Is there any possibility of a Plea Deal on the Murder Charges?

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Do you think this case will end in a plea agreement?

  • Yes

    Votes: 81 44.8%
  • no

    Votes: 100 55.2%

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But I don't see it that way. If some type of plea deal is worked out between the prosecution and KC, I would assume that it would involve removing the which case, it would not be a "loss" to would simply become a NON death penalty case which would no longer apply to her "specialty"

I`ll have to go back and read sleuthers answer because I may have been confused in my answer back. I believe there will be a plea because AL will want to keep her record untarnished. I don`t believe AL is passionate about proving KC innocent because I don`t believe she believes she is.
Sorry for any confusion.:blushing:
But I don't see it that way. If some type of plea deal is worked out between the prosecution and KC, I would assume that it would involve removing the which case, it would not be a "loss" to would simply become a NON death penalty case which would no longer apply to her "specialty"
or it could be said that she was instrumental in removing DP from the table.
I think her only function here is to get rid of the DP one way or the other and I don't have a problem with that.
or it could be said that she was instrumental in removing DP from the table.
I think her only function here is to get rid of the DP one way or the other and I don't have a problem with that.

If you know that your guilty, why wouldn't you take a plea deal?
Does KC just like that she has "visitors" where she is the center of attention?
Does KC just like to go to court for "a day out" type of thing?
Does KC even think far enough ahead to realize that she could be put to death?
Does KC realize that when the trial is over she will just fade away from the public eye?
Does KC realize that a LWOP means that she will be in GP and she wont be the center of attention after the novelty wears off?
If I were KC I'd be begging for the DP ASAP b-cuz I would be scared to death to be in GP.
Just my rambling thoughts. Do you wonder about these things too?

And conversely (sorta), if you know what happened and that you are innocent, why not stay with the not guilty plea and spill the beans? If KC could tell the truth about an accident, she might serve time for obstructing the investigation but would avoid the penalties associated with capital murder.
When KC accepted the plea for the check fraud, she had to agree to acknowledge the evidence that the state was going to use against her-If, in the murder trial, she takes a plea and the state outlines the evidence they had against her, I want to know at least whether or not she agrees to their evidence as being accurate. I just want to know any fragment of what happened, if LE was even close. This goes to the very core of why I follow this case to begin with, it's a warped tragedy with so many questions to sleuth and ponder-I want something back from KC in the form of the truth about the last time she saw Caylee.
If she were going to take a plea (if offered), why wouldn't it be done now? Why let her sit in jail for a year (not that it matters) before bringing it up? Then again, she did wait until her check fraud trial to enter a plea. Is it to keep her in her cushy cell instead of prison? Lots of good thoughts on this one. Mel
I think there will be no plea deal. The defense is very confident about their case. LkB has not left the team. She would have to file papers with the court to leave the team. If Sa would finish up with the discovery, then the defense would provide the witness list. If there is a doc dump coming, it is going to be small and prolly have nothing of value in it. Hl will prolly be on that witness list. The defense is in full force and very confident. Moo

Bold mine.

Just can't figure you out, times, you seem to not understand alot of the discovery, and then at other times, you say things that make me think you are way more familiar with courtroom proceedings than I thought. :waitasec:
Infer what you will....

LBK has not seen KC since May 27, 2009......almost exactly 8 months ago and is no longer attending hearings

The mitigating specialist, Jeanne Barrett and AL's investigator, Mort Smith, have spent the most significant amount of time with KC in the last six months, clear up to the date of January 24, 2010.

Plus, as of the hearing before this one, no one on the defense team has even looked at the state's evidence...only the reports given to discovery. Why hasn't "Ms. Junk Science" been down to Orlando to look at said discovery?

Me thinks the defense has a plea deal at the top of their list.
Plus, as of the hearing before this one, no one on the defense team has even looked at the state's evidence...only the reports given to discovery. Why hasn't "Ms. Junk Science" been down to Orlando to look at said discovery?

Me thinks the defense has a plea deal at the top of their list.
JB has stated publicly that there would be no plea deal. Miss Anthony has pleaded not guilty and we plan on proving her innocence. His words.
I am afraid there will be a plea deal but not until much closer to trial date. (1) There's just so much worry by the defense about the costs involved, it just makes me think they are operating on a shoestring, but trying to keep up impression they are fighting hard. (2) For the prosecution, I'm afraid the financial people will put the pressure on to eliminate the trial. If this does happen, I feel so sorry for all the prosecution and LE who have poured their heart and soul into this case. (3) As far as KC goes, it's possible that she will deny us all of a trial just because she's a spiteful b**ch. Sure hope she doesn't plea until we get to see the last 10% of the discovery though!
I voted no plea deal. I think the only plea the state would offer would be to take the DP off the table as has been said before. I don't think Casey would take a plea of that nature. That and I think the lawyers on the defense want this to go to trial. Not because they want to prove their client not guilty but more because of the fame of this thing playing out in the court room.

If OJ took a plea would Cochran, Dershowitz, Shapiro, or Kardashian have been household names? Even if the defense lost that trial their names were pumped into every American TV on every news network.

So yeah this things going to trial Casey's ego won't allow her to plea, and the lawyers in this case want this trial so they can become the next Dream Team. Yes AL is a high profile lawyer, but honestly until she showed up in this case how many non-lawyers or people not from the Illinois area even knew who she was? When you Google her name other then her personal web page and De Paul every other link is associated with this case.

I don't think it has anything to do with their confidence in the case or that they can win. It has everything to do with notoriety. You can't buy the kind of publicity they are getting right now. Come trial time when this case heats up again it will be on every nightly news network, and perhaps a Saturday Night Live skit, or Letterman Top Ten.
I think that AL will push for a plea deal. If she can get the DP off the table, then she served her purpose and won (according to her way of keeping score).

They are going to have to start presenting their discovery to the SA and I don't think that they have any.

Baez, in court, made it sound like they could not proceed with their discovery because they didn't have everything ffrom the SA. Is this his frame of mind? Does he feel that he can not proceed with his discovery process until he has everything from SA? Does this mean that he has yet to find anything in the currently released discovery that he could use to save his client? I think it does. There will be a plea because so far what little they have put out there to test the waters of reasonable doubt has not worked.

IMO and all that jazz.
JB has stated publicly that there would be no plea deal. Miss Anthony has pleaded not guilty and we plan on proving her innocence. His words.

So? Isn't that just normal defense rhetoric? I believe when there is a plea he'll say Casey insisted - and he may even say it was "against his better judgment". I really think Lyons carries a bigger stick these days than Baez. She's there for her "win", not Casey IMO.
I voted no plea deal. I think the only plea the state would offer would be to take the DP off the table as has been said before. I don't think Casey would take a plea of that nature. That and I think the lawyers on the defense want this to go to trial. Not because they want to prove their client not guilty but more because of the fame of this thing playing out in the court room.

If OJ took a plea would Cochran, Dershowitz, Shapiro, or Kardashian have been household names? Even if the defense lost that trial their names were pumped into every American TV on every news network.

So yeah this things going to trial Casey's ego won't allow her to plea, and the lawyers in this case want this trial so they can become the next Dream Team. Yes AL is a high profile lawyer, but honestly until she showed up in this case how many non-lawyers or people not from the Illinois area even knew who she was? When you Google her name other then her personal web page and De Paul every other link is associated with this case.

I don't think it has anything to do with their confidence in the case or that they can win. It has everything to do with notoriety. You can't buy the kind of publicity they are getting right now. Come trial time when this case heats up again it will be on every nightly news network, and perhaps a Saturday Night Live skit, or Letterman Top Ten.

Okay, I see your point. But taking it in to the actual trial, and let's say the defense faces mounting evidence of Casey's guilt, and they keep trying to defend her, what kind of idiotic reputation is that? I think it will definitely go to trial, but not to the sentencing phase. How much can a reputation of a lawyer be worth if it has all the disparaging remarks and losses this case will surely bring?

Who says to themselves - Hey I've got a problem - I think I'll call that hotshot Jose Baez to defend me - even though he lost the Casey Anthony case and she got LWOP and oh yeah, he lost her check fraud charges, but yeah - I sure he'll do a better job for me. Just the thought of Baez bumbling through defense day after day at trial makes me shudder - he can hardly string two sentences together.
Okay, I see your point. But taking it in to the actual trial, and let's say the defense faces mounting evidence of Casey's guilt, and they keep trying to defend her, what kind of idiotic reputation is that? I think it will definitely go to trial, but not to the sentencing phase. How much can a reputation of a lawyer be worth if it has all the disparaging remarks and losses this case will surely bring?

Who says to themselves - Hey I've got a problem - I think I'll call that hotshot Jose Baez to defend me - even though he lost the Casey Anthony case and she got LWOP and oh yeah, he lost her check fraud charges, but yeah - I sure he'll do a better job for me. Just the thought of Baez bumbling through defense day after day at trial makes me shudder - he can hardly string two sentences together.

I don't see JB going back to being a simple lawyer after this case. To me this is the perfect storm for him. Even with a loss he still wins. He won't be JB esquire anymore it will be JB superstar talking head on true TV and such with his own show somewhere. I'll bet Nancy Grace makes more money on HLN then she ever did as a prosecutor.

So with that in mind having this go to trial even looking like a bumbling fool JB gets a shot at stardom. A plea is not in JB's best interests imho. You don't exactly have to be well liked or talented to be a star; you just need your mug on TMZ. :D
I don't see JB going back to being a simple lawyer after this case. To me this is the perfect storm for him. Even with a loss he still wins. He won't be JB esquire anymore it will be JB superstar talking head on true TV and such with his own show somewhere. I'll bet Nancy Grace makes more money on HLN then she ever did as a prosecutor.

So with that in mind having this go to trial even looking like a bumbling fool JB gets a shot at stardom. A plea is not in JB's best interests imho. You don't exactly have to be well liked or talented to be a star; you just need your mug on TMZ. :D

I could not agree with you more, marspiter. I think that even with a loss it's a win for him. I see him somewhere down the line as a "legal correspondent" on Geraldo, HLN, NG...take your pick.
I could not agree with you more, marspiter. I think that even with a loss it's a win for him. I see him somewhere down the line as a "legal correspondent" on Geraldo, HLN, NG...take your pick.

If the sale of JB's shirt on EBay is any indication of his popularity.....I would not want make a bet on it.
Seriously. It is down in the PL. No takers last time I checked.
I voted no plea deal. I think the only plea the state would offer would be to take the DP off the table as has been said before. I don't think Casey would take a plea of that nature. That and I think the lawyers on the defense want this to go to trial. Not because they want to prove their client not guilty but more because of the fame of this thing playing out in the court room.

If OJ took a plea would Cochran, Dershowitz, Shapiro, or Kardashian have been household names? Even if the defense lost that trial their names were pumped into every American TV on every news network.

So yeah this things going to trial Casey's ego won't allow her to plea, and the lawyers in this case want this trial so they can become the next Dream Team. Yes AL is a high profile lawyer, but honestly until she showed up in this case how many non-lawyers or people not from the Illinois area even knew who she was? When you Google her name other then her personal web page and De Paul every other link is associated with this case.

I don't think it has anything to do with their confidence in the case or that they can win. It has everything to do with notoriety. You can't buy the kind of publicity they are getting right now. Come trial time when this case heats up again it will be on every nightly news network, and perhaps a Saturday Night Live skit, or Letterman Top Ten.

ITA with you, but I'll go you one better, I've always thought that Casey will take the stand! She thinks she can bullshizt anyone including the jury. And she will finally be the star of the show, not her mother.

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