Is TH Responsible for the Disappearance of Kyron?

  • Yes

    Votes: 321 75.5%
  • No

    Votes: 18 4.2%
  • No Clue

    Votes: 86 20.2%

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a few things.. first of all of course she is involved IMO

few things that apparenly dont add up .. apparent things but one that struck me is the fact .. i have never heard of driving around with a child with earache.. maybe colic for infant ... but earached... normally earache will have a fever IF infection... but with so much times on her hand... she doesnt hold a job.. why not take the child to the Dr... or give the child some motrin... driving around just is not somthing i have ever heard of for an earache... did Cane know the child had an earache..earaches normally come from a cold that settles into that is a big crock...

why is all her friends so far gardeners... maybe the spicher woman is the one who refered her to the hit man months back.

for some reason terry and her spicher friend strike me as maybe a little close than friends??
This thread is very intriguing. I appreciate all the different perspectives. I think she did it. I just don't like how much DY and KH are being allowed to taint public opinion of her prior to trial.

I have an interesting theory. What if in TH's (Don't forget just a theory) attempts to find a MFH guy she runs across a real creep who offers to trade Kyron for Kaine. In other words you give me Kyron and I'll take care of Kaine later. Free MFH.

So she has set up the situation so that the teacher doesn't immediately notice when Kyron is not there. She and the guy basically plan for a snatch. She leaves but has second thoughts and is freaking out. Calls DD and doesn't tell her what happened. DD knows something is up but she's not sure what. She tries to get it out of her at her home but Terri is a shut clam. She thinks that she's going to get busted cause the guy is going to get caught. But he never does. Now she knows what happened. But she really doesn't.

Kaine is now in fear of his life because LE have put two and two together. DY and Kaine both think she knows where to find the guy but she's not talking. She's afraid by the time they get to Kyron it will be too late. She knows if they find him dead she's going to jail for life. So she's not saying a word.

How's that for a theory.
This thread is very intriguing. I appreciate all the different perspectives. I think she did it. I just don't like how much DY and KH are being allowed to taint public opinion of her prior to trial.

I have an interesting theory. What if in TH's (Don't forget just a theory) attempts to find a MFH guy she runs across a real creep who offers to trade Kyron for Kaine. In other words you give me Kyron and I'll take care of Kaine later. Free MFH.

So she has set up the situation so that the teacher doesn't immediately notice when Kyron is not there. She and the guy basically plan for a snatch. She leaves but has second thoughts and is freaking out. Calls DD and doesn't tell her what happened. DD knows something is up but she's not sure what. She tries to get it out of her at her home but Terri is a shut clam. She thinks that she's going to get busted cause the guy is going to get caught. But he never does. Now she knows what happened. But she really doesn't.

Kaine is now in fear of his life because LE have put two and two together. DY and Kaine both think she knows where to find the guy but she's not talking. She's afraid by the time they get to Kyron it will be too late. She knows if they find him dead she's going to jail for life. So she's not saying a word.

How's that for a theory.

While I am still on the fence regarding TH's involvement, this theory and the one about her accidentally killing Kyron in some way are the most plausible to me. Especially this one as it explains several outstanding questions (DD, why kyron hasn't been found, etc.). Very, very interesting theory. thanks
Quick question..I'm not sure if this is something we know as fact or not..hopefully someone more knowledgeable than myself can help?

How was Kaine allowed to take baby K with him when he left? Did Terri just not fight it...or did LE tell him to do so? The answer to this would answer quite a few things I'm pondering...
It was said she was not home when he left.

I haven't heard him clarify that... or I missed it.
Quick question..I'm not sure if this is something we know as fact or not..hopefully someone more knowledgeable than myself can help?

How was Kaine allowed to take baby K with him when he left? Did Terri just not fight it...or did LE tell him to do so? The answer to this would answer quite a few things I'm pondering...

She was meeting with investigators at the time.

ETA: LE did tell Kaine about the MfH plan and told him he should take the baby and leave. It was the same afternoon they did the sting with the LS.
gwenobob said:
Supposedly she was often volunteering in Kyron's classroom and taking the baby with her. Why didn't she volunteer to lead one of the groups that day? It would have been her normal behavior to do so.

Because in my opinion the poor dear has no normal behavior, if she does she sure hasn't showed it since the 4th of June. I think Kyron is no longer alive, and I think her motive for killing him is because she is an [unusual person] just someone else we know about.
And you know, just because somebody is there in the classroom doesn't mean they are automatically great mothers or great helpers. I've known women who would show up and then stand there talking to others for four hours while their babies and children were completely ignored. I've known Moms who showed up out of boredom and didn't do anything, and people who showed up and talked on a cellphone the whole time.

Once at a book fair a Mom showed me a purse full of prescription drugs (and probably a few illegal ones), which still freaks me out to this day!

So this active homeroom Mommy idea doesn't quite jive with some of Terri's other interests. Maybe she told Kaine or Desiree she was helping out at school alot more than she actually was?
a few things.. first of all of course she is involved IMO

few things that apparenly dont add up .. apparent things but one that struck me is the fact .. i have never heard of driving around with a child with earache.. maybe colic for infant ... but earached... normally earache will have a fever IF infection... but with so much times on her hand... she doesnt hold a job.. why not take the child to the Dr... or give the child some motrin... driving around just is not somthing i have ever heard of for an earache... did Cane know the child had an earache..earaches normally come from a cold that settles into that is a big crock...

why is all her friends so far gardeners... maybe the spicher woman is the one who refered her to the hit man months back.

for some reason terry and her spicher friend strike me as maybe a little close than friends??

I said the same thing. I have 5 children and I know about driving a child around to sooth it and get it to fall asleep. However, if the child had an earache the thing to do would be to get home and give it something for the pain and then call the dr for antibiotics. And I would never leave a sick child in the gym's childcare while they were cranky. This does not pass the smell test.
I said the same thing. I have 5 children and I know about driving a child around to sooth it and get it to fall asleep. However, if the child had an earache the thing to do would be to get home and give it something for the pain and then call the dr for antibiotics. And I would never leave a sick child in the gym's childcare while they were cranky. This does not pass the smell test.

[ OT: So good to see you back. We missed you. Hope all is well.]
Quick question..I'm not sure if this is something we know as fact or not..hopefully someone more knowledgeable than myself can help?

How was Kaine allowed to take baby K with him when he left? Did Terri just not fight it...or did LE tell him to do so? The answer to this would answer quite a few things I'm pondering...

I heard LE helped set it up for him. They called Terri in for some more questioning and while she was there Kaine hightailed it out of dodge.
[ OT: So good to see you back. We missed you. Hope all is well.]

Thank you. Finally starting to feel normal, other then the big incision up and down my tummy. Tomorrow will be a week so I guess I am right on schedule.
Thank you. Finally starting to feel normal, other then the big incision up and down my tummy. Tomorrow will be a week so I guess I am right on schedule.

*gentle hugs*

Take care of yourself!
I'm still sitting pretty on the fence, cheering each side on (GO TEAMS!!!!) because I honestly cannot make up my mind - guilty or innocent. With that being said, TH is either the luckiest human being on the face of this earth by not leaving a shred of evidence behind to link her in some way, or the most unlucky human being on the face of this earth with the coincidences and tongue wagging stories/rumors, etc.
I have been thinking - could she and KH have been "swingers"????

Oh my God, Cheewawa, I had been wondering the same thing! In fact, even in the beginning before the marital breakup when they were *all* being oddly quiet, I immediately started getting a Danielle Van Dam kind of feeling about this case. For anyone who may not remember, the Van Dam parents were swingers and acted in ways that seemed suspicious. Of course, in that case, the parents did not split up and cause other drama that took away from the attention needed to find Danielle's perp as seems to be happening here in Kyron's case.

Sorry, I am soooo behind on the latest threads...probably only on page 5 or so of this one right now. lol
I had a crazy idea last night.

Let's assume for a moment that TH had nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance. If so, then what explanation is there for her behavior that day and since (pings, car ride with baby, inability to say where she was, etc)?

Try this one on....

TH had a prior DUI arrest. Kaine claims she was drinking herself to sleep every night. Perhaps she did have a drinking problem. So let's say she has a stressful morning, getting Kyron and his project to school, maybe an arguement with Kaine that morning or the night before - she finds out she can't pick the project up when she thought she could - whatever.

At any rate, by the time she leaves the school at 8:45ish, she's stressed. She decides to go get something to drink. Because she doesn't want to be seen by anyone she knows, she goes to a "distant" grocery that she ordinarily wouldn't shop it, where nobody knows her.

She buys a 6-pack (or two), but doesn't want to take them home. So, she finds a quiet, out of the way place to park - out on the island where her cell supposedly pinged, maybe? She sits in the truck and drinks her beer (or wine), maybe dozes awhile. Maybe calls her friend to commiserate, tells her she's headed toward the gym - and DS realizes she's drunk and drops everything to go and meet her.

By the time she's hung out at the gym for awhile, she's relatively sober and heads home. Still being a bit intoxicated could explain her unusually short emails to Desiree - and the drinking would explain why she hadn't picked up the science fair exhibit. She wouldn't want to tell the police the truth about where she was and what she was doing, because she'd be admitting to DUI (with the baby in the truck, no less).

I'm not sure I believe this scenario, but it would make sense - and I do know someone who did something similar (habitually parked in a scenic spot and drank) while his marriage was falling apart.
I can't help but wonder where this investigation would be right now if Terri would have said she waved goodbye to Kyron out in the parking lot...:waitasec:
I said the same thing. I have 5 children and I know about driving a child around to sooth it and get it to fall asleep. However, if the child had an earache the thing to do would be to get home and give it something for the pain and then call the dr for antibiotics. And I would never leave a sick child in the gym's childcare while they were cranky. This does not pass the smell test.

What if she was upset because she saw Kyron perhaps crying or fighting for his life?

I have two boys and my younger one will cry and get upset if the older one gets hurt or is sad.. Maybe she saw Kyron struggling and she got upset so Terry drove her around trying to get her to settle down...

(thats my theory)
a few things.. first of all of course she is involved IMO

few things that apparenly dont add up .. apparent things but one that struck me is the fact .. i have never heard of driving around with a child with earache.. maybe colic for infant ... but earached... normally earache will have a fever IF infection... but with so much times on her hand... she doesnt hold a job.. why not take the child to the Dr... or give the child some motrin... driving around just is not somthing i have ever heard of for an earache... did Cane know the child had an earache..earaches normally come from a cold that settles into that is a big crock...

why is all her friends so far gardeners... maybe the spicher woman is the one who refered her to the hit man months back.

for some reason terry and her spicher friend strike me as maybe a little close than friends??

Actually, my personal experience gives a reasonable explanation to both the driving around and gardening. If TH is into alternative medicine..doctors are a last resort. You usually start a garden for fresh herbs and spent a lot of time driving around a cranky kid until the alternative medicine works You also meet people online who have a similar interest because alternative medicine is very much an evolving thing. What works for one does not necessarily work for all.
a few things.. first of all of course she is involved IMO

few things that apparenly dont add up .. apparent things but one that struck me is the fact .. i have never heard of driving around with a child with earache.. maybe colic for infant ... but earached... normally earache will have a fever IF infection... but with so much times on her hand... she doesnt hold a job.. why not take the child to the Dr... or give the child some motrin... driving around just is not somthing i have ever heard of for an earache... did Cane know the child had an earache..earaches normally come from a cold that settles into that is a big crock...

why is all her friends so far gardeners... maybe the spicher woman is the one who refered her to the hit man months back.

for some reason terry and her spicher friend strike me as maybe a little close than friends??
This is my first post as a newbie here...though I admit to this site for the length of this case....I saw this in the KATU news site in todays comment section....under (Goodnessme)· 16 hours ago
"I happen to know the poor landscaper that was thrown into the middle of this plot. He was not asked to do it for money, just for "protection". Terri said the marriage wasn't going well and that he had all the money and control, so she needed a way out. The landscaper suggested she get a job and move out and have state services help her in getting custody of her daughter. The next time she spoke to him, she told him she had filed for divorce. He did not work for her or speak to her again. At the time, he felt that she had been distraught, and didn't know how to get out of an "ugly" marriage. He also was lead to believe that she had taken his advice. Now he feels horrible about what has taken place so many months later. On top of that, He and his family are being hounded by media and he is fearful of losing his business, all because this horrible woman approached him with a "favor" that he obviously refused. If you knew this guy, you would wonder why on earth she would even think that he would be the type to do such a thing. He is just a very nice guy....... "...maybe too long?
This is my first post as a newbie here...

I voted Yes. my reason is because of her motive. I cant say what that is without it being called name calling, so I will say her motive is that she is "an unusual person."
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