Is there anyone that believes Ross is innocent?

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If someone premeditates a murder I think we could all agree said person needs to go away for a long time. If someone is careless and by accident someone dies (no matter how gruesome or ugly the death) it still remains an accident. If this is the case here( I know it's a big if) but if, I dont think the dad needs to go away for a long time. If he loved his son, and it truly was an accident, he is guilty of being careless and guilty of being one of the worst husbands on record, but he will be paying dearly for the rest of his life. Again, I am not defending this jerk. If guilty send him away for a long time. But please dont let emotions and the love of children send an innocent man to prison without evidence. BTW, I would be so,so,so,so embarrassed it someone could look up my online search history. Maybe I would be sent away for a long time on assumption of my character and potential of what I may have done in my past or what potentially may do in the future. I have read how some f us think LH raised conservative religious and how she stands by her man, wanting to keep her man, etc. I want to see the woman who now knows her man was visiting prostitutes, sexting minors, leaving the baby she carried for 9 months in her womb alone inside a hot car, the man she now has divorced get on witness stand and profess JH love for his son. How maybe CH was sick in middle of night and the dad says something like "stay in bed, I will go take care of him" or "I will go change the diaper" if this EX-wife still loudly proclaims witnessing many strong father attributes that will weigh heavily for me. That wouldnt be circumstantial or biased or subjective. It would be a fact. If friends and neighbors say the say thing that would solidify leaning toward innocent. I doubt anyone wants to claim the jerk as a friend now but if they can and will still testify to witnessing strong fatherly love (while being embarrassed to testify), that would be strong.

To me the very fact that he put Cooper in a car seat he knew was too small for him (as evidenced by the fact they had recently purchased a larger one), and cinched it down on the tightest straps implies premeditation- he didn't want him escaping, and I don't believe you can "forget" your child in 30-40sec., especially when you've just kissed them, they are inches away from your head, and going to his daycare was part of his usual routine. Also he researched a child-free lifestyle. I really don't care whether Leanna stands-by-her-man or divorces him, that has nothing to do with his guilt and everything to say about her character. She knew immediately he had left the child in the car. No matter what her public face, she knows deep down what he is capable of- that's also why she asked him if he'd said too much!
Also the character testimony of friends and neighbors may also be irrelevant because often they don't know what's really going on inside a household, or the true character of a person. I just watched an episode of either 48 Hours or 20/20 last night, where the immediate families of the perps were sure they didn't commit murder- one of the perps was an army hero, even got purple hearts, yet the DNA of one of them was found at the crime scene.
I think RH is 100% responsible for his son's death, but I do not think it was premeditated.

My hunch (reserving the right to change my mind) is that he knew Cooper was in the car at HD parking lot. He left him there "just for short time" while he made an appearance at work, and he fully intended to return within a safe period and bring Cooper to daycare. I think he has done something similar in the past either at work or elsewhere.

I came to this conclusion by considering RH's personality and behavior. He's lazy, takes risks, lives in the moment, is selfish and immature, likes to be with people, doesn't have a good work ethic or ambition, avoids problems with distractions rather than taking action to solve problems. I do not think it crossed his mind to murder his child. If he did want out of the marriage, he would do so (and was doing so) in a passive-agressive way by being a selfish jerk whose wife either put up with him or left.

I also don't see where he makes any goals and then actually does anything to achieve them. He wants to be VP at HD, but shows up late, leaves early and sexts on the job. He wants a start-up business but he and his buddies go to the afternoon movies rather than busting butt to get the company off the ground. He wants a new house, but spends money rather than saves it.

I really don't think he has it him to want to murder his child or to actually make a plan and follow it.

What I do think is that he got distracted by his dingaling at work and forgot his child was in the car. I think he knew either before lunch or at lunch, but - in his problem-avoiding way - neglected to do anything about it. I think his "discovery" was fake and when he walked away to talk on the phone, it was once again his passive problem avoiding characteristic showing. The guy can't face up to any responsibility.

But he didn't plan it this way. He did, however, let it happen. It was his inaction rather than his action that caused the death of his child.

JMO, all speculation and hunches.

BBM--Early on, this was my theory as well. Especially after hearing Leanna's comment "He must have left him in the car". This tells me, she knew Ross had been routinely leaving Cooper in the car.

Now that the trial is upon us, my mind is all over the place with this case. I am definitely on the fence about this being a case of premeditation. Perhaps seeing the case all laid out will help push me over to one side. Right now, it would take more evidence than what has been presented thus far to convince me that Ross intended to murder his child.
I do not think he is innocent. I do believe he premeditated Cooper's death. I won't go into my reasons (unless asked) since the thread is for people to discuss innocence rather than guilt.

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I would like to hear your reasons.
"I love my son and all," Harris wrote, "but we both need escapes." - morning of June 18, 2014

He put Cooper into his car seat, he "always gives him a kiss in case he gets into a car accident and dies,” so in less than a minute, Harris would have gone from kissing his son to forgetting to drop him off at day care. From the Chik-Fil-A to preschool, It was about 0.6 miles and took 30-40 seconds.



That time is one point I am looking forward to having cleared up at trial. I've read the drive took 40 seconds on up to 2 minutes. 40 seconds is obviously less believable than 2 minutes.
I find the whole "give him a kiss incase we get into a car accident" to be really weird. When I lived at home with my parents, we didn't hug and kiss each time everytime any one of us left the house even though it could've been the last time we saw each other. IDK if I believe that JRH really did that w/ Cooper....
I find the whole "give him a kiss incase we get into a car accident" to be really weird. When I lived at home with my parents, we didn't hug and kiss each time everytime any one of us left the house even though it could've been the last time we saw each other. IDK if I believe that JRH really did that w/ Cooper....
I agree, sounds like something said after the fact by a compulsive liar.
MzOpinion8d said:
I do not think he is innocent. I do believe he premeditated Cooper's death. I won't go into my reasons (unless asked) since the thread is for people to discuss innocence rather than guilt.

Sent from my KFAPWI using Tapatalk

I would like to hear your reasons too
"I love my son and all," Harris wrote, "but we both need escapes." - morning of June 18, 2014


I believe this statement can be interpreted several different ways. How was it meant in the context spoken? LE is making it sound like JRH is saying he needs an escape from his son. I rather think it is a horny JRH trying to get laid. Something along the lines of:
JRH saying " You have a husband and kids and feel unappreciated and stressed. I love my wife and love my child but my sex life at home isnt great. (you and I ) WE BOTH NEED ESCAPES. To take it one additional step. I doubt a dad could make a statement about a 22 month old like "He and I both need escapes" but rather, again, I think it was a horny JRH trying to explain to the female that she and JRH are both on same team of unappreciated by their family/spouse and they both need an orgasmic escape together.
I agree that that particular statement, assuming it's sincere, actually contraindicates the murder charge. It sounds like he's trying to justify a little adultery. He's obviously not going to intentionally murder his son if he loves him.

On the other hand I wouldn't place much trust in a man self-representations in such a context.
I believe this statement can be interpreted several different ways. How was it meant in the context spoken? LE is making it sound like JRH is saying he needs an escape from his son. I rather think it is a horny JRH trying to get laid. Something along the lines of:
JRH saying " You have a husband and kids and feel unappreciated and stressed. I love my wife and love my child but my sex life at home isnt great. (you and I ) WE BOTH NEED ESCAPES. To take it one additional step. I doubt a dad could make a statement about a 22 month old like "He and I both need escapes" but rather, again, I think it was a horny JRH trying to explain to the female that she and JRH are both on same team of unappreciated by their family/spouse and they both need an orgasmic escape together.

Yes, and much like Scott Peterson's line of thinking ( and Casey Anthony for that matter)- the best way to be a swinging single is to be child-free and have all the time you want to indulge sexual fantasies with other people without the responsibilities. He wanted an escape from his son to pursue his fantasies. Both are true at the same time.
I agree that that particular statement, assuming it's sincere, actually contraindicates the murder charge. It sounds like he's trying to justify a little adultery. He's obviously not going to intentionally murder his son if he loves him.

On the other hand I wouldn't place much trust in a man self-representations in such a context.

I assume he loves him is a lie, but needing an escape from parenthood to pursue your sexual fantasies is not contraidicated to a murder charge. Loook at the fact that both Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony were tried for the very same motive!!!
I was not suggesting that the adultery contraindicates the murder but that the whole message, if sincere, does.

This was in response to someone taking the "escape" as a reference to murder, I believe.

Of course the prosecution can and probably will argued that his desire for an escape eventually culminated in murder. But even they are not going to claim this message is a confession of homicidal intent.
I was not suggesting that the adultery contraindicates the murder but that the whole message, if sincere, does.

This was in response to someone taking the "escape" as a reference to murder, I believe.

Of course the prosecution can and probably will argued that his desire for an escape eventually culminated in murder.
But even they are not going to claim this message is a confession of homicidal intent.
BBM. I gathered that. Actually I think they can and probably will claim the escape message is a confession of homicidal intent. It goes along with his searches of a child-free lifestyle. I do NOT believe for one second that he was a loving dad who wanted a kid.(Leanna is a liar IMO). If you've seen any of the photos Leanna took of Cooper on Ross's stomach, Ross isn't smiling in any of those photos. This guy is the ultimate in passive-aggressiveness. I don't think he ever wanted to be a dad, but unlike Scott Peterson and like Casey Anthony he waited for 2 years after the child was born to do something about it!
Also the cartoons and the Chick-Fil-A last meal and the goodbye kiss could've just as easily been for Ross as Cooper. It's not like Ross didn't benefit from these activities. I just don't see unselfishness here.
I assume he loves him is a lie, but needing an escape from parenthood to pursue your sexual fantasies is not contraidicated to a murder charge. Loook at the fact that both Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony were tried for the very same motive!!!

LinasK.....Oh dear....another case that involves reading between the lines of text messages. Eek. :D
I believe this statement can be interpreted several different ways. How was it meant in the context spoken? LE is making it sound like JRH is saying he needs an escape from his son. I rather think it is a horny JRH trying to get laid. Something along the lines of:
JRH saying " You have a husband and kids and feel unappreciated and stressed. I love my wife and love my child but my sex life at home isnt great. (you and I ) WE BOTH NEED ESCAPES. To take it one additional step. I doubt a dad could make a statement about a 22 month old like "He and I both need escapes" but rather, again, I think it was a horny JRH trying to explain to the female that she and JRH are both on same team of unappreciated by their family/spouse and they both need an orgasmic escape together.

I see the text messages as about spouses, not kids. She says that explicitly (My husband doesn't appreciate me, I don't resent my kids) and so does he (My wife doesn't let me go out to play, I love my son).

I think it's extremely common, especially for young parents of young children, to have those kinds of thoughts and feelings, and that SM makes it much easier to express them without fearing judgement.

Wanting or needing a break from it all is healthy, IMO, and not just for moms, whose need for just that has spawned many an industry.

(Given that he sexted with minors his needs were clearly not the norm, but being unfaithful and worse is not remotely the same as wanting to make his son die a horrible death).
I see the text messages as about spouses, not kids. She says that explicitly (My husband doesn't appreciate me, I don't resent my kids) and so does he (My wife doesn't let me go out to play, I love my son).

I think it's extremely common, especially for young parents of young children, to have those kinds of thoughts and feelings, and that SM makes it much easier to express them without fearing judgement.

Wanting or needing a break from it all is healthy, IMO, and not just for moms, whose need for just that has spawned many an industry.

(Given that he sexted with minors his needs were clearly not the norm, but being unfaithful and worse is not remotely the same as wanting to make his son die a horrible death).

I've seen zero evidence he loved his son. Words to that effect by Ross or Leanna don't make it so- they can both be lying. I think by getting rid of his son he figured he'd have less responsibility and more freedom to sext, whether or not Leanna stuck with him. Initially she did play the stand-by-your-man role well publically. Evidently she's seen the light in the last two years and decided to divorce him, or she figures by divorcing him she won't have to testify. I'm unclear on if she knew Ross was going to do this, I still think she might have been an accomplice. Why didn't she insist he switch the car seats if she knew he was going to be transporting Cooper that day???
I think he would say "I love my son" and similar statements as a part of his act, the way he acted like a Christian but was sexting minors, claimed to be successful and rich but actually was terrible with money and lazy with no work ethic.

I have been on those types of websites, I was a scarlett woman and cheated on my husband, cheated with married men, I know the lines and the psychology, basically don't believe a word they say. Even the truth, they add self-aggrandising lies to subconsciously mitigate their actions. It doesn't mean all cheaters are possible child-killers. I just mean that this guy is a total and utter and a lifelong compulsive liar. Most of the men on those sites are. Women are on there seeking intimacy, in whatever form, because it's lacking in their life. Men are on there to get laid and sometimes to play out secret fantasies and perverted fetishes. To be a child-killer is a completely different level. Justin Ross Harris killed his child, which is an incomprehensible act to the vast majority of normal people. Even the losers on the hookup sites. They are all seemingly normal married people who are still married because they want to preserve the family for the kids, or maybe not pay child support, or don't want to not be 'a husband' ie get your clothes washed and meals cooked etc. Being a compulsive liar and a terrible husband and a half-assed type of dad does not equal killer, in the vast majority of situations. So I don't listen to a word he says and I don't judge his involvements in adultery and those websites as proof of him being the type who would kill his child.
I look at his actions. He watched video of how children and animals die in hot cars. When normal (even adulterous lying) parents see that, it changes them forever and you do not ever again even leave your child in a hot car for one minute. He searched "how to survive prison". He went to the car at lunchtime. He got in the car after work and drove with his roasted-alive child's corpse inches away from his face. He hasn't (to my knowledge) self-harmed or attempted suicide. If he accidentally killed his child, I would expect self-harm at least, after hearing the injuries and details of his horrific death.
He is like Casey Anthony and Scott Peterson. A whole different, more depraved level than the lying, married losers I used to hook up with.
As for LH I can't read her. I think she is heavily medicated.
And I think he thought he was being very clever by choosing this method of murder. In his mind, even if he gets blamed for it, his research would have told him that he would get some 'token' charge like reckless endangerment, possibly go to prison for a short time or get a suspended sentence, and probably still get public sympathy. I think he thought this was the perfect crime. The perfect type of murder is the type that looks 100% like an accident. I think he thought he was a very clever man. He was so completely wrong.
Have any reports determined what the temp inside the car would have been? We've talked about the alleged smell quite a bit, and I've read the reports that claim there would be no decomp smell yet. What if the smell was not decomp or even a wet/soiled diaper? I hate to even write this, but wouldn't there be a smell from flesh being baked in that car all day? Maybe that was the smell reported? Ugh. This case makes my heart hurt.
Have any reports determined what the temp inside the car would have been? We've talked about the alleged smell quite a bit, and I've read the reports that claim there would be no decomp smell yet. What if the smell was not decomp or even a wet/soiled diaper? I hate to even write this, but wouldn't there be a smell from flesh being baked in that car all day? Maybe that was the smell reported? Ugh. This case makes my heart hurt.

I just read they estimated it to be 120*
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