Is this case on your "local" news?

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Savannah, GA - not a thing that I've heard, and nobody to whom I've spoken has heard about it either (except for one guy who thought Caylee was 14.)
When I mentioned this this morning I got there are three pages of posters that in someway agree?

But I did post it on the "prove she's alive thread" ...... so I guess it was Ok to attack me there.....

Sorry to hear you were attacked here.
I live in the San Diego area, and except for the first reports about KC "losing" Caylee, there hasn't been anything at all.
Hey Sammiejam! We almost have the same names! Are you hearing it on your news on a daily basis or just when something breaks in the case?

LOL, yes we do! Sometimes i have to look twice cos i think its something i posted :waitasec:

Its definately not reported on daily, just when something breaks. The entire case has turned into such a crazy circus that its turned into a "what the hell is going to happen next?" curiousity item for when news is slow here. I was talking to some friends about it and the general concensus was "only in America!"
My son has been in the Middle East until a couple of weeks ago and he even heard it on the news there. I mentioned it to him when he called home and he knew about it, not much, but he had heard there was a missing child in FL
There were updates in my area (Western MA) at first. Though I don't expect this story to be on my local news now-- nearly two months from when it first broke. I would much prefer to be updated on children and adults who are missing in my state as missing persons cases rarely get this level of local, let alone national attention.
2-3x a week sometimes more here in Vegas / NV.... Also in CA, but heavier coverage from what I hear there from friends.... Everyday almost from fam in FL, TX & yet NC has seemed to slack off a bit to abt the same coverage we get here....
No, but my local news sucks. Small city. Big news is some idiot complaining about how uncomfortable the seats are in our new arena!
I've never seen it mentioned on any of our local stations but there was a small piece in the paper last week. First time I've seen it there. I live about 85 miles southeast of Dallas, but I don't get any news from there.
I'm right outside of Austin, Texas and it has been on the local news here a few times!
I was amazed today at the grandiose, self-flattering defense teams' comparison of Casey to Bin Laden and Jose to Hitler. They are not defending a celebrity or VIP.

Obviously this case is huge in Orlando and on some Internet forums and on NG. However, up here where I live at the Ohio/Michigan border hardly anyone has heard of it. It only made the newspaper when the remains were found and it was just a small blurb. People I have questioned don't know of it and kind of look at me strangely when I say I am following it. (The defense team could surely get an impartial jury where I live)

I am curious as to the extent of notariety of this case where you all live.
im in california ~ and it will make the local news cast when something big the remains being found, the remains being identified, KC being MADE to show up at court etc.
im in california ~ and it will make the local news cast when something big the remains being found, the remains being identified, KC being MADE to show up at court etc.

It makes your LOCAL news? We have not of that here at all. (BTW, love your screen name, LOL!)
I'm in California also and the same thing here - if something big happens we hear a small thing about it but otherwise not much. I also mention it to people and no one else really follows it. Me --- I come here watch Nancy Grace every day Faithfully.
I'm in Seattle. I can't remember ever seeing anything related to the story on my local news. So I'm really thankful for WS and NG in order to keep up with all the minute-to-minute developments!
On the local news, non existent. We are, after all, the home of the ex Governor Blagojevich and he has taken up a lot of the local news casts. If you have cable, it's easy to follow but I would think mostly to people that have been following it from the beginning would know to check out JVM and NG. I don't know anybody that watches GR and only a few who watch GVS with any regularity. I just took a quick poll of family and friends. Out of 16 people, the most popular reply was "Oh yeah, I heard about that. Has something happened?" My sister asked me if they found her. I guess not everyone is as addicted as I am. :)
I am in VA and I hear about it on the local news when a new development comes about. But, on cable I hear about it daily, several times a day. So, pretty much everyone that has cable will know about the case no matter where they live. The only people that would not know about the case would be people that don't watch the news "IMO".
Nothing in Chicago. We're far too self-obsessed (or is that corrupt?) to allow coverage of anything but our own shady dealings. :whistle:

I have family in Portland, OR and only one of them had heard about the case back in July, but wasn't very familiar with it at all and wasn't keeping up with it.

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