Is this case on your "local" news?

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I'm in Cleveland and they did mention the Memorial Service being announced today on my local news, but it's the first time there has been any mention of the case in quite awhile on local stations. I think HLN has the most coverage and then Fox. Most of the people I work with get their information from me, they know I've been following it.
I am From Napa CA and no local news..just NG and maybe the globe..otherwise nada...
You know does it really matter if it is on the local news because don't most people watch the major news stations - cnn msnbc fox etc. Don't most people have cable, even if it's just basic cable. So in that case, this case is National.
West texas here! Not much on our local news, but there is a bit of coverage in our local paper, not a TON, but a bit.
Not in N.C. - unless you watch Nancy Grace, Headline News or Geraldo, you wouldn't know what's going on.

On the day that Caylee's remains were found and I saw the headline on, I announced it to the people I work with and their response was WHO???

I get the exact same thing...this is why I think the defense team oughta chill with how important they are... yea, this may be JB's first steps into the limelight...but....chill
I wouldn't be caught in a black out watching my local news. The local newspaper is even worse.
Is my reporting to anyone willing to listen, considered "local broadcasting" ?Anyway my local news has only done a blip here and there (maybe 3x) on low news days when its all over national headlines. We did get a blip when GA went to the hospital and everyone started calling me b/c they realized the A's "DO exist"
I live in FL so this story has been well publicized. I will mention though....that when we were in the Bahamas at the end of July, this story was broadcasted and updated. Guess it just depends.
Other than it being on NG, HL, GR etc., there is nothing about the case here in TN (between Chattanooga and Nashville). The only time I ever saw it on the local news was once when there was that alleged alive sighting in Murfreesboro.
I'm in South Carolina and there is rarely anything on our local news concering this case. Our local newspaper has carried nothing at all. I watch Nancy Grace and Greta but get most of my updates here.
I'm in South Carolina and there is rarely anything on our local news concering this case. Our local newspaper has carried nothing at all. I watch Nancy Grace and Greta but get most of my updates here.

Im in NC same here
I'm in Maryland and I see things locally from time to time. It's not an every night deal though.
I'm in Seattle. I can't remember ever seeing anything related to the story on my local news. So I'm really thankful for WS and NG in order to keep up with all the minute-to-minute developments!

In Salem , Capitol of Oregon , we get bombshells but not much otherwise on local news. I watch NG daily and some others. I just switched to digital cable and having trouble with the boxes they installed, Cable man due here tomorrow AGAIN. Tired of this already.....Reading on WS last night and today as I cant get my channels in. Hopefully can catch up on NG over the week end, thanks ot all of you for filling us in on NG.:blowkiss:
My county just earned the honor of having the highest percentage of unemployment in the nation.

EVERYBODY I talk to is watching. No local stations cover it.

INDIANA shouting out.

Hey ! Are you sure you didnt steal that claim form Oregon? I heard we were the highest in the nation for unemployment , but then about each day thoasands being laid off someplace...our country is in a mess. I pray for God to bless america again.......:)
I'm in a major metropolitan area, hence a big media market. Yes, from time to time it has made local news.
I live where I get all the Orlando stations and of course they mention something everyday. But what I really have started noticing is that since so much of LE news has died down that it is mostly JB and BC's pressers that keep it in the news.

Another strange thing is none of local extended family, friends, co-workers follow this case very closely at all. Even at my regular hair salon they don't really know much of the details. Sure everyone knows the major details but not much more.
I'm in South Carolina and there is rarely anything on our local news concering this case. Our local newspaper has carried nothing at all. I watch Nancy Grace and Greta but get most of my updates here.
This is my first post with new computer,please bear with me. Our local news has had nothing much about this case,paper had a small article about a month ago.
I'm in NJ, I get NY news, Philly news, and we have 1 NJ only news channel. Outside of big breaks, the case is almost never discussed on the local news.

For the longest time, the only channels that discussed it at all were HLN and the random Today Show and Good Morning America interviews.

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