Is this case on your "local" news?

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pretty much the same in Maryland...might make local news if big development, like body found, therwise only on national cable news.
I am right here in Orlando. Not 5 miles from the A's. Work down the street from the jail - and what a mess that can be. And yes, very obsessed with the coverage.
I'm in Seattle. I can't remember ever seeing anything related to the story on my local news. So I'm really thankful for WS and NG in order to keep up with all the minute-to-minute developments!

I'm right there with you! When I'v been out and about and have mentioned it to everyday working people they don't have a clue what I'm talking about or they say, "I'v heard something on Cnn?" If you work all day get home around dinnertime NG is over and you usually watch primetime TV in the evennings. Our states local news has been focusing on the exchange student up on murder charges of her female roommate. The Amanda Knox case.
I'm in California too, and it rarely makes the local news. Only the initial disappearance, and significant events in the case like finding the remains and identification of remains.

But, everyone seems to know about the case. If you mention the name, Caylee Anthony, people know who you're talking about. Most have an opinion too, and with the exception of one person, most of those opinions are negative towards Casey and the grandparents. The one exception was a younger person who said, "I think the meter reader did it." :rolleyes:
We always know when something is going to happen - up go the helicopters they hover over the courthouse and news crews are all over the place. It can be a little unsettling for us that live and work here. But, bottom line - Justice for Caylee.
I'm in the north east and there is zero coverage of it here. When I ask people if they are following the case they look at me confused and have no idea what I'm talking about. Thank goodness for NG and you guys.
I'm in Cali and like the other posters NOTHING in the local news so far but the cable news networks show it off and on all day, everyday....

I'm pacificnorthwest also KageyKaren! Our coverage has been of Amanda Knox case too. I agree with teh SA, give this case a little time and it will fade, all the drama has really played out for now other than a funeral. So once that is over and there are no more BOMBSHELLS to drop on a daily basis, plus, not everyone is like us WS'rs....(their loss) but we really do tend to stick our noses whereever we smell a mystery right?
I am right here in Orlando. Not 5 miles from the A's. Work down the street from the jail - and what a mess that can be. And yes, very obsessed with the coverage.

I would be too! I'm sure you hear some interesting things on your local coverage!
I live in southern Illinois and when I asked people they just say the girl from orlando that all they know.
Now my family that different story they know case because NG and JV is on every night.
My husband suprise me last night when he made comment on Casy I was amaze that he know the facts. because I didn't think he listen. LOL
I'm in SC and I don't have time to watch our local news (wouldn't do it anyways) because I'm too busy watching or listening to Orlando's local news. Sometimes I feel as though I'm there instead of here in SC. I don't even know any of our local news reporters names but I sure do know Orlando's local news reporters names. *lol* Sometimes when I go into work for a team meeting, I will ask some of my co-workers if they keep up with the Anthony case and they always say WHO? (they are soooo in the dark!) They only pick up what is on CNN.
I'm in NJ and we don't get anything either...unless MAYBE they decide to add a little blurb if something major should happen. Other than that...nada!

Unless of follow NG!! :)

I would be too! I'm sure you hear some interesting things on your local coverage!

More than we want to at times. It is very emotionally draining. It has just hit way way tooo close to home.

I was born and raised in the good old Pacific NW. Actually North of Spokane. But, been gone for a long time now and call Orlando home. I think it was colder here today than most places. For the first time in many many years I had to figure out how to scrape ice off of my car windows!!!! It was hilarious. I used a plastic spatula from my kitchen LOL It was a sight let me tell you. Oh my we are such wimps down here :rolleyes::woohoo:
Not here in PA. I found out about this from NG and OTR in the beginning and have followed it since. No one else I know knows about it, unless I mentioned it to them.
I'm in the Tampa Bay, FL area, about 1 - 1.5 hours from Orlando. It's not discussed here too much. There never were any "Find Caylee" type posters in the stores or billboards or anything of that nature when she was missing. This case has been in the news, but only when something significant happens in the case.
So for much of the US it is a bit piece of news if any at all, yet the lawyers are under some illusion that this trial is going to be a global event. Why? It seems as if it is just a cable/internet story. Maybe the defense team needs to get away from Orlando for awhile and get some perspective. They are not special, nor is their client.
In Orlando it is on the morning, noon, evening and late night news every single day. It is in the local newspaper almost every day. Yesterday and the day before in section B2, today in B1.
We did freeze here. How do you get ice off? I ran water over the windshield which worked for about 2 blocks of driving - then ice again! Who knew?
My county just earned the honor of having the highest percentage of unemployment in the nation.

EVERYBODY I talk to is watching. No local stations cover it.

INDIANA shouting out.
So for much of the US it is a bit piece of news if any at all, yet the lawyers are under some illusion that this trial is going to be a global event. Why? It seems as if it is just a cable/internet story. Maybe the defense team needs to get away from Orlando for awhile and get some perspective. They are not special, nor is their client.

Even though it's not big on local news around the country, the cable networks and morning network news shows cover it pretty well, so in that respect I can see where the trial will have lots of national appeal. Global I'm not so sure of, but plenty of posters here are from out of the country.
I'm in Kentucky and not much said about it here. The only thing I remember hearing on the news is Caylee was missing, mother suspect, and Caylee's body found. Haven't heard anything mentioned about the case lately.
Not a word in Canada, unless you watch NG and the other similar U.S. shows.

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