Its the End of the Hallway: What's Next?

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She will never admit to any responsibility to any crime against Caylee. She will never take a plea because the SA would more than likely require her to alocute her crimes against Caylee. She will go to prison and begin immediately on appeals. JMHO


Not trying to be smart here but, how long would it take in reality to find another attorney that would even be willing to take this case knowing her original defense was a pack of lies? The State of Fla. and the general public doesn't like much of what's gone on here.

I'd think she'd be appointed a public defender, because of her indigent status.

And put the sticker there because she really loves Caylee and Caylee loves stickers. This scenario is what she should do but it would never happen.

If she on stand and I think she is narcissistic enough to do it she would spin tales of abuse and cover up better than any Lifetime movie. She is livid with George and wants to take the family down starting with him. Sh would be graphic and detailed like all her other lies.]

BIMY: IF she testifies, I wonder how long it would take JA/LBD to get her riled up to the point of her making her fisties & getting that attitude she had with YM et al. I just don't believe she'd be able to contain herself if she's grilled with proof of her actions (the ones HHJP will allow in). HA! I may have to develop a headache which requires going home early tomorrow just in case the DT/Casey makes this colossal error.

I wonder if convicted how long before she claims JB was having sex with her.

BBM: I've been wondering the same thing, too. If nothing did happen, and she claims this, I'd bet JB has his office monitored/bugged so has no worries; again, if nothing happened. Just a thought...If it DID happen and she can prove it/wins a case against him, wouldn't he be disbarred??
I don't think she will take the stand. JA will tear her up and she knows it. I also think it's a little too late for a plea deal, there is no reason the state needs to do that at this late date. She is toast and should prepare to go to prison.

I thought that too, but do you see how she looks at JA and LDB -- like she just wants to tear them to pieces.

Almost as if "just wait -- just you wait". I flip flop constantly between whether she will testify or not (right now I don't think so).

Maybe Jose will put her on the stand and talk about the molestation, but that's it.

The SA couldn't go beyond that scope could they? Meaning, if JB never goes into the 31 days, the state couldn't ask her any questions about it.

"IF" she gets on the stand, JB may ask if she was molested by George and Lee and she would answer yes. He'd be mad to expand beyond that.


Maybe this isn't the thread for it, but could she take the stand if Jose keeps his line of questioning very, very narrow...Possibly only one question...Like "Did you cause the death of your dauther?". Could that prevent her from being torn up on cross examination?

Would it do any good if it was short and sweet like that? The jury would expect her to deny her guilt whether she was guilty or not. I think she'd have to appeal to their emotions or offer the AHA moment that JB was unable to deliver. If the jurors aren't already convinced of her innocence I doubt they'll change their minds just like that. There's all this evidence on the state side... but she said she didn't do it so let's acquit.
Casey might testify, but tell the truth??? I would be less surprised if monkeys flew out of her behind...

It should be apparant tomorrow. If she comes dressed in a blazer or nice dress, she is testifying. If she's wearing ruffles again, not testifying.

Monkeys, Ruffles, or Blazer, oh my!

it's funny cuz it's true though

...also sad cuz it's true though
I thought that too, but do you see how she looks at JA and LDB -- like she just wants to tear them to pieces.

Almost as if "just wait -- just you wait". I flip flop constantly between whether she will testify or not (right now I don't think so).

Maybe Jose will put her on the stand and talk about the molestation, but that's it.

The SA couldn't go beyond that scope could they? Meaning, if JB never goes into the 31 days, the state couldn't ask her any questions about it.

"IF" she gets on the stand, JB may ask if she was molested by George and Lee and she would answer yes. He'd be mad to expand beyond that.



If she takes the stand would she have to explain how-Caylee drowned in the pool GA found her yelled at KC then gave the body to Roy Kronk bla bla bla .How could she testify and not tell the latest made up lie..
If she takes the stand she will not tell the truth. Miss Anthony and the truth are strangers. We saw the evil looks she gave GA today as he was saying what he believed. 1 + 1 = 2.
The only chance she has to save her life IMO is to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. She would need to show the court genuine remorse but she is incapable of the emotion. Jose and crew might be able to save her life if he told the court it was all a sham to try to get her off but he is not going to do that either. He still wants to get rich off of this case. ICA will be at the end of her hallway in just a few short days. There will be no choosing door number one, two or three. The only door she will face is the one to enter the cell.

Or to enter the door to the room for lethal injection.
Casey might testify, but tell the truth??? I would be less surprised if monkeys flew out of her behind...

It should be apparant tomorrow. If she comes dressed in a blazer or nice dress, she is testifying. If she's wearing ruffles again, not testifying.

What if she comes to court looking like lizabeth fryer, glasses and all? Whoot!
Don't worry...just saw a tweet from Hornsby saying that the verdict will not be the end of this case....we can all still hang out...haha!

We need to meet up in Las Vegas and have some fun! Save your pennies and make a plan. I'm going to miss you all so much! I am not going to spend my life on the Internet anymore, I can hardly see, my eyes hurt so much from 3 years of this!
I hope she doesn't take the stand because I can't watch her. I guess I could just listen to her on live stream. She scared the *&^%$ out of me when she inadvertently looks up and the camera catches her looking in that direction. I get chills and my neck hairs stand on end.

I can't imagine what it's like to be in the courtroom with her. She's frightening.
ICA is arrogant enough to believe she can get those jurors to see it her way. Just as YMelich said he believed her due to her being so convincing...This is a man with years of LE and he couldn't see through her lies until he started to investigate all these imaginary people.

I would love to see her take the stand and listen to another new reality she's convinced herself of. ICA doesn't have the ability to tell the truth, I dont believe she understands the meaning of truth..

I do believe she needed mental health intervention a long time before Caylee was even conceived. I also believe she has been out of control during her HS years. If anyone sexually abused ICA, it was ICA herself. It appears she is quite promiscuious and found this as a way to be popular among the guys. All ICA wants is the attention on her...

She appeared so defiant as GA broke down on the stand and that's due to Caylee being his life. She just can't stand that Caylee appeared to be loved more than she...she is an evil seed...

When GA said he failed Caylee, that broke me...this family should have followed through with their threats of getting custody of their grandchild. That is what I believe what was meant by, I failed Caylee...he didn't protect her...

God give this family strength to get through the rest of this trial and hope they can hold it together when a guilty verdict is reached..IF that jury recommends death, GA will still be there to beg for leniency/mercy...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Maybe she will announce she will testify, walk up to the clerk, be asked to raise her hand to swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.....

and then she will put her hands in her back pockets and say, "Yeah, I don't do truth." and go back to sit down.
Respectfully snipped for space:

Baez said he is wrapping up tomorrow. If he puts KC on the stand, I wouldn't expect defense to be done tomorrow.

IMO: The DT questioning of ICA could be relatively short. However, LDB and JA's cross could take at least a day ~ depending on what the DT would open up.
Caylee life is honored. Here, every day, by every single WS-er who cares. :)

Thank you! To all of you who continue to persevere here day after day, week after week and year after year. I am a newbie and this is my first site like this, and my first trial. It's been extremely overwhelming and consuming at times. Remembering Caylee!
Its the end of the hallway for ICA, what is next in order to save her life?

1. She takes the stand and tells the truth, no lies, no sexual abuse, no drowning, nothing but the full truth. Jose must admit this too. She pleads for mercy. Jury decides fate.

2. She takes a plea. But still must admit to full truth. LWOP.

No more lies, ICA. No more lies, Jose.

Do you see any other options?
IF she is found guilty and gets the death penalty: The courts decide the Florida death penalty sentencing is unconstitutional because the jury doesn't have to state the underlying facts that supported the decision. She gets a free legal pass from the death penalty and thus her sentence is commuted by the governor to life in prison without possibility of parole. Then even if Florida fixes the problem, ICA still gets the pass because her case is already over -- just like what happened to Charles Manson in California.
Its the end of the hallway for ICA, what is next in order to save her life?

1. She takes the stand and tells the truth, no lies, no sexual abuse, no drowning, nothing but the full truth. Jose must admit this too. She pleads for mercy. Jury decides fate.

2. She takes a plea. But still must admit to full truth. LWOP.

No more lies, ICA. No more lies, Jose.

Do you see any other options?

Wouldn't #1 be nice? Never going to happen. She MAY take the stand, however..... NO plea, even more remote. Option three, she gets up there and lies her butt off.....
The defense rests, confident in the spectacular job they have done. JB, a legend in his own mind, sure he has dazzled us all. CM ready for his nap... I believe ICA has gotten the defense she deserved, now it's up the the jury, and I hope, justice for Caylee.
They know they are toast. Everything they do from here is to ensure they give themselves a chance at another day in court. No way Casey testifies.
IF she is found guilty and gets the death penalty: The courts decide the Florida death penalty sentencing is unconstitutional because the jury doesn't have to state the underlying facts that supported the decision. She gets a free legal pass from the death penalty and thus her sentence is commuted by the governor to life in prison without possibility of parole. Then even if Florida fixes the problem, ICA still gets the pass because her case is already over -- just like what happened to Charles Manson in California.

So, if I understand this right, her only chance at NOT getting LWOP, but something to get on the stand, tell the truth and plead for mercy. Am I correct?
I really dont think she is going to take the stand today. It would only hurt her. She doesn't have a truthful or genuine bone in her body. I think her testimony would be the final nail in the DT's coffin.
I hope she takes the stand. What do they have to loose at this point. I want her to take the stand so badly. I want to hear her voice, i want to see when and if she turns on the tears, I want to hear the words I know are lies, I want her to have to talk about Caylee, I want HER to give some explanation of ANYTHING...

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