Is there an Accomplice and should there be immunity?

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Was There an Accomplice?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 14.7%
  • No

    Votes: 151 85.3%

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I am kind of surprised that LP thinks there is an accomplice. I thought it was possible and that maybe it was JG but now that he has taken a lie detector test I really doubt that. I don't think many of these friends she had would do that. I also don't think her family had anything to do with it. It only leaves one person possible in my mind and that was TonE. Why he would do anything like help her with a body is beyond me. He was the last one to pick her up after the car was dropped off and where was he the night before and the day of? Where was she? I would really interrogate him to the ends of the earth if I were LE. If it wasn't him then I really doubt she had help. But I also don't think she went traipsing out very far with this body. They also need to look at whoever she talked to on the phone on the 26th and 27th. LP hinted at someone but didn't name them. I wonder why?

Tony, even according to Casey, wasn't in love with Casey. But, she wanted him. She wouldn't risk scaring him off.

Plus, if Tony was involved, he'd for sure talk to her. If only to placate her so she'd keep quiet.

I think other than telling what he knows Tony is done. IMO, Tony wants this all to go away.

If a boyfriend was involved, I think that someone who loved Casey but that Casey only talked to when she needed somebody to use. Lot's of femme fatale's keep those kind of men on the side.

I don't think anyone else was involved. But, if there was, the most likely suspects would be a very loyal (but not quite right) family member or a lovesick hang-on.

I think she acted alone. I would imagine there is a dumpster at TL's apt. building, and she could have put the body there. If she was staying there she would probably know when the dumpster pick up days were.

I do wonder though where she parked the car during this time, and if anyone would have noticed the odor, or if it was not noticeable until the trunk was opened.

There was a time lapse, it seems, from when the car was parked at Amscot and the time TL picked her up. If she parked the car in the early AM hours, what was she doing between the time she parked the car, and the arrival of TL? WE know she grocery shopped - I wonder how many phone calls she made during this time lapse, and who they were made to.
If any of her friends knew anything, don't you think they'd be banging on the door for the reward money? The only way I can see anyone helping her is if they were as much involved as she was.
Um....Thats the thing about immunity. If you offer it first and its tempting enough to make someone come forward, and they are involved up to their earballs then their portion of the crime could possibly go unpunished.

I think if you offered some kind of limited deal, depending on the circumstances and what info the person can give then maybe they would be willing to give enough info that LE can put the pieces of the puzzle together.

earballs, huh? wow, that's high!:crazy:

i agree with what you said. i still think immunity should not be offered to anyone. people had long enough to come forward. my opinion, however, is subject to change.

maybe she had an unknowing accomplice? how, i don't know, but...
If they had no proof on the second person and likely not to ever have... Then such a person would get off anyway.

However, it they gave such a deal and a person came forward. which might implicate others... solved the case quicker, etc... Pretty much slam ducking the case for the state.... The person might not get charged by the state.. but because this is a high profile case... Their life would be ruined anyway.
I'm going to say no, there was no accomplice.

My reason for thinking this is because I do believe firmly that Casey is a sociopath, and studies and statistics show that sociopaths don't form close relationships, and don't trust others.

You'd need somebody you were close enough to that you could trust them with your 'secret'. I can't see that happening with Casey.

I also can't see anything she couldn't overcome and accomplish herself (such as body disposal) and avoid taking that risk.
I agree 100%.

I think I have to stick by my belief that George helped Casey after he found out that little Caylee was dead. I also think that he may have found the chloroform in the trunk of the vehicle and used it in the trunk to confuse the evidence there. I believe he cleaned the trunk. I really think that he might have advised Casey to leave the car somewhere and report it stolen. Also to leave her purse in the car to increase the chance of the car being stolen. Casey did not report the car stolen or Caylee missing, so she did not do what George told her to. She kept putting it off. I believe that she threw some clothes and trash (pizza) into the trunk and that when George picked the car up from the towing company, he also went to the extension of J. Blanchard Park and threw those clothes over into the wooded area. LE has never mentioned those clothes again or confirmed/denied that they were Casey's and Caylee's. That is very odd.

It is just my opinion that George did help Casey in June - I do not have an opinion on what day. I believe that we will not know where little Caylee is unless George tells where he placed/buried her body. It might be that Casey does not know where Caylee's body is because George told her it would be better if she did not know. I think that when Grandma wrote her MySpace entry, she did know that Caylee was dead. When I read that entry, it seemed to me to be more of grief of a death of Caylee than of her just being missing or Casey just not letting her see Caylee.

In the beginning, I think that only George and Casey knew that Caylee was dead. Then later on, Cindy and Lee were told. I do believe that there was a 'script' of sorts to tell LE. They were all in agreement about June 9th being the last day they saw Caylee. Even adamant about it. Then the nursing home video surfaced and they HAD to change that date to June 15th as it was Father's Day and could be proven.

So all in all, I think all of the Anthony's are covering up for Casey. I believe that little Caylee died of an overdose of chloroform or some other drug and heat from the trunk. The pic of little Caylee in her swimsuit taken on the walkway at the GP's has always bothered me. It looks as if Caylee is so very hot and her smile is very forced. She seemed to be smiling because Casey told her to.

Sorry for such a long post, but I think that George was Casey's accomplice, and that Lee and Cindy went about aiding in the coverup possibly even days later.
Lee is my pick as well.

I don't think Lee, George or Cindy had anything to do with what happened to Caylee. Cindy would not have called the police and made some of the statements she did (i.e. the dead body smell) if she was aware of what went on. And George - as former LE - would have done a better job of covering her tracks if he was involved (IMO). Lee was pretty convincing to me in the jail phone recordings....he was drilling Casey as calmly as he could to try and get info out of her. I don't think he would have done that if he wasn't truly trying to find out what happened.

Now I do believe that they have now circled the wagons around Casey...and though they "may" be holding on the idea that Caylee is still alive, they are dealing with the very real possibility that she is not. They want to protect their daughter before they loose her too. I am also still not 100% convinced they have been truly trying help LE after the initial panicked 911 calls. Washing the clothes in the car, backtracking on their statements about the smell, insulting the way LE has been handling the case, etc. These are all protective measures that could in some small way be making them an accessory after the fact. But I am not sure it rises to the level of a criminal act.
She could have had an unwitting accomplice.....

Not in getting rid of the body, but someone could have helped her get rid of evidence without knowing what they were getting rid of.
She could have had an unwitting accomplice.....

Not in getting rid of the body, but someone could have helped her get rid of evidence without knowing what they were getting rid of.

By washing something or throwing something away. I think her biggest accomplice (as I no longer think Cindy was involved prior to 911 calls) has been the standing water.
I would be more inclined to say if there was an accomplice it was an unwitting one. Casey calling someone to help her move something or hide something and not until they had gotten their 'hands dirty' so to speak did they realize what was going on. They may have not even realized anything was wrong until the news broke of Caylee being missing.
Now this person would have to be someone who had a past that involved scrapes with LE and would choose to not come forward becasue of his past or someone who did not have any criminal past and is of a personality that would be scared to death to now come forward. There is one other possibilty and that is someone that Casey had information on that would be damaging to their life style, job, family etc and she choose them for help becasue she knew that if they spoke up then what Casey knows about them comes out also. It would be in their own best interest to keep quite.
Who those people would be that fit those criteria. That could be a long list but I don't think I know enough about her friends, relatives etc to be able to point to any one specificly.
The idea that she may have been providing services to men would provide a list of men that may have a lot to loose if that was found out. The idea that she may have been involved in some type of illegal activity would then put the person with a police file on a that list. The guy who secretly admired Casey's or who would do anything for a chance at sex with her or who would jump at the chance to help her for a little attention would alos be someone on that list.
nursie is undecided on this one. I will see how it plays out. In my dreams, however, I want an accomplice it could help find Caylee if we can get at least one of them to crack.
There are some ideas / theories circulating lately that Casey had an accomplice.

If she did, who do you think it was? Who would she have confided in?

I doubt it would have been Cindy since she appears to be afraid of her. I doubt it would be her BF, she didn't know him long enough to trust him or well enough to be able to manipulate him into helping her. I doubt that it was George simply because I don't think she would have trusted him.

I could totally see her calling Lee in panic about an "accident" that happened to Caylee, begging him to help her cover it up because "mom will not believe me, mom will blame me for what happened, she can't find out, she will never forgive me" and so on. I could see how Lee could "understand" her situation and help her out.

What are your thoughts on this?

If that is a possibility, then why did Lee say to her on the jail call, "you might as well tell cause we're gonna find out, one way or the other. We're gonna find out". KC answered with "there's nothing to tell".

Also, it was Lee that gave LP the phone records. Why would he do that if he was trying to protect his sister. I think he's the only one in the bunch that is facing reality.

On the other hand, I question AL. He's the one that went to pick her up at Amscot that night. He's also the person that put his vehicle in the shop on the famous June 9th. For what, I'd like to know. He didn't seem to have a closeness to Caylee like his roommates did and his interview with LE is loaded with ER's, Umm's and unfinished sentences. Just my opinion.
She could have had an unwitting accomplice.....

Not in getting rid of the body, but someone could have helped her get rid of evidence without knowing what they were getting rid of.

I agree with this theory.....Someone who unwittingly helped one way or another.
Now I was thinking about an unwitting accomplice now that all you great minds have been discussing it....could that person be the marine in Cali? We also know that Casey had communicated with him saying she had to come out to tell him something very important in person. Padilla says her phone records also lock her into calling him several times around the 26 and 27. I wonder if the marine friend had any other friends in the orlando area that he had hooked Casey up with to help with a "heavy lifting" or "digging" job... I guess we will know soon enough after LE gets out there to Cali and talking to MH and Padilla clan...
I don't think Casey had an accomplice, but I do think she has 3 of them after the fact.

I think Casey alone killed Caylee.
Casey alone disposed of Caylee.
Casey had help removing and destroying evidence.
If George did help her then as an ex-LE he did a horrible job in getting rid of evidence. Fluid stains & hair still in the trunk ????
A crazy kidnapping story that had not one shred of truth to it ??

No, GPA did not help her before July 15th.
Since then yes, but not before.

IMO, the car with the dead body smell contained was never supposed to be looked at by LE, the "2nd story of the 30 day script" told to Rick the body guard of the "kidnapping in the park by the sitter & sister" , was supposed to be told by the wayward daughter being reported for her rebellion by not returning the car fearful of her angry parents. The car was never supposed to be an issue. The 3rd 911 call with CA speaking & KC speaking & GA exclamation of Whaaaaaaaaaat, was in response to CA in response to KC stating she hadn't seen her daughter for 31 days pleading for more time, CA responding to KC that she had already given her 30 days. CA, imo became very angry that KC altered the prepared script & MADE THE ERROR of disclosing the dead body smell in the car. LE WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE LOOKING IN THAT CAR. JMHO
At this point, this entire group is capable of absolutely ANYTHING, imo. The true colors are there to be seen by any who are not colorblind.
I think she acted alone. Now she has help in covering up.
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