Is there any possibility of a Plea Deal on the Murder Charges?

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Do you think this case will end in a plea agreement?

  • Yes

    Votes: 81 44.8%
  • no

    Votes: 100 55.2%

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  • Poll closed .
So, as of just before the check fraud trial, the defense had until Feb.1st to provide a witness list to JS and the SA.

With all that chit chat about late/missing items the defense accused SA of, and then JS told them to talk among themselves, etc, etc., does this mean the defense sneaked out of having to produce that list by the 1st of Feb?

As if they could of course!
I believe that the murder trial will be handled exactly like the check fraud trial was. I believe that the murder case is unwinnable, as was the check fraud trial was, and the defense knows it. The defenses main problem is the states attorneys knows this is an easy win also, so as things stand all the state would possibly offer is LWOP.
The defenses only hope is to wait, appear on TV as much as possible trying to stir up sympathy for KC, and try to point a finger at others, hoping to raise a little doubt so that the states attorneys may start to believe their win will not be quite so easy and thus will give in (from utter exhaustion at having to deal with JB for so long if nothing else) and offer them a slightly better plea deal. If the states attorney does not and all time runs out, then KC will do the same as she did for the check fraud, wait to plea directly to judge on the first day of the trail.
MO on the plea deal: I'm up in the air at this point, I REALLY want KC to go to trial and watch the Defense go up in flames, and of course my dream would be for KC to take the stand and testify.

Part of me thinks she will take a plea deal and part of me does not.

I'm glad I started this topic, very good answers from all of you :)
Ho Hum, Casey and her "story" aren't even going to be the best part of this trial.
The verdict will be sealed for KC as soon as Cindy gets on the stand and is picked apart. That will be the end of KC. I can't wait for the combativeness, the lies, and I have NO doubt our favourite LKB and JA will have no problem hammering it home that CA is a liar and nothing she says can be believed. Then what are you left with? GA, who really is in for a rough ride himself, with all of the inconsistencies...and a KC, which I can't see taking the stand, because her lies speak for themselves, and there is no way for her to get herself out of them.
It is just plain OVER for KC, they are stupid to not take a deal, if it is offered.
I voted no~IMO, this case will play out in a Court room via trial. I think KC rather take a chance on a Jury deciding her fate than spend life or many years in prison.
I voted no. Casey strikes me as being delusionally overconfident, and I bet she thinks there's a good chance she'll walk. With a plea deal, prison is a certainty, and while there's the possibility of prison (and even death) with a trial, there's also a chance that she'll be acquitted. Either way, she's looking at the possibility of spending a significant amount of time locked up, so I'm willing to bet she'll take her only chance at walking free.
I want this to go the distance. I'd hate to see this pled down.

I agree. I know I should be happy if Casey accepts a plea deal and spends her life (or at least a significant portion of her life) in prison, but I have to admit that there'd be a part of me that would find that a bit ... anticlimactic.
I voted yes because I think there are just too many possibilities for a mistrial or for a conviction to be overturned-starting with incompetent counsel. Casey would probably (but no garuntee), accept it now-just depends how scared she is & if she's finally awake to the fact that this isn't some soap opera starring, CASEY ANTHONY.These people react on impulse without thinking of the very real consequences-like the death penalty. Just can't show their true faces to the public. I've often wondered if Cindy Anthony could go back in time, if she'd still call 911. I feel that was done out of raw panic, but knowing what she does now, she might just ignore the situation-maybe move Casey out of state & concoct some car wreck story later.
I agree. I know I should be happy if Casey accepts a plea deal and spends her life (or at least a significant portion of her life) in prison, but I have to admit that there'd be a part of me that would find that a bit ... anticlimactic.

Yes, BeenaBobba, I still expect a plea because the defense has nothing but air in the their bag of tricks, but I actually want to watch her face through even the smallest detail of evidence and I want to watch Baez as he gets shot down every time he tries to twist or refute the evidence. Bring it on!

Then I want to listen to Cindy and George Anthony after the trial when they realize - and I believe they will - that they've been defending their child who murdered their grandchild.
Yes, BeenaBobba, I still expect a plea because the defense has nothing but air in the their bag of tricks, but I actually want to watch her face through even the smallest detail of evidence and I want to watch Baez as he gets shot down every time he tries to twist or refute the evidence. Bring it on!

Then I want to listen to Cindy and George Anthony after the trial when they realize - and I believe they will - that they've been defending their child who murdered their grandchild.

I think they already realize and they actually are defending themselves, from losing their daughter to the death penalty. I think they justify it by considering the great loss they have already sustained--their granddaughter--and they don't care how society judges them because they have lost so much already, and been punished so much already for their mistakes with KC, and their lives are going to always be terrible now whatever happens. Our disapproval is a minor annoyance for them compared to everything else that has happened.
Interesting. Can you give some clarification to show they are defending themselves and not their daughter Casey's actions/innocence? I haven't seen anything in their actions or words over the last year and a half, except their recent silence since Lyons came onto the scene, that gives an indication of that thought.
What I mean is, I think everything they do is geared towards saving themselves from losing her. In that process they pay lip service to defending KC's innocence, but they don't show much conviction, they know she did it. I think they are furious with her but will nonetheless go to any lengths, no matter how ridiculous or transparent, to save her life.
That's just my reading of them, though. It's the only explanation I can think of for their confusing, contradictory, incongruent, infuriating behavior.
What I mean is, I think everything they do is geared towards saving themselves from losing her. In that process they pay lip service to defending KC's innocence, but they don't show much conviction, they know she did it. I think they are furious with her but will nonetheless go to any lengths, no matter how ridiculous or transparent, to save her life.
That's just my reading of them, though. It's the only explanation I can think of for their confusing, contradictory, incongruent, infuriating behavior.

Thanks for that - now your comments are making sense to me. And I might add what I think is just IMO anyhow - I just like to be able to understand other insights as my opinions are never written in stone but ebb and flow as evidence is revealed.

I guess the question for me is yes, I agree they in their hearts are afraid she is guilty, but is their defense about actually saving her or defending themselves from having to accept they may have unintentionally played some part in this by how they raised Casey, and not being able to forgive themselves.

Sorry for sliding off topic a "bit".:blushing:
Me thinks the Defense doth protest too much.

They are posturing with the cries of KC being so unpopular and not being able to get a fair trial. They are positioning to prepare everyone for a plea deal although it won't happen anytime soon.

When I consider the mountain of evidence and testimony against KC and all the Defense seems to have is to attack the investigation plus methods and procedures -- the Defense are on shaky ground.

When I consider the lack of experts on the Defense side, there seems to be no action in terms of examining the forensic evidence, depos, schedules, plans, nothing tangible -- the Defense are on shaky ground.

When I consider not only the lack of a witness list but that the majority if not all of KC's friends tend to testify against her, her parents have said incriminating things and GA testified at GJ -- the Defense are on shaky ground.

When I consider those who could testify in favor of KC, her parents are not credible, the extended team have baggage (JW) and, there seems to be no witnesses in favor of KC or providing any alibi makes me think -- the Defense are on shaky ground.

When I consider all those who do support KC, can provide alibis, knew Caylee was missing, and so on -- it seems that none of them exist or can be found it makes me think -- the Defense are on shaky ground.

Is there any possibility of a Plea Deal on the Murder Charges?

Eventually -- Yes.

The Defense can do the impossible but miracles? There is so little to work with and so much against.
Me thinks the Defense doth protest too much.

They are posturing with the cries of KC being so unpopular and not being able to get a fair trial. They are positioning to prepare everyone for a plea deal although it won't happen anytime soon.

When I consider the mountain of evidence and testimony against KC and all the Defense seems to have is to attack the investigation plus methods and procedures -- the Defense are on shaky ground.

When I consider the lack of experts on the Defense side, there seems to be no action in terms of examining the forensic evidence, depos, schedules, plans, nothing tangible -- the Defense are on shaky ground.

When I consider not only the lack of a witness list but that the majority if not all of KC's friends tend to testify against her, her parents have said incriminating things and GA testified at GJ -- the Defense are on shaky ground.

When I consider those who could testify in favor of KC, her parents are not credible, the extended team have baggage (JW) and, there seems to be no witnesses in favor of KC or providing any alibi makes me think -- the Defense are on shaky ground.

When I consider all those who do support KC, can provide alibis, knew Caylee was missing, and so on -- it seems that none of them exist or can be found it makes me think -- the Defense are on shaky ground.

Is there any possibility of a Plea Deal on the Murder Charges?

Eventually -- Yes.

The Defense can do the impossible but miracles? There is so little to work with and so much against.

I agree. They can file goofy motions and posture and complain all day long, but they're delaying an inevitable trial. When the trial gets there, they will not have much to work with. Joy Wray *sigh* will be dispatched by the SA with ease, and the Anthonys have lied so many times during actual LE interviews, they will have no credibility.
I think they already realize and they actually are defending themselves, from losing their daughter to the death penalty. I think they justify it by considering the great loss they have already sustained--their granddaughter--and they don't care how society judges them because they have lost so much already, and been punished so much already for their mistakes with KC, and their lives are going to always be terrible now whatever happens. Our disapproval is a minor annoyance for them compared to everything else that has happened.

Call me mean, but they made their own bed! And yes they prolly toss &turn in it all night long!

NOW had they came clean with everyone instead of going out in national/world view for all to see and hear how disfunctional they are....

I KNOW there would be less tossin' and turning. And a whole lot of genuine love and support from 'our' disaproving, annoying public. And I'm also willing to bet in turn the A's pain would not be so painful.

jmho :rant:
cyberborg, you hit the nail on the head. *claps* Bravo!

They have absolutely NOTHING, no platform to stand on, no way to REALLY be able to dispute anything, much less everything. The prosecution has too much evidence and too many ways to make anything the defense says not only moot and laughable, but to make Casey look even guiltier instead of more innocent without a doubt instead of there being a shred of any reasonable doubt. There is no way the defense can reasonably expect to be able to defend her in court. Everything will be shot down or made to look like the diversion tactics of a desperate defense that it is. This is why I can't see them wanting to go into an actual courtroom, unless they have a miracle or two up their sleeves that we just don't know yet (and I highly doubt that).

As much I'd like to see this going into court like I'd have to watch a train wreck, the worst thing they can possible do is bring this to trial if they have any hope of saving Casey's life or even not getting LWOP for her.
And Miss Plum, ITA with you. I think they are much more worried about saving themselves than actually really defending their daughter or standing up for Caylee at this point. Rather than do the hard thing of standing up and putting themselves in between a rock and a hard place (because that would not be easy to do at all, real action always takes courage), they chose the easier, more selfish way out of every Anthony person for themselves. I'm not saying that what they are going through is easy, but there are much better and selfless choices they could have made here and instead they chose themselves over Casey and Caylee, which almost makes me feel sorry for Casey in a way (not really) and really makes me sad for poor Caylee.

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