JAG Armchair Psych Profile Family Dynamics

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With this group all over the world, I wonder if any other disappeared 'runners' have associations with that group. A pair of brothers in Washington State have recently disappeared too.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=97229"]WA WA - Efrain & Abel Garcia, 13 & 16 y.o., missing since morning run 03/04/10 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

There seemed to be some words and names I'd associate with homoerotic/homosexual activity, so the possibility of both sexes being targets is not outside the realm of possibility.
Lets keep this focused on a psych profile for JAG please.


Bipolar I is a bear to manage. He sounds like he was textbook bipolar,imo. It is very difficult to not only find the right cocktail of meds for those that suffer from bipolar, but to keep them med compliant is a whole other issue to deal with.
Meds can only do so much, and yes, the right combo is an ongoing struggle.

I don't hear that he was in any kind of talk type therpy. It doesn't sound like he may have had any closer person to discuss his thoughts with them. Talking to someone can help connect you to your own thoughts. He was disconnected, it seems. His life was falling apart and rather than pulling it together, he took the opposite action. I don't think it's all about bi-polar at all though.
No curious - it says they drink AFTER the run. That's supposedly what the "fee" is for. And its an all you can drink and just beer, although they do say they provide soda and water and that you DON'T HAVE TO drink. But, who would run with a bunch of people that obviously get falling down drunk directly after?

I also found in a "new comers" link about what to bring with you - basic runners list but one specific item - condoms. Yep. I think there's a lot of "inside" info about these runs that only people know about who have actually been on one. KWIM?

okay so the people run, drink and have sex on the trails?
and the garage doors are always open for entertainment at any time?
Seems like JAG lifestyle with mom was different.
My son and how many men here put their mom's on a pedistool?
Was she shaming him in the important years (13-18?) by drinking, sex
and clubs?
He might of blamed her for everything.
or thought what they did on the trails was what it should be for everyone?
How can we find out how long this club has been in his life, even if he is not a member, he's been exposed to their nicknames, dress and actions.
Dad died last yeaar age 64.........
Mom's age would be?????
With his mother working in the mental-health field, I would assume that she would have access to mental-health professionals and JAG would be getting help and medications.

unless it was a family secret and she didn't want anyone to know.
Lets keep this focused on a psych profile for JAG please.


Bipolar I is a bear to manage. He sounds like he was textbook bipolar,imo. It is very difficult to not only find the right cocktail of meds for those that suffer from bipolar, but to keep them med compliant is a whole other issue to deal with.

I am wondering if STERIOD use is also a factor??? The size of his neck is huge!!!!! Wonder if he belonged to a gym??

In order to get a clear psych profile extended family is always part of that profile. I know you meant JBean, for us to focus on the individual charged with this horrific crime but...it's a very strange association his family belongs to.:waitasec:
I believe this is definitely a case of "nuture" vs nature here. It has been reported (not confirmed, as yet) that mom was a member of this group. What that exposed him to and for how long we don't know. But, IMO had a huge impact on JAG's psych.

A true, real life, Norman Bates type of personality - where he would attack his mother on trails (his victims) to vent his rage against her.
I am wondering if STERIOD use is also a factor??? The size of his neck is huge!!!!! Wonder if he belonged to a gym??

In order to get a clear psych profile extended family is always part of that profile. I know you meant JBean, for us to focus on the individual charged with this horrific crime but...it's a very strange association his family belongs to.:waitasec:

It would be interesting to see a picture of JAG's father. Sometimes people are just built heavy with large neck, arms, and legs. If both mom and dad are average build, then something else can be attributed to JAG's neck size.

I think environment plays a role and in this case if JAG's mother and/or others in the family belong to a group that sounds more and more like a swingers group, that might play a role on how JAG viewed women.
It would be interesting to see a picture of JAG's father. Sometimes people are just built heavy with large neck, arms, and legs. If both mom and dad are average build, then something else can be attributed to JAG's neck size.

I think environment plays a role and in this case if JAG's mother and/or others in the family belong to a group that sounds more and more like a swingers group, that might play a role on how JAG viewed women.

maybe he lifted weights while in prison???
my family the guys big necks and big built.........
but all of the mothers are tiny.......figure that out.
In the story about his family dynamics, it said he worked at Big 5 in Mira Mesa. I've been in there so many times... eek. Anyway, this makes him comfortable with so many more areas between Mira Mesa and RB: Penasquitos, Poway, Carmel Mountain Ranch...
From Wikipedia (and Psyc 101):


The Oedipus complex, in psychoanalytic theory, is a group of largely unconscious (dynamically repressed) ideas and feelings which centre around the desire to possess the parent of the opposite sex and eliminate the parent of the same sex.[1][2] According to classical psychoanalytic theory, the complex appears during the so-called "oedipal phase" of libidinal and ego development; i.e. between the ages of three and five, though oedipal manifestations may be detected earlier.[3][4]

The complex is named after the Greek mythical character Oedipus, who (albeit unknowingly) kills his father and marries his mother. According to Sigmund Freud, the Oedipus complex is a universal phenomenon, built in phylogenetically, and is responsible for much unconscious guilt. Speaking of the mythical Oedipus, Freud put it in these terms:

“ His destiny moves us only because it might have been ours – because the oracle laid the same curse upon us before our birth as upon him. It is the fate of all of us, perhaps, to direct our first sexual impulse towards our mother and our first hatred and our first murderous wish against our father. Our dreams convince us that this is so.[5]

Classical theory considers the successful resolution of the Oedipus complex to be developmentally desirable, the key to the development of gender roles and identity. Freud posited that boys and girls resolved the conflicts differently as a result of the male's castration anxiety (caused by oedipal rivalry with the father) and the female's penis envy. He also held that the unsuccessful resolution of the Oedipus complex could result in neurosis, paedophilia, and homosexuality.

Classical theory holds that "resolution" of the Oedipus complex takes place through identification with the parent of the same sex and (partial) temporary renunciation of the parent of the opposite sex; the opposite-sex parent is then "re-discovered" as the growing individual's adult sexual object.
In classical theory, individuals who are fixated at the oedipal level are "mother-fixated" or "father-fixated", and reveal this by choosing sexual partners who are discernible surrogates for their parent(s)...

(article continues)

Interesting that his father died recently...of course, Freud was a freak...
Trying to understand because there are types of bipolar conditions. Searched bi polar and lying just to see if there's an element of the narcissist manipulation of charming, lying, and deceiving actions evident in bipolar.

Not only are there different types of BP (I and II), it's an axis one diagnosis, which is not a character diagnosis like narcissist or BPD or socioipathy or whatnot.

Quick explanation of how the dx's are made:
Axis I: only has 3 catagories: Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia.
Axis II: Personality issues (narcissistic, sociopathic, histrionic, et cetera)
Axis III: Medical dx, e.g. diabetes, HTN, kidney failure
Axis IV: Issues w/ support system, eg no family, low socioeconomic status, dysfunctional friends/family
Axis V: Global Assessment Formula information that directly relates to the Axis I or II diagnosis, e.g. unable to function in society, unable to hold a job, and generally discribes the ability of the patient to generally function in mainstream society.

One can have a debilitating Axis 1 disorder, but no Axis II disorder; vice versa, as well. One way to consider it is that psychosis (a break from normal reality) is an Axis 1, whereas neurosis is an Axis 2.

People can have major depressive disorder that, with correct treatment, resolves any Axis 2. Axis 2's tend to be harder to treat if there is no axis one diagnosis, simply because it's considered 'neurotic' rather than psychotic. A good example of that is someone who is OCD, without an Axis 1 diagnosis. And to really confuse everything, often, a person can have a psychotic break with only an axis 2, and not an underlying axis 1 present. Fun, huh?

The different kinds of bipolar can often be confused with the cluster B character disorders. Cluster B - "all about me" - are those which characterize a person's behavior as "dramatic, erratic behaviors". They are:
Antisocial: what we used to call psychopathic behavior
Borderline Personality disorder: "I hate you, don't leave me" (one of the most dangerous)
Narcissistic: "I AM all that, and all the bags of chips, too."

There are two other types of clusters (A, C), and there are a total of 10 different personality disorders. However, from what I've seen about his behavior, I'd classify him as BPD and likely Antisocial as well. I don't have enough information to decide if he is bipolar, and, if so, which one (1 or 2).

Hope this helps...

Herding Cats
In the story about his family dynamics, it said he worked at Big 5 in Mira Mesa. I've been in there so many times... eek. Anyway, this makes him comfortable with so many more areas between Mira Mesa and RB: Penasquitos, Poway, Carmel Mountain Ranch...

oh my, this should be on main thread also to let all know!!!!
I don't know CA area, is this close or furthur away????
North, south????
Could be more victims in that area
oh my, this should be on main thread also to let all know!!!!

I'm so confused with this new setup but I'll try to find it and put it on there too!

edit: Ya I'm still confused b/c what I thought was the main thread is closed. Anyone care to send me a PM to let me know where to go? Thanks! :)
ok, anyone that saw the mom, can you describe what she looks like compared to Chelsea???
long legs? slim? petite? tall? long hair? anything
Not only are there different types of BP (I and II), it's an axis one diagnosis, which is not a character diagnosis like narcissist or BPD or socioipathy or whatnot.

Quick explanation of how the dx's are made:
Axis I: only has 3 catagories: Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia.
Axis II: Personality issues (narcissistic, sociopathic, histrionic, et cetera)
Axis III: Medical dx, e.g. diabetes, HTN, kidney failure
Axis IV: Issues w/ support system, eg no family, low socioeconomic status, dysfunctional friends/family
Axis V: Global Assessment Formula information that directly relates to the Axis I or II diagnosis, e.g. unable to function in society, unable to hold a job, and generally discribes the ability of the patient to generally function in mainstream society.

One can have a debilitating Axis 1 disorder, but no Axis II disorder; vice versa, as well. One way to consider it is that psychosis (a break from normal reality) is an Axis 1, whereas neurosis is an Axis 2.

People can have major depressive disorder that, with correct treatment, resolves any Axis 2. Axis 2's tend to be harder to treat if there is no axis one diagnosis, simply because it's considered 'neurotic' rather than psychotic. A good example of that is someone who is OCD, without an Axis 1 diagnosis. And to really confuse everything, often, a person can have a psychotic break with only an axis 2, and not an underlying axis 1 present. Fun, huh?

The different kinds of bipolar can often be confused with the cluster B character disorders. Cluster B - "all about me" - are those which characterize a person's behavior as "dramatic, erratic behaviors". They are:
Antisocial: what we used to call psychopathic behavior
Borderline Personality disorder: "I hate you, don't leave me" (one of the most dangerous)
Narcissistic: "I AM all that, and all the bags of chips, too."

There are two other types of clusters (A, C), and there are a total of 10 different personality disorders. However, from what I've seen about his behavior, I'd classify him as BPD and likely Antisocial as well. I don't have enough information to decide if he is bipolar, and, if so, which one (1 or 2).

Hope this helps...

Herding Cats

Thank You so much, Herding Cats. :thumb: Great post to have here. I like the way you broke it down for us.
You're very welcome, Curious...glad to be able to help.

Herding Cats
ok, anyone that saw the mom, can you describe what she looks like compared to Chelsea???
long legs? slim? petite? tall? long hair? anything

Not like Chelsea, more like Amber. I sent you a pm, hope that was ok. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the significance of the club but I'm done posting about it.

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