Is there any possibility of a Plea Deal on the Murder Charges?

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Do you think this case will end in a plea agreement?

  • Yes

    Votes: 81 44.8%
  • no

    Votes: 100 55.2%

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ITA with you, but I'll go you one better, I've always thought that Casey will take the stand! She thinks she can bullshizt anyone including the jury. And she will finally be the star of the show, not her mother.

Oh I agree completely. I would pay good money to see Casey take the stand. That would be huge news coverage. I think shes just narcissistic enough to do it too. However I don't see AL being on board with it. JB I think would be a toss up. He might let her do it if it means bigger profits for him some how. If it were to ruin his chances at the bigger payoff after the trial I don't see him letting her get up there. I guess its really Casey's choice though. Not sure the lawyers can keep her from speaking at her own trial.

I think Casey would forgo a plea just to have the chance at that kind of media attention.
I could not agree with you more, marspiter. I think that even with a loss it's a win for him. I see him somewhere down the line as a "legal correspondent" on Geraldo, HLN, NG...take your pick.

As much as I don't want to - I might have to agree. I can see that he's looking for fame as a Legal Correspondent or some such thing. I'm just shaking my head in amazement that watching his court room skills there is even a remote possibility this could happen. But I believe you because it explains why most legal correspondents are just downright stupid!

I'd still rather see him beg the State for a plea for Casey before the sentencing phase of the trial. Every body even him should have at least a shred of respect in this world and THEN he can bumble off and join the league of stupid legal correspondents out there.:banghead:
Please tell me it's not so - over on the Media Links thread there is a link today that states that a trial might not take place until five years from now. Is that possible?

Also a link about the "no plea deal" claims made yesterday regarding murder charges.

Add - No wonder the state seemed to suggest "call us when someone sets the trial date".
Oh I agree completely. I would pay good money to see Casey take the stand. That would be huge news coverage. I think shes just narcissistic enough to do it too. However I don't see AL being on board with it. JB I think would be a toss up. He might let her do it if it means bigger profits for him some how. If it were to ruin his chances at the bigger payoff after the trial I don't see him letting her get up there. I guess its really Casey's choice though. Not sure the lawyers can keep her from speaking at her own trial.

I think Casey would forgo a plea just to have the chance at that kind of media attention.

Don't get me wrong - I will put my whole world on hold to watch Casey go through a complete trial for Caylee's murder, including the sentencing phase. In fact I'm looking forward to it.

I just think the smart logical thing to do would be.......oh yeah, we're talking about Baez and Casey.....
It seems to me at some point, Baez and group will have to determine whether there is even a slim chance in H*ll that she could beat the death penalty.

If their conclusions fall to the "no way can we beat this" argument, it would then seem they would have to so advise Casey, and, perhaps, develop a plea to a negligent manslaughter charge or some such. (really don't know the legal possibilites here, but something that would get her off the death penalty hook and maybe something less than life)

Given such a scenario, I think it's possible she could be narcissistic enough to want to save herself.

I guess another question would be whether the SA would even consider a lesser plea?

Would really like to hear a legal eagle view on this.
I don't see JB going back to being a simple lawyer after this case. To me this is the perfect storm for him. Even with a loss he still wins. He won't be JB esquire anymore it will be JB superstar talking head on true TV and such with his own show somewhere. I'll bet Nancy Grace makes more money on HLN then she ever did as a prosecutor.

So with that in mind having this go to trial even looking like a bumbling fool JB gets a shot at stardom. A plea is not in JB's best interests imho. You don't exactly have to be well liked or talented to be a star; you just need your mug on TMZ. :D

ITA- I don't think there's a snowball's chance of there being a plea deal in this case, even in the very unlikely event that the SA offered one.

JB & co will milk this for as much and as long as possible.
Please tell me it's not so - over on the Media Links thread there is a link today that states that a trial might not take place until five years from now. Is that possible?

Also a link about the "no plea deal" claims made yesterday regarding murder charges.

Add - No wonder the state seemed to suggest "call us when someone sets the trial date".

No, you remember from the check fraud plea case, they then moved on to discuss discovery, and the SA said at the rate this was going it might be years before the trial. The media has just run with it.
I want this to go the distance. I'd hate to see this pled down.
I`ll have to go back and read sleuthers answer because I may have been confused in my answer back. I believe there will be a plea because AL will want to keep her record untarnished. I don`t believe AL is passionate about proving KC innocent because I don`t believe she believes she is.
Sorry for any confusion.:blushing:

ITA with the part I bolded. AL is not there to prove KC innocent at all, just to get her a life sentence. I believe AL herself says she does not care for her clients' guilt or innocence, only they arent given the DP.

I've long thought all the attorneys, specialists, etc were well aware of kc's guilt, they arent stupid.
Personally, I would be shocked if she took a plea. She too pathological to admit truthfully what she did. I just can't see her standing before the judge on national TV admitting what she did. JMO

I agree, Casey will NEVER admit to what she really did to Caylee. I don't think a plea is out of the question though. If she does plea, she will make up a story about what happened. DEFINATELY wont tell what really happened. That way she can still feel like she tricked everyone and will take the truth to her grave. She may be too narcissistic to be convinced that she wont be able to win a jury over at trial. I think that's whats preventing a plea, she thinks she can win!
Can I please post a thought? I do not know how to post a link and get angry with myself for being so stupid! L.E. offered a plea to kc. in the beginning.Are they able to offer one twice? I know kc. can ask for a plea but dont think she will.She is too vain.I dont know if AL. would get any credit if kc. chose to plea.I pray I live long enough to see this through!!!:blowkiss:

P.S. I'm 77yrs.!
Can I please post a thought? I do not know how to post a link and get angry with myself for being so stupid! L.E. offered a plea to kc. in the beginning.Are they able to offer one twice? I know kc. can ask for a plea but dont think she will.She is too vain.I dont know if AL. would get any credit if kc. chose to plea.I pray I live long enough to see this through!!!:blowkiss:

P.S. I'm 77yrs.!

I don't think they will offer her another. Can they? Not sure on that one! At 77, you have forgot more than most of us will ever learn so please don't feel stupid and hugsssss!!:blowkiss:
Can I please post a thought? I do not know how to post a link and get angry with myself for being so stupid! L.E. offered a plea to kc. in the beginning.Are they able to offer one twice? I know kc. can ask for a plea but dont think she will.She is too vain.I dont know if AL. would get any credit if kc. chose to plea.I pray I live long enough to see this through!!!:blowkiss:

P.S. I'm 77yrs.!
Hi Nore.They can all come to an agreement in exchange for a plea at just about any time before the jury comes back with a verdict..
Can I please post a thought? I do not know how to post a link and get angry with myself for being so stupid! L.E. offered a plea to kc. in the beginning.Are they able to offer one twice? I know kc. can ask for a plea but dont think she will.She is too vain.I dont know if AL. would get any credit if kc. chose to plea.I pray I live long enough to see this through!!!:blowkiss:

P.S. I'm 77yrs.!

I just noticed your post. 77 years old!!! Big Texas sized hugs from me friend. ALL GOOD THINGS TO YOU!!!!!!!
i voted NO way will KC accept a plea.

..i'm sure her lawyers have mentioned it, but she's certain that she can just bat her eyelashes at the jury and win them over.

..there is no way in this world that she would stand up and admit---in full paragraphs! what she has done. (after all, her voice rose 3 octaves and she practically choked saying she "was sorry ( not admitting to it in any way of course)-for what i did". ( now that's ambiguous and means very little) at the chq. fraud hearing.

..with all of the smiles and waves, i think she left the hearing feeling victorious------"the judge likes me!"

..nope, she'll never accept a plea, and like someone said earlier-------jose will WANT to take this as far as he can------win or lose, his name is still out there.
Can I please post a thought? I do not know how to post a link and get angry with myself for being so stupid! L.E. offered a plea to kc. in the beginning.Are they able to offer one twice? I know kc. can ask for a plea but dont think she will.She is too vain.I dont know if AL. would get any credit if kc. chose to plea.I pray I live long enough to see this through!!!:blowkiss:

P.S. I'm 77yrs.!

I am sure anyone here would help walk you through posting a link at anytime you needed help. And you can ask others to post a link and many have been extremely helpful. I agree that KC is too vain and AL will take credit if KC does plea. I will send warm beams of light your way to keep you comfy and able to see this trial through! I think the State can re-offer a plea at any time, but with the way this case has gone - I think it is doubtful right now - I think they have put the gloves on and are ready for a good fight.
As much as I don't want to - I might have to agree. I can see that he's looking for fame as a Legal Correspondent or some such thing. I'm just shaking my head in amazement that watching his court room skills there is even a remote possibility this could happen. But I believe you because it explains why most legal correspondents are just downright stupid!

I'd still rather see him beg the State for a plea for Casey before the sentencing phase of the trial. Every body even him should have at least a shred of respect in this world and THEN he can bumble off and join the league of stupid legal correspondents out there.:banghead:

BBM. Who in their right mind would take his advice? And I'm not being snarky, but if I was looking at the DP and had him as a Lawyer, why not just shoot myself and save the state a whole lot of money.:waitasec:
BBM. Who in their right mind would take his advice? And I'm not being snarky, but if I was looking at the DP and had him as a Lawyer, why not just shoot myself and save the state a whole lot of money.:waitasec:

We need an LOL button (like the thanks button)!!
I'd love to see this go to trial to see the defense go down in flames. I just don't get why they would even WANT this case in a courtroom. They can't control their client, who comes off as a selfish biotch that only thinks of herself; there is a Mount Everest of evidence against her and NOTHING pointing to ANYONE ELSE; and so far, their only attempts at declaring her innocent is smoke and mirrors, ridiculously pointing the finger at Kronk, and saying repeatedly "It will all come out a trial".

Right, like we all need is another set of lies or another souped excuse that WORKS this time (not really) and we'll let just let her go, sorry, just another misunderstanding.

Getting back to the point, am I insane to think that this case in a court room is an automatic WIN for the prosecution? Why would any defense want to go to court with next to nothing and think they can win? I am just beyond baffled at the defense for not asking for a plea already. I just don't see how going into the courtroom is going to do ANYTHING for Casey at this point. I know she has the right to a fair trial, but does she also have to right to make this whole situation worse for herself by going on trial? You'd think her defense would be smart enough to convince her to not take her chances on death in a trial and just take LWOP. Why they haven't done this yet defies all rational explanation.
Of course, I mustn't forget that Casey is still deluded enough to think she'll still walk at this point. Silly me. I live in reality and she lives in Casey Lalaland where plea deals don't exist and this is all just a big misunderstanding to be swept under the rug.

I've also seen other cases where the defense has SOMETHING they can bring in a courtroom and try to get reasonable doubt with. This defense just has NOTHING that will work, and still want a trial. I just don't get it and it looks so incompetent that I also don't get why she's happy with them!

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